
Facility blueprint establishment.

After Kyson Adriel and Scarlet go to sleep he returns to the blueprint table making some outlines for a forge he starts work on the forge making an Iglobe-style Sphere. He makes the entrance large expanding the size of the Sphere.

"150 square meters" he mumbles to himself marking down how to make it, so the forge can not collapse no matter the Stress "seems large enough for all I need" he plans out the smokestacks and actual forge.

marking down The Blower he makes an inbuilt anvil compacting it and creating a pit of lava below a large grate with heat resistance runes on it, he makes the holes between minuscule holes to prevent anything from slipping down "that will be the fire pot that holds the actual coke".

continuing to work on it, he finishes up his forge before sliding it off to the side putting a paperweight on it he starts working on a sewing factory. Drawing up the Factory he doesn't notice daytime coming having a perfect vision during night and day from being an Elder beast.

(search up sewing factory Design or layout, and you'll get the layout)

finishing up the 150 square meters building the same size as his forge he nods "seems like a good size for what I'm using it for I'll just hope the community can adapt to me doing everything up here now".

he starts working on a massive pipe-framed greenhouse with hot water pipes to stop it from getting covered in snow during the wintertime drawing out the foundations and louvre vent he draws out the glazing bars staging and shelving working on the auto vents and roof vent before drawing out the structurally massive 200 square meters being places off to the side the forge and sewing factory upfront on the massive plateau.

Looking at how resources are brought up and lowered he starts working on an appropriate Lift using magic. "why didn't I just use the Stones to begin with I guess it's because of the infrastructure "

"the Platform feels from the sky and broke as well I hope father's fine mother should be good since she has an affinity for nature magic". working on the specialized lifts he looks at redesigning the entire civil part to have multiple Lifts to get up instead of 1 as well as a specialized teleporter for royalty and other important things.

Adriel walks out wrapping her arms around him "you need sleep moron" Octavius' eyes shift looking over his shoulder his neck remaining stationary "hmm, do I. Technically use photosynthesize for energy.

"what were you working on". she hovers over his shoulder "oh" Octavius takes a deep breath exhaling "The manor within the outer wall and its inner walls". he massages his temples "and you already finished the blueprint for the forge and oh sewing factory are my clothes not good enough"

Octavius looks up at her "no bloody way your clothes are the best his is for mass production of other stuff to take over the markets and stuff I need to work on". she grabs his antlers laying him down on her lap.

vertically so she doesn't get poked "huh oh" he lies on it Scarlet walks out second "look at you 2 he stayed up all night didn't he". Adriel nods "Kyson?" She smirks "trust me that little rascal is coming".

as soon as she says that a small little bear runs out roaring "so that little rascal choice the path of the druid interesting choice". Octavius continues laying on her lap Scarlet sitting down beside Adriel.

"so Esdeath will be coming back soon she's going to be very angry. Do we have any leads on the people who attack they managed to disable all the floating structures that were not marked by the gravity as islands?

"speaking of that why did Pop's manner fall it was large enough to be described as an island, but it isn't" Ariel Sighs "they used a god Rune which shatters afterwards reassembling in a random area". Octavius closes his eyes.

"mmm". kyson jumps onto Octavius' fluffy chest before curling up in it like it's a blanket Octavius smiles "so they did use a God rune it appears they come from a high-ranking kingdom". he sighs "So I can't just annihilate them it would leave too much evidence".

he closes his eyes passing out in Adriel's lap scarlet smirks "he's so hot when he's asleep" Adriel Nods agreeing to mumble "so calm" kyson cuddles up to scarlet sitting on her lap wasting the day away "I should've prep something to eat".

Scarlet gets up "I'll go cook something simple" she walks into the tent before leaving with the dishes a basket and a mat moving to the infinity food tent she grabs some stuff filling the basket properly.

before leaving moving back to the group she sets up the Mat beside Adriel and Octavius. Setting out the plates she places pieces of meat on the plate before putting down some salad with dressing and a side of pasta.

setting it all down Adriel start stringing around Octavius Antlers with a low giggles escape her mouth Octavius Snoozing the stringing continues finishing covering his horns she giggles to herself.

Octavius slowly opens his eye narrowing them before blinking getting up he sits up smelling the food. "oh how long was I out for" Adriel laughs "only 3 hours" he stands up placing a hand on his head before feeling fibre.

"huh" he makes a mirror appear" blinking surprised "So my antlers are now this" he scratches his side "this is fine" he sits down at the ma scarlet Laughing at him "you're not burning this off I'll take it off on my own".

Octavius Antlers start To fracture at the base both fall off the string immediately pull together the horns edges hit creating a fracture sphere with 2 branches like expansion off the bottom. having shed his horns.

"wait you can do that".

Compensation 2

Their Antlers what do most animals with antlers Do shed them during certain season or times

Ferasightcreators' thoughts
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