
Chapter 306: Fear


That evening the 3 adults drank from the gin drink until not a single drop was left in the bottle, on the one hand both Mikel and Acel hadn't gotten drunk at all, let's say they were already used to drinking alcoholic beverages, but Cliston surprisingly despite being the first time drinking in this way, hadn't gotten as drunk as they expected, he was still sane but with his guard down, he didn't get flamboyant, he didn't get melancholic either, he didn't become violent nor did he become antisocial, no, quite the opposite, rather he seemed to be his usual self only more how to say it, that scruffy but pleasant smile was present on him, now it was like he was expressing himself without being afraid of what others would say.

『This place is very nice, not that the countries I was in before are not, but I would have liked to know its beautiful parts』(*'ω`*)『But what a rich wine, I wonder how are the other drinks from other countries』('∀`-)『Don Ramon, the truth is I little understand what you teach me in the evenings, reminding me things like that is difficult for me, but I do understand the stories or little facts you give me when we go for a walk, I will give my best effort to be able to learn well from you and the Savate』(●'艸`)ヾ『It is good that it is just us away from the children, for them to see us doing this will only make them want to grow up as soon as possible, you were orphans weren't you? sorry if my words are not right, but I hope you guys also enjoyed your childhood』 ╰(*'︶`*)╯.

It was weird the way being drunk was for Cliston, he kind of became more sincere with those in front of him, he didn't talk about his personal things, he didn't talk about his problems or negative opinions, it was like he only highlighted the good in this state. With these words throughout the conversation they had, Mikel and Acel found the conversation with Cliston amusing, until finally after several minutes he had reached his limit, closing his eyes because he had finally fallen asleep. Seeing Cliston sleeping so restlessly in the chair, Acel was smiling at the situation.

『He is a very good guy, the truth when I cheated him with drinking, I wanted to see another phase of him, I even wanted to know personal things, I wanted to know the real face of the person who told the world that he will make a change, if this is the person who can bring us peace at last, I pray that his goals will be fulfilled』.

『I am glad that you also support Cliston, lately by the reports that reach me, from the European countries that also have relationship with Asia, I could inform me that Cliston has defeated several terrorist organizations, this could calm the waters of the wars that there are, but before every solution there are always reprimands, I know it very well, before every decision that I think is right, there will always see the rejection and disapproval of the people, we do not know it yet, but I think that thanks to what Cliston did in Asia, Asia is also a religious continent, and when I say religious you know what I mean, there will be many organizations that have stopped or are thinking of returning just because the fact that someone appeared with the title of God, is just an act of offense for this, it has ended with the majority in Asia but those who decided to flee to other places, I fear that what happened in previous years in this district will be repeated again. ..Europe is a migratory continent, I wonder where those people are still』.

Mikel was worried about something else, he is always informed about everything that happens in his continent, but he also has access to information that he can ask from other continents and leaders of the world. Mikel had been reading everything that Cliston did while he was in Asia, it seemed incredible to him that this guy would use his power for that, and he was not referring to the power of his God Form, but that he would actually jump into danger on his own, it was so hard to believe this, he had to see it with his own eyes if this was true. That's why when Cliston told him that he wanted him to train him, Mikel was surprised, that day of training he was really surprised because he could see it with his own eyes, someone who already has the power to do everything, seeks to improve himself, this undoubtedly made Mikel see Cliston as a potential to really fulfill his personal goals. For this reason, knowing that Cliston was going from war to war, he decided first to give him a moment of relaxation with the walks and all that, to de-stress even for a moment, since he doubts very much that the other leaders will give him that time. He also saw other potential points in Cliston, being able to transmit what you want to another person overcoming the language barrier as it was in his first mission, he wanted to improve that ability of the boy and see it again with his own eyes, he knows that being himself he is capable of many things or at least being himself with the objective he seeks. Mikel was confident in this, that's why he wanted Cliston to speak or transmit what he thinks to the other countries, but he ran into a problem, apparently in this type of situation he gets nervous, nervous? but why? If before when he gave the world message he spoke with total sincerity and did not feel nervous or shy, it will be because there was no one present with him, just knowing that someone is staring at you already makes many people uneasy, but Cliston was not alone at that moment, because of the darkness he covered the leaders who came to see Cliston in person, they saw him with their own eyes as he develops, as he really is. Yet another reason why Mikel saw potential in Fatty early on. But then he is just like him? Mikel also at the moment of truth is not able to say what he has in mind, when he puts himself in the center and receives the look of those who reject him, of those who have the word to impose their decisions on him, he simply gets scared. He knows that he has to be himself but he can't, maybe with Cliston he is looking to overcome that fear since they are similar in a sense, if Cliston manages to overcome that fear, then it would be one more step for Mikel to also lose his to those who reject him.

『The rejection that several people suffer not only in our country, but in the whole world, there are many and few are the people who give them a hand, but our religion seeks something more, we also want to seek a change to this reality, someday it will happen, someday it will be time, you have to get your act together Mikel now that Cliston will give you a hand, get out of your prison and see the reality with your own eyes, go outside friend *smile*』

『Thanks Acel, whenever you can you always motivate me to escape from here, if I could go to the outside, I would like to be able to talk directly to that guy who started a war that wasn't necessary, but there if I think I can do little, words I don't think that's what will stop him』.

They took a last sip of their drinks giving as a symbol that this was as far as the conversation had gone. A couple of hours had passed and the director had not returned yet, so as there was no other way, Acel took his big bag, there was no longer anything inside that the children should not know, so with joy and energy he was going to distribute the gifts, and of course Mikel was going to help his friend. That same midday, the children received an early Christmas from the adults who care about them, listening as they opened the gifts from their wrappings, others were already playing with their new toys, there were also picture books. Seeing the joy of these children made Mikel as happy as Acel.

『Quand adoptez-vous à nouveau un autre enfant Acel ?』

A child asked Acel when would be the next time he would adopt another child, Acel caressed his head but made a symbol on his head, being a catholic it was normal to see him make that shape with his fingers. He replied that he would soon give a child a new life together with him. The children when they heard this began to complain, since they wanted to be the adopted ones, but the one who pointed out to him was very happy that he could finally have a family, to be able to have a father and a mother who would give him that family love that every child deserves to have. But it seems that finally the orphanage director had returned after paying her dues that she owed, she couldn't help but meet the commotion in the room when she saw Acel together with the children.

『Good to have you back Director, I've come to give my support to the orphanage *smiles*』.

『You always show up when I'm in a hurry, we were left with little money after paying with everything we owed, but with your help if I think I can make ends meet』.

『But I can also contribute Director, I feel that you have favoritism to Acel than to me....』

『I already told you a thousand times that I don't want to abuse your power Mikel, that would only make me feel bad to take advantage of an old man like you, come on Acel, let's go to my office』.

The Director was always dressed like a little nun and this was no exception, but seeing how Mikel was claiming as if he was a little boy, the truth was that he was a little bit really jealous because they don't accept his help but his friend did. Both Acel and the Director were going to her office, but they got the surprise that they had forgotten something there, Cliston was still sleeping on one of the seats, where this surprised the Director, as she can easily recognize when someone is drunk and when not, she quickly went to help Cliston and ask for water to be brought.

『But what happened here, why is Cliston drunk, I don't think he did it, you guys have something to do with this, or am I wrong Acel?』

The director knew that Acel had the habit of bringing alcoholic drinks to enjoy the meeting, it was normal to see him sharing a couple of drinks with the director, where Acel couldn't help but tell her that if he was the one who set Cliston up, as if he was following them on the sly, Mikel also blamed himself for not warning or stopping the Fatty.

『You guys...I don't want you to pass on your bad habits to this kid, don't you see he's only 15 years old? for God's sake what crosses your mind to do something to this kid』.

『Child? But I understand that he is more than I don't know, 100 years old?』

『That doesn't say anything, as long as he thinks it's wrong, his decision should be respected, the age he looks like he is should be respected』.

『It is to be respected? then why did Maria get pregnant at --------』

『You'd better stop Acel, you're only going to make the Director angry』.

『And why did she hang out with an old man from --------』

『Ahhh!!!! Now let's go for the water, you take care of Cliston for the time being』.

Seeing how Acel must be telling him how things are in that transcribed in the book, quickly before he says something, you could see how Mikel covered his mouth so that he does not say more, but you could tell who had more strength that quickly Acel spoke more, Mikel had no choice but to have to take his friend by force so he does not continue saying things that should not be said. When there was finally silence in her office, the director gave a sigh while she made the symbol of the Our Father.

『I really think sometimes how can there be such a religious man, look what they did to you Cliston, with you being the God that came back to our world after a long time, I will pray for you so that you don't fall into bad influences son』.

The Director did not avoid giving him her blessing when she saw Cliston so warm and calm despite his drunken state. She thinks and knows very well that the kind of influence you get to hang out with can change you a lot over time, but the only sure thing is that I think Cliston will come to have a fondness for alcohol xd. This day there was nothing else, by lunch time Cliston could already get better and he could feel a slight dizziness in his head, he was in his room and being his first drunk he had, little is remembered of what happened, but it is more than sure that they talked about many more things than what we saw.

By lunch he had arrived just right, he was surprised that still Acel is still at the orphanage, they talked some more and even had lunch together, where again the interest in Cliston didn't seem to end.

『On your trip you surely tried many dishes, tell me did you try Hummus or Falafel』.

『Yes, I got to eat them, they were very tasty, I'm surprised how tasty it can be without having any meat in it』.

『Magnifique! Of course you tried it, all typical food is delicious, I know how to cook it, wouldn't you like to try my seasoning?』

The conversation continued while they were eating, still Mikel was helping in the kitchen so it seems that he still won't come, Cliston was already finishing but when he looked at Acel's plate, he noticed that Acel left the meat aside, this was strange to him, since in this country, meat is one of the main dishes. But quickly before she asked him anything, Acel grabbed the meat and ate it eagerly.

『I'm sorry, I'm a person who saves the best for last, this country will make you a carnivore, you're from Japan, right? I envy you, your food must be faithful to your traditions』.

When he talked about it, Cliston quickly imagined eating their dishes that he always ate there, whether it was the omelette, the onigiris, it must be summer there already, so eating a yakisoba on the beach must feel good. Cliston's mouth was watering and he even drooled over it, an opportunity that Acel didn't miss to laugh about it. After lunch there was nothing else to do, Acel was leaving, today he wasn't going to go to the Headquarters either, Mikel commented that we better take advantage of this time to plan better that new project we are going to do, so he just went to tell me that he is going to ask them to bring him the necessary for what we were going to need, I am sure that I will have that headset again like the one I had with Tomeo.

When we came back we took the opportunity to train earlier, which I am still a little sore, because when I try to open my legs I feel a pain that prevents me from doing it, was that really necessary? Mikel now if he made me do the butterfly exercise as well as the frog jump, he made me do little kicks, that if I could do it, but there were times when he told me to do kicks at the height of my head, and the truth, when I tried it I felt a pulse in my whole leg, it hurt me strongly, but something impressed me, it won't be much, but I think this time I got further than I was before, so I guess breaking my legs was not in vain.

『You must have tired legs, well, let's move on to arms, or rather your only available arm Giovane Cliston』.

As I said Mikel is not a good teacher for this, quickly I was already with a boxing glove in my left hand, the worst thing is that I have available in left arm, I am that 90% who has that arm weaker than the right one. I couldn't help thinking that Brayan would be better at being a surdo than me. Quickly Mikel seemed to pull out some kind of cushion in which he was telling me to punch.

『Okay, here I go!!!』

When I gave my first punch with my fist, nothing happened, nothing happened, nothing at all, I even stayed a few seconds in the same position of my fist because I was embarrassed by how weak my punch was, even Mikel could tell I wanted to laugh because of how weak I was.

『Less I already realized that you never did Giovane Cliston』(ಡ艸ಡ)

『Well...I never thought this would happen to me』.

After that teasing, we continued with the training with my arm, we would be a while giving those blows, then I started training with the free air, giving blows to the air, but quickly Mikel was saying that he had forgotten something important, and that was to strengthen my left arm, so for tomorrow Mikel was saying that he would bring me small weights to exercise.

『This will serve you at least a little, the truth this not being able to use one arm limits the training a lot, you can't do push-ups, you lose the rhythm of the workouts, literally we can't exploit your skills, but well, we have to adjust to what we have, but as I would like you to learn how it should be, I think I still have that hand gripper I used when I was young, I'll give it to you more later, use it at all times when you can, your grip is also important Giovane Cliston』.

Cliston lay on the grass from the effort he was making, now that he tells you, he doesn't have much grip strength in his left hand, you can also notice how even though he's been like this for a long time already, he's not quite used to the fact that now his left arm is the one he uses the most, like there are times when he wants to use his right arm, but he just can't, he's afraid of hurting it again or forcing it and having to wait another long time for it to heal.

『But the good thing is that I am very characterized by these bandages xd』-『By the way Mikel, who exactly is Acel? where do you know him from or what is he doing here?』

Cliston was curious about that guy from hours ago, where Mikel, as if to make the training less silent and not be under this pressure, Mikel told Cliston that Acel was the president of the district where they are currently, hearing this made him surprised the Fatty, because the way he dressed and acted, could easily be someone with a similar title or at least lower than Mikel, or at least that's what Cliston thought. Cliston did not avoid comparing it with the neighborhood council that exists in his country, then Mikel commented that it was something similar, here also the district there is a board where Acel is the president and always watches over the good of the place and of the inhabitants, at the moment it could be said that it is the image of the district.

Now they were doing that abdominal exercise, he threw himself on the grass while Mikel held his feet, the conversation continued where he told him that Acel earned that position because he had previously won the affection of the people, either with community help or solving problems that existed, such as the thefts that occurred from time to time. It was always said that thieves should be taken to the police, or in most cases to take justice into their own hands, but because of his religion Acel gave a hand to the thieves as if giving them another chance and a home, where he clearly said that he would take care of those people. And it was unbelievable, a few weeks later these people who stole before are now looking to earn a fair living. Because of all these and more Acel's actions, sooner or later he would become the president of the district, with a board and people who would support him until the end.

『Incredible, isn't it? how an orphan from outside the country managed to come and make them see it with different eyes, that is the change Acel is looking for, that we can all accomplish our goals no matter where we come from, it is similar to the former leader of Europe if you think about it, I met him right here, in the Orphanage, as I was going to stay here I wanted to be able to help even this place with the same people that have my opportunities, the children quickly nicknamed me El Soldadito, but when I offered my help the first time to the Director and who I am, she rejected me without hesitation, the good thing is that she allowed me to live here, I know I can stay in better places than this, but here I feel more comfortable, it reminds me of the place where I grew up *smiles* Just like you met him, the same thing happened to me, and when we found out that we had many things in common, like becoming his friend was something of the moment』.

From one moment to the next they were already doing another kind of exercise, they returned to the cushion pounding, where Cliston finally understood who Acel was and his importance in the place. It was already dusk before they knew it, dinner time was about to begin, but they could quickly hear another voice they didn't know was with them.

『Incroyable, Accel oui c'est incroyable』

A boy had stayed listening to everything Mikel said, his eyes were glowing like never before, his smile was not disappearing, it seems he admired Acel a lot he listened to everything completely, Mikel smiled and agreed with the boy, while Cliston again didn't know how to react to this, what he has to do, talk to him? not make a mimic? but right now he is tired, so, so what can he do. Cliston just smiled and approached the boy.

『Everyone can fight for what they want to be』.

Cliston took off his boxing glove and put it on the boy, where he quickly made a fist clash with his fist and the glove, this the boy though he didn't understand, but seeing just the gesture of Cliston all tired but still energetic, made him very happy that he happened to be very happy and rushed into the orphanage.

『Le héros m'a donné son gant !!!! Regardez les gars !!!』

He was leaving with joy to tell his friends that he received the glove of the hero of the world, Cliston was scratching his head saying if he did the right thing, quickly Mikel would comment to him that this kid since they started training has always been coming to the playground to watch him. The children at the beginning of training were many, but as everything new calls and what is already seen loses interest, but not for this child, always when he knows it's time to train, he goes to the courtyard to watch Cliston, who this for ignorant and not seeing his surroundings did not notice.

『His name is Étienne, and I see that he admires you a lot, it would be nice if you got along well with all the children, but I think that's asking too much of you, at least I would like you to pay attention to who is interested in you, it is an advice that you should keep in mind also when your time comes, it is not necessary to observe you a lot to realize that you don't look well』.

『But I wear glasses for a reason.』

『I don't mean literally Giovane Cliston』.

After dinner I would touch the evening studies, again I could observe how the De Vos brothers came in the middle of dinner, now that I think about it it is only at these times that I get to see them, in the mornings they never show up when we have breakfast, it is interesting how the children go for the new and leave the known aside, when the siblings come, the children always go with them to welcome them, but I think they ask them if they brought them something this time, here 2 things happen, when they tell them if they brought something, the children are happy, but when they tell them they didn't bring anything, you can notice how the crowd went back to finish their dinner.

『But what convenient children....』

『What are you complaining about, you were also like that with the old chosen ones brother, you even got up early to ask them to bring you candy or a specific toy』.

『And they didn't, at that time it bothered me why they didn't keep their promises, but now I understand by being in their shoes, so kids you better be very appreciative of the effort we make when we bring you something』.

Listening to the De Vos brothers was entertaining in its own way, it was like I could imagine what they were saying just by the tone and the scene that was happening, while I was eating I could notice how Brother De Vos happened to look at me and quickly this one approached me to talk to me, I really don't know what he expects from me, so I simply offered him as a first act my dinner.

『Vous ne pouvez pas communiquer avec les autres, ça va, j'apprends votre langue donc vous avez quelqu'un à qui parler, vous ne le savez pas encore, mais vous apprécierez d'avoir un ami』

And quickly he was going to receive his dinner, this time if I could not get an idea of what he said, but quickly it was not only the brother who appeared to me, quickly the sister also appeared to me on the other side, I really did not expect it that I almost fell off my chair.

『My brother studying language for you to have someone to talk to *smiles*』

This surprised me again, I could understand what Sister said but not so clear, the surprise was so much that I didn't say anything, I think I made her confused since she quickly took out her notebook where she read it for a few seconds so she could confirm her words.

『Brother no friends study, orphan 2, reject people, discrimination, brother study language, want friend, your friend, s'il te plait s'entend avec lui *smiles*』

I understood perfectly what De Vos sister told me, and the truth is that it made me sad because of the situation in which the two of them are going through, I don't know if she only wanted to hide it by saying about her brother, but I guess she also suffers that rejection since she said 2, but I was even a little embarrassed that someone is looking for my friendship, we are the same age so it is normal to want to talk to someone about many things that you would like to talk about. I really appreciate the intension and I hope we can talk about whatever you want, although I should better learn the language too, but the truth.

『(It makes me lazy to just add another study to my list, so sorry Brother De Vos, make an effort for me too)』('∀`;)『Thank you both for what you do for me』.

The girl quickly at what I said read her little book again where she would go on to smile where she bowed her head and retreated to with her brother, I could tell as the brother was annoyed with her with red cheeks, I didn't understand as they walked away, but the brother was telling her that she hadn't told him her clear intentions with Cliston. The night continued calmly, it was time for the study where this time Mikel would teach me the religion, the truth when he said it, I was not very encouraged, you can even notice that I struggled to say that I agreed, but I guess it was something that sooner or later would happen.

I'm not going to lie, there were parts where I was falling asleep because I really didn't care about this, I guess it's due to my zero interest and zero knowledge in general about this, since in my home country we don't follow such religion but we do have the Christmas tradition, isn't that a bit of a choice? like saying I take only what interests me and that's it, but well, Christmas is Christmas no matter if you believe or not, it's time to enjoy and have a good time, now that I think about it, the last time I spent a Christmas was a long time ago, now that I'm back, I wonder how I will spend it on such a day of the year.

『And that's how....hey...』

Mikel found Cliston sleeping sitting on the bed, where quickly so as not to lose the habit, to wake him up Mikel gave a quick lick on Cliston's forehead, where Cliston woke up but did nothing but look from side to side.

『I'm sorry Mikel, but this time I have zero interest in the subject』(-.-;)

『You're going to travel all over the world and the Catholic religion is the one with the most followers in the world *sigh* okay, if you want something interesting then I'll talk to you about something that will keep you awake』-『Jihadism』.

『The what?....』('〜`*) zzz.

He didn't know it yet, but Cliston would go on to learn about another subject that he didn't know at all, Mikel would comment on this religion that had its origins in Asia, and that above all is who has brought to the world horrible events that will be marked forever. The more Mikel talked, the more quickly Cliston was losing sleep and disinterest, just listening to what they were involved in made Cliston worried about the situation. The only thing that made terrorist acts both in Europe and North America, it was possible to even talk about the subject without it sounding bad? impossible, for many this religion was engraved in their minds forever, now thanks to the actions of the former leaders of the world, they managed to stop this movement that was undoubtedly the most dangerous and the most to be feared. Cliston would not know what he should do, if he comes across one, what he should do, use his words or his strength, it would not be about changing his mind, it would be even greater to try to change his beliefs and what he believes is right. But Cliston has been to Asia, without him realizing it on one of those missions he must have run into those kind of people...that's why Tomeo was determined to wipe them all out, he doesn't know, Cliston now has a lot of doubts in his head.

『The jihad has two types of meanings, the minor jihad, this covers 2 concepts, 1 is the military fight in the name of God against an evil enemy and defending a just cause on the side of good, you can imagine how is the result, especially towards you, literally these consider you their enemy Giovane Cliston, for them there is only one God, they do everything for him, that there is another is simply unforgivable, adding that this God is destroying them, so I tell you to be careful, and 2, any action taken by God to improve humanity, need I say more? I really don't know what you had in your head with saying you were a God, they are the ones who reject you the most in the whole world, do you want to hear the other concept? or do you already have enough with what I told you』

Cliston became thoughtful about the matter, it was like the sleep and disinterest had disappeared, he was really worried about this. Just thinking that there are people out there, terrorist people who have a great hatred for him and are capable of doing acts as they are already known, it makes you shiver just thinking about it, Cliston remembered again when this all started, how his family and friends were affected by the same people who came to hate him, but this time it would be dangerous people, people who are not afraid to do bad things, if those kind of people go towards the people he cares about the most, he wouldn't know what he would have to do.

『I...thought I was doing the right thing...didn't think this would happen....』

『But I hope your words have influenced at least a change, you were able to talk to those you defeated, you even gave some of them a new life, I congratulate you for that, the rate of wars in Asia went down since you made an appearance, since Tomeo took over, even if he does his job this rate never went down, rather it remained steady, but still the followers and faithful are many, the world is huge Giovane Cliston and for bad luck *sigh* Did you realize what district we are living in? 』

『Where do we live? Isn't it the Molenbeek district?』

Hearing the place where they are living, this Mikel kept staring at Cliston, as it seems that even though he had previously told him to take a good look at his surroundings, he again took it at face value and looked at the tours he was giving him, Mikel was ready to tell him the truth about the place where they live.

『Molenbeek is considered the heart of Jihadism』-『Did you notice? don't answer, I know you didn't, here in this district is where many faithful of that religion take refuge, there are more Muslims than other inhabitants, I guess you didn't see it strange since as I told you, Europe is a continent of immigrants who learned to live together, but these are the main causes of all those catastrophes that don't have to be mentioned as a joke, here, right here, in Brussels there was a terrorist act that brought destruction and chaos, I had to ask for help from the other leaders to be able to bring solution, to achieve a normality of the one you see now has taken many years, as you can see now everything is calm, also since Acel became president of the district he helped to improve the place, our goals and objectives to bring peace managed to bear fruit, I think I managed to normalize and solve the problem because I was here personally, I feel that if it had not been like this I would have done little. ...』-『But what I am telling you was years ago, right now we are bringing back what this beautiful district was before, but that is why I am afraid, I am afraid that your actions have raised something that was already eradicated, so when the time comes that I hope will not come, use your powers Giovane Cliston, use them so that a tragedy that already happened before does not happen again, prevent the wound will be, I count on you 』

Mikel was nervous about something that could have given him a solution years ago, that this problem would reopen and bring again a hell to this place that he does not deserve, just thinking that he could not return to protect that place where he currently lives, scares the old man, the chaos that was lived can not be repeated, no person should go through the same, hear the explosions and all the buildings collapse, is something that Mikel already lived and knows how horrible what it is for a child.

『It's okay Mikel, if it happens, I will do my best to stop it, one has to take responsibility for one's actions, I hope I did a good job in Asia too, I wouldn't want to get the opposite』.

Cliston has gone to great lengths with Tomeo, he hopes his words and actions have done some good, but knowing that there is something behind you that at any moment can explode without you knowing it, this is the first time Cliston gets to be tense. No doubt it is the worst way to sleep for a tomorrow where they will start with the project to help the countries, everything is fine for now, for what Cliston lived that he did not even know that this was a dangerous place, he wants to believe that there is no retaliation nor a deep hatred of everything, at that very moment Cliston regretted having said things as such, having said that he was a God, it was a big mistake.

『And I guess you already know who I'm referring to』.

『Oh, to whom?』

『oh vraiment? Well, I guess you can take your time』.

It was so obvious that Mikel thought Cliston already knew who to keep an eye on, but it seems that Cliston doesn't look around as much as he would like to.

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