
Chapter 51: Sure, New Things.

I had always come back to the clubroom seeing the room worse than when I left it. So when I see we have a correct seated of chess pieces, tidied book on shelves and table; glowing floor; dust free; Nelia sitting on the couch, 'silently'—also, since when we have swords and spears hanging on the wall? Why do I smell roses perfume around the room—I can't help but to look at the three girls sitting on the couch, with doubt?

The president of the clubroom, Remelia, returns it with a radiant smile, "Ah, Human. You're back. Hm, I notice how your eyes went around the room. Thank me a lot for this clean palace that I've rewarded you."

She keeps touching her white, braided hair. Braided?

"Who did this?" Because I couldn't believe Remelia can do anything but bragging and napping on her couch, Ayane willing to clean the place, and Nelia tidying anything.

Her arms folded on her chest, "Why the question? Of course, it was all me. All of my servant can vouch for me."

Ayane, still reading a book of animal encyclopedia, chimes in: "I don't think so."

With a twitched on her ear, Remelia reply Ayane with a glare, "That is because you have devoted all of your day staring at low-lives on that book. You only think of them. You're becoming like them now."

"Moo," Ayane mooed sarcastically.

Remelia has been struggling with Ayane these past few days. Obviously, Ayane gives zero respect to her. "Not everyone admires their Queen at first. Also, I like the challenge. I'll get her to admire me. I'm just that too admirable," what Remelia said to Nelia (who made the plead to kick Ayane out) "I'm not kicking her out. What the heaven is bullying? And also, it's your job to make everyone likes me."

So when Remelia gives darting eyes to Nelia, she knows what has to be done. Nelia pushes herself closer to Ayane and tries to calm down the air between them with a wave. "Now, now. What Miss Ayane is trying to say to my Queen Remelia is.… Um, she thinks everyone deserves a credit. This palace is awesome now thanks to 'our' hard-work. Yeah."

Ayane pulls down her book and gives a dead expression to Nelia. "Never thought of that. And what do you mean 'our' clearly you—we've done nothi--what with that grin? Stop."

"Hm, Oh? It's just that rare for me to see you're being shy, hehe."

Ayane is clearly not showing any sign of shyness. She is just annoyed right now.

Having processed the thought, Remelia groans and pouts. "Here's what I decided. As your two's master, I will share this achievement. Take it as a payment for your loyalty."

I, too, honestly, don't know what's going on here. Are they three claiming to be the ones who did this?

As if I would believe that.

From the other side of the room, a girl in, as Ayane told me, a maid outfit walks right in with two legs sharp as a knife. Her white hands are on her stomach. Her round glasses and closed eyes sitting under her pure black, silver hair that touches the shoulder of her white apron.

When she opens her eyes, the golden light brushes me off.

She faces Remelia and bows down, slowly, not to drop her white headband. "My queen," she says, "I've finished the order you gave me that is, 'make this room a better place than the heaven.'"

Remelia nods in satisfaction. "Good. It does now look more than the heaven (not that I've seen one.) Now clap for the work 'we' did."

The maid claps with a gentle smile.

And Nelia follows happily, "hooray to chuunibiyous."

Clap, clap, clap (Maid)

Clap, clap, clap, clap (Nelia)

… (Ayane)

When all the claps died, the maid turns to Nelia, "Please clap three times only next time?"


"Only clap three times next time," the Maid says, touching her nails.

"Oh… okay."

And then they clap three times in union.

The maid heaves a great sigh.

Ayane looks over her book at me. 'Well, at least I told you beforehand.'

'Thank you, I guess.'

'In case you don't know, Remelia has taken her as a member of this club now. Great, another nutjob.'

Nelia and Ayane have taken Remelia as a chuunibiyou as now or as Ayane would call it, nutjob. This works as an advantage for Remelia, who can't stop telling people her true identity and her plan to dominate the world. People just think she's sick.

I look at the Maid who's giving all of her attention to Remelia. 'I'm not surprised about that.' Not before long, we will have more members, all carrying the blood of vampire.

Remelia flicks her fingers, "Stop talking, both of you."

Confused, Nelia looks around the room, "Hm? But Miss President, no one is talking."

"Please refrains yourself," the maid turns her face toward Nelia, "from correcting my queen with your feeble voice." Nelia's last reply seems to have ticked her off.

She's going to nod apologetically, but then something changed her mind. "H—Hey, what's with you and my way of dialogue-ing? You keep complaining about every little thing I do. FYI, I'm the co-president of this clubroom. You can't just—eek," Nelia turns around, "—nevermind. Very sorry."

The blaring golden lights shun Nelia away in sorry. When turns around to look place her eyes on something else, unfortunately, they landed on another spike—Ayane eyes. "Eek." And now she's just staring at me with tears. "Only Sensei has a gentle eyes around here."

Gentle? I think these two are tired.


Knock it off.


Okay, whatever.

"I can't believe how disrespectful these human are to you, my queen."

"It's fine." Remelia waves the air off.

"If you say so, my queen. If you are, I also will try to tolerate these humans."

Nelia holds her hands together. "Oh, thank you for your mercy. Please tolerate me more."

Now she's making it sounds weird. And say that to them! Why are you still staring at me?

"If I don't mind asking," the Maid nods apologetically to her queen, "who is that male human? He's been standing in there and sharing air with us."

"Oh," Remelia blinks once, "he's… Human."

"Please don't say that, as if that's my name."

Nelia chimes in, "We also call him just Sensei."

That's also not my name.

Remelia chuckles, "He comes with many names."

Oi, you all are the ones who's giving me these names.

"Anyway," Remelia continues, "it hasn't been too late for me to introduce you all," her red eyes point at the maid, "to my loyalest servant."

The maid turns around to us and nods politely. "I will bear with all of you until my queen throws away her playthings."

Polite yet rude introduction.

When the room has set the impression of her, she continues. "I am a loyal servant of the Dracula house for thousand of years already, owned by the daughter of Dracula now. I believe I shall give you my name as a walking pride of my Queen. My name is—"

Remelia flicks her hand again. "Haha!"

"My queen?"

The vampire grins, poking out her sharp teeth. "Your name shall be Bobo."

Is… Remelia giving her a new name?

Bobo stutter forward, "But, my queen, my name is--"

"I know," Remelia nods as if she knows (she doesn't), "but unfortunately, your name and together with many names are sleeping in my thought. I forgot where I put it." Remelia touches her silver head. "eventually, I will have the memories back."

"H—Have it back?" the maid starts approach her carefully, hands up with care. "M—My queen, did someone hit your head? Did someone put a spell on you?" She throws her golden eyes at me. "What have you done, Male Human Sensei?"

Is Male going to be my new name?

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