
That woman

Dedicating todays chapter to batzmaru, Nerdy_Rh1, neotheo82. 

" Mania whisperer?"  Fang Yanli frowned as she looked at Song Yan with confusion brimming in her eyes. "What …What are you talking about?" 

" I had a nanny," Song Yan blinked her eyes with a mocking curl of her lips. " She was …really weird, I didn't know why and how she became my nanny, all I know was that she was the daughter of my mother's nanny… and that was how she became my nanny once I was born, my brother grew up with our grandmother that is why that woman didn't look after him but I as the youngest one stayed with my parents…but the thing was that the two of them were so busy that they couldn't pay attention to me and in the end, I spent most of my childhood with that woman." 

" And what about that?" Fang Yanli's confusion increased even further as she looked at Song Yan, were they not talking about the mania whisperer why were they suddenly talking about her nanny all of a sudden? 

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