
Chapter 239: The Joy of Menhera-chan 2

L͇a͇ ͇A͇l͇e͇g͇r͇í͇a͇ ͇d͇e͇͇ ͇M͇e͇n͇h͇e͇r͇a͇-͇c͇h͇a͇n͇ ͇2͇

Menhera has something that she prefers to hide from others, it is something that has always been present in her life, something hidden inside her, that little by little has been coming to the surface since her father had to leave, through her whole being ran something that is considered a great danger, she alone at present, could defeat half an organization, that is already too big a feat for a tender girl, perfect cataloged by her peers and every place where she is. If somehow this girl gets more power, there would be no telling what would be in store for everyone, and especially her close ones.

『(Yashiro must be sleeping, no, I hear how he got up early to prepare breakfast, he has become more homely, more than he already was as a little boy, a helpless, weak, and leaning hard on what he trusted the most, that he is for me, that he depends on me, to protect him, and that he gives me that affection so pure that he is able to eliminate this thing that I have been struggling with so much, my impulse to--------, he is able to do it, I am glad you are back, I am really very happy)』-『(The other day you commented that you were glad that I have not changed around you these days, you were glad that I haven't changed much, that's fine, that's what you have to see, but from the first moment I saw you, from the moment I hugged you crying, I knew that you had indeed changed, somehow you no longer wanted to be the child to be protected from everything, crying, anger, annoyance, happiness, I felt all kinds of emotions, I didn't want to let you go, I was able to hug you so tightly that I didn't mind hurting you, as long as you tell me that you didn't change, that's not right Yashiro, with you I feel good, you remind me a lot when I didn't need anything and I felt protected)』

Menhera stopped to look at the wall of apartment where M lived with her mother and Gen, the adults were sleeping. Because it was very early, the cold was just starting, from what Menhera was warming her hands with her breath, she happened to delicately touch the wall, she could see in a soft way her friend, as he was preparing breakfast. Menhera's look was soft, blushing, but at the same time it seemed not to transmit anything, somehow, the dangerous aura that she was transmitting, was beginning to disappear, maybe it was because she felt that feeling that made her become a little girl.

Pom.... The door of Menhera's apartment creaked slightly and closed softly, someone was somehow trying to be discreet, it was Jersey who was sneaking out in an attempt to copy a spy, her gesture said it all about Jersey.

『vamo, carefully, without any little noise, that!..... ( '͈ ॢꇴ `͈)੭ुnow from dotty dotty dotty dotty dotty』-『I'm a spy, they call me the 007 d=('▽`)=b agent Jersey, wouldn't that be nice....Eh?』(ᅌᴗᅌ* )

At first Jersey thought she was alone, that her spy act was working, but as she looked to the side, Menhera was looking at her again with no expression, just watching as she warmed her hands. With Menehra's cheeks red from the cold, and Jersey's red from embarrassment, Jersey would try to dissemble, quickly Jersey and Menhera would make a quick game between them, all in silence because they don't want to wake anyone up.

Quickly Jersey would point her finger to the left, but Menhera would turn her head to the right, it was Menhera's turn, where she would point her finger up, but Jersey looked down. It was this game of pointing to the spot and if the person looked where you pointed, you won. This game went on for a few minutes, where Jersey was desperate, so she would use a trick, with her palm outstretched, she would hide her hand and do the elevator effect with it. Jersey would make her palm down where Menhera would watch attentively not to lose, but it seems that Jersey got more ahead, that she ended up revealing where her finger would point, that little second of muscle and bone movement, was enough for Menhera not to lose.

『(You got upset and made movement before, you will point down!)』

♒((⇀‸↼))♒⬇️『(Please fall sister)』

(*థ౪థ)⬆️ 『(This match was won by Jersey-nee-chan)』

¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!!! Without wasting time and confident, Menhera quickly looked up, her smile of joy and victory like a whimsical little girl was present, Menhera stayed like that for a few seconds, but then she looked down to see Jersey and found that she was no longer there. At that Menhera lowered her arms limply and her expression changed completely.

『aahhhh.... I ate it all』 ヽ(冫,)ノ

Jersey took advantage of those seconds to escape from the apartment and go to where only she knows, we could find Jersey running through the streets with extreme speed, where it was said that she will be late. A strong cold began to blow where it made Menhera's whole body shiver.

『(No need to hide it Jersey, I already get an idea of where you're going and what you're doing, that damn old woman, how I really hate her)』

Again moving to a more normal gesture, but highlighting the end as she said it reluctantly, a tender sneeze let out because of how cold it was, again she shivered from the cold as she hugged herself and went back inside her house, but the problem now is that.

『(¡¡¡¡!!!!Manches!!!! I closed the door to the house!!!)』(◎_◎)

Jersey just remembered that she closed the door when her sister was still outside, Menhera like the lock and tried to turn it but it wouldn't budge, this one just stayed silent, she slowly raised her arm to ring the doorbell but then she remembered that she didn't let Konomi sleep all night and maybe it will get worse if she wakes her up now. Menhera stopped her finger and would move to sit by her door waiting for someone from her family to come out.

『Menhera-chan? Why are you out in the wee hours of the morning?』

It was M who came out to see what was going on, he saw her friend sitting on the floor, he quickly sighed and would go on to comment alone.

『I see that you are still in the habit of getting up early, can't you go into your apartment? I just made breakfast, if you want you can spend some time in here, come on, say yes, to have breakfast with someone, it makes me uncomfortable every day to eat with that man, besides this way we can spend some time together, what do you think Menhera-chan』

M was proposing him to spend some time together as they mostly did, Menhera had been silent for the first few seconds, looking only at her friend, where this one brought out a very angelic smile, and would stand in front of her friend, with a cute gesture, putting her outstretched hand on his forehead, typical military gesture, Menhera would enter.

『Good job cadet, yes, I accept your invitation *smile* 』.

『Ya quick go in, my legs are shaking, fucking cold in the mornings』●﹏● 』●.

At his friend's comment and how truly not only his legs but his whole body was shivering, Menhera happened to laugh sincerely, Menhera who has been warming his hands all this time and seeing how M was dying of cold, this simply with his hands, touched his friend's cheeks, it was a moment that lasted as long as it had to last, there was no escape, both if or if they stared into each other's eyes, little by little, M's cheeks were also becoming red. But then the moment was gone, as M did the same, with her hands she touched Menhera's cheeks, and would start to gently rub them while her expression was one of joy.

『Awwm, your cheeks are still chubby Menhera-chan』ヾ( ~▽~)ツ.

At that time, M was applying one of the Commandments: The Second Commandment, even though this gesture is being done by her friend, Menhera did not like to have this mime done to her, where she would quickly start stretching her friend's cheeks as well. When Nyoka woke up, she found the 2 young men looking like, having a fight between them, both were making funny gestures that would end up making M's mother laugh.


Menhera was already ready, she was able to enter her house and be one of the first to get ready, getting ready was easy, she always finished last, with her black sweatshirt as the last garment to wear. Everyone was getting ready, but Konomi was still in bed trying to get some more sleep.

『I'll take care of her Kurumi-nee-chan, you better go ahead so you won't be late』.

Taichi was offering to help Konomi, on the way to her high school, Menhera was showing others things she didn't want, and what she has no mercy on, is her thoughts, we could say that like anyone else, her mind is what says a lot about her. She can be all cute and look happy on the outside, but inside she was saying what she really thought about others.

『(A letter? Her again, Aoi, please leave me alone, you'll never get what you want, I already found my solution, I polish it a little more and I'll be healthy, I won't even read it, I know it's wrong but, I don't feel like it today, besides that love thing is a lie, you just admire me, admire? admiration? of what? What I do is worthy of admiration? I don't know, unless what I admire is something else....)』

At that very moment, Aoi appeared in front of Menhera, you could tell how she looked happier and more feminine when she is in front of Menhera, but Menhera quickly drew her own conclusions.

『(It was hard, to think that there is someone so easy, but I came to my conclusion, you're an open book, Aoi-san)』

When he finally entered the living room, Menhera was still thinking about his friend, and that he is the most suitable to be able to get rid of everything he has been carrying, hiding, his goal is to suppress that feeling, because there will come a day when he can no longer do it, and then if it will be a danger.

『I'm collecting signatures for Yashiro to come !!!!! Whoever wants to support to come!!!』

Lys said with strength, where this action made the whole class move, from how lost and in her mind Menhera was, hearing that her friend will be able to be in school with her and spend more time together, her eyes brightened and she framed a beautiful smile on her face.

『Yashi-kun...will be able to.... be with us!!!!』-『(He'll be with me)』

Lys who was taking the signature of her classmates, would quickly pass to Menhera and in less than a second, it was very fast indeed, Menhera took it from her and gave the sheet back to Lys, her signature was already there.

『Salaverga, but what fingers』-『Well now it's your turn 』.

Lys would pass with the students in the background, who were the Tira Papelitos, but these were in between their conversation that they didn't notice other kinds of things. Quickly Brayan would ask Menhera that if indeed Yashiro was back, hearing yes, Brayan returned to his seat very happy.

『With Yashiro back, El Pato is back!!!! At last the Tira Papelitos will all be reunited!!!!! Let's have a barbecue to celebrate!!!!』-『IN THE LIVING ROOM!!!!』


The others were also happy, it's no big deal, since they saw other kids made their meals in the living room, they tried it a long time ago, until now it's a typical and common thing for them to do.

『Has he grown up or gotten too small? Pero de seguro es más grande que El Tilin, Rojito y Potter jajajaja pinches chatos noma aquí hay』Ψ( ゚∀゚)Ψ.

The Dog was commenting on things about his friend and making a critique, making fun of his other friends who didn't give the growth spurt they thought they did growing up. Quickly Brayan was laughing taking a pen, and in one swift movement he would try to draw something on his friend's seat, but the Dog already knew it was his friend who managed to stop him.

『But what do you want to do chetumare!!!!』

『Draw a dick on your table!!!!! You'd better watch out, because your chair will dawn with a dick this big!!!!』

While rojito was taking something out of El Perro's backpack, where Omar noticed, Rojito without wasting time would take out the notes, notebooks of his classmate, he went to his seat to copy the homework.

『(I will take advantage of all that mess to copy the homework, ha! How smart you are Rojito Siuuuu)』

『OE!!! Rojito give me back my notebook!!!!』

『Calla altito, un ratito noma presta!!!! Don't be selfish, I'll copy it differently so that the teacher won't notice, okay?

The dog was with a bead of sweat on his forehead, but Brayan like a dog in heat, kept trying to mark his territory on El Perro. Quickly this one would make a call to Uncle Potter to restrain Brayan, like an annoying dwarf, he was restrained.

『You still have time to grow up, I heard we still have a few more years to go, so don't get pissed off weon anymore, you can't stand the teasing you』(-。-;

『Okay, but if I don't grow up in these years, I'll draw a dick on your forehead』.

『And dale with the dicks, dick dick dick, what are you weon? hot mature?』-『By the way, did you hear the news days ago? Our bro won't be harassed anymore! I was shitting myself those days, we couldn't do anything with such a crowd』.

『True, journalists came and there was even talk that presidents and world leaders met to talk about it, the PENACE ones right?』

Uncle Potter commented after leaving Brayan calmer, they were talking about his friend who since he appeared, was harshly harassed by everyone, that he was talked about for a long time, now finally that topic was finished coming to a conclusion, that he is considered an ordinary citizen as long as he doesn't do something crazy or abuse his abilities.

( -᷄ὤ-᷅)?( -᷄ὤ-᷅)?Brayan and El Perro were confused by the last thing Uncle potter said.

『PENACE? And what is that?』

『Eh? Isn't that what it's called? The most important organizations in the world? eh? Ahhhhnooo!!! XDXDDXD My mistake, sorry folks』

Our friend Potter, has a problem sometimes with saying the words, somehow he ends up combining and joining several words, this one gets so nervous when talking that he ends up saying that kind of thing.

PENACIA: PE for pentagon | NA for nasa | Cia pos for cia XD | PENACIA gentlemen, the very PENACIA.

『With that PENACE, I see, the UN is missing there』.

Pom. Rojito appeared giving a small blow with the Dog's notebook on his head and giving it back, already all gathered, both of them were thinking about their friends who did not manage to come these days.

『I never imagined that the 2 of them, would turn into something that never crossed my mind, life does bring you surprises as it says, JEJEJEJEJEJE pa when I also join them, here I toy free! GET IN MY !!!!』

Brayan got emotional unexpectedly, but then this one also cheered up thinking that the same thing can happen to him too, thus blurting out a comment that would make his friends doubt.

『I guessed it』Σ(-᷅_-᷄ )『You will get the Spirit of Tilin XDXDXDXD』『Prepare the ojete』『Si we based on them, you Brayan, you would be a rat, although you already are for many moments』.

They were all talking to each other, but in this time, Lys has been trying to talk to them, address them, but they were so focused on their conversation that they didn't pay attention to her, until finally Lys ended up bursting out.


POM POM POM POM POM POM!!!!! The 4 friends received a slap that left them with a giant swelling, quickly Brayan would try to claim that it wasn't that big of a deal to hit them that hard, but he was quickly answered by Lys.

『Ah are you macho? come on hit me, look, I'll give you my sweet cheek free, come on, I agree with equality, come on hit me! There's nothing wrong with it, you just pay me back for what I did to you, go on go on wey, hit me boy』.

Lys without any fear would say to her companions that they can hit her so they can be equal, but quickly my friends faced with that topic, they better decided to do nothing, where Rojito trembling would say.

『We can't, you don't hit a woman, with us we can make jokes because we are friends, we don't involve others in our things』.

『Even when one agrees? Wuaaa.... with that are those, I honestly won't understand the thinking of others, they're pansy assholes, and thanks for making it clear to me that I'm not your friend, thank you really』-『*sigh*In my whole life, there was only one, only one person who hit me when I asked him to, he was my friend, we went through a lot, we traveled a lot, he at the beginning thought the same as you, he didn't dare to lay his hand on me after all the things I did, I still remember his fist, he was really angry *tsch* He loved her so much? would he really prefer her?...』

At that moment, as always, Lys was talking about things that didn't happen, it escaped them or it came as natural as breathing, at that moment she remembered that she shouldn't blurt out too much information, when she looked at the 4 friends, she got angry frowning.

『But for the gossip if they are well attentive, fuck, sign fast, they look like fat aunts』.

Lys turned away annoyed not to look at Los Tira Papelitos, they were silent, where they would go on to sign each one on the paper, when it was time to deliver, the friends felt bad that they apologized to Lys for what happened, Lys gave a sigh to accept it.

『It's okay I forgive you, better yet, let's forget this, but seriously guys, don't leave a girl in sight, I've been with you for many years and I've never seen you with a girlfriend』.

That comment from Lys was not with a motive to make them feel bad, or maybe, but it was a rustle that rang loudly, they all fell silent, currently, with their 17 years each, they never, but never had a partner, never! There isn't one! There isn't! Brayan would cough to move on to another topic, asking Lys if it is necessary all the signatures of everyone, where she would say obviously yes, at that, Brayan would take his phone and call his friend who couldn't come to school these days because of a flu.

『Entones we, we will get the signature of Fatty』.

While the 4 friends were chatting on the cell phone with their friend Cliston, Konomi was still sleepy this day that you could see his head droop and bounce back, just as his eyes were struggling not to close. At that without saying a single word, Konomi opening her eyes, she would meet her sister Jersey, who smiled at her, this one had a cloth sleep mask, not even Konomi wondered where she got it from or why she brought it, but Jersey just put it on her.

『I can't see anything with this』

『That's the target!』

『...Thanks for your concern, but I can't sleep, I must be attentive to the class, I curse the one who created the phrase of "In school you don't sleep" I wish I could avoid that rule』.

Konomi returned the eye mask to her sister, where Jersey was worried that her sister didn't look very well, in there she saw how Konomi was struggling to have her eyesight open, in that Jersey got an idea, when Konomi was struggling not to fall asleep, now the one who appeared beside her was Rhino.

『If you're sleepy, why don't you just sleep? if that's what you need』.

『If I'm going to default on something, I'd rather cheat them perfectly, it's all or nothing, simple as that, although at this moment I wouldn't mind just giving up....』

『Well do it, I guess many times defeat is better than victory, that depends on what's best for you, even one can get what they need without even caring , lucky people don't you think?』-『Wow, hahahaha I didn't expect this』.

From what the two of them were talking about, Rhino started to laugh because Jersey once again put on her sister's mask, but this time she drew some eyes to give the impression that she was awake. Jersey was happy, Rhino was going to talk to her again, but he felt that Konomi finally fell asleep. With the eye mask her sister Jersey made for her, they both watched as Konomi simply let herself flow with the current.

『Ready Lys, here's Fatty's signature!!!』

『You guys surprise me every day, I need the signature in physical, FI-SI-CO!!!! What do you want me to do? Copy your signature? That's not done? or is it? UHmm』

Brayan was showing his cell phone to Lys, it was a picture that Gordito took of his signature, at that moment Lys thought that in front of him he has the stupidest guys he saw.

『We have Fatty's permission to copy his signature, he also wants to see Duck, but can we be the last ones? First we have to practice his signature well』-『Don't worry Lys-san, we already forged our parents' signature lots of times』d(・∀・○).

『What you do so that you guys don't get scolded, ta weno, I'll be back in a few hours tos』.

The 4 friends, would practice their friend's signature, but the ones who had more experience in this, were Brayan and Omar, the fear of seeing their angry mothers was the reason why they decided to fall into this world of forgery, angry mothers are very scary.

It was Cliston's house, one of the members of the group Los Tira Papelitos, he was in his pajamas, he had contracted a fever that left him in bed, for several days he could not attend classes and his absence was noticed by his classmates, he was coughing but he had a mask.

『(Now that I've done it, I'm afraid they'll do other things with my signature.... now that I've earned the right to be considered a normal citizen again, I'll be able to recover my normal life after a long time since I came back)』

Cliston remembered when he was swallowed by the portal and fell into another world, where many things happened to him, he became its successor, he was controlled for a long time by a parasite, everything seemed lost, but he never expected to meet his friend Yashiro again and this same one would be who would save him. But again life separated them, the portal appeared suddenly separating the friends, Cliston was lost, he thought he would be taken again to another unknown place, but no, he was returned to his world. Cliston had faith, hope that if he could return, Yashiro would too.

『And I was right *smiles* This time let's have a good reunion my friend』.

Cliston happened to look at a picture in a frame that was on his desk, it was a picture from 3rd grade, they were all there, all small and inexperienced in life, but then Cliston let his smile go as he saw and remembered the boy, a boy named Albert.

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