
Karate Island #2

One after another, people were eliminated and there were very few people remaining among the boxing participants.

In one ring was Jerry and a member of the crew under Tristan, he was one of the talents from Kano that were assigned to Tristan's group because his style was most suited to boxing and punching techniques.

They continued to both clash as fists hit each other and just as Jerry threw out another punch, the opponent broke through and got closer to his body to attack but as the fist of Jerry was about to continue forward, it was brought back and another punch landed on his opponents face followed by several flickering jabs.

Although he was a skilled boxer, he was not above using feign moves and kicks with his boxing outside of the ring and since the rules had nothing against a feign move, he was able to trick his opponent and follow up with a one two punch which then continued into a series of flickering jabs.

Achieving a knockout, he raised his red gloves towards the sky as the crowd cheered his name.

Meanwhile on another ring, Tristan was moving quickly and made use of her experiences in many battles on in the ring to work on her technique a little as she slowly broke down her opponent after countering their attacks.

Her movements were too quick and even close up to opponent, she was able to react quickly and avoid being hit as she dodged and weaved around the ring.

A punch came towards her, she dodged and lunged inwards to deliver a quick body shot before getting back out of range of her opponents punches once again.


"Go squirrel lady!"

"Come on, do it for the ladies!"

Just as Jerry's battle was coming to an end, she got close and did a series of rapid gut punches which knocked the air out of the man opposite her.

Panic filled his eyes as he reached towards her body to pull her towards him and trap her in his arms to give himself a chance to get the people in charge to halt the fight for a moment but as his arms were going around her, he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

A fist flew upwards and struck upwards towards his ribs and then the next punch hit the side of his head, knocking him to the floor.

"1...9, 10! Knockout! Tristan and Jerry will go on to the finals." The male announcer stood up and began to announce to everyone as they both finished their matches.

The crowd began to cheer as they all enjoyed the show put on for them and began to pack up their things for the day and head back to their rooms or go somewhere else for some form of entertainment or for something to eat.

Meanwhile on the centre of the stage, Jerry passed by Tristan and smiled. "So my opponent is just a small girl... Do not think that I will hold anything back against you in the finals. I will be the champion in the end."

Tristan smirked and replied. "We shall see but when you lose, please do not try to make up excuses for your loss. I do not want to hear any rumours about how you were being a gentlemen and decided to let me win since you cannot harm a lady."

They both glared at each other for a moment before turning their backs and walked away in the opposite direction as they left the centre stage.

Meanwhile Alyssia was watching everything while still kicking up the rubber ball, her eyes turned to the fallen crew member who had just recovered and climbed down the ring. 'He has some potential so Tristan can groom him for a second in command or vice head position.'

Among each group where the leaders had been appointed there were still spots open for those to be second in command within those groups, when the leader was away or busy then they would have to take up many of the responsibilities and tasks.

Tristan may have already appointed someone as her assistant or second in command for her medicine group but for her combat group, it had not been done yet because some people needed time to adjust to Alyssia's training plans and begin to show their talents.

Since time had passed and people were participating in this competition, Alyssia was able to get a better look into who may be suitable for those positions.

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