

Looking at the man on the stage's skillset, Alyssia couldn't help but applaud.

He had a skillset that suited his job well which had many different small skills like stage presence, announcer, negotiation, persuasion, social perception, communication, presentation, performance and clear voice.

She quietly snacked on the treats in her room while the announcer began to introduce the first item. "Now! For todays first item! We have!….."

He suddenly paused for dramatic effect but Alyssia suddenly had the urge to drop kick him in the face. 'Is he going to do this for every item.. I hope not.'

The announcer signalled a group of young ladies who were dressed in a mask, hats and colourful clothes just like himself but theirs were a little bit revealing as they walked on the stage with the first item and unveiled it.

As it was revealed, he began again with a look of shock on his face. "Oh my! What is this! Is this a real genuine… cat? Who put that there! No more playing games girls. The customers are waiting. Sorry everyone sorry everyone!"

As if a mistake had been made right from the beginning he put on a play to entertain the guests.

The guests however seemed to be used to his way of acting as if understanding that this was just a joke.

However it did not stop some people from bidding once it showed up just so it would be over quickly or they actually wanted it.

An old sounding voice spoke up calmly. "Ten thousand berries."

The announcer looked pleased as he looked towards the crowd and asked. "Any more bids? Going once, twice, three times and sold!"

The silence was enough for him to be able to read the room and end it quickly but the small black cat was quickly taken away and delivered to the old man's room.

Meanwhile Alyssia looked at this display and couldn't help but show a look of suspicion. 'Is this also part of his show? Is the person who bought it one of his own people? If so then this part is all staged for the audiences entertainment but if not they must auction off random items to see if they can be sold.'

"Now onto the real show." The announcer adjusted his tie a little then pointed to the new item being brought in. "Ooh… it here it is. It's… a rifle! Military grade too! Come on let's begin the bidding!"

Alyssia couldn't help but zone out after this and closed her eyes going through her system and checking to see if she could make any repairs to her skills from those around her.

Many nobles were in attendance from what she had seen from the system but also many underground bosses so she was able to gain a thing or two from them.

Even on an underground auction, nobles still attended which showed the level of corruption within the island as a whole.

Whether it was the ordinary businessmen, brokers or an ordinary citizen, they would unknowingly be exposed to the darker side of the world since the criminal forces have such a high level of control behind the scenes.

The nobles do nothing to stop it and in fact use those forces to make their own profits behind the scenes also get their assistance to make moves behind the scenes to disrupt their enemies businesses or career so that they can step up and rise to a higher place.

In the nobles views they are making use of the pawns on the chessboard in order to become the winner even if crude methods are used.

Since they would not do such bad things themselves, dressed lavishly while showing off their superiority and how they were above such behaviour, they left those dirty jobs to the 'commoners'.

However this did not stop them from attending such an event like this so that they could entertain their private hobbies of collecting items, weapons or even.. people as trophies.

As for what happens within the walls of the noble houses… Alyssia did not wish to know.

Many auctions later, her time had finally come.

The man introduced a piece of paper. "Ah! So this is the boat I have heard become famous lately. Such a prize! I hear many have been trying to win this but came back empty handed but fear not! You just need to bid to win it here. No need to beat me for it! Here is the ships ownership papers, after today you can go and claim the fixed up and new looking second hand boat. So let us begin bidding."

Some light chuckles came from some of the private rooms as if mocking those who had failed to win it before the auction.

"Thirty million berries!" A woman's voice was heard and Alyssia recognised it as one of the people who lost the wager to her.

"Forty!" A hoarse voice spoke right after.

"Forty five!" A more calm and well spoken male voice followed.

"….fifty!" After hesitating a little the woman nodded again.

The announcer looked shocked. "Big bids! I wonder who will win?"

The male voice followed again after the announcer finished speaking. "Sixty."

Suddenly there was a sigh of frustration from the woman's room.

After a long pause it sounded like there was a discussion going on in one of the rooms then the hoarse voice spoke again. "Sixty five."

The male voice didn't seem to be put off by the rising price as he spoke. "Seventy."

After a long time of waiting the announcer cried out. "Seventy million berries! Sold to the gentlemen!"

Alyssia smiled after hearing the final bid as she thought. 'In Water Seven it is stated that the average second hand ship would be sold for around a hundred million. Although I did not expect that much, this is a good sale for something that I had gained by chance and fixed up. Aaah so much money to spend.'

Next was the mystery boxes that came out.

The announcer looked at them in wonder and then began his tale. "Three criminals! Three boxes! The chances within those three boxes may lead you to a treasure trove or a small stash of berries. So.. allow me to introduce the possibilities. In these three boxes are the locations of three criminals, who are held on board the previous items sellers ship. Among the three criminals there is the thief Benji Visa who is notorious for his thefts of various high ranking individuals, the next is a hired assassin Nicole Gao and another hired assassin Mirio Sanders. I believe you have heard of these two as well right? Maybe you may of even had a friend or family member killed by them in the past! Oh my how scary.."

"Ahem.." He cleared his throat. "The mystery box contains the location of each of their private stash that they have hidden away. Whether you believe it or not is up to you but in one of these mystery boxes is one of the three locations. As for who's is in which box… you will have to find out for yourself! Begin!"

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