
First life and death battle

Upon entering the forest she began to slowly put to use her detection and concealment skills.

She walked as lightly as possible and kept on the lookout for tracks of any wild animals or another minks tracks.

From time to time she would use her climbing ability to jump up high onto a thick tree branch above that could support her weight and peered through the forest from above.

She sat up there and took out a small sketch book from her backpack and began to draw a small basic outline of the forest that she had entered along with the path that she had travelled.

Even now she was using her navigation talent to the best of her capabilities and continued to train it even during a journey through the forest.

The beginner survival guide also provided a couple of tips and additional help towards avoiding dangers in the forest and it was also slowly gaining a higher mastery as time passed.

By doing so not only did she get to gain a greater mastery of it but she would also be able to keep track of where she has travelled and draw a map of the forest and mark where there would be greater risk or poor terrain for travelling through or places she had already travelled to and had failed to locate Pedro.

Many days passed just like this along with her usual routine of challenging people to duels, training and drawing portraits on the street.

Alyssia had a busy life which was very eventful and her name was becoming known by many people and slowly spreading even further within her small community of minks.

Some of the stronger minks who had retired began to take notice of her too which helped to increase the amount of her daily points.

After diligently performing her duties she found herself regaining some of the points that she had lost from what she had spent on her basic skill upgrades.

A week ago she had been at 1396 points but managed to raise it quickly to 2479 out of 5000 which showed her increase in popularity.

Although Alyssia did not know who her biggest supporter was that provided her with many points per day she was grateful for them and she could make a guess at who it could potentially be.

If she continued to earn 1013 points or more per week as she had done then it would only take between two and three more weeks until she could upgrade her system once again.

Within the forest Alyssia moved cautiously through every part that she travelled through and when she reached a new zone she went up high to get a better view.

She continued her routine of searching for Pedro and marking her map that she had drawn of the forest area showing that he wasn't located in those parts yet.

Thirteen years before the start of the series where Luffy first sets sail at the age of seventeen, Pedro leaves with the Nox explorer group or pirate crew in search of the poneglyphs and after ten years he would gain a large bounty on his head but also have to return to zou after suffering on big mom's island.

This meant that at her current age she might have already missed him or if she hadn't yet missed him then if she did not hurry to find him then she would not get the chance to receive his training before he leaves for another ten years.

A determined look appeared in her eyes as she went deeper into the forest but unknown to her a pair of eyes were watching her movements quietly not too far away.

The figure seemed to have been watching her movements for some time now and continued to wonder what she was up to.

Avoiding any of the danger zones was something that she had done for a while now in order to not sink into a swamp or get attacked by a wild animal but now she had something that she wished to do.

She continued into one of the danger zones in search of her target but all of a sudden her concealment skills did not allow her to remain unnoticed by a certain wild animal within the forest.

A large wild boar approached her as it noticed her presence very quickly and began to become aggressive displaying signs that it was about to charge at her.

Faced with the danger of being gored by the boar, Alyssia got herself ready to battle with the boar as it began to charge at her in a straight line.

Armed with no weapons and an immature body she could only rely on her martial arts, her speed and her electro right now so she began to channel her electro to the bottom of her foot right away as she was put in a life and death crisis.

Just as the boar was about to hit her body she stepped at an angle and then disappeared and then reappeared a little to the side of the boar that missed its targets and then channelled her electro once again.

This time she grasped how to continue to send the electro to her foot without too much of a delay so when her left leg touched the floor and she had landed to the boar she performed a side kick aiming at the side of the boar as it was passing by.

The electro exploded on the bottom of her foot as it made contact with the boar but because of the lack of experience with using electro in real combat she was not able to best position herself and land a perfect or strong kick.

Although the kick itself was not damaging to the boar it's think skin did get damaged and burned by the blast of electro and stunned it for a short time.

The amount of electro she had used wasn't deadly enough to kill it but only stun it for a short time so it began to shake off the effects very quickly.

However Alyssia did not wish to see that happen so after completing her side kick she turned and moved her body towards the boars body which had lost its footing and lay on the ground and quickly channelled her electro once again to perform an axe kick downward at its head as the electro gathered at her heel.

The moment her heel was about to come down the boar suddenly shook off the effects and was beginning to become aggressive again as it climbed to its feet and tried to attack kick at her side.

Just as the axe kick came down it partly made contact with the boars head and the electro exploded on the side of its face blowing up one of its eyes and scorching the side of its face badly.

It fell to its side on the ground from the impact which made Alyssia lose her balance a little as it knocked into her but she was able to stabilise herself with her tail once again.

Although she could damage this beast, it's skin was too thick to kill right away and it had a large amount of vitality so it was quick to recover from her electro's stunning characteristic.

One hit each to the side and to the side of the head with kicks powered by electro did help to damage it a little but not a lot though it was enough to provide her with the chance to channel her electro once again.

The greater the crisis the more focussed she became and she knew that it would recover faster this time after being stunned for the second time so she worked extra hard to charge up a powerful attack and stomped down on the side of the head of the boar.

The explosion of electro passed through the part in of its damaged eye and travelled through to its brain which killed it upon being exposed to the stronger summoned electro this time.

Alyssia took out a carving knife and stabbed it into the back of its head right away just to make sure that it is completely finished off and would not rise up again.

She looked around and then sighed as again she would be unable to locate Pedro so she began to drag the boars body with her towards the safe zone.

In the safe zone of the forest she began to remove some cooking tools like a small pan, chef knives and other things like spices and herbs from her backpack and she began to cut into the boars dead body and remove the meat leaving only the bones behind.

She then set up a fire and began to place the meat on the pan while adding spices and other things to season it as it was cooking.

Before long the smell began to spread to a place not far away and attracted an unexpected guest who had witnessed the battle and her actions afterwards.

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