
Chapter Three: A Whole New World

Panning over to maddix, he appears in his bed exhausted from the battle that ensued with the joker/Jeffery. "How the hell did he know,more importantly why didn't I notice sooner that he had someone else in his head,I saw the irregularities in his brain waves but I didn't think he had another person who is sentient and somewhat smarter and more cognitive than himself" maddix says as he begins trying to heal his burns. Meanwhile the joker possessed Jeffrey is on top of the tallest building in the city as he then shouts "I'M BACK BITCHES AND I'M BETTER THAN EVER" as he then hops off of the building to test the reflexes of his new vessel, "let's hope we don't go splat" the joker says as he closes his eyes and breathes in sharply calming the body's nerves and allowing him to fall slower until he stops falling. He then opens his eyes to see that he's floating above the ground,"this body truly is amazing isn't it," the joker says as he then feels a sharp pain in the back of his head, "ack,didn't expect you to wake up so soon, be a doll and stay asleep i have some unfinished business to attend to" the joker says as he then begins to fly around in jeffery's body. The next day comes and the joker  possessed jeffery flies to the nearest house he can find, izuku is about to walk to school as he then is interrupted by the joker possessed boy. "Hey izuku,mind if i crash at your place for a bit i have some injuries from facing the reaper yesterday night and i don't think i'm rested enough to make it to class just yet,  can you help me out" he asks as izuku responds by putting his arm around his neck and taking him inside, "Of course man, i got you,i'll call maddix to check up on you after class, Oh i almost forgot to mention that me and roger met this guy yesterday night, he calls himself Ace and says he's a pirate or something and he was pretty banged up. We found him washed up on the beach where I usually train with all might and roger,he's at the recovery girls office now so when you're feeling better we'll be there" izuku says as he sits the joker possessed jeffery down .'I'm off to class now" he says as he walks out of the house , the joker then feels an even stronger feeling of pain in the side of his head, he then closes his eyes as they open up reverting back to purple "I'm me again,that actually worked,guess trying to let him come back into my mind on his own wasn't a very good idea,i have to tell the others about this and what he saw" Jeffery thought to himself as he put on the spare uniform izuku had laid out for him when he left along with his hero gear,after he put the uniform on he ran out of the house to try and get to u.a as fast as he could only to be stopped halfway by maddix himself. Surprised by his sudden appearance he stopped before and asked the dreaded question "Is it true,Is it true that you're the reaper maddix" jeffery said as he took a step forward with his hero assist weapon in hand,"And if it is?,even if it was you're not strong enough to stop me,not without the joker that is. It's too late now by the time this conversation ends so will your memory of last night" maddix says as he rushes at jeffery at top speed, a bright flash of light hits jeffery's eyes as he then comes to u.a. Looking around dazed and confused he wonders how he got there only to see roger,izuku,and maddix waiting for him at the door. "You coming?" asked izuku as he motions for jeffery to come with them 

"Y-yeah,just a bit sleep deprived is all,i don't remember being in class today" jeffery says as he walks over to them, they all begin to walk and talk all the way to recovery girls office to check up on the man izuku found washed up on the beach,"Well no duh,you slept through the entire class,You're lucky that i took notes for you today" roger said as he handed jeffery his notebook. The four boys make it to recovery girl's office when their greeted with a wave of heat when they walk inside the office "Hey green haired kid,thanks for saving the other night, i don't know how i even got washed up in the sea but i need to find my crew and my ship so i can get out of here, and as a token of my gratitude i'm cordially inviting you and your friends to my crew, if you accept the invitation you will be a part of the Ace pirates and you'll get to go on adventures with me and my crew" Ace says with a smile on his face,"Woah,Woah,Woah, slow your roll their johnny flame we only just got here,we don't even know who you are,thanks for the invite but we need to know some stuff before we can even talk about that" says roger as he tries to explain this to ace. Ace, hearing this introduces himself,"My name is Portgas D. Ace,i'm 21,and my quirk is mera mera, it's a flame quirk but it functions differently then the regular one. It's a logia type quirk.`` Ace says as the four boys stop him before he continues on, "wait what's a logia type quirk ?" asks izuku with a confused look on his face. "A logia type quirk is a elemental type quirk that allows the user full control over the element weather it be turning into the element itself or controlling the element to even better extents than it's nom-logia counterparts" ace says as the four boys listen on in amazement as they never knew these type of quirks existed. Ace then goes on to say "there are a ton of quirks that are really powerful in their own right but it always comes down to the user of the quirk to really show its power, people have told me with a quirk like mine i could take down someone like all for one, but i hardly believe that, he not only has the ability to steal quirks and host many in a single body he knows how to use all of them to the maximum effectiveness" the four boys are surprised to hear this statement as they at a certain point in time thought with enough training they could defeat all for one on their own but with this revelation they all begin to think differently. Jeffery then asks Ace a question "well now that we know you, would you like to demonstrate some of the things you were talking about?" Ace hearing this proposition agrees as they shake hands and they all walk down to the training field, When the five of them make it there ace asks which of them would like to spar with him first; Confident in his skills Midoriya steps up first to fight Ace, Midoriya getting in a fighting stance activates his full cowling "I've been working on a new kind of fighting style, so now is as good as a time to test it out" midoriya says as he dashes at ace. Ace however stands there with his hands in his pockets as midoriya launches a kick at him, to his surprise however it goes right through him; As if he wasn't hit at all Ace stands there unfazed by the attack. "See pure physical attacks won't have an effect on me unless coated in haki,now if i wanted you to hit me then i could turn the effect off but other than that you won't be able to touch me" Ace says as he uses his flames to launch him into the air as he then yells out "Fire Fist" as a giant fist made of scorching hot flames is launched at izuku, barley dodging it izuku flips out of the way as ace launches himself at izuku but to his surprise izuku brings his leg down kicking the ground as he yells out "Texas Smash" as a giant gust of wind and debris is launched into the air and at ace. Not wanting to get hit he activates his logia effect leaving him open to and air blast from the side by izuku "You mentioned physical attacks won't have an effect on you,what about elemental attacks such as air blasts or other factors" izuku says as he then tries axe kicking ace in the back as he then asks another question "and does your logia effect cost stamina or is it something that you passively get by having the quirk since you said you have to activate it" Ace being caught off guard by izuku's speed gets sent hurtling into the ground "Woah there kid,one question at a time" ace says as gets up he then charges flames at the soles his feet to match izuku's speed as he blitzes over to him grabbing his arm and flying into the air "Kid i know about as much as i told you,i'd love to tell you more about how it works but i genuinely can't" Ace says as flames come from his elbow as he throws izuku to the ground. Izuku hits the ground hard as Ace drops down to help him up, Izuku looks up to see an outstretched hand. He grabs it as ace  helps him up and reaffirms what he told him "i really don't know too much about my power just yet and i'm just as curious as you are, Also i don't think i caught any of you're names" ace says, "Ah sorry, i'm Izuku Midoriya,behind me are my three friends 

Roger,Jeffery,And Maddix" izuku says as the other three boys walk over to where izuku is. Ace shakes all three of their hands but before they part ways jeffery asks ace a question "Hey ace before you leave,you said physical attacks can't hurt you unless coated in haki, what is haki exactly" jeffery says as roger too is curious. " Well since you asked, I guess I'll tell you, haki is a technique that only certain people can learn. It comes in three parts, Armament,Observation, and Conquerors." Ace says as he explains in more depth to the two boys as he even explains how each can be obtained with the exception of the third. "I personally learned how to use my haki from my former captain White Beard. But there are three others I know who have all three, Silvers Rayleigh, Dracule Mihawk, and the red haired pirate shanks  ``Ace said as the two boys make a mental note of this as they begin to make their  way home   

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