
Chapter 312 - Tailed Beast Chakra

Hidden Leaf village - 10:30 pm.

The Leaf Aviary.

The Leaf Aviary is the location where messenger birds such as hawks, special summon sparrows deliver important messages. The aviary is a circular building built into the top of a tree with a spiral staircase.

Two Chunin ninjas were keeping a close watch on the skies above. The cool wind made one of them yawn.

"Man, I'm so tired. We're just standing here doing nothing. It's soo boring. It's making me sleepy." The chunin who spoke was a young man in his late teens while the other was a much older man nearing his thirties. He had a much more serious demeanor than his younger teammate.

"Focus. Several scouting teams have been sent this morning. We should be hearing back from them soon."

The teenager looked at the older man and just sighed.

Seeing the look the older ninja spoke. "You're new here aren't you."

Seeing the silence of the teenager, the older man continued.

"This may look tedious but our work is just as important as anyone else's. We need to correctly interpret any messages we receive and send it to the tower as quickly as possible. If we fail in our task and vital information is not delivered on time, it could have serious consequences."

The younger Chunin sighed and decided not to argue. He turned his attention back to the night sky and soon spotted a brown hawk making its way towards them. The older man quickly spotted the avian creature as well and they both stood alert.

The moment the hawk landed the older ninja took the scroll tied to its leg and gave it to the younger man. Just as he was about to speak he saw another hawk flying towards them. It quickly landed in front of them and raised its left leg. Without any delay the younger chunin took the second sealed scroll tied to the hawks legs.

"Take these to the analysis team. Go."

With a quick nod the teenager vanished and made his way to the cryptanalysis team.

Hokage Tower.

Shortly after Kakashi gave his report and left and Hiruzen had his rest, he was once again at his desk going through the numerous reports piled up in front of him. Even though his eyes were on the papers in front of him his mind was elsewhere.

The images of Tsunade and Orochimaru popped up and Hiruzen remembered the last time he saw his student.

The old kage closed his eyes and exhaled as if to get rid of the haunting memories. At that moment the image of another student appeared in his head.

'Hurry Jiraiya. I need your help on this matter.'

Suddenly the door opened, jolting the kage from his thoughts and a Chunin rushed inside. "Sir, I have news."

Hiruzen recognized the young Chunin as a member of the cryptanalysis team. He also saw several documents in the young ninja's hands.

He gave a nod and the Chunin began his report. "Reports from the Reconnaissance Teams are coming in. We just received intel from squad 2 and 6. They've investigated the locations assigned to them and have confirmed sightings of Orochimaru's hideouts. These are the blueprints they drew up. There are also several mercenary ninjas guarding the hideouts."

The Chunin handed the Hokage the documents in his hands and Hiruzen quickly started going through them. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the key information.

'The base squad 6 found is near a small town. A total of 23 enemies are guarding the hideout. If a direct confrontation happens there it'll cause panic among the people. These mercenaries could also use them as hostages if they get their hands on civilians. No identifying clothes or gear that would point them to a Hidden village.'

Hiruzen looked at the blueprint created thanks to the Hyuga on the team and swiftly studied it. 'Several hidden floors and deepest level is hidden behind seals blocking the Byakugan.'

The old kage turned to the document sent from squad 2 and he read somewhat similar information. 'A team of 21 ninjas are guarding the location. This base has several tunnels underground leading to different locations but obstruction seals are blocking the way.'

Hiruzen leaned back in his chair and turned his gaze back to the chunin in front of him. "Make sure Shikaku gets a copy of these reports."

"Yes sir."


Once the Chunin left the room, Hiruzen looked up at the ceiling as he tapped a finger on the desk. 'Assuming the other bases are of similar state, then a large force is required to attack them head on. A direct confrontation will cause chaos if the other hideouts are located near any towns. Infiltration and assassination squads are better suited for this task… Hmm… Then again this could also be an opportunity for me to do that.'

A total of seven squads were deployed in the morning at 10:30 and now by around midnight, reports are coming in from all of them.

Hiruzen looked at the reports from all the reconnaissance teams as he smoked his pipe. 'All of them have around two dozen ninjas guarding them. And none of the teams could detect Tsunade, Shizune, Orochimaru or even Kabuto's presence in any of these locations.'

The old man let out a smokey breath and clenched his fist. 'Daichi might be right. This might just be a waste of time… I wonder what he's doing now. I doubt he's sleeping.'

Kensei's Home.

Approximately 1 am. March 22.

Daichi was in his room taking out the numerous scrolls, documents and books from his inventory seconds after his clones stored them.

'So many books, jutsu scrolls and files. My inventory would be filled up if I don't do anything. I can keep the medical equipments and storage tanks in the inventory but I'll have to take out everything else and store it in a separate scroll.'

Daichi looked at the total slots available and smiled. 'Each level up gives me an additional 7 inventory slots. Right now since I'm at level 62 I have 434 spaces available. Still, it's a good thing I removed all non essential items from my storage space just for this occasion.'

The Genin looked at all the scrolls and books piled up in front of him and had a small smile. 'It will only take a short while for me to get through all this but to do research… That'll be much more time consuming.'

Just then Daichi was taken aback by another thought and he chuckled to himself. 'I never would have thought I'd become a scientist when I first woke up here. Here I am in the Naruto world and I'm excited at the prospect of learning more about the human body and research… How hilarious…'

Just then Daichi received new memories from his clone and the smile on his face widened. 'I wasn't sure if he put that thing in his lab in the Land of Sound but I'm glad. This will certainly accelerate my plans.'


Daichi's disguised clone.

As it infiltrated Orochimaru's fourth hideout he sensed a powerful chakra coming from deep within the lair. Daichi moved forward avoiding all traps and obstacles and soon reached a dead end. Daichi observed the wall and noted a miniscule amount of chakra running through it in a unique pattern.

'Hidden barrier seal.'

Daichi had raised his sealing skills enough to get through and understand almost all sealing ninjutsu. He was able to quickly decipher the counter jutsu and quickly made several hand seals.

The moment he made the final hand seal, a round sealing pattern appeared on the wall and Daichi touched the seal with his index finger. The next moment an opening appeared in the wall and it expanded creating a round doorway.

Daichi stepped through and saw that the whole room had a dark green tint. He immediately noticed several large tanks filled with fluid of some kind. A moment later one particular tank caught his eye.

'No way. That's…' His eyes narrowed and he walked towards the large container that caught his attention.

'Yup. It definitely is…'

Here, amidst an array of arcane equipment and chakra-infused apparatuses, lies the cultivation of a marvel. The Horn of the 8 tails.


[Cultivated horn of the Eight-Tails, Gyūki]

[The horn, originally a formidable appendage of the mighty Tailed Beast, now finds itself in a new incarnation. Under Orochimaru's meticulous care, it has been transformed into a living, pulsating tissue, brimming with the raw, untamed chakra of Gyūki. This is not merely a replication of biological matter but an enhancement, an evolution of its innate properties facilitated by the fusion of chakra, science and genetic engineering.]

Daichi walked forward and he couldn't help but place a hand on the glass of the tank.

'Knowing that he cultivated this is one thing but to see it in person… I can feel powerful, extraordinary chakra from this horn. Unbelievable. How did he create such a thing?'

Daichi looked around the room and soon found a large table filled with stacks of papers. He walked over and started going through each and every one of them as quickly as he could. Before he had a rough understanding of the cultivation method.

'So that's how it is. The process began with the isolation of viable cells from the scraps of the horn. And every step after needed unparalleled precision. Orochimaru employed a mixture of enzymatic digestion and chakra manipulation to separate and prepare the cells for cultivation. That ensured that their vitality and chakra potential were not only preserved but augmented.'

Daichi's eyes narrowed as another question popped in his head. 'But for all this he would have needed a powerful bio chamber-'

The Genin immediately turned around and turned his attention to the large tank. 'Observe.'

[Modified Bioreactor]

[For larger-scale cloning applications, bioreactors provide a controlled environment for growing cells or tissues that are being cloned, ensuring they receive the right amounts of nutrients and gasses. This specially designed bioreactor is made to cultivate the cells from the horn of the 8 tails and preserve it. This environment, saturated with a meticulously formulated growth medium, simulates the natural chakra flows of the Eight-Tails' body, promoting not just cell growth but chakra maturation. Orochimaru's design allows for the manipulation of chakra nature and intensity, guiding the developing tissue towards desired characteristics.]

'No matter how much I despise him, it's undeniable that Orochimaru is one of the most gifted scientists in this world. The process, knowledge and constant care needed to cultivate this…'

"It's a shame you decided to go after my teacher, Orochimaru. If you hadn't… who knows. Maybe we could have been colleagues in the future." Daichi couldn't help but speak softly. He sighed and slightly shook his head.

The Genin then looked back at the papers in his hands and read the observations and end results.

The result of this intricate process is a horn tissue unlike any other. Visually, it retains the intimidating appearance and characteristic of the Eight-Tails and its texture and sheen suggest a vitality that is almost equal to its original form. Functionally, the tissue demonstrates remarkable properties: enhanced regenerative capabilities, a chakra conductivity that could potentially amplify or alter jutsu cast through it, and a resilience bordering on the indestructible.

Potential Applications -

Possibilities include grafting onto a living being to enhance their chakra capacity and physical prowess, using it as a core for creating new weapons or artifacts of immense power, or further experimentation towards creating synthetic beings with Tailed Beast-like abilities.

Daichi stored the notes and files in his inventory and looked around the lab. He noticed multiple new machines and immediately used his information gathering skill.

[Automated Cell Culture Systems]

[These systems are crucial for cloning as they can automate the process of growing cells in culture, ensuring consistency and reducing the risk of contamination.]



[Used in conjunction with microscopes for manipulating cells and cellular components, essential for procedures like nuclear transfer in somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), a common cloning technique.]

Daichi looked to the side and saw a tank filled with just fluids. 'That must be the base culture medium.'

[Nutritional Fluids for Cloning Chambers]

[The nutritional fluids, often referred to as culture media or growth media, are crucial for the survival and growth of cloned cells or tissues. These fluids contain a mix of -

Essential Nutrients which include amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and glucose, to support cellular metabolism and growth.

Growth factors: Protein-based substances that play a critical role in cell division and development.

Antibiotics which prevent bacterial contamination without harming the cells.

Buffering Agents which maintain the pH at a suitable level for cell growth.

Serum: Often fetal bovine serum (FBS) is used, providing additional growth factors and nutrients.

Specific formulations can vary based on the type of cell or tissue being cloned.]

'He can't use the same growth medium for all experiments. So he must have modified this fluid according to the nature of the cells… Can't waste anymore time looking at all these.'

The tanks in this lab were large but thankfully Daichi knew he could store them safely in his storage space. 'It's a good thing I tested the size and weight of the objects I could store in my inventory during my dungeon runs…'

Daichi began examining the tanks and noticed several precaution seals carefully placed. He created two clones and all three began removing the sealing jutsu and traps in the room. It took half an hour to complete the task and Daichi immediately began storing the items in his inventory. When it came to the horn of the 8 tails Daichi was unsure. He still remembered what his inventory showed when he tried to store a living creature inside.

[Warning. Action Denied. Cannot store living creatures. Only exceptions are during special conditions.]

'I'm taking this horn no matter what. I don't know if the horn is considered as a living being. If I can't keep it in my inventory I'll have to make other arrangements.'

But it wasn't as Daichi feared. He was able to store the tank that contained the 8 tail's horn without any problems. Soon there was nothing but a large empty room with several disconnected power lines and an empty desk.

Just then he received memories from the clones in the other hideouts. As Daichi got the memories he smiled. 'My clone took the Akatsuki ring Orochimaru was given. I'll have to study that thing…'

Daichi kept reviewing the memories and he was happy. 'A compiled information on Akatsuki, Zetsu, Danzo and the ninja clans in the Land of sound.'

"Hahaha…." Daichi laughed at the ease with which he succeeded in this mission. 'I wouldn't have been able to complete this task within such a short time without my Mana stealth ability or all the information I got from Amachi. Orochimaru being out of the country and taking half of his guards is also a bonus.'

Daichi looked around and then took a look in his filled up inventory.

'I got everything I came here for. The clone disguised as Kimimaro should be here just in case. If anything happens he can just dispel. But the rest of me, time to get the fuck up out of here.'

The clone Daichi made sure he didn't leave any trace of himself and then vanished in a puff of smoke. Soon only the shadow clone impersonating Kimimaro was left in the main hideout.

Time: Approx. 2am.


Author's Note.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

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