
Chapter 310: Reunion


I think I like more this kind of missions or jobs since they are more pleasant and easy to do, it's been a few more days since we started with all this solving the problems of different countries, the truth I thought it would be much more difficult, since in general I know little about politics, I thought it was all about super intelligent conversations for the population, problems that intertwined many difficult situations, but the truth is that no, the problems that there were or at least those that I could solve, were something that even I could understand. During this time I learned that politics is the set of activities associated with decision making, or also the relationship of power between individuals, either in resources or in status, Mikel is in charge of that topic, while I am the one who solves those problems that were made and are harming the population as a result of those decisions, I still do not fully understand the political problems, I remember that in one of my missions, I had to solve cases of mostly neighbors of an urbanization, I heard many complaints and they wanted someone to help them, I did not know at the beginning what to do, but with Mikel's guidance I realized that their problems were something simple at first glance, such as the collection of electricity, taxes, water also in many parts I am seeing that they are having problems, corruption is also something that I have seen a lot and there I do not know how to stop it, They only sent me to go after such and such a person to stop them from doing their misdeeds, appearing in their homes or in the different congresses was something strange to feel, to see that I was going after them scared them but after a while they surrendered and accepted their faults.

I have gone from here to there to different places, I see that tourism does not become a problem because there are many foreigners from different places, I also had to solve problems related to it, such as opening a road that was blocked or even to be watching people so they do not get lost, I repeat I do not know if this has to do with what I'm currently involved, but it is certainly better than the wars where I was, I even got to solve problems by giving my word to figures of important companies or even in government, I'm glad that something simple like talking that everyone can do, can solve this kind of problems, I like it very much so I will give my best effort, but that if, I still continues to grieve having to speak in front of many people or with people I do not know, everyone here looks important and I feel that I desencajo much.


Today it seems that there is no mission to solve, the problems are there and that was made clear to me by Mikel and Tomeo, but now we have other plans and as Mikel said, the schedules or chronograms have to be fulfilled if there is an opportunity, today we are again going to the EU Headquarters, thanks to the results that I am giving and seeing that many of the problems that could not be solved before are now solved, I think this called the attention of the countries for the movements that we were doing, Mikel always does everything possible and every day to bring together all or most of the countries, but remembering the last time, everyone hated Mikel for some reason and they are always ready to contradict him or deny him what he proposes, I think that more than anything they also come for me, they want something from me, but I also think they want to put a stop to it or check for themselves why we are making these moves, after all if Mikel was banned from having to perform outwardly and see that he somehow did, this would bring anger from the majority which they reject him.

『This week and these days you were amazing Giovane Cliston, although my guide was also imprencisible for trouble, we make a good team *smile*』.

『Thank you, but all the credit should go to you, I just did what you told me, I really didn't know how to solve the problems, you were the one who deduced and thought about it more clearly and objectively, I just said what was obvious to me 』

『None of that Giovane Cliston, being too thoughtful and problematic doesn't let you see things too obvious, if it wasn't for your simple thinking we wouldn't have come back to the attention of the rest』.

You could already see the Headquarters from where they were, again you could see clearly how the flags were waving with the weather, every time Cliston comes here he looks up to be able to contemplate the place, it is still unbelievable that he has permission to be in an important place, again Mikel was telling Cliston that he will have to speak in front for everyone, which Fatty was not so happy about, as he feels that again he will get nervous and things will not come naturally to him, he is still not able to handle the tension of what it is like to have everyone's gaze fixed on him and the importance that comes with this.

『I still feel like it would be difficult for me, it's very hard to talk to important people, what do I have to tell them, a joke? a story? I still don't understand why you make me do this Mikel』.

『Why do you bother to put yourself on their level? just talk with confidence about what you want, be sincere with your experiences, no exaggerations and above all, no lies this time Giovane Cliston, i already told you, if you want to get to have someone's confidence and vicerversa, show yourself as you are, at the end of all that if you are not at their level or you need to be more at their level to fit in with them, is just something that we ourselves create it and put on top of that person, because at the end of it all, they are also a person like you, not someone superior or important, one gives respect to receive respect, I know that their suits intimacy and the status they have sometimes imposes a lot that makes you say "I have to be careful" but, that is the way you force yourself to act or even imposed on us by the same society, so you will put yourself in front, look everyone in the eyes and express yourself as you are yourself, walking Giovane Cliston』 -『And how are you doing with your signature, have you learned it yet?』

『How am I going to be able to learn how to do that thing...I dislike it so much that these days I practiced on a new signature, let's see if I can show it to you when I come back』.

『A new signature? (.... I'm sorry to have to give you bad news Giovane Cliston, although it's funny too)』

At Mikel's words and a little advice, Cliston seemed to gain a little self-confidence that maybe with the experience he had now, maybe he could do better, he remembered his time with the kids, he didn't feel superior or inferior at all, he just wanted to have a good time with everyone and that the things he experienced, or at least the good experiences, would also be pleasant for those who were listening. Cliston looked stronger and not in strength, but by looking at his eyes he looked more confident, where Mikel also walked with joy because he also has to put an end to his fears.

As usual he asked the secretary if everyone had come, and what surprised him was that she said yes, that all the countries except for the ones he already knew had come to the meeting, this left Mikel speechless because since he was named the new Leader of Europe it had not happened, it had been a long time since then. He was going to Cliston where he gave him the good news, this made Fatty happy but also a bit tense.

『With everyone coming, ay.... I don't know if I can keep up the strength』.

『Stay strong, in these moments is where you shouldn't back down』.

It was said confidently by Mikel too, where Cliston again recovered and turned to thank the old man, but quickly it was like the tale was repeating itself again, Mikel's hands started to shake, his walk wanted to become slow, just like that from one moment to the next, Mikel was fixing his uniform seeing that there were no flaws in it, it was obvious that Mikel was the one who was getting more nervous about the situation, so much so that when they were about to reach the door again, had it not been for Cliston, Mikel again would have slammed himself against the door.

『Eh? we're here? I see we're here *sigh* Okay, here we go, if you see that I'm helpless Giovane Cliston, could you give me a hand?』

『I'll do my best to help you』

『*smile*I hope I'm doing the right thing』.

Upon entering the great hall, you could quickly see how the countries that came were talking with each other, it was clear the groups that had formed, they seem to want to be united, but everyone knows that one seeks their own benefit especially in the century where we are, it is good to have ties but it is more good if with those ties you advance one step ahead of everyone.

When they heard the door open, all the countries turned to see who came, their gazes were fixed on Mikel and Cliston, this made Cliston very uncomfortable, but I think that since he received so much focus from many people in his other missions, being watched still makes him uncomfortable, but that does not prevent him from having to do what he has to do. It was a frightening silence, from the noise they were making because of their conversations, now they were silent, Cliston would go down the stairs to go to the center, he turned to one of his sides to see how the countries were looking at him, there was no other exchange or action, it was just a fixed look from everyone towards him. When Clistón arrived at the center he realized that someone was missing, Mikel had not accompanied him at all, when he looked up, he had remained still in the same place, which made the Fatty worry.

『Que se passe-t-il? Avez-vous peur d'être à nouveau devant ou êtes-vous déjà sénile?』=『What's wrong? again are you afraid to be in front or are you already senile?』

『olha como ele está tremendo, você precisa da sua mãe?』=『Look at him how he is trembling, do you need your mom?』

『Nie dotykaj tego tematu i nie wracaj do niego』=『Don't touch that subject, and don't bring it up again 』

『Aber es ist die Wahrheit, es ist nicht unsere Schuld, dass er dieses Leben hatte』=『But it's the truth, it's not our fault that he had such a life』

『Ale to ti nedáva právo liečiť ho, teraz je to náš vodca Európy, radšej buď buď hrdý, že to všetko dostal sám.』=『But that does not give you the right to treat him less, he is now our leader of Europe, you better be proud that he got everything by his own account』

『Op eigen rekening? Het was alleen vriendjespolitiek of zelfs sympathie, wat zeg ik, verlegenheid die hem ertoe bracht een positie in te nemen die hij nooit verdiende』=『On his own account? it was only favoritism or even sympathy, what shall I say, foreign pity which led him to get a position he never deserved 』

The different countries started to talk about Mikel, there were so many good comments defending him as well as those who kept rejecting him to the point of no more power, the conversation or the debauchery of comments got out of control, that from one moment to another everyone started to discuss about the main burn, Mikel although not in the center of the room, he was the center of conversation of everyone present, Some said he was the favorite, others said he was a pity, others said he was just someone who had a lot of luck but was not really up to the task, others defended him saying that he got the position with his own work and effort, that having come out ahead in his situation is a symbol that everything can be achieved in life and that nothing is said and done. The countries that were on Mikel's side defended him, while the other seemed to only want to destroy him with blows, the old man was still, he could not move at all, his legs and arms began to tremble like never before. Cliston didn't bring the glasses or the earphone, so he doesn't know what they are saying, but he only knows that Mikel is getting bad and this can be bad, so he decided to put a stop to this.


!!!!!!! Cliston gave a loud shout that even his body released a small breeze in the place, all the countries present were still and surprised by this, they did not know that this could do that young man, so everyone, those important people see that there is someone more powerful than them, they better decided to remain silent and return to their seats, the least they want is to get to fall badly to Fatty.

『Mikel, can you come down?』

Cliston said to Mikel with the help of a loudspeaker that was in the place, this was clearly heard by the old man who looked at his friend who was in front and waiting for him, Cliston was worried but he also needs a company, a friendship, a family member to be able to manage well.

『....No.... I don't think I can go down.... my body doesn't have the strength』

With a smile as if apologizing he said to himself, this Cliston heard so he better rest somewhere, he had quickly appeared one of the countries supporting Mikel, which was Romania who was offering him his seat so he could rest, while he was helping him to move, it was impossible to say that now if he looks like an old man acting like one, with almost no strength, unable to move, and even with a face of confusion and fear.

『Verdammte Waise』=『Damned orphan 』.

He managed to hear from one of the countries that opposed him, this was clearly heard by Mikel who did not avoid getting even more depressed, he still does not understand why people even in this time still reject him for having had such a life, it is not at all bad and nothing to be ashamed of, is it that an orphan is not capable of being someone important? Rumania also listened to him and said that it was better to be quiet while she took the poor old man to his seat so that he could get back on his feet.

Cliston looked at this, he looked at how the countries that supported Mikel helped him, even some of them, seeing that he was in bad shape, decided to go and buy some water or some candy to make him feel better.

『Thank you very much Estonia to you also Greece, but, can I ask you another favor?』

Despite the fact that this should have been done together, Cliston is now alone in everyone's eyes, you could see clearly everyone's intentions, they wanted to know more about him and see what they can use to their taste countries that wanted to step forward, while most of those who were on Mikel's side, knew that this guy helped a lot these days in their problems, but they were also looking to be able to improve personally if they could. Everyone was totally focused on what Cliston would say.

『(....No one stops looking at me....I feel that if I make a move everyone will follow it with their eyes....I don't want to stand still here anymore and I'd rather help Mikel)』

Cliston passed to look at Mikel who was also staring at him, the Fatty was with a worried gesture and Mikel knew perfectly well, that Cliston would be able to leave the place and in helping him, but if he does that it would only mean that they are escaping from a possible improvement, so as if he already knew what Cliston is thinking, Mikel was shaking his head that they won't leave here until everyone hears what they have to say, Cliston to this clenched his fists, he started sweating, days ago he told him that he needs to learn in order to grow, this teaching that Mikel is giving him, he also needs to learn it.

『Well, please pay attention everyone, I am going to tell you how was my experience in this time that I am going in Europe』.

Cliston looked determined in his first words, obviously this none of the countries present understood what he was saying, but anyway they were attentive to everything Cliston said, the Fatty spoke with a serious tone not very common in him, you could see that all the time he had a frown on his face as he did not like the situation, he was trying to tell a story that had happened to him, but more than entertaining or funny or just simple, Cliston was saying it in a serious way and even trying to imitate Mikel, since in his explanations and in his way of speaking, there are times when he gets to be detailed in certain matters and he explains a little bit of everything, but Cliston did not get this, right now he is trying to make a front to do this. Where Mikel knew this was going wrong, he turned to look at the other countries and saw how they were whispering to each other saying things like.

『You're already getting the negative from Mikel』『This kid shouldn't be under your guidance, the things we would do if he followed us』『I don't know what he's saying but who cares, but if this goes on like this there will be a time when he will distrust Mikel and that's where we will come in, how can you get to grow up with someone who still has traumas』-『That young man I need him, that strength he has, he will be able to solve many problems』.

Most countries were seeing their own benefits or rather they saw Cliston as a tool for their own actions, this Mikel saw and just by looking at them he already knew everything, he commented that here are few who are really trying to pay attention to Cliston or understand what he wants to tell us, most of them are here just for him while Mikel nobody cares, it's like the spotlight doesn't shine on him.

『So that's why that's how we came to that conclusion.....』

『Oui, oui, nous avons déjà bien compris ce que vous vouliez dire, nous sommes très conscients de tout ce que vous avez fait en Europe et des problèmes que vous avez résolus, nous vous vous remercions』=『Yes yes yes yes we already understood clearly what you meant, we are very mindful of everything you did in Europe and the problems you solved, we thank you』

One of the countries came out to talk about the matter, which was Monaco, this one shamelessly already wanted Cliston to finish so he could put his business in the meeting, although he interrupted it seems he did it by saying thank you, this Cliston did not understand but by the movements he makes, Cliston would go on to say thank you just out of habit, but now Monaco would smile and take advantage that they cannot understand each other to initiate a plan he made. Quickly Monaco would walk down the stairs while talking as quietly as possible.

『Nous vous remercions vraiment pour votre soutien, vous savez, j'ai réfléchi au potentiel que vous avez, et en regardant les résultats, je vois que Mikel a du potentiel en tant que leader de l'Europe』=『Te agradecemos de verdad por tu apoyo, sabes, e estado pensando en el potencial que tienes, y al ver los resultados, veo que Mikel si tiene potencial como Líder de Europa』.

Hearing this the other countries, quickly some stood up as they could not believe that was what he was saying who for the most part and all the time was against Mikel, he was coming down the stairs slowly while his smile did not disappear nor did the friendly tone of voice.

『Sous sa direction, tout le monde peut faire de grandes choses, cela ne fait qu'indiquer à quel point il est un bon leader, regarde-toi, un garçon normal pourrait faire de grands exploits, si tu es là, alors je le ferai, ici j'ai un contrat que si tu signez-le, je pourrai rejoindre l'UE』=『Under his guidance everyone can do great things, that alone indicates how good a leader he is, look at you, a normal guy could do great exploits, if there is you, then I will do it, here I have a contract that if you sign it, I can rejoin the UE』.

Quickly when they heard Monaco and saw that he pulled out a contract, the other countries became alert, they realized what he was up to and what he was looking for, to begin with everything he was saying was a lie, his only goal was for Cliston to put his signature on that contract, by also being in a language he doesn't know, he won't be able to suspect anything, he has been investigating him and knows that Cliston sees the simple in people, if he listens and sees that he is being nice, then he will think he is someone good, he was getting closer and Cliston doesn't seem to doubt.

『Mais ça n'arrivera jamais, Mikel n'est qu'un accord qui a profité de l'occasion quand elle lui a été donnée, ses efforts n'auraient pas dû dû être le fruit de ce qu'il est aujourd'hui, il ne le mérite pas, il fait un sale boulot, il obtient coincé, il devient nerveux, il Tu dis quelque chose de mal et ça tombe par terre, comment quelqu'un comme ça peut-il être le leader de l'Europe ? tu ne penses pas que c'est offensant』=『But that will never happen, Mikel is just a conventioneer who took the opportunity when it was given to him, his efforts should not have been the fruit of what he is today, he doesn't deserve it, he does a lousy job, he gets stuck, he gets nervous, you tell him something wrong and he falls to the ground, how can someone like that be the leader of Europe? Doesn't it seem an offense』

The other countries understood what he was saying, now it seemed that everything was a mockery for him, quickly all the others were telling him that he was a profiteer, that he was a rat and that he only knows how to get ahead by means of dirty strategies. But Monaco kept moving forward with a smile, his plan was too simple to apply, the language barrier would take advantage of it, and how many times in the past this means was used, make him sign something to someone who does not know what is going on, just treat him nice and he will fall, yes, all this is a mockery for him, he achieved what he wanted, he now looks like a saint while the other countries were complaining about him, even some also wanted to go down with him to stop him, but he quickly threatened them that he would cut ties with them, cutting ties with a country is a symbol of loss.

『Comme je continuais, ces gens ne se taisent pas, maintenant vous les voyez comme des chiens qui aboient, à la place je veux donner l'exemple de l'union, signe et tout ira bien』=『As he continued, these people will not shut up, now you see them like barking dogs, instead I want to set the example of union, sign and all will be well』.

I was already in front of Cliston while the other countries looked frustrated and annoyed, you could hear how those who did care about Cliston told him that this was a lie and not to do anything, but of course, it was not understood at all. Cliston was offered the contract just like a pencil, even if he tried to read it he would not understand it, what it said in the contract was that he would be under the guidance of this country for a great number of years, he could not refuse a decision, he would become a patriot and he would always watch over the security of all and only these people. Romania who was next to Mikel was telling him to translate to Cliston that it is a trap, but Mikel did not pay any attention, he was just watching to see what decision Cliston was going to make.

『A contract? do you want me to sign it? (and give him my signature)』

Cliston would go through and read it but even though he tried he didn't understand, the guy in front of him seemed nice and well-meaning, he was even starting to say nice things to him to get him to do it.

『Mikel t'a bien guidé pour être comme lui』=『Mikel guided you well to be like him』.


『oui oui Mikel, je t'apprends à être un bon enfant qui écoute ses aînés』=『si si Mikel, I teach you to be a good child who listens to his elders』-『I also teach you that one does good deeds, I'm sure the old man taught you that to give confidence one must show confidence, go ahead and sign, I'll join the EU and we'll be a few steps away for them to do so too, you're the only one who can get us together』.

Cliston noticed that he said Mikel's name, and as he was in a good mood or rather feigning his good kindness, he did not seem to say anything bad about Mikel, on the contrary he was saying purely good things, that Cliston understood, and seeing that this man really seemed to care about his guardian, the Fatty smiled and took the contract with the pen, act which made Monaco happy, quickly the other countries complained about this.

『Vous savez, on ne peut pas s'opposer aux décisions des personnes importantes, alors soyez des chiens tranquilles』=『You know, we can't oppose before the decisions of important people, so keep quiet dogs』.

This made the countries even more angry that they felt cornered and helpless, if they object they already know what consequences they would face. But Cliston are not stupid as we thought, he already knows that this person was the same who refused Mikel since the first day, although he did not understand him, he could notice all his annoyance and resentment that he has, it was strange that now his behavior has changed now, as he thought at the beginning that everyone had their eyes fixed on him, then this must be one of those moves they made to be able to have him. Cliston knew that you had to be careful with contracts, they are simply the most dangerous pieces of leaves in the world, even with distrust he believes that everyone has a second chance, in order to have trust you have to give trust.

『Here you go』.

『Merci Cliston, mais quelle belle signature c'est très unique dans son apparence, tu voulais essayer quelque chose d'innovant d'après ce que je vois』=『Thank you Cliston, but what a beautiful signature it is very unique in its appearance, you wanted to try something innovative from what I see』.

I really had, despite the danger of signing a contract you don't understand, anyway Cliston did it, Monaco looked at the signature and truthfully thought otherwise, he couldn't think that this signature had it perhaps the most important person in the world, with a little training you can get to forge it. To this the other countries can not believe that it was what had happened, really so simple and in the eyes of all just got away with it, it was so much euphoria, so much joy to have been so simple, did not believe it would go so well, Monaco began to laugh and show the contract to everyone.


He was showing it in front of everyone, Mikel to this was also shaking and managed to see the contract as well as the signature, but quickly Monaco realized that Mikel was watching him, so he didn't miss the opportunity to insult and demigrate him.

『BUT WHAT A DISGUSTING PERSON YOU ARE MIKEL! THAT YOU COULD HAVE CHEATED CLISTON JUST GIVES AWAY HOW HEAVY AND BASIC YOU ARE AS A LEADER OF ALL』-『I really don't understand how someone of your ilk could have taken that position, there being better people who prepared for this, trained and studied all their lives for the position, we even did our best to make them nice and friendly to look at, here comes a stranger out of nowhere like you, who nobody knew of his existence to be the leader of Europe? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? At the beginning we all accepted you in spite of being a stranger, but we did it for the old leader, nobody really believed in you from the heart, you gave us more problems or better said you did not solve them, and the few you solved were simple things, you have your favorites just as you were the favorite of the old leader, who saw in you if you were just a war orphan, without father or mother, living most of your life with children with the same luck, what did you eat, did you bathe? did you even study the basics? why someone so despicable did not know his place and tried to be with the great ones, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE WITH US, WHAT DO I DO SHARING ROOM WITH YOU, ALL OF US HERE COME FROM PEOPLE WITH HISTORY, after the work you did, those of us who refused to you decided better that you stay here locked up so you can not do anything! ! you're just a nuisance, you're a damn dirty boy!!! even if you're wearing the uniform you're still a child, stop looking me in the eyes as if you could face me!!! you're already old Mikel, why don't you just die and let someone else eat, ah! leave Cliston to him, as now I'll be his tutor, things will get better』.

That country was lashing out with everything, he finally said what he was hiding so much, they say that saying what you feel and what you have kept makes you feel better, right now accompanied by the fact that his plan went well, that now he could say everything about Mikel, right now he was experiencing a feeling of freedom, he felt now that no one could oppose him, if someone does, he will only fall before the power of the contract, as long as he has that sheet with the signature everything will go as he wants it to. All those present were silent when they heard all this, but of course, those who supported Mikel were upset, how could they think that way about the Leader of Europe, Mikel always looked him straight in the eyes, he never turned them away in these situations. Even if they defend him that is of little use, the only one who can stop with the abuse is oneself, but now Mikel can't say anything since it is true, he too even if it has remained in the past, he once thought that he too was a sewer rat.

『So that's what you think of Mikel』.

Cliston spoke where Monaco with the contract happened to observe him, when he turned around he realized that one of the countries that went to bring water or candy for Mikel, he had also been suggested to bring the necessary tools, both glasses and headphones, but he could only bring the headphones who could translate what little Monaco said. He was not able to hear everything from the beginning, perhaps half or even part of the end, but he could quickly notice Cliston's look of annoyance and disgust. This worried Monaco and the first thing he did was to secure the sheet so that nothing would happen to it, with the hearing aid he could only understand the languages, but they were not going to understand him, so he began to speak.

『I didn't hear the beginning of when you started to speak, I could only understand at the end, but there was no need to understand you, since you showed yourself as you are, I started to dislike you a lot, although I knew that the smile and that kind tone were a lie, I still decided to take it because I decided to trust you, I gave you a second chance, the contract was obvious that it didn't bring anything good, but I signed it anyway, I can already get an idea of what you said to Mikel, but just like I did with my friends and family, YOU KNOW MIKEL! 』

No one expected that, Cliston before his anger but a small shout, again his body instinctively released a small but strong breeze in the whole room, it was just strong enough to make the small flags with which the countries of represented collapse. This made Monaco sweat a little and he wondered if he had understood him all this time, if so then that explained his anger.

『Did you even spend the day with him, did you even talk to him, did you spend a little time with him, do you know what he does outside of all the work he has, do you know what he cares about, what he likes, how he behaves with others, his way of teaching, his jokes, his laughter, even the things he gets to worry about, his problems, do you even know his story really? 』-『I don't know everything about Mikel, I don't know everything about my friends or family, I don't think it's necessary, but that they show me little by little how they really are, that makes me happy and I can say that I know this part of them and what others say are pure lies, I don't want again that by my actions they come back to harass or bother me, to say things that are not from my friends and family, if you come back to tell lies I promise you that I will never come to help you, but I know that I will anyway. ..Really is it really necessary to lie to get what you want...even if you are a bad person and others tell you the worst, if you show me the opposite, I will be on your side, so please don't be so sincere again, it only brings bad things, and if you are going to lie, let them be only small, you are an important person, your actions have weight on the other people who pay for the broken plate』-『Just do what you can do』.

Cliston said and spoke from the bottom of his heart and what he thinks about all this, even if no one in this room understood it, anyway they gave him all the attention he needs, not whether it was because they understood it, if not because of the firmness and strength that he said it, that must have been, But at this moment he looked very different from earlier, now he was the same, they saw his annoying side but still without losing who he is or his teachings, they could all notice it, this boy was defending Mikel about all the bad things that were said to him as well as trying to change their thoughts about him. At the end of this everyone was again invaded by silence, they only looked at Cliston as at the beginning, this quickly put his feet on the ground, where he quickly started to feel nervous and his hands started to sweat, just remembering what he said a little while ago, makes his cheeks turn red.

『So keep that in mind, maybe, I think...there's no se』(*'-`*).

Cliston was bowing thanking him for listening to him and now he was leaving the place going for Mikel to help him get up, but quickly as if by act of magic, Mikel again pulled himself together leaving behind the weak old man facade he was recently, quickly Cliston was concerned about that and was telling him if he wants me to carry him or something, where Mikel with a smile went on to pat Cliston's head and congratulate him.

『You did very well』.

It wasn't strong and it wasn't soft, maybe it's the wrinkled hand or the bones that feel good, but that pat on the head felt so familiar that it made Cliston smile heartily at having lived up to his family's expectations and in having defended himself with what he had. Quickly Cliston bid farewell to everyone as Mikel did, but first the Leader of Europe gave a warning.

『The next meeting we have, please be present, if you distrust me so much, I will show you the real reasons why I believe the former Leader of Europe chose me, whether you like it or not, I also want you to listen to me, I have gained the strength and confidence to face you and my past』.

With his uniform impeccable, with all the insignia he has, with a unique finish, Mikel retired with words of great weight on everyone, Cliston followed him at his side while everyone was surprised and wondering what just happened, from one moment to another everyone put all their true attention to these 2 people who did not believe they would be able to do anything alone. Having no more to do for today, many of the countries raised their flags, put it in place and left, the comments were different and varied after this.

『I don't know what Cliston said, but it got on my nerves』 『I think he was defending Mikel, but I also think I noticed disgust, as if something had happened before』 『That gust of wind I didn't expect, with that so he looks annoyed』 『You who are against Mikel and see Cliston as a tool to use, what do you think』 『What do I think? I think there hasn't been such an entertaining meeting for a long time, the previous ones were boring and that's why we didn't watch, but this one was worth coming』 『Mikel always looks like an old man in front of us, it's the first time I see him straight when standing up』 『Let's just hope his words are true and not just of the moment, if this is his moment as the old leader said, let's see what happens』 『That orphan boy had to wait to be so old to just stand up, I hope he won't disappoint』.

The countries conversation was on topic as they were leaving the hall, the one who stayed behind and the only one in the place was Monaco , he remembered everything that happened recently and how Cliston seemed to somehow threaten him, this was not what it said in Cliston's information, he had never been angry with anyone before, and what is that about expelling wind without even being transformed, he swallowed saliva as he feels he is in danger.

『No, there is nothing to worry about, as long as he has the contract with his signature, everything is settled, even if he is the hero of the world, no one can escape from the law and politics, the agreements if or if they are fulfilled, you'll wait Cliston for having looked at me that way』.

While Mikel and Cliston were already leaving, the old man invited Cliston some sweets, they were the ones that his companions had brought him to make him better, but he also took the opportunity to tell him that the signature he made days ago, is already completely registered as his and nothing can change that fact, you know, the "gh8+am" with drawings and scratches all over the place.

『Like that's already my signature! But the one I've been practicing and the one I made a while ago, so what about them?』

『No good, even if you wrote them, they have no validation if it's not the signature that's registered, it's something that we as important people have, the registered signature is the only valid one for everything, if you put another one, it will only be like a doodle or a joke *smiles* 』

『It can't be .... and I tried so hard to make a good one』

『So let's hurry home, show me your signature and hang out with our family! Yes!!!』ヾ(^∇^)


It looks like they solved a problem without even realizing it, or at least on Cliston's part, but what Mikel would like to see now, is the look on Monaco's face when he realizes that the contract Cliston signed is no good. This was certainly a breakthrough for Cliston, and just like Mikel who stepped forward to prove that whatever he has he truly deserves.

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