
New location, new discoveries

Much like medicine in Alissia's previous world, this world primarily shows techniques using western practices to treat patients to treat diseases or through surgery to solve any bigger problems but there also exists another type of medicine within the country which Tristan had come across.

Western or traditional medicine typically encompasses a system in which medical and healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, therapists and pharmacists manage and treat disease using conventional evidence-based practices such as drugs, surgery, lifestyle changes or treatment protocols.

However this country seemed to take another approach which involved holistic, alternative or complimentary based medicinal practices.

There existed five core practices that they used which she found to be interesting for treating patients which was manipulative and body based treatments, alternative medicine systems, biology based practices, mind-body interventions and also energy therapy.

Manipulative and body-based treatments which focus on the relationship between the structures and systems of the body and manipulations to induce health and wellbeing. Treatments include reflexology, chiropractic and massage therapies.

Alternative medical systems, which are systems of health theory and practice which have developed separately from conventional medicine. They include naturopathy, Chinese medicine and homeopathy.

Biologically based practices that use naturally occurring materials to affect health and include diet and botanical therapies.

Mind-body interventions based on the theory that physical health is influenced by emotional and mental factors. Examples include hypnosis, meditation and mindfulness.

Energy therapies which stem from the core belief that fields of energy called biofields exist in and around the body, and as such can be manipulated by energy practitioners or by using external energy sources such as electromagnetic fields. Examples of therapies include acupuncture, Reiki and magnet therapy.

However in this world or country some of the concepts would be slightly altered to better suit the worlds materials and also their understanding of so called energy which they refer to as Haki.

These practices also were being incorporated into many other things like many restaurants food that they served to promote the health of their customers or to improve their overall fitness or the bath houses or massage practices within the country and not just within the medical halls within Kano.

Much like the food recipes from within the Okama Kingdom that Sanji acquires to help to better develop the bodies potential and strength, some of the practices seemed to be quite useful so she hurried back after Medea was examined thoroughly.

However she did notice that the acupuncture, chiropractic, massage therapies and the hypnosis, meditation and mindfulness treatments would be best suited to help Medea to treat her body and mind even if it is to slowly treat her damaged muscles and nerves in her legs and arms but also to use the other techniques to improve her mental well-being.

After years of captivity by either her parents family or as a slave, she must have suffered a lot of trauma so she needs to slowly be treated with whatever techniques she is able to learn.

Right away she made a trip to the stores to purchase many books whether it was for medicine, cooking, massaging, chiropractic, treating the mind and many other things that may prove to be useful to herself but also Alyssia.

She knew that Alyssia liked to cook and make her body stronger so some recipes may be useful to her but also the massage and acupuncture techniques may also help to alleviate the pain or additional small injuries from enduring harsh training or battles.

Even the meditation and energy based theories may prove to be useful and show a new path for the training of Haki or the use of their Electro so she bought any related books and went to pick up Medea afterwards.

Meanwhile Alyssia was busy visiting various places to collect as much information as possible with her system whether it be for her martial arts, acrobatics, climbing, weapon wielding, cooking or any other skills.

However on her journey, she came across something that caught her eye.

A small box was in the middle of the road with a small kitten inside which looked like it had been abandoned.

Just as she was about to pass it, her eyes met with a pair of curious and pitiful looking cat eyes.

She stopped for a moment and then turned her head away to ignore it and continued walking but suddenly several cute meows followed which made her hesitate.

In the end, she could only be soft hearted and go to a nearby store to buy some cat food and a bowl so that the cat could eat.

She placed it down and left decisively after pondering over its type. "Hmm.. if I recall correctly then this cat would be called the Dragon Li or the fox flower cat. How cute."

She couldn't help but be tempted to bring it with her after seeing it in a pitiful and abandoned state but she resisted the urge to bring it with her since it may face dangers if it stays with her.

As an orphan in her previous world, she had a certain soft heart towards those who had been abandoned like herself so she sometimes took in abandoned animals if she had the resources to care for them until she found a home for them but this world was different from her previous world and the dangers were much higher so she could not be softhearted and bring harm upon such a small creature.

All she could do was provide it with some food to survive until it finds an owner who will treat it well.

She stroked the kitten within the box as it ate its food and then stood up to leave.

As she continued down the street towards the next location she heard the cries of the kitten but chose to continue with her task with a complicated look on her face.

Medea woke up only to be transported by wheelchair by Tristan and was left with the doctors to treat her but she still received no good news in the end.

She lay on the hospital bed with a look of despair in her eyes. "My nerves and tendons are too damaged and have been left too long to be healed properly… even if I undergo surgery many times and having many treatments.. it is still not certain if I will ever be able to use my hands and feet again. My hopes of being a sword master are over. Now I am useless and those people will no longer have any use for me, I wonder how they will treat me when they find out?"

Now that she had no hope to ever hold a sword and she had heard the truth about the severity of her injuries, her will had collapsed and her fighting spirit had diminished.

She lay on the bed listlessly as if her whole life was over and said in a sad voice. "I resisted it all.. even after the loss of mother. Just so that I could keep my hopes alive to be able to fight for a new life for myself but even now it is useless."

Her tough exterior had cracked and she broke into tears letting out the anguish that she had built up over the many years of her life being confined, beaten or bullied.

Suddenly there was a voice that called out to her. "Do not worry, there are always ways to treat you even if we have to travel to many other places. For now we need to focus on getting your body and mind to its peak condition so when that opportunity comes you will be ready to take on whatever it is that can help you."

Medea covered her eyes with her arm and said while hiding her face. "Is there really a way?"

Tristan walked into the room and said. "Who knows… but the captain had mentioned that the world is full of many different things that could help whether it be medicine or science that could help treat even the most broken up bodies. We just have to find and study it long enough or request help from that person who has mastered such practices. However it may be expensive and some of the options may cause a lot of pain to you and even put your life in danger."

Medea sighed as she replied. "Pain.. I am used to pain so anything I have to endure I will overcome it so that I can repay you all if you will allow it."

Tristan looked at her and then turned away. "You may not even like the final outcome to achieve your desires but you may become somewhat useful. I just hope that you will not regret your decision."

Some rare devil fruits could help overcome her injuries but even then they would be hard to find and better used by someone else within the crew so other options had to be considered if medicine was not going to be successful but they could not ever be used on someone like her who is in such a poor condition of health so it would have to be delayed.

Even after she has been healed by such methods, her path would no longer be the same and she may not even be happy with the final outcome so Tristan hoped to give her some time to make her decision. "Come on, I will bring you back to the ship."

Medea wiped the tears from her eyes and responded. "Mm.."

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