
Chapter 349: Fear


These first days that passed the truth I felt very comfortable, something strange because at the beginning knowing that I'm going to explore a place that is not fully discovered, because if it gives something scary, with stories that the Abyss is cursed, that natural phenomena can occur, you can see souls and ghosts. How would I react to that? Well, isn't it as if they exist in our world? But thanks to my curiosity, in my free time off, I decided to have Loquendo show me some videos of paranormal occurrences, the fear that there is someone there when you are relatively alone, if it gives some terror.

『Those videos? Don't tell me you believe in ghosts Maao』.

When I sought Nushi's opinion, he quickly denied them to me either because he is an investigator and that there should always be a substantiation or basis for everything. He categorized it as something improbable, i.e. it was all planned simply to make it something more showy, after all all all people like morbid.

『Not being present there of course, many people are cowards and satisfy their needs in a safe place, a weak person but bad in the head for me are among the worst, add that they are ambitious, they will want everything at the cost of doing little because they know they can't do it, all those people who like the morbid and are cowards, you think it would happen if they were in the same situation Maao?』

『They would be scared away and would not want to be there』.

『I know that there are many people that by their own conscience decide to do all kinds of horrible things, but when it is their turn to live it, when you are the one who receives in your own flesh all the bad things you have done, where does that curiosity go? where is all that courage that you overcame in your cowardice? You are living it, then why do you start acting like the ones you made suffer...the world is not perfect nor is it wonderful, we just see the beautiful part and we prefer to keep it, you know why Maao? come on, you are the one to say it』.

『Because we are all ignorant』

『*smile*Stay with it, the first one to litter is because he's already rotten inside』-『Stay with what you are and have, do the right thing and don't let this world corrupt you Maao, I'll...give you a hand』.

Those words that Nushi always throws himself in every conversation, it's like he always has something to say about everything, and how did I not realize that he has a rejection of the world itself, not that I have seen through him, I don't have such ability, but I think he does consider that the world is beautiful but we are the ones who are rotting it. Why I say this, Nushi is a researcher just like everyone else, and since I met him he seems to have always had one goal, to save the world itself from the dangers that exist, not for nothing he dedicated this last decade in trying to find an answer to the problem.


『Hey Nushi, you don't hold anything back to show your hatred of humans, you always refer to us with that term, but I can't deny you either since technically we are, but after hearing you say all this and that you are hardened to get your hands on the curse, it's like you want to have it to have total control of it and make the world clean, or at least that's what I think』.

It's not someone smart, it's not some genius, it's not someone privileged or even talented, there are several times when a simple expectation that came to your mind can be the truth in all of this. Svein said it as he imagined it, he didn't say it in a serious way, he didn't say it as an affirmation or sarcasm, it was literally a comment that he said it by itself without any value, even he himself thought it was nonsense what he said.

『Do you like science fiction movies, brat?』

『Yes, I even brought some discs to watch in my room』.

『I see, imagination is something I have little to do with, I couldn't imagine beyond what are only expectations or doesn't really exist, we only rely on reality because that's what we aspire to when we decide to explore and investigate every corner of the world, that imagination becomes real the moment you discover it and many times you can be disappointed』.

It could be noticed that it was a conversation of researchers, the exchange of words of Nushi and Svein seems to be a little difficult to understand but that makes sense to both. At the brat's answer, Nushi was a little bit thinking about it, what we imagine is what we really want...but that has its variants, there are realistic imaginations as well as those that go overboard, touching that topic is also very confusing so Nushi didn't find out more but....

『Imagine...well I'd like to imagine that what I experienced was real...』

Nushi was still in his mind the last days and even moments of when he was still in the labyrinth, he was not alone, his mother until the last second accompanied him and if it wasn't for her he is very sure that he would have never left the Abyss and would have had the same fate as everyone. Her warmth, her smile, holding his hand, everything was so real that to say it was an imagination is contradictory. Again Nushi would leak snot from his nose and pull out toilet paper to wipe it off.

『But weren't we talking about ghosts?』

『You remembered! I have to find an answer to my question, too!』

Cliston in the end as if he had forgotten with everything that happened, he quickly got up from the snow and would shout about what happened, seeing his shocked gesture only made Nushi and Svein look at him confused, and his companion would ask him what he had to find. 

『Well, finding myself? I guess that's the way it was...』

『Well, there you are』

Svein was slowly pointing at Cliston saying that he found him, but Cliston to this only smiled as usual saying that it wasn't that easy. It seems that Cliston remembered what one of his targets was but seems to have forgotten what exactly he had to find out from him. At that Nushi as always seems to come up with the answer to everything.

『That is already a personal or even abstract topic, we can't help you with it, you alone will find and come up with your own unique answer for you, whatever it is you are looking for, you will most likely find it at the end of it all, or even like me, that answer you find will determine if you will give yourself and humanity a second chance, live or die, in the end it is in your hands, we just have to do what we know how to do, do what we want with our life』.

『A lot to do, isn't it?』

Cliston hearing this knows exactly what his answer will be, may be Nushi everything he says is based on an analysis he previously did, he thinks him so much to answer which little question, I think now I understand why he refers to us as humans, since the only thing Svein noticed is that at the end he repeated a word a lot. Cliston at this again sat back down in the warm snow and would go on to state something.

『It won't be like that, I love humanity very much and of course I will give it a second chance』.

『You didn't see anything until now, when you really decide to get into something there's no turning back, I don't need to expect anything or imagine anything, you Maao will see the worst part of humanity at any moment, and when you find out how rotten we are, I don't think you want to give us all a second chance, that's why I say I don't want you to be corrupted, no...we are ready for it...』

Nushi would turn to look down and in everything he was saying, it seems that he was drawing in the cold snow that was there, you could notice how the circle meant the planet, while a small stick person was watching him from just the sight, there was nothing more to add, God only observes and does not intervene, he does not have to have contact with humanity because he knows that if he sets foot in that place, he will quickly start the infection to his whole body. But again it would repeat itself and Cliston would comment on something he noticed.

『You just contradict what I say, you even look like Konomi』.

『I don't know who he is, but I'm just stating the obvious 』

『You see, you look just like Konomi』

『....!!!!!! Ya now get to training at this time!!!!』

『(Waos, even your reactions are the same)』

Cliston was smiling at the similarity with her friend in these aspects, quickly without refusing Cliston proceeded after this short break to continue with her training of the control and management of her strength with the wind. Quickly Svein also followed him to support him by placing the hoops where he had to reach as well as bringing him the remaining balls.

Nushi looked at his finger and realized that it was cold from touching the snow, quickly turning to see how the duo was training to be able to use the trip, helping each other as everyone here should be. All this while Nushi was thinking that the dumbest are perhaps the type of people who are closer to the truth than one who thinks so much, this can be a problem for someone intelligent, there are times when the answer is so obvious that it is difficult to say it, but for an idiot that answer he gave he didn't even know it was the true one.

Cliston was with the ball in hand trying to control how much power he should accumulate in his hand, he saw before that the results were not as he expected, so maybe adjusting it to half power would help? Quickly Cliston did it and would go on to throw it to see if it hit the target, both the frenton and the brat were watching how the ball was going and as expected, it was still too strong for the small meter it has to reach.

『Don't worry, you'll get there eventually, the thing is to be persistent to achieve your goals, just look at me, I endured those hard years of college to be a researcher, I didn't eat, I didn't sleep, I didn't hand in my homework, I worked to support myself...I was tired late at night...my back hurt...my head...I felt I couldn't go on...now that I think about it, how did I get here?』

Seeing how Svein's positive expression changed to a much more depressed one just remembering what his life was like at university, but...not that the other day he told me about his good experiences...this is what Nushi was referring to where we only see the part of ourselves that we like the most. At this I only had one thing to tell him, that at least his effort was worth it to be here, which upon hearing that Svein, resumed his posture and with a laugh confirmed that.

『I'm proud of myself *smiles* thank you Cliston』

I wish I could say that to myself, but I feel that now with everything that has happened and I have lived, I could not say that I am proud of my life nor of my achievements, I kept thinking in the background to have continued with a normal life and perhaps to have achieved and gone through everything that Svein lived, I wish I had been like him...I hopelessly threw the ball I had and because I was thinking about something else I used a lot of force on my left arm, and at the moment of doing it I felt a strong pain in it.

『Eh?! Hey, why is your arm bleeding?!』

『Eh?...my arm?』

When I saw it, my arm fell for a moment as if I could not feel it, it was hanging from my body, my clothes were with blood stains and when I decided to roll up my sleeves, I noticed that...it was also very difficult to move my right arm...what was this, I felt fear at that moment, I quickly told Svein to help me to remove the garment, the left bandage that covered my arm, the blood that came out was beginning to expand.

 Right now we were in the infirmary of the settlement of Antarctica, the sudden bleeding I had is because of the bullets that pierced both my arms, in the fight against Acel that was recently. In those last days in Europe I was treated as it should and even removed the bullets but I was told that there should be no force in any of the arms so that the wound does not open, I think I tend to forget things since I started doing this training to throw the ball. My right arm is fine, although it is still more stiff than normal, I used to be able to move it and do a little strength, but now..., my left arm is the problem, it is the only one I can move so far and it seems I demanded a lot from it thinking it was all under control.

『You can't move your right arm?』

『I used to be able to but I think that with the last damage I received, it seems that I even lost some of my sensibility, no wonder I couldn't feel anything these days』.

『I feel that you should be more concerned about your physical condition Cliston...』

Cliston was receiving treatment in the infirmary while Svein accompanied him, but he was not the only one, at the reception Nushi was waiting and it seems that his discomfort was not long in coming. Cliston was receiving advice from the nurse that he should rest and not strain his left arm so that it could heal and regain its mobility. Although the total advice was not to make any kind of mobility or effort in both arms, that is if he wants to recover.

『You should take good care of your arms, you are being told to rest, then when you can no longer move them, you will only regret it』.

『Yes, thank you very much nurse, I will be careful』.

I could finally be free from the treatment and now I have both arms bandaged, one is tied while the other is still movable but I can't seem to do much more with it, my left arm also wants to stop working.... Seeing Nushi if I really was upset, of course, now if I need to be at rest to get better , then the training I guess is cancelled, but at that Nushi commented.

『Let's continue with the training...』

『Hey! Cliston is not fit to continue training, you can't force him to continue』.

Quickly Svein was turning on Nushi, who upon seeing his voice raised, would quickly launch into a verbal attack, Nushi would go on to say that this would not have happened if he had been told earlier or informed that Cliston was not fully recovered after that encounter. Nushi knew this but seeing Cliston acting normal he thought this was the best option, it could quickly be seen as he looked at Cliston angrily while Cliston only as usual happened to smile apologetically.

『I'm sorry...』

『!!!!!!....Ah!!!...and now what are we going to do! You would have told me that you needed rest or some other treatment to make you better!』

『But everyone here is important and helpful, I didn't want to be left behind and....』

『And that's why you didn't tell me...that you kept it from me is a lie, although anyway knowing that you weren't in your best state, we would have most likely continued as normal...I hope I'm the only one you lied to and kept this from, that it won't happen again Maao...and now...how are we going to do the training...not even the training, without your arms now the exploration...』

Nushi was worried about this as his plans of how well it seemed to be going now ran into a problem, quickly seeing that Nushi was looking for a solution, Cliston to this offered that it doesn't matter if his arms end up in a worse state, as long as he keeps training so he can be ready to enter the Abyss it should be worth it.

『I want to be able to master that thread of wind you showed me, I want to find out what that curse is, I told you I was going to help you and...I can't go back on my word....』

Cliston was determined but his face did not express it as such, it was evident the doubts he had and he was worried. Quickly Svein would intervene telling him that he should rest as much as possible until the day they go to explore, surely he would feel better but...most likely he had not mastered anything and his wind management instead of being a trick for the Abyss, would end up causing chaos.

『Are you sure you want to continue? It benefits me if you do, I will use you until you fall apart and become useful to me, if you agree with it, go ahead, but if you want to refuse...I really don't know what to do...』

Nushi really didn't know what to do at this moment, the best option now in terms of research is for Cliston to continue with his training ignoring that he has to be at rest, but the best option in terms of health would be for Cliston to take rest so that he doesn't manage to lose mobility in any of his arms.

『I'm going to keep training....』

Cliston was determined in doing so, quickly Svein to this flatly refused saying that the best thing for Cliston at this time is to simply rest as much as possible, but everyone ignored what Svein said, Nushi to this seemed the best option and commented that then he should go back to training, Cliston to this gave him the word and followed him behind his back, the only one who was dissatisfied was Svein who did not know how to react.

『But...but...he needs...ah!!!! It's okay! later don't say I didn't care!!!』

All 3 knew it, when Svein returned to the training area, he saw how Cliston still with his left arm bandaged and the bleeding finally stopped, you could see the fear on his face but he was still doing what he needed to do to throw the ball and achieve his goal. 

『Don't worry, I'll make it...』

Cliston continued to train throwing and controlling his wind power, the throws were too far or too short, he could not now much worse with the fear that now he would run out of mobility in both arms. Nushi was telling him not to stop as he watched. Again all 3 knew, at any moment this could come bad and maybe at the moment they needed it most, something would happen that they themselves took the risk to take. 

『You guys are really idiots...』

Svein commented referring to both Nushi and Cliston that they do not intend to back out of their plan to continue with the training. As there being no other way, Svein approached Cliston while grabbing his shoulder, Cliston at this was startled thinking perhaps he was going to tell him not to do it anymore and rest, but what came out of Svein was.

『Don't be afraid of your decisions, that will only make you look like a fool, if you decided to give it your all then show confidence, your pitches are worse, your hand is starting to shake, I will also help you as much as I can mate, uhm...maybe we need another method...』.

Nushi saw how Svein was apparently changing his mind, Cliston quickly managed to understand it and with more security he would throw the ball as one normally does, simply with a breeze of wind he lifted it a few meters and then it was falling, Nushi did not understand what was happening, but quickly realized. Svein had the hoop in his hand where the ball was supposed to be, he quickly analyzed where the ball would fall and went to the right place. Until.

『Look Cliston, you've done it *smiles*』

Yes, Cliston finally passed the first test, albeit with help, but he did it. Quickly Nushi approached to say that it was what they were doing, that with the new stuff they employed they wouldn't get Cliston to improve, but quickly Svein was giving him the counter again.

『At this moment we need Cliston to gain confidence, we can't demand so much from him since I don't want him to be harmed, these small advances will help him a lot and besides you saw it, Cliston threw the ball neither so strong nor so weak, he threw the ball for me to catch it』.

When Nushi heard the last thing Svein said, now that he remembered it was true, he wasn't at all strong enough to throw himself up into the air, nor was he weak enough to fall inches, even though it was a throw into the sky, it was strong enough for Svein to catch it.

『So that's how you work better Maao, that's fine, do whatever you want, I'll do my own thing, I'll take care of Maao's training brat』.

Nushi would go on to retire to his home leaving the 2 companions at the training. Cliston when Nushi finally left, Nushi as if he had hidden a great weight, with a sigh he felt very relieved. Svein at this laughed commenting that Nushi becomes very demanding.

『Yes, he felt that if I didn't continue he was going to do something to me...*smiles*』

『You released all your fear, you're really not ready to take the risk of being left without arms, are you Cliston?』

『...That's right, I want to do a lot of things and I will need all my limbs to achieve it, I didn't take it seriously about going armless since it even seemed like a joke to always get caught with it *laughs* but...now that my right arm really doesn't react or feel it no matter what I do, I started to worry about it a lot...』

『Well, I'm very glad *smiles*』

Svein to this really made him happy to see this side of Cliston, who the fatty was confused about it, Svein would go on to walk with the hoop while commenting to Cliston that good that he is also afraid of danger, that still makes him like so to speak.

『It makes me closer to you *smiles*』-『I'm also afraid of what can happen to me, I mean I died, I didn't feel it or anything because I was asleep, but I died, at the beginning I didn't take it very seriously but now that I think about it again, I...I died...but that's what makes life interesting, by being afraid for the next occasions we become stronger and make better decisions』.

Svein would go on to explain to Cliston that now that they are both afraid and that they truly now know of the consequences that they can live and go through, now is the time of course that when they live that fear again that their lives are in danger, they make the best decision of all. Svein after walking a few meters with the hoop in his arms raised, he looked back at Cliston and shouting he said.

『Fear is the best companion when you are already familiar with it Cliston! Because of it we want to keep on living, we want to keep on being well and nothing happens to us, fear teaches us that no matter how strong and capable we are, there will always be something that overcomes us, and what a joy when you overcome that fear and find out that you made the best choice of all! Maybe Nushi always makes the right choice because he is afraid, don't you think so Cliston!』

Svein was encouraging Cliston at this time when he must gain confidence, at this Cliston only whispered of how Nushi can become afraid...that must be impossible....but now that he remembers, Nushi commented that he doesn't plan to return to the Abyss, could it be because....

『He's afraid? *smiles*』

Cliston at this more confident and sure handled the force of his wind to perfection and again threw it towards the sky, Svein was looking at it and was calculating to know where it would fall, he even got into position to do so. But...he simply after thinking about it only stayed in the same place and in a moment the ball passed the hoop hitting his head fragilely.

『You see, you are starting to understand』.

Svein was congratulating him on this where quickly Cliston really wanted to wave his hand to thank him, but he just let it rest while he just stayed silent. He quickly wanted to go to where Svein was to thank him in person, but at that moment Nushi had appeared to comment to him.

『By the way, if you fail to master the wind thread, you two will have a punishment at the end, so you'd better try hard』.

And as if that was his only statement again Nushi was retreating in agitation from the cold weather. Cliston to this again put said skill to the test and his hand was caught in a small whirlwind, but he quickly undoes it as he feels he still has a lot more to go. Again he took a ball and with the necessary strength he threw it into the sky. Nushi was already returning home while opening the door, but at that moment he felt something fall on his head and when he picked it up, he realized that it was a ball.

『*smile* It seems that whatever you are doing is getting results, what if we damage his legs too?』

With more confidence Nushi entered his home knowing that those 2 idiots are succeeding in what they are doing.



I was very excited when Miwi was finally working on my phone, I think because I wanted to have a group conversation on my cell phone, that night I didn't sleep early as I should have, I could even say that I tried to stay awake in order to keep chatting with the others.

How good it felt to be in bed while you had your cell phone in your hand talking until you couldn't talk anymore, things calmed down a bit after Cliston's first message that literally took everyone off guard. The comments could be noticed as were the personalities of the other leaders, North America was quick to mock Cliston for the video, Europe was only confused with it, Asia only seemed to say "what" Africa seemed to be analyzing Cliston's gestures and concluded that it was something forbidden, while Oceania the only comment he said about it was "I'm done".

『I'm done? what do you mean, I'm done? what did you finish Oceania?』

Cliston could not understand what Alcinoe was referring to with that comment, but while the one who made his enthusiasm even more noticeable throughout the conversation was SurAmerica, who also made fun of Cliston but also told an anecdote where he was pranked when he was in school, there was even a picture for the occasion, where you could see a group of children who seem to be running away from one who seemed to be extremely angry.

『Those conchesumares, they made me touch poop thinking they had caught a bird, hey! we have caught a bird! come to take it with your hands!!! and Pam!!! that I touch here pure shit I do not know dog, I will never forget that day, I chased each one of them to the end to muddy them with the same poop, and in the end, I ended up slipping in the mud 』.

Before SouthAmerica's little story, many again commented on it, it seems that NorthAmerica is too mocking and even repeated several times that SouthAmerica had poop hands, which was a fact because that was how it happened. While Oceania commented that he would have liked to have lived through that, whereupon NorthAmerica quickly told him.

『What? Touching poop? You can tell the rabble!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA poop hand! poop hand!』

『It's not that!!! *blushing* I meant being able to go out in the field or on the street and play with friends!!! that's what I was referring to, no one would like to touch poop』

『Hey don't insult me, I got to play poop so it's not that big of a deal』

¿? At NorthAmerica's response we all got a little confused, I think it's better to drop the poop topic before this gets weird. At Oceania's words, SouthAmerica would interject saying that.

『Yeah, going out to your neighborhood to play with all the kids on the block was something unique, we had a playground nearby, if we wanted to play soccer, I remember we used stone to simulate arches, when we would do sweeps, I remember even scraping my whole body *laughs*』.

『Go out and play with friends...I want to play...』

『Serious Alcinoe? Then how about one day we get together to play soccer and many more games, for me I'm all in *smiles* the others what do you say?』

SurAmerica seems to have the typical personality of wanting to get together, he always wanted since he took the position to get to know his other colleagues in the area better, but always when he proposed it privately to each one. He always came out to many that they were too busy or that they simply could not because of more personal issues. To all those attempts to reunite them, SurAmerica always happily commented that it would be for the next time.

『I'm busy in Japan right now, I have plans that I can't ignore』.

『I would really like to, but I still need to work urgently after all I couldn't do these years』.

『Me? Play soccer? But it has to be a professional one here with morning grass, if we are going to play together let it be the best of the best so you can see my plays! I'm going to put it to all of you, if not I'll pass』

『More than playing is spending time together, I would make some space for myself, the truth is I would also like to have more connection and friendship with you outside the work environment』.

『Eh? for that I would have to leave my home and I don't want to, besides I don't know much about moving』.

『By the way Nushi, it's been a while since you left Antarctica, did something happen there to help you when I'm free?』

The last one to comment was Tomeo who was addressing Nushi, this one was always interested in the subject and he is not the only one, everyone here always have total freedom to go wherever they want, obviously mostly they spend it in their continents. With Mikel it is understood why he was in one place, but so far Nushi did not give any explanation.

『I just have to stay here, that's all, I'm doing my duty as a leader of the world, don't worry, I'll be able to leave here soon』.

『THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!! For me Nushi is hiding something and doesn't want to tell us!!!! He stayed in that deserted place without saying anything!!! for me he's up to something』.

Quickly NorthAmerica seems to be very direct with Nushi, quickly from the room where Nushi was, you could notice how he looked annoyed by this and even snapped his mouth, again you could see how he was typing on his cell phone.

『Again pulling data out of your ass, that yes Mr.Lord you want to get attention, but I already told you many times, don't go around dropping your own conjectures accusing me of something I didn't do, I already said it, what I'm doing and my long stay is for the job, I also make an effort....』

『Your own claims? You act smart here Nushi, but well you act double faced, you really want to wipe everyone out and I know that very well!!!! Quickly! I'll make a vote to eliminate Nushi from the group!!!』

『Double face? Are you seriously telling me?...Hey! You really took a poll....』

You could see how in the conversation a poll was made to vote Nushi from the group, quickly you could see how Mr.Lord who was NorthAmerica voted yes, quickly as if he was in a hurry he said the othersvote. All the other leaders were left with nothing else to do, they did not vote neither yes nor no. In Mr.Lord's room could be seen as he was clicking his tongue whispering that "just listen to me, what is it costing you?"

『It seems that no one followed your game Mr.Lord, you looked like a clown *laughing emoticon*』

Nushi was laughing about it both in conversation and in her room, no one had really voted in the poll anymore. Until...Cliston had voted no in the poll, and commenting that.

『Nushi if you make an effort』.

At Cliston's words, the other leaders in the conversation seemed to agree with this very thing, saying that Nushi although little tells us of what he is doing, they know perfectly well that he is striving so that nothing bad happens to the world. Reading these supportive comments made Nushi feel a little weird, especially since everyone was thanking him for his work.


『What do those dots mean? does anyone know?』

『!!!!! Nushi is embarrassed, I know because I put that *embarrassed* too.』

Alcinoe answered Tomeo's question and when everyone realized this, quickly Nushi appeared to deny everything, it was a denial that he repeated it several times leaving everyone happy that he helped and supported his partner.

『What's not that...ahh....already let's move on to another topic! We are all gathered by Cliston, he has to be the star in the conversation!!!』

『Nah, I'm outta here』

At that moment of truth Mr.Lord had dropped out of the conversation as he said disconnected or offline. The other leaders are a little weirded out by this as it is as if in these past few months Mr.Lord's personality has undergone a terrible change. Even Cliston himself remembers him differently when he saw him in person, he was funny but kept you respect above all, here he turned out to be quite the opposite being the one who wants to provoke fights and even inexplicably leaving.

『Hello, yes...ah...I'm the one from the video you saw...』

Cliston didn't know what else to say, everyone responded that of course he was from the video. The normal thing to do is to introduce yourself to each other, but to do it in conversation is a rare thing, even Africa was in the position that if you must introduce yourself, she would like your first interaction to be in person.

This opinion of Africa seems to be very much liked by those who still do not know and also wanted to meet him in person as it should, so the respective greeting would be for later.

『I know I have yet to meet most of you, but I hope we will get along well and much more when we meet in person, I wish NorthAmerica was here too but he seems to be gone』.

『I'm always here』

『And when did you come back Mr.Lord?』

『And now shut up you non-existent penis, can't you eat cereal with milk? But if you want I can give you milk, because I do have it *smiles*』

『What the pe...I'd better not tell you the game』

It seems that NorteAmerica is back, he didn't leave...it seems that he just went to get something to eat, that alone made it clear to me that he can be improbable many times that leader. Besides, Nushi was embarrassed because now the other leaders just realized that he has a small dick, but they all quickly commented and agreed.

『Don't worry, you know that your people have it like this, it's nothing to be ashamed of Nushi 』.

『That doesn't make me feel good!!!! Ahhh!!!! Don't joke about the difference in culture!!!』 

Cliston then went on to thank everyone for giving him a chance to work with all of them, and that he is looking forward to as well as with Tomeo,Mikel and Nushi, to be able to work with the missing leaders.

『I am very confident that we will achieve many things, let's strive together』.

『Wua, it was true that Asians are very kind and respectful』.

『It's not true Alcinoe, if it were, Nushi would be nice to me, come on, give me a big hug or send me an audio kiss telling me that you love me』.

『Who me?...ahh...no no no no I don't...』

『You don't! I don't like minors! fuchi guacala caca!!! I'm telling Nushi, come on send me little kisses telling me that you love me, if you do I'll help you with your problem *smiles*』

『But why me...besides forgive me for what? sometimes I think you're someone else Mr.Lord...before you didn't mess with me at all...』

At that moment when Nushi commented that, there was no response from Mr.Lord anywhere, everyone present was waiting for him to say something but there was simply no response, even Africa was asking him if he was still here.

『It's not that, you know, what things don't, well pfff life 』

『(But answer Mr.Lord...)』

『Ah!!! By the way Cliston!!! Have you heard what's happening in your country yet?!!!!』

To quickly change the subject, Mr.Lord happened to say something unexpected, Nushi noticed and he was not the only one who tried to suddenly change the topic of conversation, Cliston to this replied that he didn't know anything was going on.

『No, I don't know anything, is something wrong?』

『What's wrong is that -------------------』

Mr.Lord ended up telling Cliston that yes, a big event has just happened that he can't believe it happened. They finally released a hentai game on the market and he plans to buy it and get it exported!!!! Or at least that's what he said in the group chat, but he quickly sent a private message to Cliston where he told him what had really happened, finally Cliston realizing everything that had happened in his country.

『Oh, so that explains what he was referring to my mother』

『Eh? that's it? you're not going to get nervous here, furious that you just knew?』

『Furious? not at all, I guess knowing before would have upset me, but now that I know Tomeo and my grandmother are working on it, it brings me more security, the 2 of them especially my grandmother, I know they will do well』.

 Before Cliston's answer, Mr.Lord seems that he didn't expect this, it seems that before the fatty's positivity, North America couldn't get on his nerves despite telling him the truth. But like everyone else, Mr.Lord ended up understanding and defining Cliston as a good and innocent boy.

『Yes, we're going to get along very well *smiles*』

At Mr. Lord's last words, Cliston also replied that he was looking forward to working with him. At the end of the day, it seems that he was the same person he saw that first time. Returning to the group chat, they were all talking in a quiet way telling their days how it was, it seems that Alcinoe today had a lot of things to do, he commented that he went to several events and was involved in many projects and meetings.

『I don't know how I could endure this day...the good thing is that the next few days I will be free and I will be able to resume my project』.

『Very good Alcinoe, we know about your problem so you don't know how much we are glad of your daily effort, you are a promising young man *smile*』.

SouthAmerica would go on to congratulate Oceania who was not the only one, the others who were in the group chat appreciated all the effort and support Alcinoe made, after all he was in charge of the technology and central operations center of the whole world.

『I felt very good today, going outside and being present at every problem, it really is very different than seeing it through a screen』.

『I admire you a lot Mikel, all the effort you give and the work is to be praised, when I grow up I would like to be as strong as you *smile*』

SurAmerica went on to congratulate Mikel for finally resuming his work after such a long time, where the oldest of them all felt happy that everyone recognized him.

『You know how my case is, there is not a day when I do nothing, famines continue to attack and this climate change is affecting us, it only remains to keep striving to one day aspire to be like one of you』.

『The strength you have Kinmo, no one else has it, you keep on fighting to help all your people, that's really admirable and you make me happy that you want to aspire to be someone like me *smiles*』.

SouthAmerica I also finish by congratulating Africa who we could say is the one with the most problems, there has already been a lot of talk about this, even though they try to help him, simply the world itself is like it has him on file to never have a real change.

『Today I got more followers! We did a shoot for a movie where I am! I also met a celebrity and asked him for an autograph, ah! I also solved third party problems like criminals or unsolved cases, nah, vain things』.

『Yes, although you are different it is noticeable that you are still acting for the good of all, your measures and your moment of seriousness at the moment of truth is what most characterizes you Mr.Lord, keep trying hard and ask me for help when you want *smile*』

SurAmerica also recognized all the effort that Mr.Lord was making and he quickly laughed in his room for having read a positive comment about himself. But this was not only here, as everyone was receiving compliments from SurAmerica, everyone would also go on to tell him all the positive things about him.

『You're no slouch either, you're a person to follow Juan *smiles*』.

『I know you have a hard time, especially since it seems that that new group has managed to spread throughout your continent, but under your guidance I know you will be able to stop everything 』

『I'm impressed by how strong and outgoing you are Juan, I'm glad to have you as my partner because I feel that everything will be fine with you』.

Everyone congratulated Juan who was the leader of SurAmerica, this in his room was happy with this and recording a voice audio commented that really.

『I'm so glad to have met you all!!!』

He said it with so much joy that the other leaders or rather, the friends and companions that they are were happy about it, they feel that from this initiative can now come out really good friendships that will help each other, just as Africa said, he would like everyone to get along as friends. The conversation was more pleasant where everyone had something to say, you can notice how Mr.Lord picks on Nushi and he always ends up answering him or even ignoring him, it seems that Alcinoe is also a little shy, but sometimes he says very bold things, you can notice the seriousness and adultes with Tomeo, Mikel and Africa, who as if they were dads did not understand the jokes and it was funny that they were teased all the time. While Juan, it was really like having a friend by your side, it was so late that I got sleepy, but before I closed my eyes, Juan privately sent me a message that said.

『I know about the problems you are going through, when I heard about it I wanted to come to help you but due to personal problems I can't now, that didn't let me back out so I decided that we are all united to keep you company, don't worry panzon, we are with you *smiles*』.

That message was the last thing Juan sent before resuming his work, Cliston was happy about this and only ended this day with a smile hoping to be able to talk even more with everyone.

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