
She must feel something for him!

Tao Guotin still couldn't understand why he was being beaten like this, he cried and then hurriedly got away from Fu Yu Shen after stomping on his feet of the latter, he rubbed his ear that has been twisted to the point it was going to fall off and flared up at Fu Yu Shen. " Brother Shen, I do understand that what I did was wrong but do you have to beat me like this? I already know that I was wrong and I wouldn't do it again. I am still young making such mistakes is how I am supposed to grow up, isn't it?" 

Fu Yu Shen looked at his cousin brother's thick face and hurriedly took off his shoe from his right foot before throwing it at Tao Guotin who ducked at once to avoid it but Kong Kun who was standing behind him wasn't as lucky, he was talking to Shao Li Jun when Fu Yu Shen's shoe went flying past Tao Guotin and hit him on the back of his head with a loud thump.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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