
Ch 63 - Big Reveal

"Ngh, yawn, its already been 8 hours, that's the longest I have streamed yet" said by Ai as she leaned back on her chair and did some stretching.

"Let's do the final bit guys, its an art stream!" said by Ai as she yawned and opened her drawing tablet as Jinah was sitting there with fixated eyes.

"Yawn, its already 8 pm and I have been watching her for hours already, but my suspicions seems to be proving true. There are some small habits she does that Dahsoo does too, like tilting their head to the left when asking a question. But its not enough, I need direct confirmation that they are indeed the same person" muttered by Jinah as she leaned back on her chair.

[KilaMina donated 5 dollars; What will you draw?]

"Thanks for the supachat KilaMina, what will I draw? Just watch, it will be related to the surprise" said by Ai as she yawned and grab her stylus and seemed to open her reference picture on her other monitor and started to draw while talking to chat.

"What do you guys think I am drawing?" ask by Ai with an amuse voice while giggling like a child.

Jinah watch with droopy eyes as she waited for Ai's drawing to finish while drinking some tea on the side and contemplated if she should call Dahsoo and see if Ai's phone will ring.

But as the drawing progress at a rapid pace the chat started to question what the drawing is as the silhouette of a petite person was being drawn.

And as the features started to be added and the intricate details were drawn, the chat started to catch up on what is happening as messages and supachats came in like a raging river as questions of excitement and anticipation were rapidly seen by Jinah as she too knows what is coming.

"Its almost done chat! The big reveal is coming!" said by Ai as chat rioted like a stormy sea or an erupting volcano as the face is starting to get drawn and this time, without a mask.

"You guys already know what is about to happen, you know what is a funny thought, what if I just end stream right now?" ask by Ai as the chat beg for her to continue including Jinah as Ai chuckled and started to draw very slowly as if she was teasing them.

And as the time passes by their hopes and dreams were succesful with the combined power of friendship... and money, most of it was money as the big reveal was seen.

"Happy 1 million subsribers! Its a fucking face reveal!" said by Ai as she took out her mask live on stream as chat became chaotic, full of cheers and milk emojis as Ai chuckled.

"Yes chat, this is indeed a face reveal! Let's just put on the final outfit for free, the school girl outfit!" said by Ai as the chat cheered and the camera was turned off with the sounds of cloth changing was heard while Jinah was still left there confuse.

'Ai somewhat looks like Dahsoo but its those damn glasses! It just blocks my view of Ai's face!' thought by Jinah as she felt like she was just cockblocked by a pair of glasses and sighed.

"Hey chat, do you guys also want the glasses removed?" ask by Ai as the chat sent yes yes yes!

"Okay then" said by Ai as they heard the clinking of glasses and waited there in anticipation along with Jinah as she felt her heart rapidly pounding.

"Ta da! School girl Ai-sama is here!" said by Ai as she did some cute poses in front of the camera as donations rapidly appeared and Jinah was left there stunned at the face that she saw.

'T- t- that's not Dahsoo! Wait, I have pictures of Dahsoo and me eating at a cafe!' thought by Jinah as she rapidly opened her phone and look through her pictures and found Dahsoo's face and instantly compared it to Ai's and was shock to see some resemblance but its like night and day.

Its like Ai's whole appearance just morphed into another person with each different outfit she wore when Jinah inspected the pictures she look at, when Ai wore the school boy outfit its like Ai became a prince charming, when she wore the thigh highs she became a feminine male or the new trend femboys, and when she wore the school girl outfit she now looks like a girl, like her face was perfect for any occasion and her body would just transform.

"Yawn, okay chat, its been hours already and I am tired, and I'm gonna prepare for something important that will happen in a few days so no streams for a week, but I am gonna make the face reveal video tomorrow so expect that later, but besides that, that's the end of this endurance stream, and just a quick reminder half of the donations I earned will go to charity, and the other half will go to me. Oh yeah I almost forgot, I will sometimes stream on Twatch on the future but it will be just whenever I feel like it, so don'r expect any announcements or scheduled streams there, just follow it and turn on the notifications to see if I'm streaming, and don't forget to follow my Twatter, Pictogram, SubWeddit, all links are in the description, and did you know... that only 10% percent of my viewers are subscribe? So if you like my content, feel free to subscribe, its free and you can unsubscribe later at any time you want, and also like, ring the bell button and share my videos, and that is all, see you later!" said by Ai as the outro started to play while Jinah chuckled at the long winded like and subscribe thing.

"Now what? Do I ask him if he really is Ai? But that would sound weird, wait... if he is Ai then it will be more weird now that I know he cross dresses online! Wouldn't that make our friendship weird, I don't want that, I'll just act like I don't know anything, and I don't want to stress him out when the entrance exam for Seoul High is happening in a few days. Well his identity is probably secure with how drastically different he looks compared to Ai so really the only problem for him is if he wears some glasses in public, then his face will look like Ai" muttered by Jinah as she turned off her computer and lied down in bed.

"I'll just think about this tomorrow, I just want some sleep right now" said by Jinah as she turned off her lights, lied down in her bed and went to sleep.

AN; What!? But- but he said he would reveal his identity later!? Is he perhaps, doing some big brain plays right now or is he just changing plans as he goes.

But I finally made the ooutlie for the next convoluting arc that will unveil some behind the scenes stuff and use my gigantimax brain to make big brain plays.

(February 4, 2022 - 72nd day of writing)

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