
Chapter 51:Choosing The Leader(Part1)

"Ok, we can start now. First, Ci An, come and show us what you got. I will be standing at a ten-meter distance, you need to hit me with the rank 1 technique." Elder Wang explained.

"Yes, elder." Ci An was a girl with short black hair and a white robe. She was the only one in this class with eighty percent essence water. Everyone took a distance from the two and moved a little back. There was a distance of ten meters between elder Wang and Ci An.

She moved her right hand and a dust ball appeared in her hand. She focused on Elder Wand and shot the dust ball at him. This dust ball was halved in the middle, but managed to hit the Elder. Nothing happened to elder Wang as he was quite strong.

"Good, but you could have done better. However, you managed to hit me, that was the deal. Now for your second chance." Elder Wang praised Ci An and picked a small seven inches rock that was placed with the other rocks. 

"Now, Ci An, I will throw this rock in the air, what you need to do is to hit this rock before it lands on the ground." Elder Wang said and threw the rock in the air.

Ci An hurriedly activated the technique and focused on the rock. She then fired the dust ball at the rock. Just before the rock was about to hit the ground, it was shot by the dust ball. But the rock didn't break, as the power behind the rank one technique was not enough. And the dust ball itself had been halved in the mid-air.

"No, no, Ci An, You're focusing too much on the aim and are not putting enough effort into strengthening the technique. You need to focus on both. Try to do that on your next turn." Elder Wang analyzed Ci An's technique. He was not quite satisfied. Even though the goal was to hit the target, she should be trying to break the rock.

"Now, for the final chance. You need to hit the target I throw in the air and me to at the same time. But I will be running as well." Elder Wang picked the same rock and threw it into the air and began to run as well. However his speed and the running course were the same.

Ci An activated the technique and shot the dust ball first at the rock and then at the elder. Because Elder Wang was running in a straight line at the same speed, she managed to hit him as well as the target. 

When the kids saw this, they began to chatter.

"Wow! She managed to succeed in all of her chances."

"Yeah, really impressive, she is truly impressive. I am unable to even hit the moving target, let alone the elder who was running."

"At least you can hit the target, I can't even activate the technique. I need more time to learn it."

"Do you think she managed to do this because her father is teaching her?"

"I don't know, but her father is an elder as well. So, there is a possibility that she has been learning the ways of a cultivator from her father."

"Maybe, she will become the leader of our class."

"Don't be too quick to judge. There is still brother Ha Kun and brother Hong Mi left."

Everyone was impressed by Ci An's performance. Whist Ci An was happy to hear all of the kids talk about her like that. She felt proud and was sure that she would become the leader.

"Ok, next. Hong Mi, come forward." Hong Mi's essence water was 79 percent, only below Ci An. That was the reason for him to go second.

"Yes," he came forward and stood ten meters away from the elder, whilst Ci An returned to the crowd.

"You can begin," Hong Mi activated the technique and managed to hit the elder without any problems. And the target as well. On the third try, he also managed to hit the target and the elder. He was also proud of himself when he was being praised by the other kids.

"Impressive, you also managed to succeed on all three chances. It would be difficult to decide if you or Ci An performed better. You can go back, next, Ha Kun," Elder Wang summoned Ha Kun forward. His essence water was 76 percent, third in the class.

"Yes, elder." Ha Kun came forward.

He also succeeded on the first two turns and on the second, he managed to hit the target but missed the elder. Thus, he was eliminated from the competition for the leader's position.

"Next," elder Wang summoned the next kid.

Kids began to come forward and perform the test. Only the first five people were called according to their essence water limit. The other kids randomly came forward and performed disorderly.

There were even many kids who could not even activate the technique. Elder Wang did not expect much from the kids as well. In fact, he just wanted to choose one from Ci An and Hong Mi. According to him, only the first five people were worth testing and the others were not. This was also why he summoned the first five kids with order and allowed the others to perform the test randomly. As only the first five kids were above the 70 percent limit of Essence water.

"OK, next," Elder Wang summoned the next kid. 

Yang Zhai went forward and stood ten meters away from the elder. 

The other kids didn't pay much attention to him. Only Ha Kun was serious when Yang Zahi went forward to perform the test. He remembered the event of three days before, vividly. He could tell that Yang Zhai was not a normal person. There was something about him. His hands still trembled when he looked at Yang Zhai. He could tell that everyone was in for a surprise.

"Ok, you can start," Elder Wang yawned and said.

Yang Zhai nodded and moved his right hand forward. He began to accumulate power and summoned a dust ball. He then shot it at the elder Wang. It didn't decrease in power or mass and hit the elder. 

"Oh," when elder Wang felt the power behind the technique, he was intrigued. Because the dust ball that struck him was in a perfect situation.

"Next, the target." Elder Wang focused on Yang Zhai's posture and threw the rock in the air.

Yang Zhai created a dust ball and struck the rock whilst it was still ascending. The rock shattered into pieces.

Elder Wang was shocked, he couldn't believe that Yang Zhai just activated the technique and shot it at the rock without even focusing, and the power behind it was also good. It was even better than him. Even Elder Wang needed to see the direction of the rock for a second or so, but Yang Zhai did not do that. 

Elder Wang narrowed his eyes, there was something wrong. His experience told him that no matter how talented a kid was, he would not be able to do something like that without a lot of experience.

"Next, you will hit me and the rock at the same time." Elder Wang said, seriously.

Yang Zhai smiled inwardly. He could guess what elder Wang was thinking just now. Yang Zhai was a man who had traveled the world. How could he make a mistake like that?

When the elder threw the rock in the air and began to run, Yang Zhai activated the technique and didn't attack directly. He first waited and pretended as if he was focusing hard. 

When elder Wang saw this, he thought:huh, he is focusing. Maybe he managed to hit the rock for the first time —without waiting— because of a fluke. Otherwise, he would have already hit the rock and me without the need for focus. Maybe, I was just overthinking. But still, this kid is impressive.

Just when the rock was a meter above the ground, Yang Zhai shot the dust ball at the rock and shot one at the elder a few seconds later. 

He managed to hit them both. The rock did not shatter this time. But the dust ball created also didn't decrease and hit the rock in its full form.

Elder Wang could also feel that the power was less than in the first two attacks.

Yang Zhai had done this on purpose. He only attacked with full power on the first two tries to draw Elder Wang's attention. When he managed to do that, he decreased the power of the technique on the third try and had also focused a little before attacking. 

Yang Zhai could tell that elder Wang was planning to choose one from Ci An or Hong Mi. If Yang Zhai didn't do that, he was sure that elder Wang would ignore him because of his essence water limit. 

But if he still did not decrease the power and had not focused before hitting the targets on the third try, Yang Zhai would have attracted elder Wang's suspicions. Thus, he first drew the elder's attention and then also performed poorly than the two first two tries to avoid the elder's suspicion.

He had the experience of 1100 years. He could tell what the people were thinking from their expressions and their acts. Yang Zhai was not a fool to be caught so easily. Yang Zhai even played a mind trick on elder Wang without even letting him realize it. Yang Zhai had experienced all kinds of emotions in his previous life, ranging from love, hatred, revenge, happiness, sadness, seriousness, etc. He had also experienced all kinds of events. He understood all these tricks and could also manipulate them.


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