
Chapter 320: The Little Soldier 9

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Fari lived and got to see the very event that would make him take a different path in his life, seeing how he ended up dying Malin, as his own friend who was gave him last sigh, he was very upset and indignant, he could not believe that Ann had committed such an act, he was supposed or believed that both would never raise their hand against their own, he never imagined it, targeting was already unforgivable, the words that Malin told him thanks to what he saw through him, that in reality Fari was afraid and that he only uses a mask to pretend to be someone who is not, there was no way to contradict him, because Fari himself knows it's true, this acting tough and annoying, he even acts like that in front of the children of the orphanages, then that same attitude towards them is also false? ....Fari does not understand at the moment, if everything is just an act, why he treats the children so badly when he really only wants the best for them, these days he cut all relationship and communication with Ann, he did his days as he normally would, he trained like everyone else, received the same experiments apart, but unlike Ann, he and a group of young people with the bandanas were not sent to war, but they had other kind of plans.

『We already managed to collect the wood we needed, we need manpower, you will be the ones to build the new infrastructures, but we did make a big havoc when we arrived, we would have used the houses instead of destroying them, but whatever too, that guerrilla moment where we crushed them was beautiful, you have the task of rebuilding and repairing our game』.

That was the new obligation they imposed on the youngsters, they gave them both the plans and someone to guide them in the right way to be able to erect buildings, now until the day they rebuild the whole destroyed district, the normal thing is that they would have been upset or refused as usual, to hear how he insulted the shadows was something normal in him, it could even be said that those who accompanied him were waiting for him to say something, but no, Fari was simply in front of the place where there will be a new construction, and quietly proceeded to take his shovel and start digging in the place.

At the end of the day, these young people returned to their homes and orphanages to rest and repeat the same work, but again something different happened that night, when he returned he found again a group of children at the entrance of the orphanage, they were playing and running around the place, This did not like it at the beginning because they interrupted his passage, but the children to see him by habit the first thing they did was to run from him, the normal thing in this would be that Fari run them and call the voice, telling him not to meet again at the entrance, but no, this time he simply remained silent and in the same place he stayed.

A child turned to look as it was curious and strange that he did not scold them, several children turned to look, they were not hiding behind a wall, if not as everyone in plain sight stared at Fari who this had not the look down, nor up, if not that simply had his gaze in front, what was he seeing to have it so fixed, the children turned to see and there was nothing, only some ornaments that they had left.

『From now on you will receive more goods and food children, I know that these last days and weeks I have brought you little, but it will no longer happen, I decided to give myself some time to reflect on everything that happens, I will do what I have to do to no longer worry you, you will no longer see me annoying or scolding you, you go about your business as long as you do not leave the house, outside is a place that you will not be able to bear』.

These were the words of Fari who commented and spoke to inform them how it will be from now on, the latter touched his arm as he had previously heard the advice of his friend that he should rest to recover, after seeing the last well, he feels that he must have a change of air, that of being a dog that only barks and does nothing, Fari with a simple gesture on his face, said that he was hungry, so he went to the kitchen where he could find the only one who was in the place, Vie who was doing her best to cook, which surprised Fari who didn't know it at all.

『You were the one who did the cooking?』

『I've always cooked for everyone, the old lady can't because she goes out on the streets begging and she's very tired, the children are very young and don't know about it, someone has to put on an apron and take care of the house』.

Fari watched as Vie by herself was in the kitchen they had, she used chairs to be able to reach places where she couldn't, she went from one place to another to pick up the ingredients she used, she didn't have a dish in mind, if not she saw what she could fit in to be able to feed everyone, watching her as she cut the vegetables and potatoes to make a stew, it made Fari think how she also struggled to be able to manage to get everyone ahead. Vie would pull out a big pot from her place where she would prepare everything, the pot was not heavy, but her arms as well as her small body, was the only thing that made it difficult for her to place the big pot on the stove.

『I'll stay at home in the evenings, I won't go out anywhere, so let me also put on my apron and help you a little Vie』.

Those were the words of Fari who took the pot without any problem and placed it on top of the stove, she didn't expect any surprise from her friend nor any kind of correction as if giving Vie the reason, but simply the little girl climbed on the chair to be up to it, she commented to Fari to add water to the pot from the reserves they had, she did it quietly just saying what was necessary, the normal thing with the previous Fari would be to refuse at first, but doing it anyway upset, but no, she just did it and that was it.

『I see that you are starting to open your eyes Fari, before you just saw yourself and saw in others what you thought was the same, just as you discovered that I am the one who cooks, I hope you see in others of your family as they really are, believe me you will learn a lot and teach them a lot』.

They were watching the 2 of them as the water started to boil, you could notice and hear how the water bubbled because of the heat, Fari had listened perfectly to her friend, and he has it very much in mind, before he only saw what he thought was right, what everyone thought was the same as him, but in reality it is not like that, with this new path of how it really is, Fari wants to come to understand more things, to see the other side of the coin in the situation where he lives, maybe not everything is sadness and misfortune as he saw before, maybe he can still find hope and innocence in the place that he has long ignored.

『I will do my best to recover, I no longer want dirt to fall from my arm』.

That same night Fari and Vie made dinner for everyone, they served them as they normally do, but now the difference was too weird, it was Fari who served on their plates, even took them to their table and place, the children to this were still more confused, it was already more than clear that something weird was happening to Fari, but since there is still in their minds the Fari who gets angry fast, telling or talking to him directly they feel that he will yell back at them and they don't want that, they ate with a feeling of weirdness in their persons.

『This tastes different from the previous dish, but I don't dislike it at all, it kind of reminds me a bit of the food I ate before』.

It was Mikel the only one who spoke and recognizing that the food had something different this time, he ate it with the hard bread next to him, seeing his gesture as he enjoyed the food, made Vie smile of joy, but more to Fari, who was silent when he heard the little boy who could recognize his intervention but without knowing it, then Vie would be who would speak to comment that it was not only her who cooked, but this time it was Fari who supported him in this.

『Although it could be said that he was my assistant to help me and reach me the ingredients, he also contributed in the kitchen with some ideas he had, besides you should have heard how he himself said he was going to wear the apron, tomorrow I will let you wear it Fari *smiles*』

『Well I'm looking forward to tomorrow, I want to be able to taste what other kind of food you will prepare Fari *smiles*』.

Mikel's answer was sincere as it always was, hearing this to Fari didn't make him smile or even get happy, but it did generate a feeling of recognition, that for what little he considered the act of cooking before, he didn't know how happy and how much it helped many to be able to not only bring goods and sustenance, Fari on this day was able to recognize not only how important his friend Vie was and how much he learned, but also how from this you can come to feel a feeling more joyful than happiness, that another appreciates what you do genuinely.

『Yes, tomorrow I will try my best to make them eat well again, although I don't know anything about cooking, so I hope Vie you can instruct me well』.

『Leave it to me, but I never thought to hear from you that you want to do something that many men refuse to do, I will make you a householder or at least a homely man Fari friend, I promise *smiles*』.

『And I'll teach you tricks with the yoyo! *grin*』』

The 2 kids, Vie and Mikel was happy for this new change their friend Fari was having, who the latter was again with that searching feeling, he couldn't smile at this moment, but to be supported in what they would like you to learn why,who doesn't like to share what you like with other people? The previous Fari would no doubt have refused and would not even have been tolerant, but now this one simply said that he expected to learn a lot and that he would try his best from now on.

The days that followed were completely different from what he imagined, he did not tell them anything about Malin in these days that passed, but on second thought he had to say it, instead of them finding out from third parties in a real way how things happened, so one night while everyone was having dinner together, he told them what happened, he said that the Military Chief Malin went on a very important assignment, he had a task that he had to fulfill if or if, The place where he had to go was far away but at the end of the day it was a place where he could rest and live the rest of his life in peace, and the one who guided him to that destination was Ann, there was no hatred, no misgivings, no sadness, Malin went to a better life but he is not inciting or telling others to do the same as him, that his last task in these lands was to teach everyone, he already fulfilled his purpose more than anyone, and no one is allowed to leave this world without being able to accomplish what you want so much.

『I want to be a policeman!!』『Yo I want to become a researcher!!』『Yo I want to be a nurse and help the sick!』『I want to be a doctor to save lives!』『Yo I want to live quietly in a forest!!』『Yo I want to appear on television! !』『I want to see caricatures again!!!!』『I want to see my parents again, but I know that won't happen, but here I feel happy and appreciate what I have and you give me, so I would like to have a family forever *smiles*』

They were the wishes of many of the children who listened to Fari and gave them an answer to his words, here he realized the most obvious but he did not see, many of the children have dreams and goals very different from him and many young people here, being away from the bad, their dreams could recover them, hear that they want to be policemen, doctors, firemen, scientists when they grow up, again made Fari feel a little bit in his being, like receiving something that was completing him and filling little by little the hole he had, but to hear the last wish that was from Mikel, that he considers everyone here his family, made him really feel in gratitude with the little boy that came here unexpectedly.

With that thought that everything he will do from now on will be with other goals and other ways, the digging and the raising of the houses had another purpose, like raising the foundations and dreams of everyone's children, if you think differently you will see all things differently, you don't have to do everything with hate and anger, The only thing that led him down this path was to hurt himself and deceive himself, his arm was still hurting and dirt was still falling from it, but he is sure that as long as he continues on this path, someday he will be able to recover and when he does, he will be another person with a different mentality. The other young men who saw him were commenting to him that they better stop doing this, how can they be forced to rebuild the home that was once theirs, it is simply a direct blow to their pride.

『If you want to stop doing it do it, but you know the obvious, I will keep using my strength and person to find out more things and manage to stand up in a different way, I know you do this with hate and anger, cursing the shadows that they will kill you someday, me, I want to teach you that after everything you do to me, nothing bad can happen, that only good things will come, because it is simple friends, no one in the world can live all his life in disgrace, everyone has his moment of good life, and mine is to know, recognize and recognize the effort we make, just look away and you will be surprised as I was』.

These were the words of Fari that for this time that passed, it was like another person very different from before, to hear this the other young people, many did not understand what he meant, how is that to look away, if to look away many commented that no one comes to help them, and that his pride of Arnicania was on the floor, Fari continued working as if he did not run out of strength, while others who wanted to try to understand his words, did the same as the others, they looked away, but saw nothing different, but as if it was some kind of illusion or rather dream, few managed to see that at the end of all this, the streets would be quiet again, with children running and families walking, trade returning and even opening to the outside with good terms, imagining a future like that, looking aside like that, made many let out a few tears, either because it was an impossible dream or it was a dream that could come true.

『(I will make an effort for the future of the children)』.

Months passed and they managed to see how they had their first big step for Fari, after much work and effort, they managed to raise a house from what before there was nothing, see how it was now act to live and think that here can live a family and have a better future for their effort, maybe they do not recognize it and know who built this home, but Fari again with this act, their emptiness was again filled.

『With that they finished, they did quite well for their first time building a house』.

The shadow who was the guide and who supervised all the construction arrived, he inspected the home both outside and inside, seeing how he checked everything and saw how stable it looked, this impressed not only the shadow inspector, but also the other young men, who with the time of the construction, they wanted to give a minor work so that soon this would collapse, because they did not want their effort to come to live these shadows that destroyed their lives, but in the end it did not turn out to be so, Fari ensured all the corners and places of the house, reinforced and did a splendid job so that this home does not manage to collapse and even support a slight tremor.

『Yes, it is an act for people to live, I will send some of my men to live here, already in the coastal area we were very tight, but...? *What's wrong with you? it bothers you so much that we are going to live in what you worked so hard to build, well, swallow your pride because that's what you have to live with, you are our labor force and we already give you a lot, and just so you know, I want my house twice, not three times as big, with a patio and a basement and a rooftop, did you hear?

The shadow acargo was bothering the young men of Arnicania seeing in their faces how annoyed they were with it, all the young men were with the dirty uniform full of dirt, it was normal to see him that the moment he made a movement, see how the dirt itself fell to the ground from his body, he was waiting for them to say something to him, since there was always a boy beforehand that when he heard words like that, he always responded with hate, the shadow inspector was waiting for that young man, even looking for him with his eyes, but in that the first to speak would be Fari.

『I hope that the people who come to live here enjoy the house a lot, that's the least I would like to happen, that they use it a lot and when they leave, another family comes to live, and another and another and another and another until the house can't take it anymore, and when that happens, I myself will raise it again with my own hands』-『You said you wanted triple the size, with basement and rooftop? leave it to me, I will try my best to exceed your expectations so you can recognize my work』.

Fari's words were direct as with a feeling that he will manage to do it even alone, even if it takes him years, you can see in his eyes that he plans to raise all the houses in Arnicania, hearing this the shadow, he was confused because he did not expect this reaction, he looked at him again, the accent and the bandana, yes he was a citizen of Arnicania, but then why, why is he not upset and full of anger? where did his pride go? the shadow was so confused that he just said.

『Yes...do it』

『I'll do it』

『(...Wait a minute, wasn't that the same guy who used to give us dirty looks during the training sessions in the square, the one who used to pick up the debris complaining? what happened to him, I understand that they do the experiments with him, Fari I think his name is, but unlike Ann, this guy is giving us different results than what we expect)』.

Intrigued by Fari's attitude, the latter was in charge of going to the next target he had in mind, again he placed himself in front of a place where there was nothing, but in his mind Fari could already imagine how he would build it and raise it in the future, where he will be able to live even more people, go out and enjoy all the good that once was Arnicania and for sure even a little bit, will be preserved in the future, rolling up his arms, showing that he still wears the bandages, he was ready to be able to strive for another day.

The time was passing, the months were passing and he was making an effort to build the houses with the wood that was from the forest of his people, he was the only one of the youngsters that put a lot of effort in what he was doing, earning him comments and different thoughts from his surroundings, some shadows were approaching the place to observe, more than anything they came to make fun of how they are their slaves and cheap labor hands, you could see the anger in their faces and this brought a smile, but above all their annoyance, there was always a young man who only accepted their words and continued building, no matter what they said, Fari kept his gaze fixed on the future and nothing stopped him, and if he turned his gaze was to tell them.

『I am striving to build this house, if you are the lucky one, rest assured that you will live comfortably and without worrying about anything』.

It was Fari's words, that upon hearing this the shadows kind of took away their desire to continue bothering him, they simply could not believe that a laborer, a slave, a simple bricklayer is proud of the minimal work he has, how is it that it makes him so happy and proud to be able to do something that does not have so much value. This same thing was also seen by the young men who helped in the construction, but seeing so repeatedly the way Fari acted and answered, and how this for some reason annoyed the shadows, they agreed to imitate their companion.

『That's right!!! We will create you the best house you will ever have in your lives』『You will live so comfortably that you will want to die in it!!!!』『We will put so much effort into it, you will have no choice but to congratulate us!!!!! 』『Here will live their children, their children's children, their children's children's children's children, I already want to see how they will live so pleasantly knowing that I built it, it will be to laugh in the grave』.

This was very rare to see, the young people went from being annoyed in doing the constructions, to being encouraged and even happy to be able to build for their invaders, the shadows saw this, even if they insulted them and threw expletives, the young people only answered them with good faith and positive things, it was not the answer they expected, so within a while the shadows that came to bother, started to leave one by one, but just as they leave, others come, many shadows out of curiosity or to see new things, even many were mesmerized by how the children raised the houses, the shadows who knew nothing about construction, many were struck by how it is done, even those who were going to live in those houses, saw in detail how the young people put effort and coordinated what they had to do, seeing their dedication and effort, made the shadows say something they never expected.

『These young people are really special』.

Now even the word had another meaning, the same shadows were recognizing the work of all this time of the young people of Arnicania, while for Fari to hear this, did nothing but gain confidence in his new pride that he has, to have the recognition of more people to what he does. Things were going great for Fari, seeing that his group was doing a good job, they cut the hours of training and experimenting for theirs to build more houses and buildings, thus making his distance from his friend Ann, who was mostly at war or receiving more training. In the afternoons when he came back, he would spend time with the children and talk to them in a quiet way, the Fari who shouted for everything, listening to what the children were doing or the imaginations they had, was the new thing that made Fari spend his time in a good way.

『As it's been a while, seeing you wearing an apron has become normal』.

『You think so? ah! sorry Vie, since that day I've always used the apron that you used to wear, and since then you use a cloth to protect yourself, I didn't notice that, I just feel that the apron is my armor in the kitchen, I'm going to give it back to you』.

『No no, keep it, it's yours, consider it my recognition to you for graduating from Vie's kitchen *smiles*』

『Thank you, I'll see if I can get another one, but it's been a while, you used to use a chair to reach the kitchen, now I see you don't』.

『You just realized that I grew up? you may have changed, but one thing all men have is that they don't notice even when they decide to look away』

『I'm sorry, but if you already look older, the other kids are growing up too, so time is flying by, I must hurry up on my project, can you put the ointment back on me at night? I already feel my arm recovering, although at the rate I'm going, it will surely take another couple of years for it to recover』.

Fari looked at his arm and it was still with the bandage on, but now it is much more flexible, no doubt getting away from the Well is helping Fari a lot, again at the dinner they managed to prepare, Fari managed to look at everyone and how they are really growing up, it's like yesterday they were the little kids running around the orphanage, although they still are but it's still nostalgic. Mikel as always at her side was eating, and as always he was thanking her and acknowledging the good dish tonight.

『I'm so glad, what happened to your hand?』

『!!!!!....A this, it's nothing, I just got.....』

『I'm sorry it was me, I carelessly bit Mikel's hand with the door, I already put ointment on it hours before, at night I will also apply it to him』

『Yes, what Vie said, I bit myself on the door, do doors have teeth?』

The little kids continued to eat as if nothing after the explanation given to him, this to Fari became curious, like there is something between these 2 kids that he doesn't know what's going on, when he saw Mikel again, the kid quickly hid his hand so that he would no longer continue to see him. At night just as Vie said, accompanied by some children who were already sleeping and others who were awake playing with their hands, Vie was applying the medicine to his friends to recover, but anyway Fari was confused, and at the time of application, you can see how Mikel was resisting the pain.

『Seriously nothing happened to you Mikel? did it really happen like what I was told?』

『Yes, really, that's all that happened, next time we'll be more careful, but if I touch your arm, it will hurt you just like me』.

When Mikel pecked Fari's arm, it didn't flinch at first, which was strange for the boy, so he tried to peck several times but it didn't work, well, it was to be expected, Fari has had to endure and work with a sore arm for a long time now, so it's normal for him to get sore or simply react to the pain in that area.

『That's strange, but well, I'll become this strong too, I'm not sleepy yet, do you want me to teach you some tricks with the yoyo Fari?』

Mikel would take out his yoyo and would go on to teach and do some tricks with the yoyo in his hands, this was seen by the friends who were surprised as Mikel had improved his skill with the toy, which made the boy happy, but quickly the other kids would gather where they were, thus drawing attention and causing noise in the environment, Vie saw this so he quickly stopped everything before everyone woke up, Vie took the yoyo from his friend and was going to give it back to him one of these days.

『My mother always told me that you have to stay away from the vice, and you Mikel stop a lot of time with the yoyo, your cuer...your hand is in recovery, so there will be no yoyo until you recover』.

『Eh?...but...my yoyo....Didiel.....MI YOYO!!!!!! AAHHHHHHH!!!!』

Mikel would go on to cry loudly, it seems that even though he had grown up his crying habit didn't stop, if what Vie wanted was not to make a fuss in the night, well yes it ended up happening.

Already the next morning Fari had finished his hour of work and even now they gave him a break time so he could eat something or even rest, it seems that the shadows are giving more and more benefits, that also the bandanas give them better quality of life if it was a fact, Fari who was taking his snack, He heard his friends say that some of them forgot to bring theirs, he could hear how one of them complained that he did not want to return home or if he would have time to return on time, in that moment Fari would appear to comment that he would go to get his food, because as he knows, children can not leave the house. Fari quickly went to his partner's house, while in the process he saw the streets, along with the buildings that the adults did before along with what the children did, which made Fari feel good.

『What did you think Mikel!!!!! Leaving the house again!!!!! How many times is it, you really like to be mistreated!!!! Know that I'll never forget how you ruined that day!!!!』

Fari by the way he was passing, he managed to hear through an alley as someone and a group of little shadows also more grown, were mistreating a boy, who to his surprise was Mikel, Fari quickly hid behind the wall and only got to watch and listen, he saw how clearly a group of 3 little shadows were beating him with a style of fighting that they knew but Mikel did not, he could see that on the ground there were both goods, herbs, and many other things that Mikel had collected inside and outside of Arnicania.

『Why do you always gather garbage? sea shells, weeds that smell disgusting, what is this? gears, what...WHAT IS THIS ANSWER !!!! We always find you with different things, do you like garbage? Ya better give me Vie you fucking trash!!!』

『I won't do it!!!!! I will never do it, Vie nor my family are objects, I'm offering you what I have, take it and get out of here』.

『Why do we want your garbage? !!!! If I want herbs I prefer beautiful flowers!!!! If I want gears I prefer a musical box!!!! If I want shells there's my mother's pearl necklace!!!!!! Give me Vie right now!!!!!』

Seeing that they were claiming so much and shouting so much, Mikel stood up and again threw himself against the little shadow to give him a strong blow, but quickly he received a strong blow in the stomach to proceed with a kick in the waist, leaving Mikel again out of combat, the little boy wanted to get up but he could not, you could see in his face that he was very frustrated and could not defend himself. They were going to continue beating Mikel, but quickly a shadow soldier appeared on the scene, he commented to the children to stop what they were doing and not to join what he could no longer stand up.

『If you really consider yourselves as us, you should understand that it is not funny or enjoyable, someone who no longer has strength, it is better to fight on equal terms, there is nothing funny like that』.

This shadow came to Fari's call to help him, so this shadow faced the little shadows that because of the position he had and the elite he was, 2 began to go leaving the insistent on the site, this threatened him to tell his father that he is interrupting him, but the elite shadow commented that he was a good friend of his father and that he would not want him to tell him other pranks that he did, before this the little shadow had no choice but to withdraw looking with hatred at Mikel.

The little boy in the alley was using the strength he had to pick up the things he collected from the day, but he quickly noticed the shadow and presence of someone, it was Fari who was in front of him.

『Why didn't you say anything Mikel』

『I...I...wanted to be the one who gets all the credit...by wearing these things that kids want, they tell me nice things that make me feel good, I also want to do good things for others...but...since this started I.....』

『I understand, you feel weak and want to be able to defend yourself, or rather, you want to pay them back for all the suffering you received』.

Since that day when Mikel saved Vie, soon after every time he left the orphanage, the same little shadows were looking for him and abusing him physically and mentally, this already lasted for a long time but he always kept quiet about what was happening to him, Vie found out about this, she was the first, it was her who treated Mikel for his wounds, but as she said, she doesn't want to worry Fari, that's why she didn't tell him anything, but now that she saw everything clearly, Mikel now doesn't know what to do.

『You want to be able to defend yourself? I can teach you what I know.』

!!!!! Hearing this from Fari, for Mikel was something extremely rare, since Fari had left the fights and everything related long ago, Mikel would quickly tell him that if he wants to learn to fight, but Fari was silent for a few seconds, thinking if this was the right thing to do, before he would have said yes, to become stronger to hit him back, but now, is it right the way of violence? he used it before not as a means of defense, but as a means to show that he is strong, when in reality he is weak, teaching a child to fight is wrong, that's what he understood from Malin, but no, Mikel right now wants to learn to fight and become strong for revenge and reprimand, if he does it with those ways it won't be right, he needs someone who will teach him how to do it, so he won't make the same mistake as he did.

『I will teach you the Savate, so prepare yourself Mikel, and I would like you to use it only if the moment requires it, don't hide it for other purposes』.

『Yes!!! Thank you very much Fari *smiles*』.

Hearing Mikel's answer and seeing that despite everything he went through and lived through this time, he could smile in the same way years ago, this made for the first time after a long time Fari, smile to see that there is still someone who didn't change in the slightest.

But going much faster in time especially 6 years after the death of the Military Chief Malin, in all this time Fari became another person, helping many children, helping to rebuild his home, raising in some different way the pride of Arnicania and how he was still alive in them, no doubt he found another way in his life and it shows in his whole person. Seeing him calm was normal, seeing him relaxed but attentive was normal, his arm ended up recovering completely, which took 5 years to recover, in the last year he went to war where he could finally meet him in the flesh as he was, and the truth to his eyes, it was not as bad as he expected, the enemy was not his enemy, they did their best not to kill anyone and they did their best not to do it. But what made him think that the place was a horrible one, was to see how his friend Ann was going crazy and shooting with certainty at the enemies, to see how he was not afraid and even with the intention of dying in combat, he was going after the soldiers of France to satiate what for him was already advanced his trauma of the war.

One morning he woke up early, he walked through the streets looking completely how the city was again rebuilt thanks to his own hands and companions, he was very proud implying that he was still the same, a citizen of Arnicania, on the way he met his friend Ann and they had a little chat, they talked about what they were doing, Fari was calm and with a relaxed smile, while Ann was with her eyes down with no desire to continue standing in this world.

『Thank you, it's been a long time since I've heard that sincere word come out from someone, rather thank you Fari, for living differently *smiles*』-『But I also want to tell you something I know, and you're the only one who can do it』.

That day progressed as we already know, Ann ended up committing suicide for her friend to stay alive, now the one who became a shadow was Fari, he did not understand why, the reason was simple, to see his friend die, at that moment he awoke something very deep in him, he was upset, very upset about what had happened, the bad consumed him, hatred and shadows, someone who saw the horrible thing turned him into this just like everyone present. But this did not provoke a negative change in Fari, thanks to the fact that he kept in control and did not lose what he is now, rather he got a plus of power, Ann while they were walking towards their end, told her friend that the shadows are thinking of bombing the war zone to finish and have the oil in position, that it will be done tomorrow and they have everything planned, that is why they wanted today to be the awakening of one of the 2, of Ann so that he always has a smile on his face.

『Well, we are already here, besides how do you know this place? I thought only the people of Arnicania knew, why did you call me?』

The giant shadow was in the catacombs in the fighting ring, now it is very early, it was the afternoon lunch time, no one was in the place, only 2 shadows, the giant and a small one. Without hesitation he started a fight where the Giant Shadow was more than happy, fighting was what he liked the most in all his life, but he never thought to fight before with one of his own shadows, but it was something strange, this shadow was much more agile, as if what he dodged was a feather falling slightly, while his punches and kicks were fierce as bee stings.

Ann told Fari that in this time, in these 6 years that passed, he always tried every month, he approved his person and strength to be able to recruit the shadows that come here, many times he lost because he was not in shape or he could no longer, but also other times by miracle, He was winning and defeating several shadows that along with his word, were recruited and would be used by Fari in the future, he managed to gather in these 6 years to 20 elite shadows, taking into account that in the year are 12 months, of the 72 times he fought, only 20 managed to win, it was not that they were 72 elite shadows, if not that they were the same but their strength was superhuman. And now played the last in the list of elite shadows, the Giant Shadow was the last one left that was not recruited, Fari covered by the shadows this one gave a good fight, he received blows but returned twice as much to his opponent, both were even that the giant shadow was excited and surprised.

『I knew it!!!! Only an equal is able to match us!!!! THIS IS WHERE THE MATCH IS DECIDED!!!! I'M GOING FOR REAL!!!! PREPARE TO DIE!!!!』

The Giant Shadow prepared his fist with all the strength he had, he was going forward at a great speed, Fari who as if he had control of himself, let the shadows move away from his body revealing that it was him, which surprised the Giant Shadow, and what he proceeded was symbolic of effort. Fari managed to dodge the blow just like a soft feather, taking a leap and in the process giving a spin kick that managed to knock out the Giant Shadow at the last second, seeing how the shadow that seemed immovable like their first fight they had, now managed to be defeated with effort.

『You were the last one, if this amused you, wait in the night to see the fireworks I have prepared』.

Fari commented at the end, it was already night, everything was quiet and the shadow soldiers who were guarding the coastal area were with their weapons and giving boztesos on these, for strong watches they themselves have to do it, at that very moment the Giant Shadow appears greeting everyone, where the others were complaining where is he and his men.

『We had things to do, but what a huge airship, they already have it all loaded for tomorrow right? perfect, it will be a great show 』.

The Giant Shadow entered the area of the airship and the first thing he did was to drive away the shadows that were guarding more closely, he even threatened his own that if they did not pay attention, the strongest would decide, and they know that confronting him only ended badly, so many withdrew, after a few minutes the Giant Shadow left the place confirming that the place is very boring.

"Hey, you're leaving! At least you and your men have changed your surveillance, we recently found out that you've been hanging around the place』.

『Yeah, we're leaving now, we'll go to our VIP seats *smiles*』

The Giant Shadow was walking calmly to a high place in the city, there was Fari who was wrapped in shadow, no one suspected him, when he arrived the Giant Shadow greeted him and also gave him a switch to his hands, Fari knew what this meant, when he pressed it the biggest fireworks act began, and as the airship was sitting at the base of the shadows, what he built in these years and part of the city will not be affected. What the other elite shadows and the giant did, was to put detonating explosives in different parts of the airship, so many so that it would be destroyed and put an end to his oil plans. Fari was back to human where he saw the button for the show.

『Milan and Ann were the ones who were and had the obligation to press the button to bomb a place where it was only tranquility, now I will do the same, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth』-『Enjoy the fireworks of a dog that managed to get up』.

Pin.....the shadows that were guarding the airship, did not know what awaits them, there were several shadows even when the elite ones threw them out, as they felt that something bad was going to happen, in that one of the shadows managed to see something in the immense darkness, something browning, when he slowly approached he realized what it was, the last thing he managed to see, was how his life was ending right now.


Everything was explosions in the coastal area, see how the explosions were rising in the air and destroying the airship, even with this explosion losing the missiles that have worked so hard to build, see how the debris flew through the skies, some by bad luck fell where the structures built by Fari, but that didn't matter anymore, he didn't feel happy or sad, he just feels that he could finally keep his word, that he wasn't just a talker, that it finally came true, Fari looked and for some reason at the moment he turned to his side, he realized that the Giant Shadow was not there, at that moment he realized, that something else was in danger.

『The children!!!!! I have to go back soon!!!! Vie!!! Mikel!!!! Everyone!!!! I'm on my way!!!!』

Something bad was going to happen at the orphanage.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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