
Chapter 29: Nithius

Chapter 29: Nithius!

"What is Nithius?" Ariel said to Arthur.


"What ?"

"Tell me your name again."

"It's Ariel K Wind."

"That makes you the wind king right?"

"I am the wind king."

"It is rare for a king not to know what Nithius is."

"I am not lying."

"Ok. Let me tell you what Nithius is."

"Go on."

"Nithius is the strongest power of elemental users. You can use it when you will have absolute control over your elemental power and be able to manipulate it in different ways. You need to go through several steps to learn Nithius. The current King of Kings is a Nithius user."

"I didn't know it."

"Bad for you."

"Tell me more about NithNoius."

"The steps which make you learn Nithius are Quarter Manipulate, Half Manipulation and Absolute Manipulation. Every Nithius user can obtain three forms of power depending on their characteristics and behavior and their will power."

"Who invented it and why are there only three forms?" 

"As for the inventor , it was Lunior Fridick who was able to go through the phrases and he used the three forms. He had an assistant who wrote everything Lunior did. Apparently Lunior died when he tried to pass through the powers of third form. It happened before the arrival of the Peacemaker . Lunior was the Great grandfather of the Peacemaker. Therefore he also learnt it and used it to stop the war. Later the information about Nithius was revealed to the public. But not many people were able to use it. That includes me. I am still at the Half Manipulation phrase ."

"Why couldn't Nithius users get to the fourth form?"

"As Lunior's assistant said, it's the human limits. We humans have limits too."

"I understand what you are saying."

"That's good."

"How can anybody control and manipulate his elemental powers?"

"By mixing yourself and your body with the elemental core."

"I see. Then what about species other than humans?"

"They are also the same. Every species has a limit and the third form is that limit. No one can break it."

"Ariel , it's night," Anna said.

"You are not wrong. You guys can sleep on the second floor. I will send you guys with a fellow giant when he will be here to give me food and other stuff."

"That's a relief," Ariel said.

Ariel and Anna went to the second floor. There were two beds. Ariel laid on one and Anna on another. It was the middle of the night . They couldn't sleep.

"Ariel, are you awake?"

"Yes, I am."

"Can you feel danger incoming?"

"You can too?"

"I feel something bad is going to happen."

Meanwhile at the base of the Giant's leader, Toya and Ronald were welcomed. They threw a party as the leader was pleased to meet the members of White Eagles.

"Don't worry. I will send my soldiers to rescue Ariel K Wind and Anna," Arfilt the giant leader said to Toya. 

"That'll be really great," Toya said.

"So enjoy it for now," Arfilt said.

"Say, don't you have any son or daughter?" Toya said. Everyone stopped right there. They glared at Toya like he committed a crime. Arfilt looked down .

"Yes, I have one son."

"Where is he?"

"In the jungle living on his own."

"Why doesn't he live with you?"

"He hates me."

"Why is that?"

"I got this fame and power in return for him losing his giant height."

Then Arfilt said everything to Toya and Ronald. They listened calmly.

"I am a sinner."

"I don't know what to say," Ronald spoke. 

"I just hope for his well being."

"You should," Toya spoke.

"Anyways we should enjoy it for now," Ronald said.

"Yes please eat. These are special foods made for you guys," Arfilt said.

The party continued until midnight. Most of the giants went to sleep. Ronald also went to sleep. Toya and Arfilt didn't. Arfilt was sitting on a chair and thinking about something. 

Toya went outside. He started practicing . 

"This time….huff….huff…..this time I will master it," he spoke to himself and continued practicing.

It was morning. Two giants came in front of the base. They took a lot of food for Arthur. Toya and Ronald also joined them. They started for the jungle .

They entered the jungle. It was deep and away from the city. Snakes and other animals were seen. Toya felt something strange. 

Toya thought something bad was gonna happen. Ronald spoke to you before Toya could .

"Don't you think something bad is coming?" Ronald slowly said to Toya. Toya nodded his face.

At that very moment, they heard screaming. They looked at the sky. It was full of dark clouds. They immediately decided to return. The giants could run faster and so Toya and Ronald hopped on one giant.

They came to the city. They saw children and women giants crying and screaming in pain. Warrior giants were rescuing them. A voice came from the sky. Toya and Ronald looked at the sky again.

They saw a guy who had fire armor with fire wings . "Give me Arthur," that guy said. 

Toya stepped forward and said,"Who are you?"

"Huh? You peasant! You don't even know the greatest fire supreme leader?" 

"You are what?"

"Name yourself peasant."

"Toya Matsuyo."

"Matsuyo ? Huh? Interesting."

"What do you want now?"

"As I said, give me Arthur."


"A great danger is coming and I will be able to prevent it if Arthur joins me."

"That's not happening."

"Then you join me."

"I reject your proposal."

"Are you alone?"

"I am with the future King of Kings."

Arfilt ran towards the fire supreme leader saying ," FIRIK!!!!!!!"

"So you remember my name," fire supreme general Firik said and marched towards Arfilt. They clashed and that created a huge impact. Arfilt was using an axe and Firik was using a fire sword . They continued clashing. That made other people suffer. The city was on fire. Everything was burning.

"Go back, Firik!"

"Not this time."

To be continued~

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