
Creation #1

After meeting several people within the Scientific Union, Alyssia, Nica and Ashwin followed Ein to her private laboratory.

She turned around still looking lethargic as she seemed to have recovered from her previous bashful self some time ago. "So what do you think about this place?"

Alyssia shrugged. "It has potential but it is being wasted, many members will be problematic to deal with while I have yet to judge the leaders full capabilities, he should be no real threat. However there are some things that I cannot mention right now that require a more delicate touch rather than a forceful one. It just depends on how much time we have left or how much time we can gain by delaying some things."

There was the issue with the group that Ein trusts in, she was a little too naive in her trust towards her friends and the man that she has a weird relationship with, some more detailed investigation needed to be done to identify who was worth trusting and who was using her behind her back.

There was also the true goal of the leader which must go far beyond what has been explained by himself or what others had guessed.

Unless the leader was a naive person with huge ambitions outside of his reach then he would have overlooked something as simple as the retaliation of the Marines and the World Government.

Gaining access to Vegapunk's research and old laboratory would make the Marines within the country move against them so the leader was obviously making plans to go against them.

After that there would be retaliation and division caused within Baldimore resulting in a revolution, to do so requires high grade weaponry above what others possess or something explosive to take out many enemies at once.

To deal with the possibility of a war with the Marines, they would have to build outposts around the island with powerful projectiles that can destroy many ships from far away.

Either the leader had plans and blueprints capable enough to support his dream to take things this far, he had part of what could make some of it possible or barely did so he was gambling the rest on what would be within Vegapunk's laboratory to help him succeed with his plan.

However he seemed to have greatly underestimated the power behind the Marines and if he had experienced the power of the Buster Call, he would not have such wild ideas.

Either way, he was leading many people towards their own destruction and it was unknown if he would stick around if given the chance to escape after he had gotten what he initially wanted, leaving the others to suffer alone for the actions they all took after receiving his orders.

Those that may survive would either be executed by Cypher Pol or kidnapped to work for the World Government for life having no more freedom for themselves.

Since a spy was already among them without anyone being aware and the World Government keeping tabs on them, it was obvious that they could stop this at any time once the order came through.

Afterwards Baldimore would be weakened in power but they would survive and flourish on the surface since a war would be prevented.

Alyssia let her thoughts go wild and then she reached a scary conclusion. 'They have not stopped it yet because they wish to see how it will develop and if they can gain anything from it.'

Usually when there is civil strife or war between two countries, the development of technology is greatly enhanced very quickly especially if people have high motivation or are desperate to survive.

Even if the development of technology takes a dangerous path, those from the outside would not stop it from being developed or stop the conflicts from happening, instead they would monitor the progress, steal secrets and fan the flames.

After watching those people destroy themselves, they can handle the clean up or watch from afar as those people cause destruction to themselves.

Alyssia let out a cold breathe. 'This laboratory and Union has become an expendable testing ground for the World Government.'

Not only were the World Government monitoring them and stealing various designs and blueprints but they must also be raising their own private group out of the eyes of others, even Vegapunk may not be aware of this… or with his IQ, he may have already guessed the possibility but is not worried because they still need his genius and abilities that can outclass any groups they can raise.

Alyssia closed her eyes and contemplated. 'Then that means that once Vegapunk has outlived his uses, he may become an expendable pawn too. His genius is not just a prize to them but also a threat, once they have a team suitable enough to stand on their own and understand most of his work… sigh! The man is wrapped up in too much mystery so it is too difficult to understand his true goals. Even the conversion of Bartholomew Kuma to a full robot may have killed him but he still had some objectives programmed into him to let him protect the Straw Hats ship, Vegapunk's actions prove that he must not be completely loyal and he only continues to follow their orders because they hold power over him in some way. He may even have some ties with the Revolutionary Army or may not have placed his hopes on one sole influence but instead many of them.'

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