
Chapter 312: The Little Soldier 1

E͇l͇ ͇S͇o͇l͇d͇a͇d͇i͇t͇o͇

Europe in the year 1945, several events had occurred that would mark the future and history of the world and its inhabitants, to say a few, in this year, on January 5 the Soviet Union recognizes the new pro-Soviet regime in Poland, on January 14 in Chile begins the 18th edition of the America's Cup, on April 12 President Franklin D. Roosevelt dies of a stroke, on June 26 in San Francisco, the United Nations Charter and the Charter of the International Court of Justice are signed. Roosevelt dies of a stroke, on June 26 the Charter of the United Nations and the Statute of the International Court of Justice are signed in San Francisco, on March 22 in Madrid, Dr. Antonio Vallejo-Nágera publishes the first Spanish treatise on psychiatry, on February 21 to March 6 in Mexico City, the Inter-American Conference on the Problems of War and Peace is held, and to say another curiosity that has nothing to do with all the bad things that happened, on December 2, the Bimbo company is founded in Mexico.

There are few good things that have nothing to do with the relevant of all these years, but the good thing is that the end of the Second World War was coming, whose main axes or confronted were the Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, against or rather the Allied Forces who particularly comprised the United States, the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom, China would also enter this group in the Asia-Pacific theater, coming to have the term of Four Policemen. If that there were many losses between these years, in the war it seems that everyone was involved, that is why it is called World War, although those I told you were on the battlefield, not necessarily those who wanted to support also had to do the same, several countries such as Central America, South America, supported in the war in different ways, either with weapons, or voting from their countries to foreigners who were from such countries, Europe, Asia and North America were the centers of these attacks, how many bombs, how much chaos among them, the bombings that could happen at any time, spies most certainly, infiltrators, it was a war where many things were invented in order to stop all this and have a winner, the United States exploded its first atomic bomb, called trinity, which was part of the Manhattan project, and that is how the so-called atomic era began, and needless to say that in the rest of the years that came, the event that we all know happened.

But it is something that had to happen, perhaps it was the necessary moment that had to happen, because with that surrender there would finally be a stop to everything, there would be nothing more from that, the man with the bad mustache would commit suicide in his bunker with his wife to avoid being caught by the enemy forces, it seems that everything was finally over and now the war would be no more, but there is always a before and an after everything, the post war would bring only another one that perhaps many were already deducing, those who once were allies now had other plans and thoughts, arising only 2 years later the beginning of the Cold War, which the origin of the name comes from the English writer George Orwell, who used the phrase "Cold War" as a general term in his essay You and the Atomic Bomb. The epicenters would now happen more frequently, as several countries fought their wars, and as always the affected were the citizens who did not want all this to happen at all, but it simply had to happen, just like in 1945 somewhere in Europe, a child would be born with the name of Mikel, who would witness with his own eyes, a small proof of the cruel, horrible and hopeful that there is in the world, and who would see with his own eyes, a small proof of the cruel, horrible and hopeful that there is in the world, He was born like everyone else, just like you or anyone else, he could have had your life or someone else's, but it was the wrong time in the wrong era in which a child could have been born, and those who managed to live until now, their lives are surely marked and very different from what a child today would know and is, and if they do not know well about it, they do not take much importance.


Mikel right now would be about 4 years old, we are in 1950 and the Cold War had already begun, now those who were facing or known was the Korean War that lasted between 1950-1953, it seems that all that combat is developing everything, so for these years that Mikel has lived so far, did not happen something that changed him completely, his home where he was living was recovering from previous attacks he received, his father who was called Ajax which was an English surname, while his mother was called Dubois, which was a French surname, this family also like any other that was fit for the war, went to help the war, the father was a soldier who managed to survive the Second World War, while the mother was a nurse who was always there to help the badly wounded soldiers, what this couple saw were things that they did not want their son if they come out of this alive, they definitely do not want him to see such things, let alone live what they lived.

At the end of everything still came the Post-War, they would have to help another couple of years for what they were fighting for, it was evident in their faces that they did not want to continue doing this, but anyway they accepted either for their duty or commitment, but Ajax was more confused, his hands were shaking, he wanted to cry while still recovering from the wounds he suffered, he could not help but remember how it was to be in the battlefield and watch everything, should being happy be given to someone like him? After so many years of being in the same thing and being lucky enough to survive, won't he also suffer for a postgraduate degree? His head was spinning and he felt that at any moment he could faint, that's what he wanted if it happened, but Dubois would take his hand, she would be his support, his right hand, a shoulder to rest his tired body on, they met in the middle of the war and now they ended up together for all the times they did it, Ajax looked at that woman and gave him the necessary strength that yes, even if it is difficult and hard, even if it takes years, perhaps, with time, there will be a moment when everything will be over, and he will be able to resume a quiet and peaceful life outside of all this.

This brings us back to Mikel's 4 years, they finally managed to have a house, in an area where it is said to be safe, since he did not suffer many attacks and is now protected by the nation as a symbol that you can live well after the worst. Mikel played in the field with his toys, like the yo-yo, his carts that he had, to see the joy of Mikel for Ajax was all that was necessary for him, he managed to have a child that in this time grew well, without anything to do with everything of the war, he did everything possible so that this one does not know anything of it, of what is happening outside, almost like he forbids it to him as it is the reality, that is his goal, that his son never knows how it is outside.

His work was still the same, that's right, the same job or similar to when he was a soldier, since the Cold War took him unnoticed in his illusion of recovering his quiet life, although right now the war is outside his continent, anyway there are places or countries here that are involved only because they got into a conflict that nothing to do, the place where they are did everything possible to not have problems, Ajax did his job behind his son's back to stop all this, he tried so hard, he kept shedding blood, he keeps hiding his wounds in front of his son while he waves and smiles every time he manages to return home.

『Good morning dear, is your leg still hurting?』

Dubois asked her husband who watched from the door of the home as Mikel played in the yard early in the morning, the neighborhood here is the best there is, as well as the cost was too absurd to live in these circumstances, it even seems a luxury it would not be hard to think that a president is your neighbor, the security anyway was present, everyone here was an expert soldier in the war, doing their job is the best thing to do. Ajax would reply that he is still in pain and can't walk well, this one suffered a gunshot to the right leg in one of his jobs, since that day that is little, he is catching and it was obvious that it would take time to recover.

『If you worry about me do not do it, better worry about Mikel and that he does not find out what we do, I strive hard for him to have this life and even his surroundings, if I have to pay more price worse than my leg, they can take my heart and head, but that my son nothing happens to him』.

His words were direct and even very extreme, he didn't mind having the worst punishment of all as long as his son is well. Ajax looked with a smile, his leg hurt, but he would quickly put it straight and it would be as if nothing had happened to him, but before going to spend time with his son he realized that someone had already beaten him, another boy appeared bigger than him but not so much, quickly this put Ajax to doubt and analyze the boy, he is not bad at all, but anyway he asked seriously who was the boy who is together with Mikel.

『He is the neighbor's son, he is older than Mikel by 5 years, his name is Didiel』.

『Didiel who』

『Didiel Schuman』

When Dubois told him the boy's surname, he was quickly surprised by such a case, if he is right then he should have no doubt nor bad thoughts about this, quickly this would bring up the subject of the Schuman surnames and the one that now carries more weight over the others, speaking specifically of Robert Schuman, who was the French Foreign Minister, He also knew that in a few months, especially on May 9th, it was already officialized that he would give a speech, everyone was speculating about this, but everyone was hoping that such an event would bring about a change in the world, or at least in Europe, where his son Mikel, would live, grow up and die of old age, all with the greatest riches, luxuries, innocence and fun that Ajax could not have since he was a child. Then he also quickly knew that that child who is playing with his son Mikel, must be the grandson of that important person, Ajax smiled and boasted that this could come good.

『Now we don't have any connection, but if my son becomes friends with a Schuman, he could have more benefits and achieve the quiet life we want, to always have someone powerful as a friend or be considered powerful, now we are just a soldier and a nurse who works hard, but we could become important people, I have knowledge and contacts from the army that could inform everything I know to the Schumans and not only my son, I could get to do other things outside the war!』

Ajax was seeing an opportunity with this, maybe it would finally be his moment where he could leave everything he knows and have what he always deserved, he put his life on the line for a long time, living comfortably is less than what he can be given. But quickly Dubois came back to reality, which says that Didiel's parents are rarely at home, as they are always at their jobs in different parts of Europe, the only ones who are at home are his butlers, maids and of course the child.

『So when the family comes home』

『I heard from the butlers and maids that they will return for the first time on special dates, Didiel's birthday, Christmas, that kind of event』.

Christmas is far away in the dates where they are, barely even enter a third of the year they are going, knowing Didiel's birthday would be the best option, Ajax hopes it will be soon so he can get fast good relations with the family, while the parents were thinking such a thing, the children were playing and conversing in the best possible way.

Mikel and Didiel already have a long time friendship, I don't think it is years, since Didiel was only brought here months ago, this as a measure of care while his parents are not here and his grandfather is not here either, the first days his maids took care of him and watched what he was doing or where he was going, this for Didiel understood perfectly, he knows that he is a fixed point for other people, although now he does nothing and he is only a child, in the future if he follows his family's steps, he may achieve even many more things, he comes from a family that is making history, his value will grow with time.

『Let me please, if you brought me here because here I will be safe, then there is no danger, there is no need to fear, my parents trusted this place and trusted you to take care of me, I likewise, trust my parents and trust you, I am also a Schuman, so I only ask that you return the trust』.

With just that exchange of words from Didiel, he got his caretakers to accept his words and go out in the neighborhood without so much care, the first thing Didiel did was to look at the sky, it was completely clear without showing anything bad, yes, nothing related to a catastrophe could be heard, but quickly Didiel was sad or discouraged, he was thinking of a way to relate to the children of the place, of course if there is, as he feels that because of the upbringing he had and everything he absorbed by his relatives, he does not act or speak as such, an example is what before with only his 10 years old.

『(And now how do I make friends with him, if I start talking to him like that, he'll surely freak out and run away) *sigh*』

『Another child, I haven't seen another child in a long time 』

Mikel had appeared to realize that there was another kid around the neighborhood, this surprised and liked him a lot, which Didiel was also surprised to realize that if there was another kid around the area, this is a little weird to him since this whole area is only for important figures, this kid Mikel must also be important.

『My dad bought me another cart, I also have yo-yos, let's play together *smiles*』.

Mikel would suggest at first to Didiel that they play together, which surprised the boy, since it was the first time he did not perceive that there were other intentions, this boy really just wants to play with him and not take advantage of his family or him, of what he owns or can give him, Didiel would accept with a smile and from there a friendship would begin to form. During these months, Didiel did not know about Mikel's games at the beginning, since all this time he only focused on his family and the position he would have in the future, being prepared is the best investment he can make. When playing Didiel could not do it the first time, nor the second, nor the third, on the fifth he was able to master it and spin it several times without worrying. Mikel was surprised because even though he likes yo-yoing very much, he rarely gets it right.

『I would like to be able to do tricks and figures with the yoyo! Maybe I can even perform it in circuses or simply in the streets』.

『That's a good dream Mikel, then you'd like to see it for reference』.

『Can you do it? please do, it would help me learn faster』.

So during those days, in the time that Didiel had free, he would practice with the yoyo for several days, at first it was very difficult for him since he had little developed those skills, but with training and effort, and after many days, he finally managed to master several tricks with the yoyo, which he would show them to Mikel enthusiastically.

『You really learned it! Then please teach me too』.

『I see you like to learn, well, take a good look at how I do it』.

I would go on to teach him little by little how it is to do all kinds of tricks, the good thing in that Didiel was good at teaching step by step, the bad thing is that Mikel was not so good at learning, watching the loop tangle itself and even tying itself into a knot, was typical to see in these training days.

They were not only with toys to pass the time, they also played hopscotch, Mikel played this before but doing it alone was not funny, now with Didiel things were different, it was easy, just as the name says, you scratch the ground, take a stone or shuffleboard, throw it and go jumping either with one leg, that afternoon playing all kinds of games was what made Mikel have fun as Didiel had fun spending time with him, as he taught him how he should really feel at the time.

Today he also came back to visit Mikel to teach him how to continue doing tricks with the yo-yo, while they were talking Mikel told him that his father just came home from work and that he bought him marbles to play with, he quickly suggested that if he wanted to play with him later, Didiel commented that he didn't know the rules, but he would try it anyway.

『No problem, I'll teach you 』

『Always so considerate friend, but then don't complain if I master it and I'm beating you』.

『This time you won't be better than me, I have a lot of strength in my fingers *smiles*』.

While they were coming back with the yoyo, Ajax, Mikel's father was approaching with the children, he was walking perfectly as if he had no discomfort, which Mikel did not notice, he was asking him how his day was going, if he was feeling well, if he was hungry or if he wanted to go play with him, he was proposing many things to his son about this.

『No, I am fine, right now I am doing tricks with the yoyo, Didiel is teaching me step by step 』.

『Good morning sir 』

At last Didiel and Ajax were introduced, who after the greeting was returning to give Mikel the lessons, quickly Ajax would go on the attack and so he came, he bent down to be at the height of the children, while telling him typical questions to take care of his son, to be kind to him, and above all not to teach bad things to his son. Didiel this even if he is not watching him and pay more attention to Mikel, he still kept him in mind and answered him.

『Don't worry Mr. Ajax, Mikel is my first friend and he is teaching me many things, I will do my best to help him 』.

It was a much better answer than Ajax expected, this means that his son is making a good friendship with Didiel, then it's a problem that he doesn't have to worry about, only now that his son already gave the chance, it's now for him to take and start to know his family. Quickly Ajax would say that since he is his friend, then he is invited to Mikel's birthday, which is not a lie at all if not true, it would be only 1 week from here, which Didiel would reply that he already knew and he was clear not to miss that day.

『That's why you Mr. Ajax came back home, to spend time with your son on such an important day for you, the Ajax family owes a lot to Mikel for letting them know what it is to live a normal and peaceful life』.

『Yes, that's right, Mikel is everything to us』.

『I'm glad you're sincere Mr. Ajax *smiles*』.

Ajax went on to hug Mikel where Mikel also hugged him back, Didiel saw this and was somewhat to say happy for his friend, since he is not that he doesn't receive affection from his family, but they are few times he sees them, that's why the few times he sees them again, he hugs them like never before wishing they would always be together. At the end Ajax had to retire commenting that when is his birthday from him, so that also his son can go to visit him on that day.

『That's right, when is your birthday Didiel』.

『My birthday? I guess I can tell you』.

At Mikel's question, Didiel without knowing how to act, he looked at Ajax as if waiting for the answer, knowing his birthday is an important information and that he was told to keep it secret, until now he has been honest with Mikel since he has not had anything to hide from him, but this would be the first time he does it, he looked at his friend as if waiting for his answer, he even told him that they will do many things that day.

『You being on my birthday would make me happy, just like I would be happy if I go to yours *smiles*』.

That simple sentence of words, that simple, simple combination of letters, what a small child would say, made Didiel simply say his real date which was 2 months from the date they were on. Ajax retired happily leaving the children playing in peace, he had gotten his way and now he would get to meet Didiel's parents, while the boy watched the father leave, looking at his yo-yo wondering if he did the right thing or not.

『Look Didiel, I'm starting to get it right』.

When he looked at Mikel again, he realized that it wasn't wrong, he didn't just told another person, a stranger or a stranger, he told his friend, Mikel, that there is one more person is not a symbol that he has to lie to be okay, what Didiel is most afraid of was always losing who he considers important to him, how can you force a friendship if you don't tell him the truth and it's just something built on lies. Didiel took his yo-yo while commenting that his job will be to always look around and outside, but now he has an excuse of being a kid and that it's normal to make a little mischief to your parents.

『Yes, I'm looking forward to that day *smiles*』.

Days went by and more and more games Mikel was showing Didiel, as much as marbles, watching them run through the neighborhood streets with their kites, the game of catch, although there were many games they wanted to try, most needed more people to do it, but anyway with them alone they had fun, playing hide and seek was also fun, that week flew by where Mikel's birthday would finally arrive, where his family was present, the servants and of course Didiel who was together with his friend, the birthday party started in the afternoon, where the father did everything possible to make such an event happen, there was everything in his backyard, the tables, the glasses, the food and drinks, he also called a clown who was supposed to be there soon, but he simply did not come and since it was already time for the performance, he had no choice but Ajax to disguise himself as one and make the party more fun.

『(He was up for anything, but he never believed in being a clown)』.

Ajax didn't quite know how to act, so he just did what he thought was right, Dubois watched and laughed at the simple fact of looking at her husband that way, while Mikel couldn't recognize him and was amused anyway, Didiel did know who he was and was glad that his father had the courage to do that, but still his gaze was now fixed on someone else, Didiel looked at Ajax's leg and commented that he shouldn't make any sudden or complicated movements, or else he wouldn't be able to heal completely.

At night everyone already turned off the lights, the only thing that could be seen was a match that would illuminate the candles of the 5 years that Mikel was turning 5 years old today, seeing Ajax as he was exhausted and sweaty, but giving everything for his son's party, made Didiel smile at all this, so without further ado everyone kept silent, and proceeded to sing happy birthday.

🎉 🕯️『Joyeux anniversaire』 🕯️🎉

🎉 🕯️『Joyeux anniversaire』🕯️ 🎉

🎉 🕯️ 『Joyeux anniversaire Mikel』 🕯️🎉

🎉 🕯️『Joyeux anniversaire』🕯️ 🎉

Mikel was happy he kept smiling, he was really very happy, already all his birthdays were the same way, but now this one feels more special than the others, what will it be, everyone is doing the same as the other times, they are clapping, they are singing, they gave him a big party, that was what made it different. At the end of the singing, everyone was clapping more but Didiel stayed as the last one and with a smile he would say.

『Happy Birthday Mikel』

Giving the most energetic blow out the candles and handing out the cakes, the parents and maids, butlers were in charge of handing out the piece of cake to everyone, although it was something strange, since they were the only ones who were at the party, so it was funny to see how they already had the plate of cake in their hands and just handed it to someone else thanking each other for the kindness. Mikel and Didiel ate the cake together as he told her how he felt today.

『This day really was amazing, for the first time for a long time, I felt special, important, someone who others notice, thank you so much Mikel and company for coming to my birthday *smiles*』.

『For the first time, no Mikel, it is not necessary to have a special day where you feel important, you are an important and special person, no matter what you do, no matter what you will be in the future, you yourself must believe in yourself, it is the first step to do many more things, being afraid is ok, doubting is ok, but as a friend you gave him a lot and now he will give you an advice, don't trust others who believe in you, trust you who believe in you, if you believe in you you can trust everyone and that everything will be fine *smiles*, being like you are is enough for you to get what you deserve 』-『When your time comes, it will be better than this, I'm sure』

Didiel was giving advice to his first friend after all he did for him in this time, he didn't see anything wrong with him, just an innocent child who is disconnected from the outside, it's wrong not to tell him things as they are, but if he can manage to still keep that little boy spark in him, let him be, when he grows up for sure he will have it harder, but, this is not considered a lie? not telling your friend what is going on, no, of course not, telling him something that has nothing to do with him is not a lie, telling him things that he doesn't know for no reason will only make him distrust him more, and that is what Didiel doesn't want, here they are safe, nothing happened during this time, he communicated with his parents and grandfather, everything is going well, let it be that way for a while.

The birthday was over and Ajax had to go back to work, Dubois could still stay at home for a few more months, but now that she saw that her son is getting along well with Didiel, she asked the boy, the maids, butlers to take care of her son while she is also away, it seems that things are getting worse outside, they need help from both parents, Didiel accepted and said that he would take care of Mikel, but when they left, he commented that being an adult in this time is one of the most difficult things there can be.

So in these 2 months before Didiel's birthday, Mikel would live with him in his home along with all the butlers and maids of the place, this made Mikel really happy because he did not think such a thing could happen, it was not a mansion, it was not a huge house, it did not have many luxuries as he expected, it was a house like the one he has, but he was much more cheerful, Before it was only Mikel and his mother, but now it was full of life and people everywhere and above all what gave more energy to this home, were the pranks and games that made the little children, it would be normal for those in charge to stop them, but to see how Didiel had fun and smiled wholeheartedly, they did not avoid staying still to see how their master enjoyed his childhood. Every night they slept together, this was nothing unusual for the children, but for the butlers and maids, they began to see this differently, perhaps those 2 children got along very well because.... things from the olden days that were strongly rejected.

『Hey Didiel, you think the days ahead will be different』.

『Every day is special and different, that's why it's fun to be alive, although I speak from my privilege, but no, we don't have to worry that our days will be different, let's remain children and keep it as long as possible』.

『I don't think so, the days ahead will not be the same』.

Mikel's answer surprised Didiel, as he always saw him as someone simple-minded who only said the obvious, that he told him this may mean he learned other kinds of things , but from what? He could only see what around him and never told him such a thing the same before, this made Didiel worried that he wanted to know the why of those words from his friend.

『No Mikel, our days will be the same, they have to be the same as far as we can be, then you can grow as much as you can and learn more things, but in the meantime enjoy everything that life is giving you, one doesn't know when you can lose it』.

『¿? I don't understand what you are saying Didiel, the next days will not be the same, moreover, it will be so different that I will be glad of that day, change, a change, that's it, one change from such a day to such a day, from year to year, then yes, that day everything will be different』

『....Before this gets any more confused, what are you referring to Mikel?』

『To your birthday』.

At his words they were saying to each other, before it gets complicated, Didiel put a stop to this, when he heard the answer, he didn't avoid looking like a fool to over think, he was referring to his birthday which would be in a few days, Didiel lay on his bed as if defeated by his friend, where Mikel was excited waiting for that day, as he feels he will be able to experience his birthday again.

『Sometimes you say things I don't understand Didiel, but that thing about us staying kids until the end, seems like a good idea to me *smiles*』.

『That's right, let's keep what we are until the end, if for some reason we get separated and meet again, I hope I can recognize you easily』.

『That's right! I will remain a child forever!!!』

『(I think he understood me literally)』.

The children continued to talk until they fell asleep, where the butlers for fear that this may go further that these children are not well, they had thinking about when the parents would arrive to say it before everything is destroyed.

The day had finally begun, it was April 5, 1950, a day like this Didiel Schuman was born, today he is 11 years old and each time he is one step closer to becoming an important member of the family. At home as promised and said, Didiel's parents had come and the first thing they did was to receive their son who came running to hug them with all the energy possible, they gave him a kiss saying that they missed him and vice versa, in that quickly Didiel told that he met Mikel, who is his friend and that they have been spending time together. At that on one side was the Ajax family who introduced themselves.

『Nice to meet you, my son became good friends with your son, I hope I don't mind the matter, but I would like to come to good terms between families 』.

『Mr. Ajax? yes, I have informed everything that happens here, there is no problem if you want to stop by to enjoy my son's birthday, I would prefer it to be just family but if Didiel has confidence in you, I accept it with pleasure』.

Didiel's father gave his answer where Ajax smiled with joy, quickly Didiel went for Mikel and was introducing him to his whole family, his mother and father, where these likewise did not give him the evil eye and treated him as such.

『And my grandfather?』

Didiel asked for his grandfather, but he could not come because of work, his parents gave him this news where Didiel lowered his head sad because he really wanted to see him, but he quickly recomposed himself saying that this surely was not the time, besides it is only a birthday year that he misses, there is still more to come where he will surely be present, everyone entered the house where Didiel's father approached Ajax to tell him.

『I understand that you fought in the war and now in the same way you are helping in the current conflicts, you have a bad leg, I am telling you this as it seems that traumas are emerging in the soldiers who participated in the wars, they feel anxiety, they show a falsehood, they only control themselves in the days, if you do not do something soon something horrible could happen, here, I give you this card and address, you will not have to pay anything if I recommend you and say my name, you also need treatment if you want to live happily with your family』.

Didiel's father was aware of the situation and told Ajax, who before everything he knows, at first was upset by this, but seeing that he was right and especially if it is a solution so that he can live peacefully with Mikel and Dubois, then he humbly thanks for the help and commented that for some time he has been feeling that he can not forget what it is like to be in the war or when he is with his family.

Mikel upon entering the home, was surprised at how everything was better decorated than his birthday, this Didiel didn't understand since he had literally spent most of the day watching everyone prepare it, but still this deserved another open mouth of excitement on Mikel's part. As Didiel's father and mother arrived, the maids and butlers greeted at the same time.

『Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Schuman』

『Thank you, we come for a special day, which is our son Didiel's birthday, it is one of the few days we can enjoy and rest from the busyness of life, you too I know you are trying very hard, Ajax family, my faithful friends who take care of my son, I want us to enjoy tonight together and forget for a moment about the world we live in』.

The father gave a few words before starting the party, where everyone smiled especially the butlers and maids for the good person that is their lord, the birthday party started in the evening, where the first thing they did was a small clown event, where in there quickly Ajax since he did it once, doing it again was not a problem, he showed up at the home and would make his presentation, where everyone laughed for how this tried to be funny, the gifts proceeded to come where quickly a pile of gift boxes were made, Didiel would thank and open first from his parents, who gave him clothes as well as new shoes, telling him that he is about to become a young man with responsibilities, Didiel was smiling but kind of sad about it, he hasn't received a toy in years, then Mikel would enter, he didn't bring a gift box, but he was there anyway, with his hand hidden, but with a big smile he gave it to him.

『I give you a spinning top!!!!』

He showed it without further ado to Didiel, who was surprised by this, but then did not understand this, since that spinning top if he remembers is the gift that his father gave him on his birthday, this in the same way Ajax who wanted to complain was not lacking.

『But that spinning top is yours Mikel』

『Yes, it's mine, but now it's yours because I'm giving it to you *smiles* in this time I've seen that you have few games, so I want to give you mine, come on take it, I trust you'll use it a lot』.

Mikel without realizing it said words that Didiel could not refuse, with a tear wanting to spill between his eyes, Didiel took the spinning top, just touching it and feeling it in his hands, knowing that it was his, made Didiel very happy and he thanked his friend, the parents looked at this and were happy that their children had found a good friendship in the middle of this world.

The lights had already been turned off, but they were not the only ones who turned off the lights, it was like a chain reaction, the other houses next door turned them off in the same way, this if they were attentive they would quickly realize, but now they were lighting the candles, the 11 candles that Didiel is celebrating today, in the same way they would stop to sing happy birthday for this event, which Didiel was happy, he is always happy that his family is reunited, but now as Mikel said, it is a different day.

🎉 🕯️『Joyeux anniversaire』 🕯️🎉

🎉 🕯️『Joyeux anniversaire』🕯️ 🎉

🎉 🕯️ 『Joyeux anniversaire Didiel』 🕯️🎉

🎉 🕯️『Joyeux anniversaire』🕯️ 🎉

As the song ended everyone was clapping, which came badly as in the sky they could see how a plane was peeking through the cold night as it prepared for the attack, they couldn't hear anything as the impending attack was going to be just today.

『Thank you all very much, I actually...I'm very happy.....』 -Didiel would go on to cry-『I know I shouldn't show weakness...but today...I am very happy!!! thank you all for being here...thank you dad, thank you mom, to Mr. Ajax and Mrs. Debois....thank you so much Mikel *smiles* It's just like you said, today is a different day, I hope with all my heart that it will happen again and that to....-----------』

!!!!!!! Quickly the first to notice were all the butlers who wanted to tell Mr. Schuman about the children, and Ajax who could hear just a few feet away the horror in the neighborhood. Quickly in all the houses and nearby began to explode BOM!!!! BOMMMMM!!!! BOMMMMMMM!!!! The houses exploded as well as all their inhabitants, but quickly by Ajax's action, he shouted that they should take shelter as soon as possible, all the butlers ready for the attack, they knew what they had to do, so the first thing they did was to get the Schuman family to safety BOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! A bombing fell, Ajax with his son was doing everything he could to save his son. A bomb fell on the house that left it destroyed, in that explosion many people died, when they could see the night sky, they could just catch the plane and the sound of its propellers, Ajax was badly wounded, he was bleeding while doing everything possible to lift the wall that fell, or rather, the wall that he used as a shield, while in his arms, was his son who did not know what was happening.


Ajax was calling for his wife, but quickly between the fire that was there and the debris, as on the floor was his wife totally destroyed making her last efforts in raising her hand while saying that put assaulted Mikel, quickly Ajax was crying and screaming like a sick person, the traumas were coming as he cursed of why this was happening, this is supposed to be a protected place , then why.


He cursed while his whole body ached and did his best, he thought of a way to get out of this, he looked around but only looked at bodies of the butlers and maids, but he quickly managed to see that the Schuman family was fine and how everyone was heading to a bunker that the house had, it was totally visible that annoying and rage how everyone cared first for this important family, they are also important, they are people just like them, they want to survive and be able to live well until they have a natural death.

『Dad!!! Mikel!!! Mr. Ajax and Mrs. Debois where are they??!!!!』

『It's not time to worry about them son, go into the bunker!!!』

The lord was telling his son to enter the bunker before there is another bombing, but Didiel didn't want to be safe leaving everyone to die just for their sake, he would quickly shout saying that there they are coming Ajax with Mikel in his arms, this father Schuman saw and was hesitating in this, they were only missing him to make everyone safe.


Ajax was shouting while following Mikel in his arms, quickly father Schuman decided his move, he cursed and would go to help the remaining family, but quickly when he arrived, Ajax told him to take his son and bring him to safety, but he quickly denied him saying to carry him too, but of course, Ajax is a man who was in the war, his body is heavy and in this condition, he doubts very much that father Schuman can help him, this bothered him moreover he said.

『My leg also hurts too much to move it, I think with this attack I would rather cut it off but...this is as far as I go, but if I am able to do my best to make my son well, I....thank you for everything, I hope he forgets everything that happened but I see it will be impossible, hide the sun with a finger....I think I overestimate myself too much, son please live until you are old, see a world where there are no wars, do it for your family』.

Between tears Ajax was telling Mikel who the latter was still in shock for everything that was happening, like the adults they are, decision making is fast, Father Schuman was leaving in Mikel's arms as they left Ajax behind, you could hear and if you look at the sky, how another bombing was falling to the neighborhood, luckily they could reach the bunker and they were closing it to be safe everyone, while Ajax was looking at the sky seeing his destiny and his moment ending.

『Damn time where I was born』

BOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The whole place exploded leaving nothing in place, while in the bunker you could hear explosions and how the place was moving, Mikel didn't know what to say, he didn't know how to act, the world and the life they hid from him was finally revealed in the worst way before his eyes.

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