
Chapter 12: Town Rast

Chapter 12: Town Rast

Location : Zero Point

General Milstar left Sapiens City after seeing Gilgaish Wolf and hurried to Zero Point using Zuch's advanced vehicles. He was summoned by the King of Kings Victor K Water.

"It's my pleasure to be summoned by My Majesty," Milstar said and kneeled.

"Did I permit you to speak?" Victor said.

"My apologies."

"Have you forgotten manners after leaving Zero Point?"

"That's not the case,My Majesty."

"What did you do in Sapiens City?"

"Is this why My Majesty summoned me?"

"I will be the one asking questions."

"My apologies."

"Now speak."

"I went there to arrest Lig William who was working with the Sremirs and to catch Ariel K Wind who had been hurting your descendants. But Ariel K Wind was strong enough to fight against me and he fought against me until Gilgaish Wolf arrived at the scene. And I retreated as I was injured."

"Huh? You retreated or fled?"

"No Majesty, how can I flee as a General!"

"Whatever. Who is this Ariel K Wind?"

"My Majesty, he is the current king of the Wind clan but he is weak and immature."

"So Wind clan is making their move. That's not a problem."

"Yes Majesty, I will catch Ariel K Wind as soon as possible."

"No. You won't."


"I am suspending you for two weeks."

"Majesty, what do you mean?"

"Don't ask questions."


"As I said, you are suspended for two weeks and your fleet is also suspended. Now you are dismissed."

"As you wish."

Milstar didn't dare to look in the eyes of Victor K Water. He left the courtroom with a frustrated face and punched the wall.


"Yes sire."

"Issue bounties on Ariel K Wind's team."

"Ok sir."

"Also ask the Zuch Warriors, Irexors to hunt Ariel K Wind."

"As you wish, sire."

"I don't want the Wind clan to be revived. It took me a lot of effort to finish that clan. I wonder how Ariel K Wind survived. The legacy of Peacemaker should end."



"Should I also order the generals to hunt down the Wind clan?"

"No. That will be harmful for Zuch's image."

"You know the best."

"Because I am the strongest."

Meanwhile Ariel, Toya and Anna were headed for Town Rast which is currently ruled illegally by an Irexor named Hazard.

"Anna, you woke up?" Ariel said after opening his eyes.

"A long time ago," Anna said while looking at a big piece of paper.

"What's in your hand?"

"It's the world map."

"When did you get it?"

"In Sapiens City. I was not just killing time."

"Where are we going now?"

"We are going to Town Rast."

"Are we close?"

"Yes, we are. Now take these medicines. They will help you recover your strength and stamina."

"Thanks for it."

Ariel took the medicines. He was feeling better. Anna sat and was looking at the world map. Toya was driving the Dynasty.

"We are here Anna and Ariel. But there are no guards at the gate. I guess I will just enter," Toya said while looking around and driving.

"Go for it. If anything happens, I will get down," Ariel said.

"I don't think anything will happen. Get down now."

As Toya said, they all got down from the Dynasty and for the first time Ariel saw the Dynasty from outside and he was quite shocked and happy. They saw three different routes. They were confused about which was the correct one. But the town was quite destroyed. It felt like some war took place here. There was no one around. All the shops were closed. Houses were empty.

"I don't feel good here," said Toya.

"Me too," Anna said.

"We should divide and go different routes. We will come back exactly after one hour. If anybody doesn't come back, the others will head for the route he or she headed for."

"Nice idea," Anna said.

"Ok so Anna go for the first route. Toya go to the second route. I will go ti the third."

"Ok let's get going," said Anna.

"Later," said Toya.

As Ariel said they went for their selected routes. Anna was headed for the first route. It was full of shops which were closed. She was not scared and she was flying in her magical broom. She went far and far. At a time she met a dog.

"A dog in this lonely place?" said Anna and she got down on the surface. She went towards the dog and patted him.

"Little guy what are doing here?"

The dog shouted,"Woof! Woof!"

"Sadly I cannot understand you."

The dog shouted again, "Woof! Woof! Woof!"

"Where is your owner?"

The dog turned to the opposite and he started walking. Anna followed him. The dog stopped in front of a house.

"Is this where your owner lives?"

The dog woofed.

"Well this is where this little guy's owner lived once," an old man said to Anna from behind.

"Uh...can I know who you are?" Anna said.

"Me? I am the head of this town and my name is Ernam."

"Sir Ernam, what has happened to this town?"

"You don't know?"

"No I don't. I came here a while ago."

"This town was attacked by an Irexor named Hazard. He attacked the town two weeks ago. We were unable to defend our town and he seized the town. We all retreated to the last part of the town to take shelter."

"Where is this Hazard guy?"

"He is currently living on the third route and he is supposed to attack us after some days."

"Why is he resting?"

"His army got injured as they fought us. Our strongest man also injured him."

"Where is your strongest man now?"

"He died."

"Why are you guys not protesting him?"

"We are waiting for his attack."


"We have created a lot of traps on the road. You couldn't figure them as you were on her broom."

"I guess I will go back and ask my friends to help you guys."

"You have got friends with you?"

"Yes, one of my friends is a strong samurai and the other one is the current king of the Wind clan."

"Wind clan?"

"Yeah. Any problem?"


"Ok. Then I will get going."

To be continued~~

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