
Chapter 289: Investigation


My training finally started a few days ago, and to tell you the truth, I think I'm regretting it, Tomeo's way of teaching is harder than I thought, I even think he demands more from me to live up to his expectations. After each successful mission, we take the opportunity to train me in the free camps that are in different agencies that are in the continent of Asia, there are so many that I can not get to know any of them, but I guess that is not necessary. The first few days he made me train my body by making me do all kinds of exercises, he looked serious and even cheerful Tomeo, but I was a little worried about my condition, well you know.

『My arm is not recovered, so I don't think I will do all the exercises Tomeo』 tells me to do.

『And you come to me with that now? Who cares, it's your decision for getting into this so it's your responsibility, then you'll have to try twice as hard if you want to get better, no excuses for who's asking, right young Cliston?』

『Yes....(I should have left it for when my arm recovered)』(´エ`;)

Tomeo sent him to do some push-ups after previously warming up the body, at first I didn't want to because, how am I going to do it with one hand, that's for professionals, I wanted to complain but just by looking at Tomeo I got rid of the desire to contradict him. And as expected, when I flexed a little, I was already lying on the floor without even being able to do a push-up. I could hear how Tomeo gave a sharp intake of breath commenting that we'd better move on to another type of exercise, but when Tomeo commented and thought about what types of exercises I could do, unfortunately they all required me to have both arms free. I wouldn't be able to exercise my arms if that was Tomeo's plan, and if I can't maneuver them it also closes me off from the fighting styles that Tomeo surely wanted to teach me and the ones I was eager to learn.

『The only thing left would be to train your legs, but for that you have to be flexible, there, try to do the same as me』.

Tomeo would do the most basic thing to show if you are good with your legs, and it was the typical one of putting your feet above the back of your neck, when I saw that Tomeo did it without any difficulty I was amazed, because, if even a chubby guy like him could do it then anyone could do it, although I laughed as his belly stood out more.

『(*≧艸≦) (You can see all his belly xd)』

『Now you try it, young Cliston』

『If you could do it Tomeo, then I can do it, besides I remember when I was in elementary school, we did a competition with my friends and we all could do it after a few minutes, look and be amazed Tomeo』.

Again that cocky Cliston's pride came out as he was sure he could do something right, but that confident smile would come in handy when he does his missions, that he has everything under situation instead of not knowing what to do. Cliston sat on the grassy field and tried to move his leg, but he couldn't reach it easily, this confused Cliston a lot and you could see it in his eyes, he would quickly make another leg movement and even stick his head out to achieve it, but he couldn't. Cliston moved on to look at Tomeo where the mustachioed man, you could tell he wanted to tease him.

『Wait no more, I said it would be in a few minutes, not that I would do it right away』.

Cliston would now try with his other leg, helping himself with his arm and bringing his head closer, seeing the extra effort he was making to make it, it was too obvious that he could no longer do the same as when he was little. He was even turning red from the effort he was making, he was practically looking like a clown after having said that. PAM!!!! Quickly Cliston felt a heavy weight on his shoulders that made his legs and even himself fall to the ground, but he was doing enough not to let himself lie down, it was Tomeo who would now tell him why.

『You said when you were a child, did you know that when you are small you are more flexible with your body? You hadn't thought about how little kids have more energy and desire to move because of their instinct...as they are just developing, their body still seeks to adapt to what they want to be, that's why if before it was easy to put your foot on your neck, now that your body is already developed, it lost that ability to adapt to most things, although what a joy that your friends were playful and moving when they were little, now kids are only glued to the screens 』

『AAahhh!!!! Tomeo!!! My back!!! My legs!!!! You're going to crush me!!!!』

Tomeo was giving Cliston a lesson as he was putting pressure on his whole body, Cliston's legs were being forcefully pulled apart just as he felt that his back couldn't take any more with so much effort.

『Hold on young Cliston, if we can't work with your arms, we have to rescue at least your legs, if we keep going like this it might be your only way to fight, yes, I'm already thinking of everything I can teach you』.

『AHHH!!!! Stop!!!! I feel like something else is going to open up for me!!!!』

Cliston really was more than sweating and nervous from this simple pressure, that after a few minutes of suffering, finally Tomeo let him free, quickly Cliston lay down on his back on the grass, he felt his back sore as well as his legs, having opposed a greater force, now his body was in a refusal to make movement, he had no strength to keep going, besides doing exercise even the basics was not on his daily life list.

『Rise up young Cliston, you may have lost your ability to adapt, but that's why I am your partner, I will make you recover and remember everything you want to learn』.

He was holding out his hand to him as a sign that he would be together with him until he had learned everything, Cliston kept breathing and exhaling all the air that entered his body, just looking up had already made him too tired, again Cliston thought this was a bad idea and should have waited, but if this was how things had to happen, then he can do nothing but go with the flow.

『Thanks Tomeo, next time I'd better watch my words』.

Just at that moment Cliston's cell phone rang, Cliston picking it up created a smile on his face, it was a call from his mother, always every time he gets a call from his family, it's impossible not to be happy about this. They took a short break until the call ended, Tomeo had his eyes fixed on Cliston, as he also encountered a problem that he has to solve.

『(The family, this is going to come really bad, but I have to do it, Cliston has to learn that even your loved ones you have to hide things from them)』.

He never thought that such a good family could cause him problems, but this must be a special case, being a person from home who made the decision to embark to change the world, it is certainly not the first choice that would be taken, Tomeo thought that Cliston depends a lot on the decision of his friends, family, people he appreciates a lot to move forward, because if it had not been so, he would not have taken them into account when he had doubts about what to do or not to do with his powers. Cliston, without a doubt, is a person who will always seek your opinion and learn from it, and that is wrong. For a job like this, your decision, your decision alone is what counts.

『(With the rank you have, getting to think about all the opinions of all the people, is difficult and complicated, on top of that making them real, is something impossible, if I would do it with everyone, the agency would be a complete chaos, our word is unique and everyone has to accept it, that's why we make the best decisions so that no one gets hurt in all this, you young Cliston, stop wanting to observe everyone, you will only end up destroying yourself)』-『Young Cliston, I want to ask you a favor』』

Seeing that they were already saying goodbye Cliston to his mother, before he hangs up, Tomeo had something to ask Cliston, something that would help him to give a higher growth than expected.


On the other hand, what has been going on in the island country where they come from? Since the attack known mostly as "The Madness of the Big Tree" the police agencies of different prefectures were working on it, those who were far from the place of origin, tried to collect information of the least they know, those who were close to the place of the attack, sought themselves in person the information they required, made a big move so that this does not happen again, since after all, in this time that passed they failed to find the cause of all this nor those who provoked the attack. If their move was to hide and go unnoticed as the victims, then they did well, the Midori no Happa shopping center has been closed since then, this obviously brought many problems, such as complaints from those who worked here, as well as citizens who stressed that they were not as safe as they thought. The marches to improve security continued, and if there were marches, there would also be those who opposed Cliston, especially those who managed to see it in the mall, the bad image it gave for them has been getting worse over time.


The marches did not stop for a good few days when they agreed, when those involved in the attack were recovered, when the guy who assaulted Cliston was recovered, he mobilized and made a call to protect his country, that if the people do not cry out for better security, the state will not help them in any way. But before their marches there was a tension in everyone present, when they advanced and saw an establishment, they saw it with desire and even anger, they remembered again that day where they could de-stress like never before, doing things that are illegal, they all thought about whether to do it again or not, they tried and they know they have the power and capacity to do it, the police are nothing if they go in a group. Just stealing and destroying things, they want to do it again, but of course, they simply could not, there is no reason to do it, there is no longer the opportunity, there is no one to back them up, they could no longer consider themselves victims, if not now if the perpetrators of this, they would fall under the weight of the law of their country. They want to do it but they can't, their frustration they are taking it with them and molding it as they want, we would go from marching to destroying the Midori no Happa and now they went back to claiming others for their problems, this kind of people can't recognize that they are to blame, they look for someone else, but at the same time they want someone to support them, you can't get to understand what they really want.

They usually marched against the state so that they would be listened to, but there were also groups that went to the police agencies to highlight their problems and even denounce those responsible. And the person in charge of resolving the complaints would be Mori Maya.

『(Why do they leave me in charge of the denunciations in general, all my colleagues took the opportunity to leave the offices with the pretense of looking for clues and information of the culprit of this, while others went to stop the marches, luckily I have colleagues who stayed with me, but...really I have to be the one who will be in charge of everything? I'm family, assault and sexual complaints, not this nonsense....)』

Maya would normally be in her office for what her office requires, but she was assigned for today since the person in charge went to help abroad, right now she is in the central office of denunciations to be able to calm down whoever comes in front of her, which these days were always the same people from the marches. Hearing how they came the group doing cheers themselves, Maya already understood that again it will be another hard day.

『Good morning, I want to give my complaints with the head of this agency』.

『Good morning, I'm sorry, but my boss is not in the agency today, could he come back another day when he is?』

POMMMMM!!!!! The speaker banged loudly on the desk where Maya was, and this very angry guy again encouraged the group that both the state and the cops, they are not able to do anything and are afraid of them, listening to him shouting and seeing how everyone supported them, Maya had only one thing on her mind.

『(This guy is one of those who are brave when they are supported by the people....) If you don't come to give a complaint, which here is what I am for, please I invite you to leave』


『(This guy just wants to take it out on someone, I'm already used to listening to other people's complaints, is that why they put me here? I just have to endure a little longer for them to leave)』

『That's fine!!! I'm going to file my complaint if you're going to listen to me!!!』

The guy seemed to be out of his mind, it was like he only knew how to yell and complain about everyone, and for every time he opened his mouth, the whole group supported him as if he was absolutely right, this feeling of everyone supporting you, made this guy feel a great satisfaction. But noticing that Maya didn't pay attention to him at all, this annoying guy surprised him that he will make a complaint, which if he managed to surprise Maya, then he put his normal expression back.

『Then I want you to give me details, what kind of complaint you will make and please fill out this form, I will be waiting for you』.

Calmly Maya attended him like any other person, handed him his respective form, while thinking that surely he neither knows nor thinks before opening his mouth, but this is good for Maya, because although now she is calm, but after a while she already imagines herself scaring the guy, and all with the simple fact of knowing more things than him. After a while the guy had finally filled out the form and Maya asked him the simplest questions so that the guy's head wouldn't get burned, questions like, who is he going to denounce, what kind of denunciation he will give, and why he is going to denounce.

『I come to denounce the state!!!』

『Sir, are you aware of what you put on your form, then I ask you, to someone specific that you want to denounce?』


Maya reviewed the form that the man filled out and only had the opinion that this looked like a child filled it out, Maya stood still for a few seconds, she was obviously not going to file this complaint, but the guy, seeing that Maya did nothing, would again hit another blow on the desk and again with the help of the people, would cheer and emphasize that you can not trust the police even if you resort to them.

『You know what, I've had enough of you and your idiocy』.

Maya would get up from her seat, where her colleagues who were acting as guards were looking at her, among them she commented that they already made her angry, taking advantage of the fact that there are only them in the agency, now it was Maya's turn to have some time to de-stress after receiving so many complaints because of the bombing, today they simply lit the fuse to the bomb.

『First of all, you can't denounce the state just like that, and besides, what's this about them not taking care of us? what? the state is your mother who has to look after you and only you? and they are rats? tell me, do you have proof or evidence of something like that? Remember that our country is one of the most peaceful in the last years, and this because of the good management of the congress, state, and us the police, if it was because of corruption I would take it fast, but the last corrupt was 10 years ago and something like this has not happened again, and a complaint to Cliston? really? you may be right, he was present and did not help as you would have liked, but tell me, maybe between him and you, who is a better person? You were there, weren't you? you were one of the people who destroyed real estate, stores and caused chaos, while Cliston tried to stop this, if this were the other way around you would be the one who received the complaint, we have proof thanks to one of our colleagues, and what is this form? didn't you finish elementary school? what ugly handwriting you have』?

Before the serious tone that Maya took, this quickly made the guy who stood up shouting, emphasized both his bad actions and the good actions of those who came to complain, while in the last sentence, if it was a personal retaliation. The guy had been intimidated quickly, in one on one he can't, but having his group of people backing him up, this one would regain his strength.

『I don't give a damn what you say, you have only processed my complaint, I want to be heard』.

『All right, as you say, but I want to emphasize something before you withdraw, if we notice that the complaint is not serious, it was made in bad faith just to harm others, if it is a complaint to the competent authority, it has no evidence especially this one, it would be considered a false complaint, and if so, you can get to be in prison for a time, in our country it would be something like, from 6 to 2 years, and a fine of 12 months to 24 months if the complaint is serious, you just gave an accusation that meets all the requirements, you do not want to become a real criminal and be behind bars』

With the way he said it, this quickly made the screaming guy swallow saliva, this one just imagined that he could be in prison and on top of that have to pay a huge amount of money, but how would he do it, he is not in a position to do it, if he had a good job and earned well, he wouldn't be involved in all this. He wanted not to lose to Maya, the group of people backing him were telling him not to be cornered, but Maya didn't even take a step back or let herself be flustered, rather her look was not fear, if not too much would be.

『You want to get away with it, don't you? I'll give you your luxury, we'll come back another day, and that time I'll bring you proof』.

You could tell he was trying hard not to say those words, but with his tail between his legs, the screaming guy was going with all his people to make a fuss somewhere else where they couldn't tell him their truths. Maya at the end of this opened her water bottle because she was tired of this, it is the only way she has to scare these idiots away these days, not that she can do much, if they attack her she can not defend herself physically, that would only give her and the police a bad image, no doubt this is a job that she had no choice but to take it.

But on the other hand, in the investigation team of the facts, now everyone was focused on gathering information about the attack, Kenji was reviewing in his own space and computer different papers where they contained the information they could collect that day when the nurses and they treated all the people involved, although at that time no one was a suspect, it was evident that a small group of all these people were the ones who caused it, and among all these people must be the leader of all this, the one who devised everything, although there is also the possibility that he could not have been present, but that is ruled out, certainly the cause was present, if not who else could have been the one who was on the speakers and instigated all this.

When Kenji listened to him, he already felt that this guy was responsible for all this, he is smart, he used a voice modifier so no one would know who he was. Kenji was touching his face because he was very tired, there was already a group of people to which officers went to their respective homes to ask them about the facts, some private questions, they had to wait days to do this, because altered by the trauma of some would not be able to tell the truth or give their version of events.

Kenji looked at all those who were checked and there was more information than those who were not checked, aside those who were checked, they had the seal of being innocent, since they were not found any evidence of their crimes or any key word in everything that happened. While Kenji was checking those who were missing, he came across a peculiar one.

『Another minor, surely she's innocent and just got carried away for the moment, no...although now that I see her better, this one wasn't....』

Kenji had the data of Nanase Konomi, this one remembered him for all the things he managed to see when they were in the mall, he remembered how this same girl tried to help in all the chaos that was generated, Kenji happened to also remember the other minors who were involved, especially Cliston's friends, these were already analyzed and received the visit of the officers, Kenji happened to look for those sheets to confirm if he was right.

『Yushi? Just Yushi? and the last name? Well I guess they forgot to write it down, dammit, don't forget important data like that, she turned out to be innocent, although I managed to see that she fought against those who made chaos, but that way of acting and moving, was not of a normal student, my classmates should have let that information pass since they didn't manage to look at her, I will have to visit her personally one of these days and ask her certain things, so in the meantime I'll put her in the pending』-『Talk about Noda Ozuru is too obvious, innocent to the skies, Nimura Cliston equally innocent, ah by the way, before I forget, Yushi's sister if I remember correctly is called Lys, she was not present but somehow she could leak before my classmates arrived, we did check her too, but not being in the attack is obvious, another innocent, but now if I come back to you Nanase Konomi, Nanase. ....ese surname』

Kenji quickly left the papers on the table while he started to look for information on his computer, he wanted to be sure of something, he looked for a fragment of the news that came out the following days after the attack, he specifically looked for the fragment where Konomi said "HEY OLD!!!! IF YOU SEE THIS!!! WE ARE STILL ALIVE!!!!"

Kenji was analyzing why he shouted that to the press, but now with the last name it might all make sense.

『He may already have a clue as to who might have caused The Big Tree Madness』.

『Seriously? You're amazing Kenji-senpai, I knew I could trust you』.

Not even a second passed and his partner Jeff was already by his side, you could notice the expression of displeasure at only having his younger partner by his side, Kenji was explaining to him that this student had just given them the clue he needed, everything turned with the last name, that would also explain why this girl is able to do all those moves and resist in the battlefield. But when Jeff heard that Konomi was the key, he just thought of something.

『Kenji-senpai, do you like---』

『Key to the investigation *sigh* I'm impressed that no one noticed this fact before and it's incredible that they let it go, it even has the stamp of innocent』.

『Ah! I remember, yeah, I went to this girl's house, I still remember it like it was yesterday, no, wait, it was the day before yesterday! aaa!!!! It would have been a perfect close fit, I asked her the questions just like I got to meet her whole family, did you know? she has 2 twins! They were really alike the 3 of them, I almost didn't know who to talk to, I think I got confused, but I quickly managed to differentiate them by their behaviors, that girl with helmet hair, is very cold and direct Kenji-senpai, when we finished she told me that "finally this nuisance is leaving, now she will let me do my important things" She took me by surprise, I apologized at the entrance before leaving for all the inconveniences』

『Here it is』

『Kenji-senpai, did you hear me?』

Jeff after telling his little anecdote that was not heard by his partner Kenji as he was looking for information about the Nanase surname, this one finally could find with more data that would be useful for the investigation, just as he was asking Jeff to go to check the oldest files and from past decades, Kenji was more and more sure who could have caused all this, having all the information, he would finally tell Jeff everything about the Nanase surname.

『I guess you are too young to know, but in the past, there were a lot of dangerous groups of people, they did the dirty work of others, all in order to maintain a balance in society of good and bad, that's why I asked you for the oldest files, ah! Here it is, 100 years ago was formed and born for the first time one of the most dangerous groups of Yakuzas in the history of our country, simply known as, The Nanase Family, although they call themselves Yakuzas, in reality they are descendants of ninjas and samurai so it would also be right to call them so, Their founder, only 15 years old, Nanase Koeki, descendants of a clan of ninjas, being the only one left of his clan, decided to revive it anyway, normally ninjas are honest and proud, the tasks they fulfilled especially the Nanase clan was to bring balance, They killed the corrupt and evil of their times so that everyone could live in peace, but with the passing of time they stopped doing that, peace in their country was becoming a reality, their services were no longer useful, they were a very proud family, they were happy to finally have a land full of peace, So their work here ended, the whole clan committed Seppuku, except the only son of the leader of that time, Nanase Koeki, he did not want to see his clan die, he would revive it somehow, he realized that the only thing that was still standing, was the impurities and bad thoughts of the people, Even though peace was coming, people's desire to make others suffer was present, so the only way to survive and the only way not to lose the clan was to become Yakuzas, he would accept assassination orders from other people, although those he had to kill were not exactly bad or a danger, but for that person who hired him if it was, the Nanase clan fulfills all their jobs, so this would not be the exception, that was how the Nanase clan resurfaced with the name The Nanase Family, gave home to those who did not have it and trained them, although their skills that they learned were not at the height of him or other clans, as I said, it was a time where the ninjas were no longer needed, but only a few remained until that time, among them would be the Minamoto clan who would be the right hand of the Nanase clan, they had a contract, they would support them until the end of the Nanase clan, when they died they could finally do something else besides being ninjas, if they knew how to adapt to the modernity of the world with the passage of time, but the resurgence of the clan thanks to Nanase Koeki, they returned and kept their word to support them until the end of their days. The Minamoto clan lent them their forces, but Koeki felt alone and did not want to have more debts with that clan, he can not always depend on external force, his clan was considered one of the best or even the best, his fighting style that he inherited and could train those 15 years is incredible, you can also show that you are an assassin who reached the next level by the mark that is generated in your eyes, that of the Nanase Family was marked with a trace of heart. All the Nanase clan always had them, and now the only one at that time, the one who possessed it was Nanase Koeki, but this method of reviving his clan brought consequences, his method of killing people and bringing balance was extreme, as time passed other groups of Yakuza and clans were created, but none could compete with the Nanase Family, all came to distrust him because he no longer acted for the client, rarely did or in special situations, but adopted to make their own decisions, who lives and who will disappear, now that depended. Most of the clans preferred to work in the shadows so as not to disturb the peace that was being created, which is why history and people have been forgetting their true origins in their own country』.

Kenji just told a story of his home country, this thanks to the archives that are there from decades and years past, Jeff was excited by everything he told, in his mind he then imagined that there are still ninjas in his time, he imagined these with the combat suit, dealing blows and kicks to those who do mischief.

『Yeah, but, pretty awesome and all I'd like to see one!!!』

『You surely imagined them as a warrior ninja of ancient times, but quite the opposite, now we live in the mordenity and a peace that is being disturbed, the yakuzas that were created in this century if they are shown as such, they are scary and all, but the clans that are still in force are not scary, they give pabor and terror, if you meet one and he is in a bad mood, you quickly feel his murderous aura』

『Incredible, just like in anime』

『More like unbelievable comparison you make to them....』

『Ya but....and what does this have to do with the investigation? i'm dumb but not that dumb, you're not going to tell me that Nanase Koeki is the one behind all this, are you? right now there must be no bones left of him』

『Of course it's not him, look, let me explain』.

Kenji showed him the videos as well as Konomi's information sheets, he explained the sentence she said towards the press, that's where he wants to get to, in turn Kenji commented that he was glad that this girl is still healthy to say the least, since at no time did he manage to see the heart stroke in her eyes, that means she didn't become a complete murderer.

『And you Jeff, you who visited them and ran into the whole family, did you notice anything strange?』

『Well no, that thing about the eyes, they all had normal eyes, they looked very normal I say』.

『That's a relief, with this clue, now we know about the existence of the Nanase clan descendants, though I don't know if that's good or bad』

『But I tell you Kenji-senpai, what does that have to do with research....』

『HAY! You sure are annoying, that's what I was going for!』

Seeing how angry Kenji got, made Jeff very funny, Kenji would comment that Konomi said grandmother, then everything is more than clear, if this girl is called Nanase Konomi and he saw her do all those movements and attacks on the day of the attack, then everything would fit and he would be sure who can be the cause of all this, but this also leaves many more doubts, "we are still alive" perhaps there was a conflict between the Nanase family? Kenji couldn't with so many thoughts in his head going on at once.

『I told you that Nanase Koeki wanted a family and for his clan to resurface right? so it was obvious that she would have a descendant, we don't know the name for now, since Koeki was very cautious with that, but with the help of Konomi's information we can find her, although it looks suspicious to me that a proud and discreet clan made such a showy attack, but we can't rule anything out, we have to find the culprit and the only one that comes to my mind, is Nanase Koeki's daughter, Nanase Konomi's grandmother, Nanase grandmother, she must be the culprit』.

Kenji was sure of that possibility, he does not want to think about it but everything indicates that it could be that, if it really is she who is behind all this, just thinking about the actions that his father took and adapted them to the customs of the clan, all of the above should also know his daughter, his only daughter who managed to have and taught him how to be an assassin and a modern ninja, not to be afraid, not to doubt, not to have heart, not to get attached and much less to feel love.

In a house housed in a housing development like any other, inside was all decorated like a normal house, but, as on the walls and desks that there are, as that missing framed pictures that were there before, apparently they threw them away or destroyed. In the central room, which would be the living room, you could see smoke coming from an old pipe, someone was smoking, but it was not the only thing you could see, that was a machine that measured her heart pulse? is she sick? but no...she looks very healthy, she is even smoking. There was only one person in the room, she was an old woman, her hair was full of gray but she kept a formal and beautiful form, although all the windows were blocked with cloths, you could see that she was wearing a black kimono with details of red flowers. He passed to put away his pipe to then turn around, there was a homemade shrine with a black and white portrait of who would come to be an adult with a serious and murderous look, who below was a little girl with the same black kimono with red flowers, she was praying to the picture while the old woman said.

『Father, Nanase Koeki, really, what I am doing is the right thing? if so, please come and congratulate me, I am still striving for the clan not to die, but I also ask for your forgiveness, since there is no need for us to continue living, none who carries our blood, should continue living, I was taken away from the person I loved the most in this world, so now that you are gone, I am the leader of the Nanase clan, the Nanase family, in the next few years will cease to exist, I will take care of it, we by our instinct, we only cause tragedies to those we cherish, if I recover and you give me the strength for one more fight, I will end it all myself, please father, just wait, it will all be over and I will. ...miss seeing you both very much』

Her prayer, petition to the altar was over, she was praying to her father, Nanase Koeki, but at the same time there was another picture framed beside her, this old woman, grandmother Nanase, has her own plans in order to finally end the Nanase clan.

While Kenji and Jeff, knowing who might be responsible for the attack, having already searched for the information which turned out to be too easy, they finally managed to see both the name, only the name of Grandmother Nanase, they were very surprised to know that she lived in such a visible and concrete place, it was the only thing there was, she had to be in this place. No wonder they couldn't find anything, they looked in the wrong place, as one would say, the best hiding place is when you show yourself in the most obvious.

『Well then Jeff, who will pay you a visit?』

『Huh? You're not going to go? You've investigated her for a reason, haven't you?

『Yes....but...I do have a family waiting for me』

『(I feel offended with what you just told me)』.

Both officers, now that they knew where they had to go, neither of the 2 had the desire to go, at that moment, Jeff thought that he had better not have told him that, because now he is afraid to visit the families.

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