
Central Lawless Zone #5

A powerful electromagnetic force was active within the sniper rifle and as she pulled the trigger, the bullet was shot at a very fast speed as the metal casing broke from it as it travelled.

The bullet continued travelling as it entered the forest area followed by a grunt and thud as someone was hit and fell from the tree they were hiding in.

Many precise shots were fired towards people in the forest during the dark night as Nica reloaded, took aim and then pulled the trigger.

One after another, those far away were eliminated and those attempting to flee were shot in the back as the bullet pierced through their body and came out of the other side.

She occasionally aimed her sniper rifle towards the approaching enemy who was approaching the walls from the sides or had somehow managed to make their way up the wall but she also shot many within the main group.

Each time she shot her sniper rifle towards the group, the bullet would enter their bodies and continue onwards letting her hit another one or two people.

Whenever someone was being pressure even a little, she shot a single bullet which turned the tides of battle quickly and Sunila assisted her with her Haki and Trick Arrows.

It was not long before the large group of forty plus people were reduced to less than ten.

The large group were able to travel from the central lawless zone unharmed by the beasts but they were easily defeated in a confrontation with the combined forces of the White Storm.

Alyssia had not even joined the battle and they suffered a great loss to her crew members, she remained within the castle as she sat in the highest floor as she overlooked the battle.

While taking care of Xena and Yao, she kept her Observation Haki active as she looked out for everyone but she found that some had only suffered some minor wounds.

The remaining people that attempted to invade the land had dropped to their knees and started pleading for mercy so they were quickly restrained and imprisoned.

While in a meeting with Alfred, Alyssia suggested. "For to improve the defences, I want several mines setup around the walls along with a fence to warn off trespassers. As for the wall where the gate is, we need a weapon suitable for causing high siege damage like a large crossbow, cannon or large catapult. Finally we can have some electric barbed fences installed on the walls which can be activated during the night so that we can avoid others climbing over during the night."

Alfred was lost in thought as he said. "Hmm.. you are right. Defending the four walls will be difficult if we are greatly outnumbered by the enemy and as I arrived at the capital, they had large weapons installed on their walls to provide extra protection and intimidation. That will probably be one of the reasons why they have been able to survive attacks from the beasts and other humans so far. However the electric barbed fence will require a lot of energy to keep running, are you sure that you wish to hook up one of your small generators to something like that?"

Alyssia nodded. "Un.. we can never be too careful in a place like this. Who knows when the next attack will be and now we need to deal with the overall aftermath. Even if we did not start the fight, we still killed many of their men so how we handle the next part is important. What we need to do first is buy some time and negotiate terms. For now we must focus on strengthening our defences, opening up the surrounding perimeter and removing the trees close enough to provide cover for our enemies while guarding against unexpected attacks."

The surrounding trees were far too close to the Sunken Castle so they provided cover for the enemy which allowed for sneak attacks and helped them get closer to the walls without being spotted but worst of all, it was a major fire risk.

If a fire happened to spread or the trees fell down then those within the walls would be crushed or trapped while surrounded by the fire so the closest trees around the Sunken Castle became a target for removal.

The next day Alyssia sat with a Sea Snail by her side and listened to the voice on the other side. "Boss… pant.. we have been successful in locating them all and acquiring what you asked for. The Baroque Works top bounty hunters who no longer have an organisation have settled down and become less active so they were difficult to find but we got lucky this time."

Alyssia smirked as she said. "Excellent, bring them right away."

As she hung up, she showed a look of satisfaction. "That is a couple more of different types of powers."

Among the various groups that she knew about that had faced the Straw Hat Pirates, Baroque Works under Crocodile was one with a large variety of Devil Fruit ability users.

While some had been captured and imprisoned within Impel Down, others had escaped capture as they fled and opened up a new version of the Spider Cafe which was made from rebuilding the former Cactus Saloon.

Zala had the Spike Paramecia Devil Fruit that made her body able to produce spikes all over her body, Drophy had the Mole Zoan Devil fruit which let the user transform into a mole, Lassoo is a gun that had been transformed by the Mutt Zoan Devil Fruit model Dachshund, Gem had the Bomb Paramecia Devil Fruit that created explosive attacks and finally Mikita had Kilo Paramecia Devil Fruit can make her weight anything between one and ten thousand kilograms.

Each of the abilities covered many different types of powers in the Paramecia and Zoan category whether it be a power that transforms the bodies shape or weight or adds on explosive effects to parts of the body so all of them were worth studying in detail.

In the meantime, she continued to help with the transformation of the land as she rapidly kicked out her leg towards the surrounding trees as she sent out many flying wind blades and strong gusts of wind as she rapidly kicked out a single leg like Chun Li of street fighter with multiple machine gun kicks.

The trees in her path were either cut down or knocked over by the strong gusts of wind that were created from her kicks

She continued to move around the outside of the walls as she cleared a large area around the Sunken Castles walls. "Tsk.. so this is how my current strength is being used right now. What a shame!"

She had expected herself to be taking down great foes with her current abilities but she still needed to lie low and not attract too much notice from the outside world so most of her abilities had been put to use towards removing the surrounding trees and doing heavy lifting.

As she reached the final area where the trees were mostly removed to create a path, she thought to herself. "Hmm.. this should he widened and opened up a bit more so that it is more accessible and we can better monitor the road from the castle walls so that we can protect any visitors from attacks and mobilise our forces quickly before an ambush happens."

She started concentrating as two serpentine forms started taking shape as they each appeared at each side of her body until they finally became more visible, each of them had some similarities to Ghost and they were somewhat connected to her legs. "White Kings Wrath, Twin Serpent King Kick!"

As she kicked out her leg quickly followed by the next, the two serpent manifestations had consumed the large amount of wind, shockwave and impact created by her various combined unique skills as they grew much larger and travelled forward.

They circled around as they twisted their bodies around each other as they passed by a large amount of trees which destroyed anything in its path before finally dispersing further away once it lost all of the power behind it. "Whew.. this really is a finishing move! If this is used along with everything else… I cannot imagine the final outcome. I wonder if it is possible for me to break the ice and open up Chinjao's private stash on the Ice Continent now? How exciting!"

The way that she had used her Conquerers Haki manifestation was to let her attacks become amplified depending on the type of attack it was and it would gain additional effects based on the powers or unique skills she possesses along with her original intentions so her purpose for clearing enough of the trees had been achieved.

If she tried to focus more towards piercing through the Ice Continent to get to Chinjao's treasure then the manifestation would help to boost that so even if she was still not perfect in the technique along with others, she could probably achieve such a feat.

Since she had gained a higher mastery of Iron Body, Armament Haki and had high enough Endurance stats, her legs were already at a point where they could be described as destructive weapons that could handle such big feats like piercing through the Ice Continent without injuring herself while attempting it.

After she had helped to tidy up the surroundings a bit, she went back to her research as many people had started to continue to reinforce and transform the Sunken Castle and the surroundings.

After following Alfred's instructions, a figure jumped down from the walls and then disappeared into the forest area as they headed towards the central area with a written document in their hand.

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