
Navigation Talent

As she had expected, Alyssia flew across the sky within the bubble and had to settle with moving as little as possible so she spent her time reading a little and keeping herself fed but the rest of the time she lay back in a deep sleep as she continued to study further into the skills she had collected.

Her Navigation skill which had stagnated had begun to show signs of progressing at a quicker pace after gaining much from Kuma so she felt that she would soon be approaching the Expert grade of mastery which would get her an additional two spirit and one intelligence stats on top of her base stats with the help from her talents.

Her intuition told her that once she had reached that stage, weather sensing was not too far away from her and she would not even need to gain that unique skill from Nami in the future since it would be related to her talent in Navigation.


Meanwhile within Baldimore, the ship had arrived back where it belonged and many things were brought into the underground laboratory to assist with the different research projects.

The project to rebuild the ship was put forward while other projects began to be approved that were lead by the key members of the Creation Union.

Nica continued her weapon research, Ashwin continued to explore other fields of research and began to research ways to implement his knowledge of Dial Technology, Ein continued working on her more advanced robotics and weaponry and Tristan began to work on her own projects to do with Mink Biology, gaining resistances to various poisons, diseases and other types of drugs while also developing some other types of medicines and tools to assist with various disabilities.

With the knowledge gained from their trip, Tristan had gained much more than the others but she still brought back many notes and copies of some books for the others to further their knowledge and assist with their individual research.

Monera was also gradually getting used to her environment as she settled in the White Storm group and underwent training.

In various islands, several buildings were purchased by the White Storm and were each converted into a more advanced and modern version of a gym which could be exclusively used by high ranking members of the White Storm and was open to the public for a fee or membership.

Alyssia had previously left behind designs for various advanced workout machines or weight lifting devices that targeted more specific parts of the body so as the parts were being built, they were later transported to the gyms that had been purchased and put together there.

Each gym had a simple fighting ring at the back for sparring but there were many punching bags and other things to help those improve themselves like a rowing, biking and running machine and other types of tools that use weights as a focus.

Although she had promised to open a martial hall in the future, a couple of gyms were just a small step towards that direction and a lot of the berries that she had earned went into funding the opening of them along with the various scientific projects and the expansion of the White Storm group.


A long time was spent flying through the air until Alyssia finally landed in her intended destination.

Weatheria, an artificial Sky Island that Nami was sent to by Kuma during the two year time skip is where she had arrived at.

Weatheria is on top of a large bubble and it is notable for the study of weather conditions as well as tools that can create various weather conditions, such as the Wind Knot.

The island is constantly drifting in the wind and many of its citizens seem to be tall old men with long beards that are dressed up like stereotypical wizards.

Weather balls, knots and other things grow within the weather garden and they possess unique technology like the weather balloon ship and unique umbrellas or protective bubbles.

If anyones abilities could be said to be slightly magical then many would say that Nami had the most magical abilities but there was also the magical abilities of the Tarot Cards that Basil Hawkins uses but what interested Alyssia the most was their technology and navigation knowledge that could make many ideas come to life that may not have been possible before.

During the first hour, she spent some time purchasing some basic knowledge of their unique skills that involved their technology and growing of the weather balls and knots.

With her current abilities, she could easily slip in and out without being noticed and even steal many things but she chose to spend most of her early time there.

With her Navigation talent, weather based research was something that she should excel at compared to other scientific subjects so she began to find a secluded place to learn the basics.

Since the people on the island were quite naive and had no major problems with their personality, they would have no problems with her staying there and trading things from the outside world for some of their technology.

If Nami could be allowed to stay there after stealing from them and trying to run away then she would not have any major problems especially since she had already begun to study the basics of their scientific knowledge.

Compared to Nami, she would have a much better start with the people of Weatheria.

As she lay in a comfortable position, she slowly absorbed the knowledge that she had purchased at the basic grade of mastery that had been further solidified by many others within the island that she had got close to without their knowledge.

While taking some breaks to eat and train her body in the secluded place, she continued to study through the beginner and basic grade at a frightening pace thanks to her current knowledge gained from her science and navigation skills and her talent.

However when she was absorbed in her learning, an annoying voice woke her up from her studying state of sleep. "Hey hey hey hey! Who are you?"

A tall old man wearing a pointed hat with a fluffy white beard and curled white hair appeared before her eyes. "Hey hey hey! Where did you come from?"

'This is something to get used to I guess…' Alyssia yawned as she stretched her body before standing up. "Greetings, I am a researcher of weather and the world and hope to comprehend much about this world. I heard about this place and asked a friend to send me here, I ask that you take me in! I am a quick learner and can assist you during the time I am here, I have also brought some things with me so that I do not have to freeload from others. I am Alyssia Lucine, nice to meet you!"

Although she could not stay for two years like Nami, she could spend enough time to use the points she gains during that time to purchase any necessary skills she needed to the Expert grade and gain some first hand experience.

Even if she could get to assist with one journey that the people of Weatheria went out on to help some islands with their weather issues like drought during the time she could remain, it was enough to get some additional experience and learn more from watching or seeking help from those on the island.

However the annoying voice continued which triggered her anger a little. "Hey hey hey, do not just sit around. Follow me! You can call me Odalf, it is nice to meet you stranger!"

She quickly suppressed her annoyance and put on a flattering smile as she followed the fluffy bearded man into the main part of Weatheria where she had previously infiltrated without anyones knowledge. "Yes, it is nice to meet you too Odalf!"

In the meantime, she was thinking about the layout of her ship as it would have to a space specifically for the growth of Pop Green and a Weather Garden. 'Hmm.. I should contact Nica and Ein about this soon and get them to make sure to keep some space for such things. From the things that I learn here, I can begin to implement a suitable environment for them so that my supplies will not run out anytime soon.'

Not long after, she found herself surrounded by many bearded old men in pointed hats as they talked among themselves while discussing how they would deal with her arrival while Alyssia was developing a slight headache.

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