
Chapter 241: End of Day

F͇i͇n͇a͇l͇ ͇d͇e͇l͇ ͇D͇í͇a͇

Santi was waking up in a bed, this one felt slight headaches that made that for several minutes he is not with the silly smile that he wears, but after. this boy took out a tender smile for what he just saw, his friend Boli was on top of him sleeping, that the moment he caressed him, the little animal became sentimental, shedding his tears on his human.

『I'm sorry for worrying you, see, I told you I'm fine pappu』y(^^ヮ^)y.

With his arm trembling this one was making an effort to be able to pet his friend Boli and tell him that everything is fine, while the hamster threw himself against his human's cheeks and gave mutual affection to Santi.

The moment Santi fell down the stairs, he hit his head and most of his body, Boli started to make noises to call the attention of the people who were still left. The nurse of his school passed by the hallway seeing the scene, where she quickly went to help him, at the moment of the check up to see the seriousness of the matter, he had slight bumps on his body, it was because the stairs were not so big, but his head which was supposed to be the one who received more damage, was fine, it was just a little bump without any damage.

The nurse was giving him the last checks seeing that he finally woke up, she was putting more bandages on his head to be more sure, also also by Santi's request commenting that it will be fun, while Santi was playing with his pet without noticing the last thing, when he realized it, he smiled in his silliest way possible.

『I look like the eraser of a pencil』 (⌒∇⌒)『Now if I can erase every mistake that happens to me *smiles* Thank you very much Bachelor, ah! Since you gave me a gift, I'll give you one too, perate, I'll make you the Ultra cap brand Santi you know』-『Eh? And my materials?』(*'ー`)

At the moment when Santi as his briefcase, this at the moment of opening it he realized that there was none of his things, neither the colored papers, his different scissors, pompoms, streamers, his rubber, this was confused, the only thing that was different was an umbrella, there was nothing else, Santi looked worried to the nurse and joining his 2 hands he said that in the next day if he will give him the cap.

『Tomorrow if I will give you the Special Hat, so please look forward to it, maybe I should give it with royalty for not being on time, yas! Tomorrow I will give you a cap and prepare onigiri origamis, onigiris are good, what a desire to eat one』(*'∇`*).

The nurse didn't want him to pay her like that, but Santi was again stuck in his world that appeared that silly lost expression, this one quickly shook his head not to get lost in his surroundings, he took his briefcase and waving his hand this one was saying goodbye to the nurse. His body was sore but he had enough strength to be able to go home, but on the way he wondered what could have happened to his briefcase, why his things were missing. He started thinking a thousand ways that none of them were the right thing to do, it was all incoherence after incoherence.

『Perhaps when I fell down the stairs, a goblin came and took my briefcase as he needed one to report for work, Bachelor Goblin here's looking after you, although also at the moment I fell, a portal appeared exchange my briefcase, yes yes, that makes sense, although also someone could have stopped time and instead of saving me decided to take my things from my briefcase and as he felt bad he left me his umbrella in exchange, stop time, that would be crazy, the things one would do, if I had it, I would use it, to sleep longer and have more time to do my crafts』(*'▽`*).

When once again Santi was deep in his world, the little bubbles were coming out of his body in a relaxing way while he was walking, but this one when he raised his head he realized that still the rain was still going on, even before a drop fell on his pen friend who was on his neck, this one moved back to be safe.

『Is it still raining? I remember once they say that when it rains, it means God is taking a piss, what did he decide this place to relax with, he's such a pig that pappu』 (∩_∩)

Santi was looking at the rain in a lost way, he wasn't in a hurry or anything, but then he remembers that he had an umbrella in his briefcase, this one was looking doubting if he should use it or not, since he feels that it's not his, and yes, it's not his. But at the moment he was about to open the briefcase to take it, he heard at the other end of the exit, a girl jogging in his same place and complaining why it had to rain at this time.

『Because it's just raining today! If I don't get home on time, I'll miss my favorite group's live broadcast, there!!!! Please finish the rain』

I was entering despair, just by looking at her gesture, I knew anyone that she had to leave soon, the girl was still trotting in her own place, the rain didn't seem to end for quite a while, until.

『To hell with it! The cold is passing! But watching a live live is one alone!!』

She got ready, she would take her briefcase and put it on top of her, she seems to be such a big fan of that group that she doesn't mind getting sick as long as she can be present at that live one.

"Wait, you bitch!

...A collision occurred, the girl had already started to run, but an open umbrella appeared in front of her that stopped her, it was Santi who had previously taken the umbrella, he had opened it to give it to his companion, but he did not calculate that this one would rush against the rain, to stop her, he could not think of a better way than to stop her with the umbrella.

『You're going to get wet and if you get wet you'll get sick, and getting sick is wrong, being sick is being sad, so don't do it 』.

Santi silently, pulled his umbrella pulling the girl back to the exit to be safe, as they were already protected from the rain, there was a second of silence, Santi didn't understand quickly, but he would later realize that he could have hurt his partner with the movement he made.

『(It happened again, I should be more careful) Hey friend, are you ok?』

Quickly the girl took off the umbrella that was holding her, whispering not to stop her, maybe Santi didn't wait for her, but the girl without wasting time, jumped under the rain to run away at full speed, her fanaticism and also the embarrassment just now, she just wanted to go home.

『Hey!!! you're getting wet!!!! God is pissing on you!!!! Don't run!!!』

Santi also jumped in the rain to chase the girl, but she didn't listen and just wanted to go home, Santi ran with all his strength, but when he used all his strength, his strength was gone, he fell to the ground. POM! she heard a puddle hit, the girl when she saw this, she didn?t know what she had to do, she wanted to go home as soon as possible, but when she saw Santi lying on the floor without being able to move, she would bite her mouth for the decision she was going to take.

He went to the boy who was stiffer than a grandmother, before he could talk to him or shake his hand, Santi with his strength raised his arm and opened the umbrella, protecting his partner from the rain before him, at that moment something peculiar happened, as the Hamster Boli, climbed on Santi's head, moving his hands and mouth, making the effect that the little animal was talking.

『You should not get wet, if you get wet you get sick, if you get sick you are sick, and to be sick is to be sad, and if you are sad, your friends will also be sad, so take, if you can avoid it, take that option, friends care about each other』.

The classmate was like hypnotized when she saw the little Hamster talking with Santi's voice besides making very expressive movements, the girl remembered that Santi is her classmate and most of the time he is walking around doing his things than paying attention to his surroundings, but although when he makes a mistake, he tries to remedy it, even now under the rain, he tries to help her and expressing her that she should be fine with the way she is talking and being.

Santi was lying face down under the rain, commenting and coming to a conclusion, that if she is really in such a hurry, she can take the umbrella, since from the beginning that was what she wanted to do, but suddenly, the rain stopped falling on Santi, where the Hamster was glad of this action, tapping Santi's head, as if he was telling her wake up o kabron!!!! Santi was barely getting up as the 2 companions were facing each other.

『The rainy days are really hard, something always has to be happening, and well, come on mija, you were in a hurry, I'll solve the decision you made』 σ(^○^)

With that last sentence, Santi implied that he doesn't know whose umbrella it is, that it is not his, nor should he use it, but seeing that his partner was really in a hurry, he didn't hesitate and would use what he had to help. Once again he got himself into trouble by his own bad decision and actions, he is very conscious, so he also assumes, so to speak, the bad part of what happens.

At that moment some shouting was heard from outside the school, another classmate was coming in protecting herself from the rain with her briefcase, when she arrived this one was tired because of everything she had to run when she realized the mistake, she was sighing loudly, that when Santi noticed this, he quickly tried to make her feel better, he looked in his briefcase to be able to prepare something, but he remembered again that he didn't have any of his things.

『Hey, I think this briefcase I have is yours』.

Still with tiredness, he showed the briefcase in his hands, going back inside the school to be safer from the rain, when Santi opened the other briefcase, he was happy with a smile, there were all his things that were not there before, the girl who just arrived, commented that at the moment when they collided, they must have confused their briefcases taking the wrong one each one.

While the 2 companions were talking, Santi had already prepared some hats for the 2 of them, without wasting time he put them on his head, this was his way of celebrating that everything was fine.

『That explains a lot, I thought an alien stole my stuff』-『True! Now that I have my stuff, I can do the nurse's hat』.

Quickly Santi walked into his school so he could return the favor from earlier, while the 2 classmates talked and quickly finished, why? Because having to talk about Santi, is wasted time, if he does something is because he wants to help others, there is no objection in that, besides he always stops in his mind and does what he thinks is right, that he does it thinking about others already deserves a lot. When they finished talking, the rain was already disappearing, having nothing to do here, the companion who was in a hurry, went running with all her strength to see the live direct, while the other wanted to spend so to speak, time with Santi, that when she arrived at the infirmary, she saw Santi very happy and talking with the nurse.

『Our partner, he may be a bit silly, but his silly laugh, makes us too in the end, happy *smile* 』.

Santi was having fun with the nurse and talking about silly things, he treated her as a friend, he treated the other people as he would like them to treat him, that even though they hardly know each other, they can trust him and one day they can become friends.




E͇l͇ ͇G͇a͇t͇o͇͇ ͇I͇d͇i͇o͇t͇a͇

The Pack was saying goodbye to Kenzo and M, giving a bow then barking at the top of their lungs, this day despite it not being in their plans, they all had fun playing with the humans.

『I didn't get to play.....』

The Newfoundland was sad lowering his head, the other dogs would try to comfort him, but at that they felt a sound of someone falling in the mud, when all the dogs turned to look, they noticed it was the orange cat from the beginning, that they have been chasing, the cat tried to run past here, but didn't calculate that he would slip.


The cat was frightened that he quickly tried to stand up, but quickly fell down again, the cat was trying again and again, each time he was rushing faster as he saw the dogs approaching, thus getting in the process full of mud, when again he was about to try to escape, he looked to the side and saw the Chihuahua face to face, the small dog showed his teeth, this was necessary for the cat to faint from the shock. His last thoughts before passing out were.

『(Noo ahhh.... that little dog....looks like a big-eyed alien.....looks like he's going to pop his eye....if he pops there's blood....and think of blood....)』

Just like many humans, everyone has their phobias that they can't stand seeing or feeling them, animals are the same, this orange cat for example, can't stand the thought of seeing blood or even thinking about it.

『Why is this cat still here? It appears at the moments no one expects』.

The cat seems to spend one of his life in this scare, but it seems that he will not wake up for quite a while, the dogs when they saw the cat, quickly realized that he is not from these places, when they appeared to him to ask if he was lost, the cat without wasting time happened to escape from them, thinking that they would eat him or use him for their amusement, but the main goal is to be able to help him to return home.

The stray dog turned him to be able to see the collar with the address on, and was surprised to see that this cat lives far away from where he is now, sighing this one would say that now that he is passed out, he will take him home before nightfall.

『I'm sure his owners are worried』.

Before I took the orange cat by the neck, everyone could feel that someone was approaching, everyone's senses were sharpened and ready to receive that being that was approaching, everyone has like a small alarm when they feel a presence stronger than their own, like when a child knows that his mother is about to arrive home, after the delivery of notes, at that moment you swallow saliva, pray to God and wish not to exist, because you feel from afar that your mother is extremely angry. It is like a detection that we have, a little nature that our most primitive ancestors left us, so to speak, in this case, the pack was alert, because they could feel that someone stronger was coming to where they were, the presence was strong, but not at all evil, but anyway they wanted to hide and not know anything about anything, because they think they will not survive if they stand still without acting.

With their tails, the dogs communicated with each other, deciding to hide in the surroundings, organized these were hiding in the surroundings, but that strong being was getting closer and closer, each footstep was noticeable.

『(May he not find us...may he not find us....)』『(Last time he almost broke my back)』『(Why guys like him are the ones who don't know how to control their strength....he is a real nuisance)』『(I feel bad when we have to take this action with him....)』

Some hiding by the bushes, some went into the courtyard of the houses, some hid in the huge columns. Everyone nervous about who was already in the lot, this being was four-legged, it was huge, it was like every footstep made the ground resonate, only it did not happen because the place was full of mud, in terms of characteristics, it was very similar to Newfoundland, but it was white in color.

『They are not here? Strange, I thought they were, because I could detect their smells 』.

The White Newfoundland made use of his sense of smell to be able to follow the pack with his search, just like Ron's special smell vision but a little inferior, this White Newfoundland also had this ability, because of the environment he could see traces of different colors, the smells were scattered, either because of the rain or because there was a commotion, like a fight, because the smells gave an understanding of that.

『Hum...I see, now I know if you were here, please show up, I really want to see you』.

The White Newfoundland was still searching with his nose what he could, the stray dog who was hidden in some bushes, he could see the Newfoundland perfectly, the size was indeed gigantic, it seems that he also suffered the consequences of the rain, as all his fur is walking around decayed, giving a more gloomy appearance.

『(We must stay here, we don't think we will withstand its strength again, not this day, so please, for this time again we have to hide, so go away)』

The Stray Dog was just asking to leave, he had holding the orange cat with his jaw from the skin of his neck which is flexible, but it is a bad time, the cat was starting to wake up, his eyes gradually would be, he felt confused and dizzy.

『(Eh....my paws don't touch the ground...am I floating?....╰(⇀‸↼)╯my head.....I'm full of mud....I remember seeing a small little dog....pe) IS GIGAN--!!!』(「⊙Д⊙)「

Quickly the stray dog with the help of his paw silenced the kitty, the cat started to get more upset when he found out that he was side by side together with a dog, the dog started to get more alarmed that he started to throw a whole tantrum.


The White Newfoundland, its ears twitched in the direction of the bushes, something was going on there, while inside the bush, the cat was kicking and scratching with its claws, thus doing a lot of damage to the stray dog, at the same time biting with its sharp teeth so that it would no longer be silenced.

『Hey stop, that hurts, but stop, I'm not going to do anything to you』.

The dog was trying to calm the cat down, everything was done with a good intention, but for the cat everything was different, his scary mind made him see the world differently, since he left his home, everything else he saw as a descocious place, a ruined city, deserts and even the red sky. To his eyes, dogs are like demons with a horrible appearance, if you are afraid of it the most normal thing is to want to get away from it, and that was what the cat was doing, right now the cat, he thinks it is an end.

『(It wants to silence me, for sure to torture me, ヽ( ;゚;ж;゚;)ノ just look at it, it's all flea-ridden and it smells ugly!!!! He's going to rip my legs off, then my tail, he's going to use my intestines as swings, he's going to make a blanket out of my fur..... take my teeth out to give them to the tooth mouse, catch him and do the same thing to him as he did to me.... NOOO!!!! Real dogs are demons!!!!』((ヽ('Д`;ゞ=ヾ;'Д`)ノ)))

『(Why does he have a face like he's in hell?』


The Newfoundland kept approaching where the stray dog was, the others in the pack who were well hidden, noticed this, they wanted to help their friend, indeed they were going to do it, they wanted to show themselves face to face against the White Newfoundland, but being so many and trusting everyone, they, each one thought that.

( -́д-̀ ;)『『『『(For sure, another one will come out)』』』』( -́д-̀ ;).

But in this situation, what dominated the most was fear, they trusted everyone, but that very trust would be a big problem, they were certain that even one would get out. But...

『(Eh? Why doesn't anyone come out? eh?....)』『(There we go!!! Let someone come out!!!)』『(They are brave dog when it suits them eh!!!! Although I'm like that too....)』

All the dogs in their hiding places seeing the situation, became more alarmed that no one would come out, they all became more nervous and came to a conclusion. The White Newfoundland was already about to search through the bushes, where by a desperate movement the stray dog would try to sneak out of there, but the orange cat being so upset, was still with his claws trying to escape, which scratched on the scar of the stray dog, this one who was enduring the wounds, reached his limit by touching him a sensitive area, which without hesitation gave him a strong paw blow to the cat's head.

『(¡¡¡!!!! (╬⓪益⓪) CALM DOWN ALREADY!!!!!! FEARFUL MENDIGO!!!!!)』-『(There's no.... I couldn't hold back...but still...ahhhh)』 s(・`ヘ'・;)ゞ

The cat after that blow of the dog, fell fainted and this time I don't think it will wake up for a long time, now if the cat seemed to have suffered a lot, but he himself asked for it, all this happened to him for being a DUMB CAT!!!! To the same words of the stray dog was. The White Newfoundland was already sticking his head into the bush, the stray dog could no longer oppose, if he had to receive the full force of the White Newfoundland, then it's his day.

But after a few seconds, he was not discovered, this one seemed strange to him, there was an exit from the bushes, where this one without wasting time and taking advantage of it, he would grab the cat by the neck and they would leave the place.

『I'm glad I found you』.

The White Newfoundland was heading towards the one who had come out, who was the Black Newfoundland, this one had also hidden in the bushes, who seeing that his friend was going to be discovered, was the one who did not hesitate to show himself to the visitor.

Both giant dogs looked at each other, to see such large animals, gave an aura that this would be dangerous, it was as if good was fighting against evil, even their colors gave that message, this was the dog for which everyone was afraid because of its strength.

『I'm really glad to see you, at least you, we haven't seen each other for a long time, and how are you? How is the pack doing? Are they still helping everyone and doing their thing? It must be a lot of fun』 (o^^o)

But just like I said before with the other dog, he may look intimidating but in personality, he was the tamest dog there is. The white Newfoundland felt calm and was even breathing through his mouth with his loose tongue, in the middle of the conversation, the white Newfoundland threw his belly up while asking for a favor.

"Could you scratch my belly? Please, it's more fun like this 』.

The white Newfoundland, despite its large size, behaved as if it was still a small puppy, with the movement of its paws it gave to understand that it wanted to play, it was the typical case of one not appearing what it is, the Black Newfoundland laughed while scratching the other dog's belly.

『Eh? Did they play today? How nice, if they took time to play, that means there are no problems to solve, everything is going well, how nice, and it's just you? Because I detect the smells of your companions 』

Black Newfoundland didn't know what to answer to the first instances, as it made him bad to lie to this dog who just wants to have a good time, the truth is that nothing bad would happen if they all show themselves before him, so he decided to take the best words.

『After we finished playing with the humans, we stayed playing among all of us here, but in that appeared that cat where Perca decided to take him to his house, and as we got dirty playing in the mud, we went to take a bath, I am dirty too』.

Perca was the name of the Stray Dog, the White Newfoundland before the explanation, this one did not doubt that he was telling him the truth, that explained of why the smells were scattered here, I thought so, at the end this one said that with that was that adding also.

『That's good, they went to clean themselves, I thought.... for a moment I thought they were hiding from me, how silly, right?』-『That they didn't want to see me』

『That's not true, we always count on you』.

Quickly without hesitation again, the Black Newfoundland, told him what he thought, it was even an instant response, to this sincere answer, the White Newfoundland, became so happy that he stood on 2 legs and gave him a hug. He called it a hug full of love.

At that a whistling sound was heard, from far away and in the background, you could see the figure of a man with a hood and cap, he seems to be lighting his cigarette with a zippo, you could clearly see smoke coming out of his mouth.

『Andando - Teco』

It was the voice of that man who was smoking, it seems that Teco was the name of the White Newfoundland, Teco barked loudly that could be heard all over the place, you could feel the joy he had for that man and mutually. Teco was retreating giving his words.

『I hope the next one will be more timely, I really want to spend the little free time I have with you, and that one day I will also learn to speak by the tail, see you later Tegro』.

Tegro was the name of the black Newfoundland, he wagged his tail signifying his dismissal, he was already leaving the lot, the others in the pack were also about to show themselves. Teco is a dog as one should be, with being tame I say it all, he is incapable of distrusting anyone, he will always see the good side of everything, and although he looks like a Newfoundland breed, he does not belong to it, the truth is not known what breed he is, only that he is more eccentric than other dogs, so to speak.

『Right, I got more mud on me, I must get him off my back』.

He is a dog that would easily win the world's heart, being his companion must be the best thing ever, but this one has a peculiarity that makes him stand out among the others, he possesses great strength and as is normal of a pure heart, he doesn't know how to control it. Teco began to shake his body to get rid of the mud, the pack that had already shown itself in the lot, could perceive that missiles were coming at high speed, quickly, like a war field, they threw themselves to the ground, they covered themselves, since to receive one of those drops, would leave them really exhausted.

Teco's owner, had protected himself by standing on the side of the avenue, that seeing his friend still full of mud and now showing a friendlier appearance, with those sparkling eyes, he had to do something.

『Come on - clean up - you 』

That was what the cigar guy said, Teco was very happy and wagging his tail, he didn't hesitate to stand on 2 legs and want to give affection to his human, he will possess great strength, but he doesn't show it with humans, when he gives affection to humans, he looks like a feather, a soft one where you can put all your trust.

『I thought I would die.... 』

All of the pack were unharmed by miracle, the reason why they were hiding, is because Teco always gives them a hug, but with those who are not human, he does not know how to control his strength and always gives one effort too many, which can break your spine, in the case of Tegro, this being of a strong race, that kind of hug was a normal one, but it still kept bothering him that they have to hide from him.

『What if one day, we become stronger, so we can receive all their affection』.

Tegro started to say things like, they can become stronger to protect so and help more people, plus that's one of the reasons why they learned to talk by the tail, to be better than before. But the Chihuahua already knew what was really going on and went on to say a better option.

『What if Teco better learn to measure his strength and problem solved? 』

Everyone remained silent because that was the best option to solve the problem. Tegro was confused, because it wasn't true that the dogs in the pack were dirty, or at least not all of them, but besides being dirty, especially around the jaw and muzzle, they also had a small bruise in the same area.

『At the moment when Teco was going to discover Perca, we jumped to reveal ourselves at the last second, but when you showed yourself, we slowed down and others fell muzzle first into the mud and those who had surface got hit in the same way』( ᵒ̴̶̷᷄ д ᵒ̴̶̷᷅ )

Before the explanation that Husky gave, his name is the same as that of his race, the Newfoundland happened to laugh to see his other companions as they were equally coordinated, they all ended up dirty, so they decided all together to go to clean the mud, but Perca is missing, which at this time is already the hours of the night, and still followed with the orange cat between his mouth, this moves like his brother, by the roofs of the houses.

『(I'm cold, and go fast the wind goes through the wounds that this idiot cat made me, especially the part of the scar, it won't open right? I'm scared, I hope not.....I'm getting tired, I'm literally going from end to end, but I have to deliver this cat to its owners, I mustn't make them worry)』

Perca arrived at a neighborhood, she went down to the track so she could see the house addresses and see if they matched the one on the collar, she was most struck by about 3 houses together, the first one she saw, it was a normal one, there was a car parked and out of it came a young girl in a police uniform, and on the driver's side a grown man, who was the father, you could tell how the father helped with the many things that the police lady brought, you could even hear him prepare dinner.

『No, I can handle all this, it's okay like this father』.

『Let me help you, you came back a little while ago, you must be tired, and what would you like for dinner? I'll take the opportunity to cook since I won't be going out to work anymore for today』.

『Okay, if you insist, but you'll start cooking after I clean up, it's sure to be messy, leave it to me and I'll take care of it』

『.....Thanks daughter, I don't have time to do the cleaning and I know that bothers you, well, coming in, it's cold out here *smiles*』

Both father and daughter were entering the house, you could hear Maya sigh as she found the house dirty, but then she smiled and commented that it's not as dirty as she imagined. You could even notice how Maya was greeted by her pet, a small black dog, playing with her and even cuddling her in her arms. Yes, it was a normal family, a normal home.

Passing by the second house, from the previous one, this one seemed to be lifeless, the lights were off, it was like no one lived there, it was completely empty, but even among the darkness you could see that there was furniture, no, it was more like furniture was missing, a very strange house at first glance.

『Oh, this is it』.

Arriving at the third house, it was the address of the orange cat's collar, who was still passed out and all muddy, Perca turned and saw through the window 2 girls, Kaede and Iroha who were playing in the living room, talking. Perca entered the duck and would leave the orange cat there, she would leave it gently on the grass where she would pass to retire, but without first commenting that.

『I hope you won't cause us any more trouble』.

And Perca retreated into the darkness.

Inside the house, Kaede and Iroha had already finished doing their homework, and they would turn on the console to wait for their relatives.

"Aniki is taking longer than usual, maybe she's working overtime? It's already too late』

"Right, and Miky hasn't been here since we arrived either, is he lost? 』- 『Hey, that cat we have, we have one that gets lost all the time and another that rarely comes out』

Kaede happened to turn to her other cat, a fatter one with a dejected gesture, it was black and white in color, Kaede and Iroha at the beginning when they first lost their cat, Miky, they became very alert and worried, at the first instant they went out to look for him, but after hours of searching, it turns out only that he had fallen asleep in a box in the house, and other similar situations where the cat gets lost and magically returns, their alertness began to drop little by little until it became normal.

『Well, tomorrow we look for him back home, I'll go get snacks to eat while we play』.

Kaede was going to the kitchen, while Iroha was setting up the games, while in the courtyard, Miky was just waking up, he was touching his head and wondering what had happened, but then a voice he knows made him understand that everything was okay now.

『You are already home, that's why I tell you to stay calm, it is so common to get lost that our owners take it as something normal, it is better not to leave the place you know, look, you are all dirty, I don't like pups like you』.

The black and white cat, besides fat was named Kuri, to put it easy, he is a cat who enjoys what he has and that's enough for him, Miky was very happy to see Kuri who rushed to hug him, between tears this one was telling him what happened to him.

『KURIII!!!!ヽ(;゚;Д;゚;;; ) It was horrible HORRIBLE!!!! I was chasing a butterfly and out of nowhere I encountered some demons that wanted to kill me!!!!! I ran and ran, I ran into a boy who seemed nice and then a....I think I crashed into a skeleton.....BUT I STILL SAW THOSE DEMONS AGAIN AND I BELIEVE THEY ABUSED ME!!!!! I don't remember after seeing a white demon!!!!! KURII!!!! I want lechita!!! BUAAAAAA』༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽

『Okay it's fine, but stop hugging me you're making me dirty, ahhh....how I hate water....』

While the 2 cats were doing their business, Rino just came home and found the 2 cats, one wanting to hug the other and the other doing his best to push him away. Rino surprised both cats by taking them in his arms.

『Looks like you had another adventure Miky, it's over, you're home now』.

『AMO PRETTY!!!』(இ﹏இ`。).

Like a little child, Miky was clinging to Rhino like never before, in tears, while Kuri was shocked and wanted nothing to do with him, especially because of his behavior, Rhino saw Kuri and that he was also stained with mud, the 2 cats were full of mud, so he decided something.

『Well, looks like it's unexpected bath time today *smiles* 』.

『Yes yes yes!!! Bath bath!!!』

『Bathroom?....I knew it.....』

While Miky was happy since he doesn't dislike water, Kuri was sad and passed to understand his annoyance, looking with hateful eyes at Miky, who was the one who got him into this trouble. Rhino was entering the house where he found his sisters playing, first they showed him that they did their homework, where Rhino would comment that he would stop by to make dinner.

"What would you like to eat? I already did the shopping』.

Rhino if possible, he would seek to spoil his sisters, those 2 houses, Maya and her father's, Rhino and his sisters, were full of life, it was like a home should be, but the middle house, it was as if it had once been like that too, but now it's just empty, like someone sought to destroy it, this home was also brimming with affection.


It was the next day, M was nervous, for some reason this one was nervous, he clenched his hands and you could see sweat running down his face, even his eyes would happen to roll because of the fear he feels.

『(Why am I scared...I'm not supposed to be the boy I was before, I've developed, right? oh no..... AAAAAAA I don't know!!! I fight with other Gods, I spent a year locked up, I faced against an army alone, I went through so much .... why am I scared just now!!!!! What if I go back? I still have time, NO! I'm a little man now, I think I don't know! I am! I need a push...I'm starting to be afraid and doubtful....Syl...please...help me)』

Compare as silly as it is, when I was alone and didn't know what to do, I was very afraid and if I doubted I looked for an answer in the person I trusted the most, who always gave me a hand since I met her and gave me enough strength to keep going. Being in this place, although it's the first time I'm here, made me remember that day, I didn't want to enter, indeed, I wanted to run away, now it's the same, that time, that time I didn't do it, I didn't run away for....

『Come on Yashi-kun, they're waiting for us』

『What memories, Ya-kun, you're afraid...don't worry, I'll still support you like the first day *smiles* 』

I felt some soft pats on my back, who were Menhera and Rino giving me a hand again, they were not the person I expected, always when I doubted, somehow, Syl came to help me, but at this very moment, I feel safe, the smile on my face gives it to understand, really, I still do not believe that I could come back, that I live again these moments of when I was a student.

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