

A little time passed again and two figures were seen in the snowy lands of Baldimore however one was taking the offensive and attacking while the other was avoiding them with precise and timed dance moves.

Alyssia continued to put further pressure on Pascia as she increased the difficulty as he moves became slightly sharper and quicker with every move Pascia had successfully dodged.

In a moment of crisis, Pascia remembered her previous failures where she had closed her eyes expecting to accept her loss but she remembered Alyssia's previous scoldings so she kept her eyes sharp and barely avoided an attack which made a light scratch on her shoulder.

She dropped down to her knees and began panting heavily but she revealed slight joy on her face.

Alyssia walked by her and patted her shoulder. "You have done well to remember my previous words. This is your current level but even when confronted with someone stronger, you must not flinch or give up because it can mean death in this world."

In previous exchanges, Pascia had developed a habit of giving up during times of crisis or difficult situations due to the gap in strength between teacher and student so Alyssia scolded her for it because she gave up way too quickly.

Pascia was a hard worker and quick to learn many things she taught but her lack of experience with combat and getting hurt made her soft in the face of someone more powerful or breaking through her own limitations.

She had the ability and potential to grow stronger with Alyssia's teachings but her mentality was a problem that could get her killed if she did not overcome it.

However after witnessing the progression she had made, Alyssia decided to praise her. "You definitely have good potential and I believe in you. If you have any dream you can accomplish it if you put your mind to it."

Pascia blushed a little and could not stop her mouth from forming a small smile. "Yes, I will work hard."

Alyssia had put her through various training methods to let her adjust to combat, improve her overall physical body stats, learn a custom made set of sets and dance movements that can be used in combat that suit her which also have elements of Yoga, Paper Art, Shave and the Kano Countries Water Sleeve Dance which actually had a lot of potential and compatibility when used by Pascia.

After some contemplation, the set of footwork and moves were named Mirage Steps and Mirage Dance style.

There was more progress on the costume or weather suit idea as Alyssia made further progress in each of her skill masteries so alterations were made to suit the dance style and refine it properly when used with the long sleeve designed clothing.

Soft and graceful movements would produce various harmless effects like a protective bubble or a mirage while strong whipping or pulling motions would produce a release of a strong gust of wind or similar releases of a thunder attack depending on which sleeve was used.

When someone was in contact with the sleeves or within range, they would become vulnerable to various attacks so her future potential was terrifying especially if she learned how to properly bind people with it and produce thunder attacks.

Compared to other types of combat that was more offensive when dance was incorporated like Viola or Hancock's style, Pascia's style was more focussed on defence and evasion with the addition of Weatheria technology to provide additional support and a little offensive capabilities in the form of the Weather Suit or Costume.

In truth, Pascia's past had not been all that good as others would believe it to be so she had worked even harder to adjust within the White Storm and to Alyssia's training plan and her expectations which had lead her to the opportunities that she had received.

Her mother was a dancer and very beautiful with a perfect body much like herself who inherited the most from her mother.

Her mother was forced to give up her career because of a noble sons forcefulness and irresponsibility which resulted in Pascia's birth and her mother who became depressed.

When Pascia copied her mother who was reminiscing over the past while dancing in her room, her mother noticed Pascia's talent and she quickly became her mothers focus.

Like most innocent children who wanted their parents to be happy and praise them, she happily went along with her mother's wishes even if the teachings were sometimes harsh and strict.

Her mother had become one of those people who despaired over their lost dream but found hope in someone else in a bad way because everything became about her daughters improvement and success rather than raising her child with love and care.

When something was done wrong, she was scolded and looked at coldly by her mother and when she was uncomfortable with doing something, she was pressured into doing it.

She participated in many beauty pageants, modelling jobs, dance performances and live shows around the South Blue with her mother as her manager from an early age but at the age of fifteen, her mother passed away after being hit by a carriage.

After that she took a year off to decide what she really wanted to do in life without her mothers control and sort out her mixed feelings about her mother but she found that talented people usually do not get to choose their destiny as it chooses them.

She was approached and scouted by many as she matured a little more and her beauty began to truly shine but she found that the bubble or control that her mother had placed around her had been protecting her in many ways.

Her new manager kept putting forward more sleazy jobs and was attempting to coerce her into visiting clients for to sign deals to allow her to perform.

She kept denying everything under the pressure and kept working harder than anyone else but with each earned achievement, many whispered behind her back that she had gotten it because of her beauty or using dirty methods.

Each time she had to silently endure for her dream to come true and as things were becoming worse and those around her more harsh and forceful, she was feeling helpless as even the guards she had been provided had been removed from her to teach her a lesson.

Those in charge hoped she would come back crying and begging after suffering hardship and do as they pleased but after a successful public performance, she was scouted for the White Storm as a model and dancer which changed her life for the better since it had no hidden rules and promised to support her while paying off any fees her previous manager asked for as compensation.

If she had remained there and without protection for several more shows or events then she would definitely fall into danger that she could not handle so she had been saved by Alyssia in her view.

She did not know that she had been fated to be captured and sold as a slave to the nobility but that had now been prevented.

Even so, she was very grateful and wished to achieve her dream and repay Alyssia for the support.

She bowed to Alyssia. "I will become the best dancer in the world that nobody will be able to ignore! Thank you for teaching me personally and I will not waste your efforts put into teaching me!"

Alyssia scratched the side of her cheek awkwardly and sighed. "I do have high expectations for you but that is because you have the talent and are willing to work hard to improve."

If Pascia was just another vase who was pretty but had no substance then she would remain at the bottom or middle of White Storm Entertainment until the day of her retirement or when she would be no longer of use.

She was running a business, not a charity so people sighed by her had to have the desire to rise with their own abilities and hard work rather than cheap gimmicks and tricks.

Usually those that did use such methods usually were the biggest trouble makers that corrupted most work places so she was happy with Pascia's true nature.

Although Pascia was slightly vain as she had received much praise since a young age by fans and admirers, she had also faced jealousy, oppression and criticism often from rivals, managers and event organisers so she had turned out to not be an arrogant person but someone smart enough to use what she had to achieve extra favour and resources without overstepping a certain line.

"I will show you one final time slowly what you should be learning for the basic forms and steps and then what could be achieved even without additional support and special clothing. I have already demonstrated how to use the weather based stuff and provided you with enough materials to study so just watch me for now and put this towards your future goal." Alyssia began to slowly show each step and form one after another as each movement was soft and graceful but also a little mysterious as she danced slowly around the snowy lands however she rarely ever created anymore footprints in the ground or changes as she moved within the places she had previously stepped which showed how controlled and precise her steps and flowing movements were.

Although Pascia had seen this sight many times and had grasped most of it quickly, she couldn't help but marvel at Alyssia's display but then Alyssia's movements began to speed up to match Pascia's current abilties and became quicker and less predictable with every movement until finally Alyssia used her true capabilities which let many afterimages be created.

Each afterimage remained for a split second before dispersing but the afterimage was formed in the same form that Alyssia had previously shown as many different afterimages formed one after another reappearing and disappearing which made it very difficult for anyone to guess where her true form was.

Even the amount of footprints in the snow did not change in number so even in a disadvantageous environment which could give away clues of her location, an enemy would have to rely on their senses and luck to land a hit on her body after attacking one of the places where the footprints are.

Without that disadvantage or a change to the steps to change places a little, the opponent would struggle to do anything unless they possessed Observation Haki or heightened senses or instincts of some sort to see through the movements.

However even if they did, their speed would have to be very high to actually be able to keep up with her movements and that did not even include the use of Electro.

Pascia watched from a distance and was slightly stunned by the display when suddenly all of the afterimages dispersed and she felt a tap on her shoulder from behind. "Aaah!"

She jumped in shock as Alyssia appeared behind her without her noticing. "You scared me."

Alyssia chuckled in response. "You can go rest up now and review what you have learned.

As she said so, she walked towards the lab to continue with her research as Pascia watched her back with a determined gaze. 'I want to achieve that kind of beauty!'

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