
Chapter 246: Friendly Reunion

R͇e͇e͇n͇c͇u͇e͇n͇t͇r͇o͇ ͇A͇m͇i͇s͇t͇o͇s͇o͇͇

M was finally able to avenge so much suffering and rancor that has been accumulating for not being able to say it at the time when he was little, all that anger, all that hatred, all that anger, all that malice that was already melting in his being, he did not feel so much joy for a long time, there are several types of joy, the pure and bad, when he was reunited with Menhera, There are several types of joy, the pure and bad joy, when he was reunited with Menhera, with his loved ones, his joy was so genuine that he wanted to cry until he could no longer cry, and there is also the evil joy, the one you feel when you do something bad perfectly, you get a smile that you didn't even know you had, your body contracts by itself, you even feel like laughing because you cannot believe that this is really happening. M experienced in the flesh, happiness in different ways, you don't know which one you enjoy the most.

『So what I want to know now that we finally patched things up WHY ARE YOU CRYING!!!! EH!!!!』

Yashiro was never seen like this, raising his voice very annoyed, claiming someone, demanding them to answer him at once, at what time really, he has been turning into this kind of person who has a perfect control of his emotions and moment, since when he shows himself like this towards others. Menhera wondered a thousand things, but there was no need to find an answer since she already knew it, since at the end of the day, one feels good, showing oneself as one is.

『(You must have unburdened yourself after a long time Yashiro, that's what I'm afraid of, one day the container will end up breaking, there will be no way to stop, to show yourself as you are, I don't know what will happen ..... when that moment comes, that's why it's good what I do, to release with my hobby the malice that I have)』.

Menhera was a little afraid at the beginning, but after a while she thought things over, she was stronger than to be afraid of that, but what does Rino think about all this, Menhera already implied that she accepts and even agrees with Yashiro's way of acting, but she would have liked to have intervened a little as she did before.

On the other hand Rino, despite letting him act at the beginning, in the end knowing what would happen, he did not believe that his friend would change so much, you can notice the face of disgust of Rino, who would have better stopped him if he had noticed this change in Yashiro, but things were already done, you can not change what has already happened.

『(If I notice you walking differently again, I will talk to you first, how come I still don't understand that.....I must be the one to trace towards the best ending for others, I must avoid at all costs, that there are sad days)』.

Both friends, would help their best friend Yashiro in different ways, so that he doesn't stray from his path and end up becoming another kind of person they won't even be able to recognize.

But they may start to act at this moment, because while they were seeing the best way to help, they both saw something that they did not expect, as Kanon in an attempt to get rid of this abuse, would try to hit M with a slap, but without thinking much, he decided to block it and return the slap in one go, which ended up making Kanon fall to the ground. At that moment Rino got upset and would go to stop his friend, because for him, what he was taught is wrong, no, what he was taught was another kind of things, he remembers it perfectly from his mother, this thought now is what he thinks is wrong and that's why he must stop it.

But here too the roles were reversed, Menhera was now the one stopping Rino by putting his arm in the middle, commenting to him that one should not intervene in personal and intimate matters, only those involved have the right to do and say what they think is right.

『Third parties have no place in someone else's conflict』.

Menhera's look was normal, there was still no change, but it was noticeable that she thought this was right that Rino realized what her friend thought, but there were many gaps before Menhera's words that Rino would ask her.

『If so, then from the beginning, we should never have helped Yashiro』.

『That's different, what we were doing was helping someone who couldn't defend himself, a weak child, who was unaware and distrustful of the world, now, there's no need to help someone who is stronger than his rival, you know that too, the only thing we would do by intervening would be to trample on what he accomplished, so we just have to stay here and wait 』.

They were a soft but direct exchange of words with each other, when they talk this way, their whole body does too, like they are more attentive and on guard, you could even say that their personality becomes colder and no feelings at all, Rino was worried that he softly blurted out some words that were heard by Menhera.

『Are you sure about that? because what I saw in your case, it's totally the opposite』.

Rino sure but anyway doubtful of her words, this one looked worried to her friend, since already he tried to help her but he simply can't, he is not the one who can save her friend, but suddenly, Rino's face relaxed, bringing out a soft and gentle expression, it was because Menhera didn't avoid being ashamed remembering an event that marked her forever, looking sideways and hiding her embarrassment with her hands she said.

『That was an exception....』(*'-`*).

It still feels amazing and weird to me, like from a tense moment they go from being tense to being relaxed and back to the person they always are, but back to the topic with M and Kanon. The latter was in shock about what just happened, she couldn't believe that Yashiro just blocked her punch and hit her back, that was something unthinkable to happen, she thought she was wrong, that it was a mistake, that this wasn't happening, all those words Yashiro said to her, that punch, everything somehow, she wanted it to just be a lie that never happened.

『(Eh? That was a hit, Yashiro gave me a hit? huh?...what....I don't understand what's going on..... out of nowhere he started telling me all those things....why?....why my chest hurts....why I want to keep crying....I'm the good one here.....what bad thing did I do....please...I want to know)』

When Kanon turned to look at M, he already had an answer to his doubts, her being on the floor defeated, and M straight standing, looking down from the heights, having to tilt his head to see better, and her face, her face was the one he realized everything with, that look of wanting to see her suffer, that cold skin, the expression of pure hate, the slight smile that little by little was forming, he felt like laughing, but more she looked at him like a trash that shouldn't have existed. Seeing that kind of expression, made her remember something to Kanon.

『(What.....that look.....I know him....I'm suddenly cold.....my strength is going away, my body won't stop shaking.....I'm....I'm afraid.....that look I've seen him before, but from whom...from whom....how can such a person exist in the world, maybe he is the real evil of all this) You are.....you look like a villain....that face...scary』.

Kanon's eyes did not stop shaking, Kanon saw in M a very different figure, he will surely be the first person with whom he saw that expression of a true hatred of existence itself, the evil made a living being, Kanon was so afraid right now, of the image that M is reflecting to him that he himself.

M listened well to what Kanon said, he quickly changed his expression of evil to his typical face, he took his little time to give himself a quick check, he looked at his hands, and he had them so to speak animated, wanting to destroy something with his fists, his legs and feet the same, they were trembling because they wanted to destroy everything in their path, my heart in the same way was beating harder and faster, already at this point I realized that I was living this moment and I think it's time to finish, I sighed several times to relax while closing my eyes, I was ready for the final act.

『Well Kanon, to finish, we could end this here and that it doesn't go further, I told you that I was going to pay you back all your life for the mistreatment you did to me, right? If you apologize, I will obviate everything you did to me, everything, it's up to you to trust how the result will be, I only ask you to apologize, kneeling down to the ground, putting your forehead touching the lowest thing there is, is the least I deserve for everything you did to me, do you accept?』

M just asked for something that is very extreme for this part of the world where he lives, no, it is humiliating for everyone, all the students who heard this started to murmur and talk among themselves, others commented that it was very extreme, but others said that this was the minimum for the abuse and hell he made him go through, there were divided opinions, there was not one to support, their murmuring and talking, made Kanon more stressed because he did not know what answer to give to this, that in the end as he always did, he would shut everyone up by shouting.


Everyone was silent when Kanon shouted, Kanon had shouted so much that he was running out of air, even if it wasn't for that very reason, Kanon with a hard expression to accept what he is thinking, the look had him tilted down, as it was not an easy decision to make, doing what M asked him to do, you lose more than you gain.

『(*tsch*...Yashiro always as a kid was someone who didn't lie and keeps his word, if he's still the kid I know.....but doing that is technically losing definitely....I can't throw it all away, since my goal at the end of it all was...was to defeat Yashiro, to make him know the truth. ...was to make him realize how bad he is...was...was.....!!!!!....was to make him change, no! what am I saying, was to make him not change!!! right now the one in front of me is not Yashiro, if by doing this I make him go back to being the kid he was before even if it is.....it can work!!!!....I just....just....just....must trust Yashiro)』

We all stood for a few seconds in nothingness, as we were waiting for an answer from Kanon, that whether or not to accept M's proposal, Kanon looked up to stare at Yashiro, her face no longer shed tears, rather they dried on her face, and trusting her friend completely, she already had the answer to give, slowly Kanon would bow her head and her body, M did not avoid being surprised by the decision that the person who follows his own path had made, Kanon without any doubt anymore and without any thought other than being able to meet his true friend Yashiro again, was making an extreme bow, with his forehead on the ground, his body in the same way, he had decided in trusting his life and what is left to the person in front of him.

『Please, if what I did to you seems wrong, I ask you to forgive me, I never measured how bad it would cause you, I at the beginning.... believed that this way of acting.... would make us closer, if I was rough with you, forgive me, if I insulted you, forgive me, if I made you cry, forgive me. ...I....from the bottom of my heart...I never....never wanted to do this....but I had no choice.....couldn't let him get away with it, I'm sorry for making you go through hell, I'm really sorry buddy』-『(Please....come back....Yashiro....)』

Kanon closed her eyes tightly and held them tightly, as if trying hard and concentrating that what she is asking for, her wish, would come out, she concentrated so hard that it was already a few seconds and she already believed that her wish had been fulfilled, but what made her completely lose hope, was those words below.


Hearing only that word, Kanon was completely frightened, all the confidence she had and the bet she had made, the trust she had for her friend Yashiro, disappeared instantly, as if it had never happened. Kanon looked up with regret, better she had not done it, since her tears came out again and now she had the expression of a small child crying because she saw something ugly.

M was again with that smile, he wanted to laugh, that's for sure, but there was also present the expression of hatred and indignation, that expression of having things turn out much better than you imagined, M had the countenance of someone really detestable, of a true unfeeling person who doesn't care about anything but himself.


As if it was the cherry on the cake, M gave the last thing that was missing to be completely satisfied, Kanon's eyes when she realized that everything did not go as expected, that she was destroyed internally, the light in her eyes disappeared, she looked like a body without a soul, without wanting to do anything, she did not want to live, she was just there, crying like a little child who wanted her mother to rescue her. M had nothing more to do, she was leaving where Kanon was, but she, on the other hand, we do not know if she will be able to recover from what happened to her. It's amazing, while it took Kanon 6 years to destroy Yashiro, he just came back and in less than a day, he destroyed her without any hesitation.

『You're not Yashiro..... you're.... a bad person...』

It was the only thing that Kanon managed to vocalize, then she cried more in tears that it seemed that a puddle of tears would form under her, she was really crying like a baby, she was even asking for her mother to come and help her and take her home. At that moment the teacher finally arrived, the first thing she saw was Kanon on the floor crying like she had never cried before.

『Quickly teacher!!! Take Kanon to his little mother!!!! do it sooner or he may never recover!!!!! Quick she may kick the bucket and meet Gasparin!!!!! But what is she doing, teacher! Quick!!! I want her legs!!! take her away, take her away to the little girl, this time she got hit where it hurts the most, and I don't mean the asterisk in case you are wondering, jijijajajajajajos mañosos all of you』 (*ΦωΦ*).

Lys would quickly be the one to warn the teacher to take Kanon to her mother or some other place, the Teacher was worried and from the words that Lys threw at her, she thought that it was really life or death, without knowing much what happened, she would take Kanon in her arms and take her to the infirmary, director, whoever can help her in her problem.

『What happened to you Kanon!!!! Where did you get stabbed!!! Don't worry little girl, now I save you, although you are surprisingly light, I don't know why I thought you were heavy AAAH!!! what do I say!!!!! Quick!!!!』ヽ( ;゚;ж;゚;)ノ

The teacher was taking Kanon away, even she herself was surprised to see that student who seemed like she would never break down to be crying like a newborn and to be saying all the time that she loves her mother.

In the classroom, everyone was silent, as they did not know how to act to what they just saw, Lys happened to look from side to side and did not like this environment, but before she can say something, the lower door opened abruptly, it was a group of boys who had come running because they got up late or they did not have time to spare, they came in different sizes these boys I could identify them.

『We're here!!!! The teacher is not here yet, is she? Perfect!! we are on time』

Brayan was walking in after getting a nasty scare for being late, while behind him the other kids were walking in to find their seats. Brayan was confused as to why they were all silent, without looking anymore or asking any questions, this one would sit down.

"What happened here? Aren't you guys quiet? Is there a test or what?

Rojito was putting his backpack in his folder while looking through his backpack to see if there was any kind of test or homework, while on the other side, Uncle Potter was poking his fingers at his classmates to see what had happened or if there was a homework or something like that. Also another student who came with them arrived, and noticed that M was in the classroom, but decided not to say anything and go with his group of friends along with Brayan.

『But don't be quiet, ya ya, forget what happened, at the end of all it doesn't concern us, this is where ignorance should come in and make this never happened, okey jijos de su madre???? xdxdxd nahhh I also think I will not forget this day easy, well!!!! Now that the prof is gone, let's do blowjobs!!!! ah! and don't me-----』ヾ(*ΦωΦ)ノ

『BUENITAS!!!!』 Σ(*ノ'>ω<。`)ノ

Jersey entered through the upper door, making a big salute with her outstretched arm, interrupting Lys' words. The latter was about to continue with her words, even adjusting her voice, but then Jersey would interrupt her again.

『Ah! Yes you came Yarocchi!!!! Good ones!!!hahahahaja』☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Quickly Jersey realized that I was in the hall and passed by to greet me with strength and joy, at that very moment Lys gave up on continuing with her words since they had won her the moment, as if throwing a pile of leaves this one was retreating to her seat.

『Nahhh, fuck you motherfuckers (ФДФ)』

Jersey didn't understand why Lys was leaving upset that she even bowed her head for not knowing what was going on, but without wasting any time, Jersey took Lys by the hand and was giving her a piece of gum to make her feel better, and then withdrawing, Lys didn't understand this, but since she got something for free then she came out winning at the end of the day. M was waving her hand with a smile to greet Jersey, where she the first thing she did was to meet with him and other close friends so she could talk.

『(^-人-^)You're late again Jersey-nee-chan, pinche abu----...a buenos días Yersey jejejej.....』(^▽^;)

Menhera let out a few words that she tried to hide, Rino, Jersey and I hesitated at what we had just seen that we all leaned to our suspicions. Menhera having no other choice, said already just what she thought.

『Bitch grandma has had enough of me』.

『Eh? But what are you saying Kumicchi...yes grandma is a good person, she helps us when we have a problem isn't she? *smiles*』

Menhera found this way of talking from Jersey strange, but at that moment he realized that she let her guard down, for sure if she continued she was going to say things of more personal, like without wanting to accept it, Menhera sighed and with a smile she would comment that she loves her grandmother very much too.

『Eh? Is something wrong with grandma? 』

Do not avoid feeling a little curious to hear that topic, although obviously I will not harass them with that problem, since one already realizes that one does not want to talk about it, Menhera would have no problem telling Yashiro, in the end Rino knows, besides that one of the Commandments, says that you can not hide from others the problems that one goes through.

Fourth Commandment: Tell us if you have any problems. Penalty: Cooking.

I may not say it here in the living room where most can hear, but Menhera plans to have to tell you at some point, but Jersey would interrupt the conversation by her being the one to give M an answer.

『Yes, it's just that she's sick and I have to help her with her chores, but no problemis, I can handle anything that comes to me! Jersey! go!!! For example, brushing her false teeth, cleaning her house, washing her clothes, checking her medications and making sure she takes them, that's very important! Did you know that 587 people die every day because of the adverse effects of medications???? nooo, how scary! I wish I had been there to help, ah! my grandma bought that thingy machine that cleans the house by itself, I stayed but ! !!!! flasheando con esa wea, pero al final creo que lo bote por que no lo limpiaba bien y además yo quería hacerlo jahahahajha |˄-͈༝-͈˄₎.。oO』

It really makes me feel very comfortable to have to listen and talk to Jersey, it's like everything she tells is very funny and makes you want to have been with her at that moment, I feel like listening to her makes bubbles come out of my head, although that moment when she said she threw that little gadget made me get a bit out of the loop the truth xd. It's expensive isn't it?

『I'm also in charge of the food, so, there we are, we're doing our best! Chi que chi!!』◥(ฅº₩ºฅ)◤

『Do you know how to cook Jersey-chan?』

『I'm secretly starting to get better, although I was already cooking before since my boyfriend said one day that he would like to try my food, although the first time I gave him my food, I think he said he met Bruce lee, I guess it's because he fainted and I hit him in the chest hard to make him react, it was funny to see how he spit out the food and it fell on his face hahahahaha』 ʕ⌯˃ꎤु˂⌯ʔ⌕『Although he I think he wanted me to reanimate it in another way, but well, since』

Yes, no doubt it is fun and relaxing for me to listen to Jersey talk, I could be all day with her and I wouldn't get bored, I was going to be able to talk more with Jersey, but then I felt someone threw a paper on my head, to this I turned around and when I did, I don't know if it was the worst or the best decision, I literally got a rain of little papers that I fell defeated to the ground, obviously that was a joke, that I couldn't contain the urge to smile knowing that they finally realized these good for nothing friends that I have.

『We caught a Duck!!! cuack cuack cuack cuack!!!! You keep falling into the same after time, sorry sorry sorry, we just didn't know how to receive you, and pos let's throw papers at it, because we are!!!! Los Tira Papelitos!!!! ahhh..... what a poopy name now that I think about it we have』

Brayan appeared while talking funny, I also think the name our group has is kind of silly, but we gave it to ourselves when we were little, so even though silly and they make fun of them, it means a lot to us. I was still lying on the floor, while watching my friends talking to each other and greeting me in the same way, really seeing them from this fishpetiva....no it's the best the truth xdxdxd.

『I'll give you a hand?』

A voice I heard who was offering me his hand, because of the sunlight I couldn't see well who it was, and I couldn't distinguish the voice either, either because I haven't heard it for a long time or it doesn't sound familiar. I said thank you, but at the moment when I took his hand, that squeeze felt very familiar, I remembered at that moment when I tried to save my friend from being swallowed by the portal, in the end I could not do anything and we ended up separating. My chest started to beat and my eyes were shining, because I had faith in who it could be.

『(This hand....this....moment....is.....)』

With strength he if he could manage to lift me from what I didn't want to do, I was standing with my back to him, first I swallowed saliva and step to turn slowly to really be sure and not to be mistaken that the person I have here, is my friend Cliston.

『I see you were able to come back too, I'm really glad Yashiro-san *smiles*』-『I'm sorry I couldn't realize what you said that time, to travel from world to world the 2 of us together』.

Yes, the one I had in front of me was my friend Cliston, aka El Gordito, although chubby, he has nothing, I felt like crying that I couldn't stand it anymore, but in order not to look too corny I offered him my hand, nahhh!!!! That's what reunions are for!!!! From what I had stretched out my hand, I couldn't stand it anymore and went to hug him, he was much bigger than me, so I don't think I could hug his whole body, but I'm really, really happy that you've come home too, my friend.

A͇r͇c͇ ͇E͇n͇d͇:͇ ͇3͇r͇d͇ ͇G͇r͇a͇d͇e͇ ͇S͇p͇r͇i͇n͇g͇ ͇P͇t͇1͇ ͇A͇r͇c͇.͇

C͇a͇l͇m͇ ͇s͇t͇a͇g͇e͇

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