
Chapter 363: Submerged Part 5

S͇u͇m͇e͇r͇g͇i͇d͇o͇ ͇P͇a͇r͇t͇e͇͇ ͇5͇

Seriously, what is wrong with this girl, and not just her, but with most of the members of this expedition group, is it that there can't be someone normal or at least with whom I can sympathise at first? We were returning to the settlement in the Second Layer, I couldn't help thinking that it could have been better my members but well, I guess it's normal that the world gives you a hard time but.... I should at least be thankful that I have the Cartographer on my side, I can say and emphasize that he is the most normal of all and with whom I can be at ease at all times, he is obedient, he is quiet, he knows what he is doing without asking, he is an expert in his field, he also draws very detailed, the only defect I would see would be that he can't talk, but why can't he talk?

『Hey Cartographer, do you have any difficulty speaking? Or why do you always communicate with your sketchbook?

『Yes! I'm curious about that too, are you someone shy and that's why you don't talk? (He sure has a very nice voice if I get to hear it, I want to hear it!!!) *happy*』

『You get really excited simple Nurse, it's not that big of a deal either』

『Haa???? What do you mean it's no big deal?!!!! Doesn't it make you as a researcher or simple curiosity want to know a mystery that is in your eyes?!!!! How about the Cartographer has a nice voice!!!! And he limits himself to drawing because he doesn't want to dominate the world!!!』

『Take over the world? The Cartographer? uhm.... wouldn't be bad, he has more positives than negatives, so he'd be one of the few people I'd go all the way with』.

『*smile* I see you're starting to get the hang of it, so am I Cartographer! I'd keep you company for the rest of my life! Of course if you accept that I'm by your side...yes...by your side...if you want....and I don't know....*blushes*』

The Nurse was seizing the moment to take a direct hit at the Cartographer, she was dying of emotion with a blush on her face, but as she took in the atmosphere, she realised that she was the only one who knew of such intentions. Neither the Cartographer nor Nushi had realised what she meant by this, it didn't take long for the Cartographer to answer who with his face indicated that he did accept those words, this really made the Nurse happy thinking that she had already made it, this path of love turned out to be easier than she thought, but in that not only the Nurse, but also Nushi was addressed by the Cartographer.

『I? I what? You mean, would I accompany you for the rest of your life? I know what I said earlier but, taking those words seriously, it was just a joke, I'm not stupid enough to dedicate my life and time to other people, the only thing that matters in the world is yourself and what you will achieve with it, personally I don't care about anything else』.

Nushi was in a very calm and normal way, commenting on what he really thought, he was in a simple way one of those people who would rather be alone than in bad company, but... did he really prefer to be like that? Thinking back to what it was like to feel that excitement in elementary and middle school, when he wasn't completely alone and had someone or friends to foolishly and stupidly hang out with, but thinking coldly about the future, Nushi seemed to be destined to stay alone and devote all his time to his endeavor which would be research. 

『Here we go again, can't you agree on one thing for more than 10 minutes, Nushi? I really can't with you 』

The Nurse was quick to show her displeasure with Nushi and even took her eyes off him, she would rather look away than look at Nushi's uncomprehending face, first love and now he's pushing aside everyone other than himself, is there anyone in the world that he doesn't reject or feel that he's not a nuisance? Nushi understood the latter and was going to stand by his words, he wasn't going to talk to the Nurse as it was a nuisance to try to do so, but at that moment the Cartographer simply and silently didn't want it to remain like that, so to remove his doubts he showed a drawing that said.

『So, we can't even be friends?』

When Nushi understood that it was like having a blast from the past, when he was little and had a good time with his friends, he still remembers how he would follow his friends even though he had different thoughts but...he wouldn't deny that the variety and differences between everyone made those days fun.

『Are you really asking Nushi to be friends with you? This renegade? If he turned me down without even asking, let alone agreeing to be your friend, if you ask me, if you wanted to we could start as friends if that's what you mean, I would have liked someone else to be the answer but well, you don't get what you want *smiles*』.

Hearing the Nurse's answer, a smile was framed on the Cartographer's face who quickly blushed and looked away as she was pleased with this breakthrough. But at that moment Nushi was left thinking about something, what good would it do him to have a friend at this point in his life, he is no longer a simple little boy who had all the time in the world, he is now an adult who must forge his life as such but....

『What do I want to become...what am I becoming...』

Nushi wondered to himself who his 2 companions managed to hear him perfectly, both of them had their answers for him, but again looking at Nushi, they noticed that he was saying it in a genuine way removing the serious attitude from before, he was really thinking about his life at this moment. The Nurse didn't try to understand Nushi anymore so she said.

『What do I know, find out for yourself, but I'll tell you something, if you do it alone you'll have a different path than when you do it accompanied, and if you ask me, if I'm going to walk a path all my life, better to be badly accompanied than alone, being alone, feeling alone in the world or at that moment, is something I wouldn't wish on anyone I hate the most...』

The Nurse commented from his own experience, since his field took him to be in situations where many times he had to see people spending time really alone, not only when they were hospitalised for some illness, it was like they saw him as a lost case or a nuisance and simply abandoned him to never see him again, he also had to go to nursing homes to support the infrastructure, he managed to see on many occasions and hear stories that the elderly no longer receive visits from their families and feel, to say it in some way, alone, of course you have friends but. ...your family to accompany you was different.In the hospital where she worked, several sick people were left alone, she saw infants left relatively alone at birth because their parents did not want them, every day people with a horrible situation and luck come through those doors, they are hospitals after all, they are not going to let someone healthy and stable through the doors, but they can give them the opportunity to leave satisfied and with another thought in their lives, that they were saved, that they were given another chance. Seeing a person go in and come out of a dangerous situation successfully, and have their family or important people waiting for them, brought a smile to the Nurse's face.

『I like to help those who are in trouble, who do not feel alone and in their last moments before leaving the hospital, to know that this stranger that I am took care of them and offered them everything they deserve, I think that love can be the best remedy for a person, that is something beautiful...』

『It is true, love can directly influence the health of our heart, it can prevent cardiovascular diseases and contribute to extend our life expectancy』-『But I know you don't want to hear that from me, for you to think love is simpler than how it affects a person, who knows that he receives love, no matter how far or how much he ignores it, he will feel that he is not alone, that he will always have someone to rely on at all times』.

They walked on helping the Nurse who seemed to have finally stopped bleeding. When she heard Nushi she quickly turned to look at him, but not in the way we thought, she finally regained her strength and ended up walking side by side with her two companions. The Cartographer and Nushi especially was more satisfied with this and you could see how his arm was shaking so he decided to rub it a little but ....

『That's right, so don't forget this Nushi, as long as people have an appreciation for you, that's what will end up motivating your days, even you, in the face of your annoying and cold attitude, I'm sure that everything you are now was achieved because someone else loves you very much with all their heart, well, it's more than telling who that person is, but even being a person who always gives me a hard time and starts to dislike me little by little, I wish that you have more people who appreciate you from the heart』.

The Nurse gave her good wishes to Nushi, even emphasising that every time they exchanged words it became even more distant with time, but that would not stop good things from happening to Nushi as well. At this the young man thought about one thing, is everything he is now really because someone made him do this? Just remembering it makes it difficult for him, in primary school he already showed an attitude of being someone capable but .... his mother was always there, supporting him and giving him ideas, in secondary school in the same way, always shouting in the front row that he can achieve what he sets out to do. In high school it was the same but in university, even though his mother was no longer physically with him, Nushi always had her in mind that if she was by his side, she would encourage him to improve every day...

『I always, since I was little I wanted to be an investigator, and when I heard that my father died, I...at that moment I made up my mind...I would be just like my father, I would see what my father saw, I would do what my father did, I would accomplish all the things that my father would have liked to do. ...I just hated that my father died at that time leaving so many things behind.... and in all that time of effort my mother, that meddlesome and foolish mother...she was always with me as long as she could and I was so sick of it...what I am now was because of them?』

『.... I'm sorry, I didn't know your father was dead, apologies...』

The Nurse was apologizing where the Cartographer was also apologizing, for Nushi this was nothing, they didn't have to take it badly, her father died so long ago that she even sees it as normal that it happened. But he always thinks what would have happened if he hadn't ended his life there, he would have made an effort anyway... maybe yes, he would have made an effort to become like them one day, so that they could all do something together that they really appreciated. ....

『You're making me doubt Nurse, I'm no longer clear on my thoughts at the moment 』

『Why are you blaming me...you know, sometimes I feel like you're hinting at things in a direct way without saying it...』

At that moment again the Cartographer showed a drawing to Nushi and the Nurse, it seemed that he wanted to know whether or not to become Nushi's friend, who Nushi thought well of this time. Even the nurse seemed to threaten her to answer in the right way, Nushi was annoyed by this so she didn't take long to answer so as not to complicate things so much.

『Yeah, okay, we're friends from now on Cartographer, so it's nice to meet you...』

Hearing Nushi's answer, Cartographer blushed and glad for this, which made Nurse embarrassed more and said to herself in her mind that this guy was really beautiful, at that since seeing Nushi, she was going to move to smile to emphasize the same thing to him, but it seems that Nushi ended up winning her over.

『But I only agreed to be friends with the Cartographer, your Nurse I still think that if I'm by your side, it'll be like having a weight on my shoulders again, so I'd rather stay away from you...』

At Nushi's sincere answer, the Nurse got angry at this, and as if she wanted to give him a hard time, she stuck even harder to Nushi even making the fact too annoying, stressing that she will also stand by Nushi's side simply because there will be no more people on the face of the earth who are willing to be with a person who treats them badly. Like an animal, Nushi covered himself with his arms to separate himself from the nurse.

『Are you telling me out of pity? Do you feel sorry for me?』

『What else could it be?! I wouldn't be saying or doing that for one who treats me bad all the time!!!! Just to spite you and make you see that you're wrong, I'm going to stay by your side until your last day!!!! Understood Nushi!!!』

『What a nuisance!!!! You're so annoying! I said it for a reason! It was the truth! I've had enough of my mother! I'm not willing to spend my whole life with someone who looks like her. Cartographer, do something! Tickle her this time!!...---...what...was that my bone thundering?..... stop.... stop...you're squeezing my body....』

Nushi could not cope with the pressure the Nurse was exerting on his body, though of course it was not supposed to do anything to him, but Nushi had 0 endurance in terms of strength. At this the Cartographer drew in his notebook writing that he would do it because they were friends. At this, the Cartographer quickly took off his cap, and in a soft, gentle and even child-like manner, placed it on the head of the Nurse, who quickly, as if her head had exploded, caused a smoke in it, and managed to defeat this woman who, every time Nushi sees him, looks more like his mother...

『...Ay...my rib...beggar gorilla woman...I owe you a friend....』

『!!!! *happy*Thank you very much *smiles*』

『...No...it's no big deal....you too don't thank me for any nonsense...』

『*sad*.... I'm sorry....』

『Eh?...no!...no!!.it's not your fault!...ahh...it's just...I just have a hard time receiving that word and pronouncing it...I feel it's too...embarrassing....*reddening*....』

The Cartographer could see at that moment, that this was the reason why Nushi was uncomfortable with the word, all because it was simply the most embarrassing thing in the world. Even though he comes from a part of the world where receiving and giving thanks should be the most normal and everyday thing, for this specimen it is, how can he say it, something very reserved and he will only say it at really important moments in his life. Knowing this from Nushi and seeing him blushing, the Cartographer excitedly drew in his notebook and showed it to Nushi, who with all the discouragement replied.

『No Cartographer...I'm not cute at all....』

In the end they ended up arriving at the Second Layer's settlement, who this time was fainted by so much love from the Cartographer, the fact that he was silent and not moving made the return easier, especially for Nushi who was able to talk in a calm and peaceful way with his new friend. But he thought that the excitement and feelings would be over, it turned out to be the opposite, as soon as he arrived he noticed that a party had been organized in the middle of the settlement, they had heaters and lights to illuminate the area, also as if that were not enough, for some reason there were mini grills where they were grilling meats and vegetables. This was too weird, why are they celebrating as if it was something normal and everyday, don't they realise that they are in the middle of an exploration?

『More meat will be ready in no time! I'm glad I brought these tools with me on the trip, it's never a bad time for a barbecue *grin*』.

The Electrician was commenting as he was grilling the meats on his grill, he had even brought charcoal for the moment but .... could see that more and more heaters were being placed around the area, this because it was getting dark and the temperature would not be too bad for them. The Mechanic was installing more heaters and light in the area thanks to the power source that the electrician had brought, as he looked away, he could see the Pantheologist and the Archaeologist sitting there, who were both happy, commenting on what they had done today, I could see the Pantheologist's disappointment that he could not pierce through the thick ice of the Second Layer and extract the insides, while the Archaeologist was patting him on the back, telling him that there is surely a lot more waiting for him down below.

『Like new unexplored creatures of the world! Also your long awaited Mammoth and Sabre Toothed Tigers! So don't worry Brother, our journey is not over yet *smiles*』.

『Brother.... thanks indeed!!! Good!!! I've decided too!!! My goal on this journey will be to discover a new living organism!!!!』

『And mine will be to discover the society that once lived here!!!! Because I know it!!! I'm pretty sure that here once lived beings that for some reason became extinct!!!! But you will see! Here as my Brother says! There was life!!!!』

Both of them were celebrating for making their objectives clearer with this, although the truth is that listening to them I still think that maybe they will end up disappointed with the trip, so far everything has been going as normal as it could be, and I hope it will be like that when the trip is over. At that moment that I didn't see, my mother ended up approaching the Pantheologist and the Archaeologist to invite them some cans of beer, who gladly and happily drank and thanked them, it seems that they are not the only ones, observing well another duo already had their cans in hand.

『Many want it to go unnoticed but they will not succeed while I am here, this birth of this hidden cave there is something else that we are not seeing, and that is too simple, the heat of the millennium and the ice of modernity!!!! Although of course that can also apply the other way around, let's be thankful that the cave doesn't succumb to the sun's rays and melt, but considering and imagining the formation of the cave, it's like a hierarchy if you think about it, the first layer is where it's cold and I'm pretty sure that in the centre it's relatively warm and hot, the ice cannot support all this weight, there must be a more stable formation or creation that keeps all this in order without being destroyed, because no matter how cold an ice cube is in the water, it will end up becoming one with the ocean, I hope you are taking note of what I am saying as it is very important』

『"I see that my thinking that it was like an Iceberg right now is wrong, spending time with him gave me to know that it is not just ice where we are, there are also other structures as he calls them to get to the formation he is in. Although his thinking that there is warmth at the bottom seems silly to me, and just because it seems silly to me I will continue to think that we are inside an Iceberg and the deeper we go the colder it gets"』.

『Creatures of ice or even fire! Imagining what mysteries lived here and how they managed to disappear fills me with intrigue!!!! How did this incredible place come to be formed!!!! They managed to drill and create all this path and left it to us as a treasure chest!!!!! This is a gift to mankind today!!!! I want to know!!! I want to know all the mysteries! I need to find out what really happened here!!!!!』

『"When he drinks he becomes too boisterous...he looks like those crazy people in the park squares telling their stories...but it's fun to see this side of this serious guy who always stops with his magnifying glass, the more serious ones at the moment of an oversight have to reveal their true face, from here the only one I can imagine a similar thing to the Geologist is Nushi, but you can see he's a guy who doesn't drink so...well, not that it was something I would pay to see, meh."』

The Typographer was about to take his first sip from the can of beer, but quickly the Geologist grabbed his arm around his neck and was hugging him while he couldn't handle the strength of it. The Geologist was really falling down drunk too fast, in fact...with only half of the first can he drank it seemed as if he had drunk more than 10 cans. Again emphasizing with his big smile that he intends to discover the beings living inside and everything about the cave, but that issue he has with the heat and cold is a concern. So far the whole group is still insistent that there may be heat at the bottom of everything. If it is true then I will be able to link it with my theory that the Orca Volcano is connected with this cave, but until I see enough proof and with my own eyes I will take it as something wrong.

The Cartographer came back after leaving the Nurse in her Nurse's tent, when I looked at him I realized that he put on my cap again, it is true that he looks very cute with that cap, the Cartographer did not understand what was happening, but his emotion of wanting to go to the party with his companions was better, yes...I guess he does not want to spend the party time with someone serious like me. Seeing him how he was with the others and how they wanted to invite him beer too, seeing his gesture like a little kid was about, it just made me think that hopefully when he grows up he won't be one of the people who drink.

『And you showed up....』

『I left the coolest one for you Nushi *smiles*』

『You know I don't drink...get that out of my head will you?』

Meilin had appeared and with a mischievous smile, she was looking for the Nurse with her eyes, but quickly Nushi as if she knew about her mother at that moment, told her that her plan ended up failing, that the Nurse ended up fainting and now she was sleeping, and also told her that she didn't like that girl at all. His mother hearing all this could only comment that.

『If you avoid women, I'll never become a grandmother, or do you want me to give you brothers?』

『No siblings, no grandchildren, no nothing, we don't need our family to grow any more, the two of us are already enough for the world...』

At Nushi's words, Meilin smiled like never before, she was really happy about Nushi's comment as she took it as if Nushi was the only thing needed in the family to be happy and complete. Even at his smile his mother commented that he would surely be jealous if all the attention was given to another child.

『Eh?! I hadn't thought about it, that's right, if you have another child or a grandchild, you would stop paying attention to me and focus on bothering someone else! You are smart mother!』

『You say very hurtful things Nushi...*sigh* I see that seeing my son jealous of me is something I'll never get to look at, but then that means will you give me a grandchild?!!!!! *happy*』

『Yes mother, I will finally give you a grandchild *smiles* I will adopt a brat from the street or orphanage and ask you to take care of it *smiles*』-『We both win, you have someone to take care of and love and I can finally be free from you and do what I want, like the time mother?』

『You just sounded like the worst thing a parent can do Nushi....』-『But I don't want that!!!! I mean!!! It's okay to adopt someone who needs it but!!!!! I want you to fall in love!!! I want you to love! I want you to fuck the one you love. !!!! Here, you'll be a wild beast! And that you become an exemplary father who gives everything for his family!!!! And that after 9 months to be able to meet my grandson of blood that was born full of love and affection and that will receive it until no more power !!!! That's what I want Nushi!!!』

『....You ask a lot of me mother...and you won't settle for....a friend?』

In the conversation they were having, you could tell even to the moon that Meilin did or did want his family to continue for a long time in this world, but Nushi seems to be thinking that these genes will die with him, also one of the things he is afraid of is that if he ends up fathering a person similar to his mother, and taking into account the person who was lately with him...the chances increase....Eh? And why did I think of her first?....

『A friend???? Who is your friend? *smiles*』

『The Cartographer, the one over there』.

Meilin really happy with this happened to look where the Cartographer was, who this after being able to give the first sip of beer, now with more joy happened to take from sip to sip as if he was really enjoying it, noticing that Nushi was watching him, would happen to shake his hand as a greeting, where Nushi to this did nothing but....su mother quickly grabbed his hand to shake it vigorously.

『Enserio are friends!!! I see that if you are listening to me!!! Congratulations son! It's been years since I've seen you with a friend, so it really makes me very happy, then you can also tell me with joy that the Nurse is also your friend *smiles*』

『Are you deaf or what? no...she'll be everything but she'll never become my friend let alone anything else, it's just by looking at her she reminds me of me....』


Nushi remained silent without responding in a complete way to his own words, the party was still going on where the Electrician was handing out the other meals to those who were missing. At that moment, the Spectologist appeared on the scene, Shinu was also distributing the food to the Li family. Who Meilin was grateful with this, who Nushi to this had no choice but to say.


『Ya? What do you mean already Nushi?...Sometimes I think that despite how big you are, you're still behaving like a child 』.

『Don't worry Miss Meilin, rather I've been curious to know more about you for a long time, if it's not to be a bother I'd like to know about your family』.

In that Nushi had 2 options to take, either to move away so she couldn't be close to Shinu, since really if she is with him she feels that she would be more uncomfortable, or there was also the other way, to stay with her mother so Shinu wouldn't try anything weird with her, since even though he always denied it, Nushi has that feeling of wanting to protect her mother at all costs, even if that ends up contradicting her way of thinking.

『Ehh...You really got attached to your mother Nushi, when I did that with mine, she would quickly push me aside, yeah...I didn't have the best of mothers to sympathize with 』

Nushi sat too close to her mother, but always with her gaze to the side showing her discomfort to this, where quickly to Shinu's comment, Nushi didn't avoid responding with a.

『Well, what bad luck you had...』

....Shinu was silent with this question, I don't expect him to say such a thing Nushi or maybe, however this brought out a smile on his person giving him to understand that every day he spends more with them, he seems to be learning from things that were always present, as Nushi was stepping aside, Meilin quickly went on to hug him warmly telling him many times that he is also very lucky to have had such a cute and wonderful son like Nushi.

『Yes you are a tender child!!!! Mom I love you very very very very very very very much!!!!』

『Enough!!! I will say it again!!! I am not a pretty boy!!!! So mother!!! You are breaking my back and I can feel your breasts!!!!! How disgusting! Let go of me already!!!』

At least with this we can already confirm that he's not one of the supporters to that kind of taste, with each passing day Nushi proving that he's the most normal of his group. At this Shinu laughed at the situation where by so much love hug he was giving him, it seems that he ended up crunching something, Nushi's body ended up falling like a noodle and with nothing else to do. His intention was not to leave his mother alone and to intervene if someone approached him, but it seems that his mother will always give him a simple counter to his plans.

『Oh, you are my son's friend, did you come here because you are worried about him? *smiles*』

The Cartographer had appeared because he was worried about Nushi and the state he was in, with a drawing and a smile he gave his greetings to Meilin and she was more than excited about how her son really got a friend, she was going to do him the favor of taking him to a tent to rest, while he was taking Nushi's body, Meilin went to him to tell him in the most calm way that.

『I hope you take good care of my son and that your friendship will last long, my son although he doesn't look like it and expresses himself gets lonely very easily *smiles* Please help him as much as you can, just listening to him for him is worth a lot』.

『*smile* 』

『And also Cartographer-chan...that cat hat you're wearing, don't forget it's my son's, I know it looks cute on you, but on my son Nushi it looks even cuter *smiles*』

At that moment the Cartographer felt like a not very normal feeling in his body, more than normal words of joy it seemed more like a kind of threat, quickly the Cartographer took Nushi to a tent but from now on he will be more careful not to make that lady angry, she really scared him at that moment. Shinu who was also there could realize this, so she freely told him.

『You Miss Meilin, you are very overprotective』.

『Is it that obvious to me? But yeah...I didn't want to scare the boy but...with something precious I have with my son, I want him to be the only thing I have a direct relationship with him...I guess my love for my family is too big hahaha, I also got to be like that with my late husband, I showed him so much love that even he found it overwhelming but, he was strong enough to accept me...』

『So you want your son to become strong too?』

『That's what every mother is looking for isn't it? I want my son to be strong and that's why I give him all the love I can! he thinks he is someone strong at least intellectually, but as you see all the time he is wrong and that's something that annoys him, when he stops getting upset about a little thing like that, then he is on his way to becoming even someone stronger! It's not wrong for others to tell you your faults...』

This conversation in the middle of the party that was happening, you could see in the background how all the members were finally reunited, this was something interesting as they seem to be getting familiar not only with their duo, but with everyone, the Typographer listened to the silly stories of the Pantheologist and wrote it down in his notebook, the Archaeologist and the Geologist, both speculating what they could find at the bottom of all this and show the world their knowledge, also to liven up the party even more, the dwarves, the Mechanic and the Electrician were still bringing them more drinks and telling them of their anecdotes each one.

『I remember that when I was young, I had a rivalry with the Electricians, I called them "Strips cables" or also "Negative Currents" or the most listened to "Tight rope"』.

『The same thing happened to me, we used to call the Mechanics career "Loose Screw" or "Twist Nuts" or also one of the most listened to "Michael Jackson" because they always went in clean and white to their study and work area, and when they came out they came back all dirty and n-------------』

I think it can be noticed that because of the age that this duo of dwarfs manage, the way they expressed themselves was too much but understandable for the other members, who even preferred to censure such ways of addressing others. But at the end of it all, having a chance to live with such people they considered their counterparts, it seems that they ended up understanding how important and valuable their work is, and realizing that their jobs, if seen in a simple way, can even be similar.

『Mechanics and Electrics come to need each other in order to reach new goals, I remember when it came to the Competition Festival that takes place every year, both careers we joined together to create a machinery, it was mostly a full-scale robot, my career of Mechanics we had the idea and the image of how to create it, but we did not have the knowledge to join circuits and the necessary compatibility, that's when the Electrician career came in and helped us with our problems and in the end, we ended up losing with the Design and Fashion Career *laughs* but still, we were not discouraged and even encouraged to overcome ourselves to achieve victory whenever possible』.

『"Interesting, they created a robot just like the carRobots franchise, I just hope they didn't report them, but what was it that their particular robot did?"』

『Well, it was a robot, that its specialty was, insulting others』.

....It seems that the Mechanic is now telling us how he joined with the Electricians, it seems that in the middle of the creation their ego grew and now they despised or considered less the other races, that unconsciously with that intention they created the robot. The insults were not too strong as what you would hear in a Toxic game, but for their actuality of the Mechanic to hear "Paper Cutter" "Seat Warmer" "Button Pusher" "Cooking is for Women" "Salmon Speaker" among many other things, everyone who was present now understood why they did not end up winning....

『"I'm so glad they lost that contest...."』

『I! I! me!!! Now me!!! Once when I was little, even at that age I wanted to be a Pantheologist!!!! I had my little dog who always accompanied me and I spent all the time with him!!!! We had a big backyard so I thought I lived under a big fossil. I just had to dig it up!!!! That's because when I once dug up the dirt, I managed to find a bone!!!! You don't know how excited I was and I even told my parents about it!!!』-『I dug and dug in different places, and in all of them I found a different bone!!!! If or if there was a fossil under my house, although now that I remember my dog always growled at me and looked at me annoyed, but I didn't pay attention to him』-『I had a story that if I discovered that fossil, it would revive and I could show it at school and shoot lightning out of my eyes!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!』

The Pantheologist was eager to tell some of his story too, he looked too excited, more than usual, I guess it's because of the effect of the beers on people. To this his brother, the Archaeologist was excited listening to this, while the others especially the Geologist was the one who said it "He does look like an Evil Scientist."

『So I carefully dug a hole and when I thought I finally discovered a new bone, with my own hands I would take it!!!! ANDDDDDD!!!!!! Without realizing it, I had touched poop at that time...』

The bones he was digging up were literally what his pet dog was hiding, and since he saw that his owner was digging him up all the time for no apparent reason, he got so tired of it that he ended up burying his defecations as a product of revenge. Those who heard this laughed at how naive the Pantheologian was, although it seems that since he was a child he considered himself to be somewhat of an idiot, so he also laughed with them and commented.

『I'll go from bullshit to finding a real fossil! to finding real life! You'll see! So that's why I'm very excited and happy to be here, so if you see me a bit upset or paying more attention to my desires, it's because I can't help the opportunity I have! Really thank you so much for allowing me to be here!!!*happy*』

The Pantheologist was giving his true reasons to the other members of the group, who all applauded him and also gave him their best wishes and good luck that he will surely succeed in this journey. But only one of those present realized something at this moment, the Typographer was somewhat confused.

『"But doesn't the Pantheologist have the habit of putting everything he finds in his mouth? Just as he put the obsidian in his mouth and wanted to suck microorganisms from the ice, so you mean to tell me that after finding the poop, this to verify....buag....but I just imagined"』

The Geologist would proceed to grab the Typographer who this one seemed to grab him by his mule at the time, since he would not let go at all, always with a beer can in his hand and making use of force so that he would not move away. He would go on to painstakingly recount his other wishes to others as well, though more like broken records than wishes.

『I'm coming!!! I'm coming!!!! coming!!! I'm coming MARACA MARTA!!!! MARTA!!!FUCKING OLD WHORE!!!! esshaa------bis....bish....shi....bitch...maraca Marta....----.....he's going to see just.....---.....How am I going to suck her tits here when I see her again?.....-----...FROM THE GARDEN THAT HAS ME THE HOT LIME!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! SHE TOLD ME THAT WHEN SHE FINDS OUT THE TRUTH OF THE WORLD SHE WILL FINALLY BE MINE!!!! I'M ABOUT TO TURN 30 AND I'M STILL WITH THE SAME OLD WHORE!!!! SHE'S GOT IT PINK AND YYYYYY!!!!! AHHHH!!!!! SHE REALLY TURNS ME ON!!!!! Ashi que....cahuf---faunngs...cundgo.....come back from this trip ....ciaje.....giaje...with excited, I'm going to confess and finally soak the pichula that you have it full of hungry pinche old whore.....----.......yeah.....I'm here too...WHY I WANT TO PUT IT ON!!AA!!!!!!!!!! POMM!!!!!*she dies*』

The Geologist is one of those people that the more they drink, the more their personality ends up disfigured, the more the others could only listen to him talk with that little fear that he would not come down on them too. At the end of so much drinking and talking at the same time, his whole appearance also changed, from how well groomed he was at the beginning, now he looked like a street bum, he ended up falling on his back on the ice, not dead, but passed out, while he started to snore whispering that he wants to see Marta again at this moment, even .... he was making a mating movement.

『Reminds me of my college classmates, eh? Are you also going to get it to rest 

Cartographer? You're a good boy *smiles*』

The Electrician commented when he saw that the Cartographer had also appeared to take his partner to rest as well, he wanted to help the others without any problem, but while he was carrying the Geologist on his back, he started to touch his chest with his hands as if he really had chichis, where he clearly had nothing, the Cartographer only laughed embarrassed by this.

The dwarves, the Electrician and the Mechanic went on to tell their dreams and goals of 

their lives to the rest of the members of the party. The Electrician kept repeating that he 

wants to return to his family, especially to return to his children with new achievements at his age, while the Mechanic wanted to return to see his nephew and tell him this story. Listening to this, the others applauded and asked for success, where it seemed that everyone finished speaking, the Archeologist was the last one to say.

『I am really sure that there are civilizations here!!! The world does not create itself, we 

forge it ourselves! Just like its cities, countries, everything has its history, also this cave has its own history that seeks one to find it!!!! I myself will also be the one to reveal the truth of this place!!!』

Everyone was applauding and congratulating the Archaeologist for his goals, especially his Brother Pantheologist who again gave him the luck that they both achieved their goals, the Cartographer is still not back and the others seem to be either busy with something else, or literally ended up asleep. So the only one left was .....

『"Eh?...me? Am I still me?..."』

They all stared at the Typographer who was the last one left to tell something about his life or even the goal to be achieved in this journey. But for some reason he was a bit worried about what he was going to say, as he felt that after listening to most if not all of them who have a really true desire for someone, a heartfelt desire. His goal for him is not humanitarian so to speak.

『If you don't want to tell anything just don't do it, we are not forcing you and nobody 

will force you, we told what we wanted just to have a good time and get to know each 

other, and to be honest, how nice it feels to hang out with you guys *smiles*』.

The Mechanic commented on seeing the Typographer get nervous, the Electrician passed to give a sheet to the Typographer who was not expecting it, he was the smallest of the group, except for the dwarves, but that does not mean that he was the youngest of the group. The Typographer did not want to be left behind, so he put aside his diary and began to speak for himself.

『Well...ahh...yes it's hard to talk without the help of my diary...I'm ashamed to say it 

because comparing your goals, and then seriously thinking about mine, makes me feel a 

little inferior or even taken advantage of....』-『I'm nothing special, neither in school 

nor in life....I always went unnoticed and I really liked that, the fact that they don't take so much relevance from you can be satisfying in life, since you only have to worry about 

yourself and no one else...but...I don't know when it happened....but since I have my diary I start to write more than I talk, I detail in my own way every little thing I see and I 

emphasize it in my writing, it can be normal, it can be curious, it can be even silly and 

deluded but...it made me really happy how I imagined to be able to be there too with whathappens daily....so....thank you for that....thank you...thank you for giving me this 

opportunity to document everything that happens in this journey...thank you for letting me be part of something big who I really don't deserve it since....this opportunity I was given I only saw it as easy money and easy recognition...so on that part...I'm sorry...』

The Typographer was talking with his eyes down, not wanting to look at the other members of the group, who were not taking their eyes off him, and being in the spotlight was something that still bothered him. He felt a little bad at that moment, but quickly everyone present would cheer him up, starting first with the Electrician .

『Well, there's no shame in it, if your goal is to have money and recognition, I don't see 

anything wrong with it, after all that's my goal too *smiles*』.

『I see you lost confidence by putting aside what keeps you protected, you are strong 

boy for making it on your own, not everyone is someone pure and white, we will always at all times end up tainted but that doesn't mean we are less than others』.

The Mechanic also added to the conversation, listening to the 2 dwarves, the Typographer raised his eyes to look them in the eyes, and when he did so he saw the 2 adult and old men smiling at him and accepting his wishes. This gave him a strange feeling in his heart, who would now follow was the Pantheologist and the Archaeologist who would encourage even more the smallest of the group.

『That's the spirit, my friend Tipografo! Who cares if your wish is not the same as 

ours, if it was it would be really boring and repetitive!!! Good thing you have your own 

thinking and that makes you really different! In your diary for sure you get to express yourself as you would really like to be but the one I have in person is a person who fights day by day in his own way』. 

『Brother, here he says he is lucky in the job he got since he earns a lot doing little』.

『Seriously Brother?? Then why the embarrassment Typographer? You are doing what 

you do best! Who cares if it's good or bad, this is what fulfills you and as long as you're on the right path, everything will be fine *smiles* I also think I earn a lot for a job I really like and it costs me nothing』.

『You heard my Brother, cheer up! We don't want you to write in your diary all sad and 

unhappy, tell the best way what we are living! What we are doing our day by day and how you are also with us! I'm sure that what is kept in that notebook, will remain in the memory of many people for a long time *smiles*』.

The Evil Scientist Duo and their henchmen cheerfully encouraged the Typographer, who 

gained even more confidence with the latter. Actually hearing the support of the others just made him understand that it was this feeling he was feeling, so he picked up his diary again, and with both of them at the same time, talking and writing he said.



when I saw a person for the first time.... she really grew on me so.....I WANT TO 



He also made clear his wishes about this trip, who all congratulated and applauded his 

small companion, it seems that his desires are bigger than his size, but for that reason it was not meant to be a difficulty. From what they were shouting so much, it seems that the first to wake up was the Nurse, who realized something when she got up, she quickly became ashamed and covered her body with the sheet.


But when she wanted to move to the side, she felt that she collided with another person, when she noticed she saw that the Geologist was also at her side, she quickly became too embarrassed because she imagined that maybe the 3 of them did .... But quickly without even spending a second, that imagination disappeared because of that.

『(But what am I thinking...it's Nushi...he never cares about these things, and the Geologist is also a serious and respectable person, surely he doesn't think these things about sex and so on, they make a lot of noise outside, what's going on)』

The Nurse came out of the infirmary where, as soon as she left, she noticed that there was a party where everyone was having a good time, they had even played some music where everyone, especially the Typographer was dancing, when he saw the Nurse, he seemed to want to...but at the same time he didn't...he approached her.... as if...as if he didn't..... In the end it seems that he lost the time Meilin called the Nurse.

『Looks like you're awake already, sorry about the noise, I organized a party and the kids

are having a lot of fun, yeah *smiles* alcohol sure is a drink that makes everyone happy 


Meilin was also drunk, you could see by her red cheeks, but it seems that being used to it, she doesn't lose her mind as much as others. Shinu was also in the seat, where she was offering the Nurse if she wanted to eat a little, her stomach growled as she thanked her. The Cartographer was also with them, who was offering his food to his friend the Nurse, the Nurse blushed at this and saw it as an opportunity, her eyes were rolling at what she was about to do.

『Eh?...can I really???....(I'm going to eat from the same plate as the Cartographer.... this 

would be considered an indirect kiss? no?...ay...what nerves...but!!!!!)』

The Nurse took a bite where as soon as she bit into it, tears were coming out of her eyes, this worried the Cartographer who was offering her toilet paper, where the Nurse could 

only tell her that he will be an excellent boyfriend when he has a partner, where the 

Cartographer with a drawing commented that.

『Serious? If you say so I'll take your word for it, but personally I don't see myself as 

capable enough to care for or protect anyone, I'm too useless in several ways, that's exactly why every person I care about and care about, I'll try my best to never let them down, I guess I'm afraid of rejection too *smiles*』

When the Nurse heard this, she became even worse, shedding tears that seemed to flood the entire Second Layer, where without expecting it, she threw herself on the Cartographer's knees, while commenting that he was too pure for this world and that a fool like her did not deserve it. Where the Cartographer, in order to calm her down, gently caressed her head, something that ....

『Cartographer...I really think you are too much for me....』

Meilin saw this and could only say that these two made a nice couple but...she still thinks that with Nushi they would make a better couple. Shinu came back with the food for the 

Nurse, who, seeing that the plate arrived, out of kindness the Cartographer took it and as she said she was going to go all out, the Nurse said to her.

『Can you feed me yourself? *blush* please? *blushes*』

Who the Cartographer did not see it wrong and was literally doing what her friend was 

asking her, who was commenting in her mind that hopefully she would not be woken up from this dream. This while Shinu was talking all the time with Meilin, where they came to the conclusion of .....

『Of course, Miss Meilin, I will try my best to make Nushi grow up on this trip』

『I really appreciate it Shinu, although I think it's better if we stop talking right now, I 

really spend time with you now if you look like him...and it's something that I end up 

getting very confused....』

Meilin preferred to look at the other members than at Shinu, because every time she saw him in the eyes and heard him speak, that concern he has for Nushi and the others in the group, reminded her a lot of her deceased husband, she also finds it too strange that the resemblance is the same as when she was young. Shinu, seeing that the mood was at its peak, decided to record this moment, of course he had the option to record everything but... he prefers the intimacy of both him and his companions, and that this moment is only recorded for them.

『Ehh...come to think of it, where is the Chief of South Korea and the Biologist?』

Shinu wondered about this, and upon thinking about it, it was true, where were those two, but as if it was some kind of ghost, the South Korea Chief had appeared on Shinu's back who was taking his camera to record.

『Chief, where were you all the time?』

『I've always been here with you, didn't you notice me?』

『Well...no...it's the first time I've seen it after morning...morning? (I also saw it in the 


『What bad guys...don't make me go unnoticed, I'm not dead, you know?』

This was a bit strange for Shinu, why was someone important like the South Korea Chief 

who is the Chief of Exploration of the group absent all the time? Even if he says it's not so, Shinu found this strange, he will think about it later, now who was missing was the last member of the group, where was the Biologist?

『OWW!!! I was finally able to come back!!! Eh? They're having a party!!! what time is it? 

It's night already? uhm....I felt like it was less....but...my stomach is asking for food, are 

they having barbecue? Can I get some or should I help myself?』

The Biologist as if he had appeared at the exact moment, he finally returned after several hours, everyone greeted him but not only that, some of his companions asked him where he had gone and why it took him so long to return, while he was serving his food he answered.

『You won't believe this, but I am currently helping several people right now!!!! It felt a 

little weird at first, but my duty is not to discriminate against anyone who needs help and wants to learn!!!!』-『I don't want to spoil your party by worrying about me, I made 

it back safe and sound, nothing happened, right? *smiles*』

Whether it was because of the alcohol or not to lower the mood of the party, the questions to the Biologist stopped attacking him and he proceeded to look for a seat so he could gladly eat his food, since he really felt that if he did not eat at this moment, he might faint at any moment, but as soon as he sat down he said.

『Thanks for the food dear friend, this will be useful for the trip, eh? this? It is beef, one of the most exquisite in the world! Eh? Why does it smell and look like that? It's because it was cooked on barbecue. You've never eaten barbecue? Well, let me do it for you! Get to know the real modern cuisine』

Since when does he have this mania of telling what happens in his actions? I think he had that attitude before but now it feels like he will do it more often, the Biologist ate the meat and as if it was the first time he ate it, he said that it was really delicious and that they had never eaten anything like it before. Shinu was a bit confused about this and was about to ask questions to the Biologist, but at that moment the South Korean Chief stopped him and told him that he better let him enjoy the moment, tomorrow will be a new day.

『Eh? What do they 2 do?』

The Biologist looked to his side and noticed how the Cartographer was feeding the Nurse, still thinking that he was in heaven and that no one would wake him up. The Biologist, as if there was a need to respond, commented that surely they had become a couple on the trip, this emotion is known as love, when a person loves another person very much, they end up confessing to him and if this is accepted, they begin to form a relationship that may or may not last a long time.

『Eh???? Hey, I don't think that's right, but...you want more specs? I'm not enough with 

what I told you!!! You offend me so much !!!』

The Biologist was acting annoyed because they ended up rejecting his explanation of love, but as he was talking out loud, the Nurse got up and excitedly went to the Biologist, because as if it was a personal girl's issue, she wanted to talk about love with someone else.

『Do you want to talk about love? Do you want to? Do you want to ???? *smiles* Well 

then let me explain 』

The Nurse went on to explain what love is for her, how 2 people come to love each other so much that her stomach starts to fly butterflies, she also told her that feeling that when you really like a person, it bothers you to see him with another because you feel they can take him away, if you like someone, in love you just want you to be the only one in his life!!!!!

『That tingling, that feeling and embarrassment when feeling love for another person is 

something really beautiful, it's an emotion that goes higher and higher until you reach the limit and you say!!!!! "I'm going to propose" Kyya!!!!! I've always wanted to say that but I never find myself deciding!!!! Your love can take 2 turns, both people, guy and girl can feel the same and become a couple!!! or the sad way, that person ends up rejecting you and the relationship only remains in your imagination what could have been...now that I think about it, I had a weird image of love before』

In the middle of what they were talking about, Nushi seemed to be the second one to wake up after his mother made his body crunch, he noticed how his back was hurting but it was bearable...crack.... was not bearable at all.... he needed the help of a professional at this moment, and as he recognized her he knew that the right one was that Nurse girl.

『Love is not forged if you make it from nothing, that distant love is more an ideal and 

fictitious, to reach a lasting and real love with a person you have to live with him first, 

become his friend and then a close one and when you already feel that you get along very well with him, you will realize if you really love him or not, and this I think helps the 

rejection to be less painful or maybe not, I don't know, I never experienced it but....that's 

why I would like to fall in love and have a partner, I want to live by myself, the true 


『And how is true love represented?』

The Biologist asked without further ado, whereupon the Nurse to that was nervous but 

knew the right answer, fearless but red, looking at the Cartographer, especially her lips, she would with a bit of coquetry answer that.

『With a kiss...having your lips meet that person you love...I think it's the easiest way to 

show your love to someone...*blushing*(Ahh..how I long for a kiss...)』

The Nurse was wishing like never before that she could receive a kiss while she did not 

take her eyes off the Cartographer, who upon noticing her was looking at her and smiling happily at her friend, who, as things were going, believed that she could have hope with the young man who was an angel in her eyes. But... the Nurse felt how a hand touched her face delicately so that she looked at him, while she said to him.

『You mean something like this?....』

Nushi at that moment managed to stand up and was leaving the infirmary, he turned to see the Geologist who only by the smell and the look, he knew that he drank too much and commented that drinking, alcohol makes you look pathetic.

『Hey Nurse, I need you to take care of me, my back...-------』

Wanting to look for the Nurse, Nushi saw her at the party, and at that moment he couldn't take his eyes off what he was seeing. The Cartographer also looked at him and could not believe what was happening, he covered his mouth with his hand while he was also blushing, and it seems that they were not the only ones who saw this, as Meilin, Shinu, Nushi, the Cartographer and the Typographer, had managed to see the scene, as the Biologist was kissing directly on the mouth to the Nurse. Nobody said anything who saw it, only .... everyone was completely confused.

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