
Chapter 17

"Okay. 1,2,3...smile" The photographer said. The Jeung family decided to have their very first official family picture. Jayden is four months old now and he's bigger and can even try to lie down "Maybe it's time for Baby Jayden's solo" the married couple nodded.

Jihye did the honors of placing Jayden in the middle of the soft mattress. He was already smiling when he saw her Mom causing the photographer to instantly click. The married couple's married can tell that Jayden will grow as a kind and smart boy and will always cling to the married couple. In short, he's gonna be Jihye's boy since the Korean was taking care of her whenever Lauren is at work.

The CEO already started working again while Jihye is working online managing Grandma M and Grandpa P's company so is their own company with the help of Chahee.

"All done," The photographer said looking at every picture. Lauren took Jayden in her arms and he was clinging to her like a koala while Jihye was looking at every picture she was smiling from ear to ear when she saw her picture with Lauren and she smiled even brighter when she also saw the picture of them with their only son.

Jihye's right hand was snaked in her wife's waist and her other hand was in her son's belly while Lauren was leaning in her and both of her hands were in her one and only son. They were smiling brightly while Jayden was just looking at the camera looking so cute.

"Honey, we should hang this picture next to our wedding picture," Jihye said while pointing the picture

"I guess this is way better honey" Lauren pointed to the other picture wherein Jayden was smiling a bit and she is more leaning into her wife "Jayden is smiling a bit in this picture"

Jihye is looking at it and smiling she realized that this is way better and it will completely be perfect to hang it next to their wedding picture in Korea and their house that they were staying in Paris at the moment.

"Okay, this is better. We're gonna be taking all of the pictures but this picture should be 24 x 36. Is that okay?" Jihye asked the photographer and the editor Lauren was talking to Dohyun and Daeun while she's holding Jayden.

Both Daeun and Dohyun finally came to Paris since they were on break they were really happy to finally see their sister and Jayden their very first nephew. They were saying that Jayden looks like Ben but has Jihye's eyes and cheeks. Jihye's friends were also saying it since they visited three weeks after Jayden was born and three days ago.

Jihye finally came out "All set?" Lauren asked while she handed Jayden to Dohyun to put him in his stroller "Yes Hon, they told me that they will just deliver it in three days"

"Okay, where do you all want to eat?" Lauren asked her two siblings while Jihye rest her hand on her wife's waist.

"Daeun Unnie should decide on this because I already decided where to eat yesterday," Dohyun said slowly pushing back and forth of the stroller so Jayden can relax

"Daeun?" Jihye asked while looking at Daeun

"I don't know how to say it, I'm trying my best to pronounce it for thirty minutes" Lauren furrowed her brows and tell her to show it to her

Lauren former an 'O' to her mouth "Il Etait Un Square, that's just near here. Shall we go?" Jihye Asked while the two younger nodded happily and went to walk first while the two married couples shook their heads. Jihye and Lauren walk behind them their hands intertwined.

It's a good thing that her two siblings were here because they were busy with their jobs.

After dinner, they decided to roam around the mall and buy some things that will be useful in the house and Daeun's dress for their event in two months. Lauren decided to buy everything for them while Jihye bought all the foods that they want.

"Awww, is my baby hungry?" Jihye cooed and took the bottle of milk and fed Jayden. Lauren was looking at the doorway Jihye is good with kids and even still a great and adoring wife like she is when they still don't have youngsters.

"I guess the baby boy is already asleep?" Lauren asked while hugging Jennie from behind while the cat-eyed girl smiled and lean into her

"He is, he's sleeping sleep, and sound like you. Look at his cute little nose and cheeks that I adore so much" Lauren giggled Jihye has been telling her that she loves it because it's similar to her wife's cheek and nose. We could all tell that Jihye is so in love with her wife and so whipped. She's been in love with her wife ever since then.

"You love them huh?" Jihye hummed and smiled at her wife while putting her son down on his crib and pulling Lauren close to the balcony in their room. Jihye put both of her hands on his wife's shoulder while the CEO put both of her hands in her wife's neck while swaying their bodies together and looking deeply into their eyes.

"I love them especially when it comes to everything about you. Don't get me wrong I love Jayden's features but I can't get over the fact that her nose and cheeks look like yours. I love every inch of you" Lauren blushed and rest her head in her wife's chest

"I know and I'm very thankful for that but you know some questions are still lingering in my mind" Jihye furrowed her brows and look down at her wife while playing the hem of her shirt.

"What is it?" Jihye asked curiously

"It's about Daddy, he kept going to my dreams and saying some advice and Warnings and I couldn't remember when I woke up but do you remember the night that I woke up due to some headache?" Lauren asked while Jihye hummed "I saw him again but I feel like I was dreaming even though I'm not, he was saying some words but I couldn't hear and I couldn't move my body until you called my name and hug me from behind and that's when I saw Daddy left"

Jihye sigh, she knew that these things were happening to Lauren and she wanted to ask someone to know why Ben has been bothering her daughter "Do you want me to call the paranormal expert? Maybe they could help us and finally have the answer to why Dad has been bothering you" Jihye mumbled kissing her wife's head

"No, I want to find answers on my own. As much as I want to seek help I still want to find it on my own because it's my Dad and everything he says is all true. I just hope this will not be a bad thing because it will surely break me" Lauren mumbled in her wife's chest her worried voice was visible and Jihyefelt so sad about her.

"Okay, whatever you say Honey" Lauren hummed and just hug Jennie tightly while the dancer just kissed the top of her head. They just stayed there for a good thirty minutes not saying anything but just swaying their bodies together and holding each other tight.

It was early in the morning and Lauren was making some breakfast for her wife because she has a press conference. Dohyun came out in his bedroom while holding Jayden "Did Jayden slept in your room?"

"Yes, he was crying nonstop last night and I decided to take him to my bedroom. I decided not to wake you up and Noona you both look so tired" Dohyun inquired bouncing Jayden

Lauren smiled "I'm so sorry, we're honestly tired last night"

"It's fine Noona, besides I'm enjoying taking care of him, "Dohyun said and Jayden giggle causing Lauren to laugh. The sound of his giggles is making her smile and her heart is melting

"Seems like our baby is happy today" Jayden wiggle his feet when he saw one of his favorite people. Dohyun smiled and handed him to Jennie. The idol kiss his cheeks and bounces him lightly causing Jayden to laugh more "Did Uncle Dohyun take care of you last night?" She babbled, Jayden just left a cute hum "Oh he did? That's cool" Dohyun and Lauren shook their head and kissed her wife's lips.

"I bet he's gonna be a talkative little guy" Daeun added, Lauren got confused it was just seven in the morning and the younger ones usually wake up around nine or ten in the morning.

"Wait, you guys woke up early today," Lauren asked referring to Daeun and Dohyun

Jihye kissed her wife's cheek and put her hands in the small of her back while Jayden was in her other hand "I decided to take them with me in the press, I will let them meet the president and the employees of our company so they know who to respect when they visit the company in Korea and the other countries," Jihye said. Lauren smiled when Jihye was working in their company she realized that Jihye was a strict and cold boss who was new to her. She saw that personality before "Is it okay? We'll be back before dinner. We're gonna leave Jayden with you"

Lauren served the breakfast to her siblings and she smiled at Jihye as she also took Jayden in her hands "Of course, they had the rights to meet all your employees and the important people in the company. Jayden and I will be alright I want to spend my time with him and please enjoy your day with them" Lauren puckered her wife's lips. Jihye smiled

"You're the best" Lauren hummed and gestured for her to eat her breakfast already which Jihye oblige and sat across her two in-laws. Lauren sat beside her wife and ate their breakfast.

Jihye was driving the car and looking at the road. The ride was silent since the two younger ones fell asleep on the way to the venue. It has been two hours already and she missed her wife and her son. She's not used to being away with her wife more especially they are never being apart for so long and they are always together at home.

It was a rainy day in Paris as of now, Dohyun woke up because he felt the car stopped and he realized that they were in the stoplight. He looked at Jennie and she was on her phone probably texting Lauren. He just looked outside the window admiring the view after three minutes Jennie finally closed her phone and put it in her pocket "You're awake" The dancer said and looked at the backseat to see if Daeun is still asleep which she is

"How many more minutes before we arrive?" Dohyun asked looking at Jihye "thirty, there's always heavy traffic in this place. Good thing we left early in the house. Why'd you wake up?"

"Well, I thought we arrived and I had a dream and it was so weird" Jihye furrowed her brows and gestured to him to continue, they have been close too and they were telling problems at each other so is Daeun "It was so weird because I saw Ben. I saw him in my room were talking to each other but there's no sound but I could tell that it was like a warning" Dohyun said confused whileJ ihye was looking at him

"Your sister has been dreaming about him too and you both have a similar dream Ben was there too but Did you perhaps have met Ben even before he died? Are you close with him or had the chance to talk with him or like you know meet him personally?" The Dancer asked in curiosity.

Dohyun shook his head as a No "I never met him and at that time I didn't even meet Noona we just know her but I didn't meet him I just know him by his face and personality" "That's weird" Jihye mumbled

"Yeah so weird but it gets me so worried if this is a type of Warning this will usually be related to his family there Noona was so close with her I'm scared well knock on wood I hope it doesn't happen but I just hope this will not be related to Noona, Jayden and you so is Mom" Jihye sigh Dohyun might be saying the truth because one of her staff was also saying that "I just hope everything will be fine" Dohyun nodded and finally the cars already started moving. It was already in the last stoplight she was the first one after three minutes of waiting...

Jihye started to drive even though it was still a red light "UNNIE! NOONA!" Both younger ones said while Jennie came back to reality when the truck beeped loudly, Jihye instantly push the break while breathing heavily "I'm so sorry, Are you guys okay?" Jihye looked at Dohyun and Daeun while they nodded swallowing the lump in their throat due to their nervousness.

Jihye sigh and started to drive again, she has been thinking about what Dohyun said. What if something happens to her wife she doesn't know what will she do she wanted to take this out for the moment and try to focus on her work and press conference for the day.

"Grandma M?" Lauren said through the call while rubbing Jayden's leg

"Lauren sweetie. Is everything okay?" She asked the old grandma who knew her granddaughter well, the worried voice that she always remember and she knew something was wrong. Lauren just sob, she was thinking hard about her dream. It got her so worried "Sweetie, what's wrong?" Grandma M asked in a worried tone.

"Grandma, I don't know what's happening right now but Daddy has been in my dreams. He has been saying something to me, like some warnings but I couldn't even hear it it was like everything was mute but I was answering him like we're having a good conversation" Lauren said sobbing, Grandma M knows about this already since Leslie is telling everything to her.

Grandma M and Grandpa P have been worried for her, they don't want to tell them that something will happen badly especially they already have Jayden and Jihye loves her wife.

"Oh Baby, everything will be alright. Just don't think too much about it okay?"

"I know but I can't help but think that maybe something is going on. Daddy already said his farewell to me when I and Jennie were In Los Angeles. I'm so confused why in the world he came back with some warnings. I don't know what will happen to me if something bad happens with my family" Lauren said sobbing

Grandma M sighs "Baby, all you have to do is just protect them okay? I promise everything will be okay, your family will be fine. Nothing will happen you hear me?"

Lauren just nodded tears streaming down her cheeks "O-okay, I love you" "I love you too Honey, so much" Lauren hummed and hung up the phone. She sighs maybe her Grandmother was right it was just a normal dream that she doesn't need to be worried about. She looked at her son and rubbed his cheeks and also kissed the top of his head. All she needs was just to protect them.

"Mrs. Jeung, it was finally nice to meet you personally" Jihye smiled and took his hand for a handshake "Mr. Wang" he smiled and look at the two younger ones "and who are they?"

"Ah, this is Daeun my wife's sister in law and this is Dohyun, my brother-in-law. Guys this is Mr. Wang the president of our company" The younger ones shake Mr. Wang's hand and smile at them "well, where's your wife? I have been looking forward to meeting her and your Son of course"

Jihye smiled "Well my wife is at home and she's with my Son. She doesn't want to come because she wanted to spend his time with Jayden and rest because she has been working but I will bring him soon with me" Mr. Wang nodded and a twenty-four-year-old boy stood beside Mr. Wang fixing his collar, "Oh, by the way, Jihye this is my son named Jake and he shakes Jihye's hand

"Is Lauren Walton around?" Mr. Wang widened his eyes and looked at his son and Jake looked at him "What? I heard the news that she will be here with someone? I've been looking for her for three hours now but I couldn't find her. Ugh if she arrives I just hope she doesn't have a boyfriend" Jake said looking around and looking so formal like a rich guy he is.

Jihye looked at him sharply and not wanting to boil in anger right now while Mr. Wang is trying to stop him because he was already saying how much she adores Lauren the two older ones were already laughing because he doesn't have any idea what he was saying this in front of her wife. Jihye's hand turned into a fist and the two younger ones know how possessive she is they are just waiting for the right time how Jennie will attack him.

"Oh gosh, I just want to marry her and have a baby with her"

"Jake,p-please" Mr. Wang is trying to stop him and sweating in nervousness

"You want to have a baby with her?" Jihye said deeply. Mr. Wang knew this voice already he knew Jihye was mad already

"Yes, I--" Just then Jihye pushed him in the wall and her eyes darkened "w-what?" He said in a nervous tone while Dohyun and Daeun said "oooooh shit"

"You're fucking talking and adoring MY WIFE in front of me. Don't you fucking know that she's mine and we fucking have a baby?" Jihye said in an angry tone

Jake eyes widened and gulped "I-I'm s-sorry I-I didn--"

"Now you know, stop adoring her or you'll receive this!" Jihye showed his fist in front of him while Jake nodded and Jihye let him go and left for sure Mr. Wang will be in trouble.

"Lauren is mine," Jihye said to herself

Hello Guys! How are you all doing? I hope you all are doing good. I won't be posting tomorrow and I hope you guys enjoy for Christmas! Merry Christmas!!!!


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