
Chapter 223: Pastime 1

For the moment I will not continue with the story of Dragon Ball AF, because I feel that I would finish it fast if I tell it all in a row at once, and that is not my goal, since I plan to tell it in the rest of the story of M no Monogatari, what I mean is that from time to time at any time I will continue it, whether it will be 5 chaps from now, 25, 50, or 100 chaps, that will depend on the moment I decide to add it, the moment it is right for me to continue it, so don't worry, if or if I will finish telling the whole Dragon Ball AF, but it will take time and maybe a lot of time. For the moment we will continue with the original story that as I said before entering this volume, there are many things that I have to capture, and I only hope that it goes well and when this volume is finished, well, we will see what will follow later (o^^o).




P͇a͇s͇a͇t͇i͇e͇m͇p͇o͇ 1.

It was something strange, since I was finally able to return to my home, there is something that disturbed me especially one thing, I had suffered from it before but it seems that it came back but this time in the form of dreams. For days now it has been difficult to please the dream, I am one of those who do not remember perfectly what he dreamed, but sometimes it seems that you are recorded small dreams that you had, either because they were more clear and fixed than normal, or because it was so wonderful but also crazy at the same time.

Of the normal dreams I had, well, I don't know if I should call them normal, suddenly it's like everything I had in front of me fragmented to show me other kinds of things, things that have to do with me but with other ways so to speak, they are dreams that showed me what would have become of me if such a thing had happened, they appear as small sudden fragments that unbalance my dream, and then return to normality. But when the weird thing happened, suddenly I wake up because of how abnormal everything was, before all this happened to me, I believed that dreams are where all kinds of imaginary things can happen, but since that portal trapped me, I lived everything imaginary, I have many doubts about these dreams, or rather fragments, that appear from time to time and with the passing of time they are completed, what should I think about them? ...is it something I should worry about? I don't know, it's not like it exists such as multiverses and stuff, right? but as if there are other worlds.... maybe it's not an idiotic thought. Besides that multiverse is already too much of a franchise specific thing, how about I call it, the Multirealities....si? maybe? Since I feel that referring to one world alone is small, everything you embark on is something even bigger.

Note: I emphasize it here once and for all, there will be many confusions so I leave it as it is, in the story there will be different concepts for each one, so be attentive:

1-MultiWorlds: It is when someone travels from one world to another, but from the same reality. It is the type of trip that has been taken since the beginning of the story, because as the name says, you travel only to different worlds of the same reality, that means that there are realities connected with many worlds and between them you can only travel. Something very confusing to explain, don't you think? And that is the most basic of all. An example would be as M has already been in those worlds, for example, different things happened, events that M does not remember if he returns to those worlds, or the history is different from the one he knows. In short, the worlds are connected in the same reality apart from each other, without directly affecting them.

2-MultiRealities: It is when someone travels from reality to reality without any limit. To the example of before but taken to the extreme, it could be said that MultiRealities is the next level of MultiWorlds, since only of traveling from Worlds in Worlds of their same realities, this one can travel to the worlds of other realities interfering in them as he wants. With this ability the user will be able to see the different realities and histories of each world at will and intervene in them if he wishes. In all the history of M no Monogatari, there are few users who possess it, the clearest would be Eve, also would enter the Original Gods and the First creations of Xerzene and Zarama, as Daishinkan and Zeno. As you will see all are deities who possess such ability, but there was a mortal who managed to obtain that power that is not yet known who he is.

3-MultiDimensions: It is when someone travels from dimension to dimension in a total extreme way and without any limit. The Dimensions are the biggest things that exist in all existence, and whoever manages to travel between them will have total free control and will be cataloged as one of the beings who ascended, perhaps from these places come Xerzene and Zarama, it is not known, are only speculation, really do not know much more. In the Dimensions there are all the previously mentioned, worlds, realities, etc, etc. It is like another higher existential plane, it is not known if there are more like the above mentioned, if it is a peaceful place, nothing is known, and so far there is no one known to have such ability, perhaps there is no one because it has not yet existed or reached that level, but perhaps .... is so strong that it is as if it never existed or is known of him, but there he is.

Ufff, it was complicated to explain but there it is, so I hope you have understood what each one means, and what do you think? Is there really anyone who will reach the last level of the Multi? The MultiDimensions, able to travel between them and do whatever he wants without any limit, if someone reaches it, let's just hope it's someone good, otherwise it would be a suffering.


M when you have those fragments that suddenly appear in your dreams, there are only 2 things to do, first is to get out of bed and think about what the fuck that was.

『No seriously, but what the fuck was that? They are like fragments that I have to put together myself as time goes by, as if it was good memorizing..... whoever is doing this to me, I remind you that for a long time I had to write down on a piece of paper the spell to travel between worlds, with that you already realize my level....*sigh* But.....I also thank you..... for making me see and feel Syl, I was already forgetting with everything that happened, that she was the only one that made me feel safe』

My voice became light as I remembered Syl in those fragments dreams, it made me remember those moments, that life of what I was so happy next to her side, and at the same time I also regretted not being able to tell her what I felt back then, no matter how much I grew up, I still lean from fear at the idea of being with someone, it's very strange, I'm always interested but how at the same time I reject it, again I take a step back at the decisive moment, how fearful I am. But Syl taught me that I should not doubt anymore, not to be afraid of being with someone for the rest of my life, that I can regret it forever....if I fall in love again....although I see it difficult....but...if I fall in love again, this time, this time if I will step forward, if that moment comes, I will have overcome Syl, if that moment comes, I will cry on that person's chest wholeheartedly, and I feel I will grow as a person.

『I've already decided, and besides....why in those fragments am I a Tsundere????( -᷄ὤ-᷅)? Buaggg, I got more disgusted than usual』.

I couldn't remember what the me in those fragments looked like that gave me much more cringe than normal, I already know I'm cringe, just by looking at people's gesture I get it, but that guy I think he's beyond me. But what intrigued me the most for the second time, I hear Eve's name again.

『Eve...but who are you.... I would like to know, somehow I feel I know you from somewhere, but where, where....*sigh* ( ̄ω ̄) Since, I better help <mita>at breakfast』.

<Translator: This is just M's or Yashiro's thing however you want to say it, but M calls his mother Mita, since he was little he always called her Mamita, but the word has been shortening without him realizing it and at some point he started calling him Mita, yes I know, it's very silly but it had to be noted>.

There wasn't much to do since I arrived to my world, the truth is there wasn't much to do, I was expecting great things as they were before, I thought that since that outing with my friends, Menhera and Rino, that reunion, we would go out more often and play like before. But the truth is that no, with the subject of Rino, he still lives in that neighborhood where the 3 of us were before, and he can't come every day here where Menhera and I are, and the other way around, I know what they will say, that I can fly and take Menhera to Rino's house *sigh* but no, in the end it would be heavy because of Rino's words, he didn't want to force us indirectly to do such a thing, we did it for a while and after a while we became lazy to do it every day. (-,-)

With the subject of Menhera despite the fact that we live next door in the same building, she was always busy, and was the main subject of Menhera, Rino and every person of her age. I'm talking about school, they are both in high school so they spend most of their time there, and since I don't study and have no intention of going back for the moment...I stay alone here in my room.

『While they are studying and spending their time getting better and getting ahead, I, on the other hand, since I came back I've been locked up alone..... I feel like a bum』.

My self-esteem fell a little when I realized this, my mother, Nyoka realizing what I was thinking, did not discourage me at all, she told me that this is better, since I must have gone through a long time and what I need now is a time of rest to be able to rejoin society again, to this calmer world. It's also about me, about all the crazy things that have happened to me, I just want to have a good time like before.

But at least in this time I learned a lot of things, since they leave me the house alone, house alone, no guys it's not like the song, things with Gen are not going well either, it's just like the first impression I got that night and when I came back.

『He's just lucky to be together with my mother』.

The usual typical, he takes his breakfast like a Don, he goes to work, sometimes he comes back at night and sometimes not, I think you know where he went, he leaves his clothes wherever he wants, he has his altar of the Soccer team where he played, he is very cautious with that, it makes me silly to complain about something like that, his way of talking is very big and thick, I am one of those people who do not like that others only with his presence swallows the others, ! But with Hiro it's fine, maybe it's because he's just a little boy all rocky and tight.

『Que!!!! Piece of Furro, I don't eat people, my mouth can't reach!!!!!』

I don't know why I feel like Hiro is claiming me, but well, in short Gen is the type of person I hardly like, not to say I don't like him directly. And since that day he hasn't tried to get along with me, the truth is I thank him, after remembering my sister's words, I could say that you earned my hatred that night I finally understand it.

My mother, Nyoka seeing that we are distant, somehow wants us to get closer to each other, we have no choice but to listen to her, seeing how Gen pretends to get along with me and how I try too, makes me want to cut a ball.

『Haha Thank you so much Gen-san, you're so kind....』 ε('∞'*)

『You're a good boy too Marimar I SAY!!!! Molina-san, HA-!HAJ! JAHA』 (┼д┼;)

He didn't even learn my first name yet, let alone my last name, Mori! Which is Mori! It's not that hard to say, I feel every time you do it on purpose. Breakfast time is becoming the worst time of the day for me.

『(Please Mita !!!! Don't you see our faces and our ortho performance!!!! Stop putting on that smile that everything is fine and forcing us to get along!!!!)』

My mother thinks that we are getting along well with the intervention that she does, sometimes my mother can become very distracted in many things, because adults are like that, my father is also distracted but in things that you can't imagine if he is very attentive and knows. Anyway, Gen is going to work and so is my mother, I can't believe what my mother has become in these years that I wasn't there, I'll make it easy for you to understand, pirami-----nah lie, although yes, she is in those multitrading things, be your own boss and *sigh* she goes to a rented place with her group of friends to have meetings. My mother was a teacher and I was hoping that when she came back that she would have gone back to that job, but I see she didn't, she became sorry Mita but ....en something ugly.

So as I said before, I have the house alone, no friends, well, my friends are in High School, my parents working, my sister the same, all my circle is busy with something, and as I already got bored of being on the computer, although I shouldn't since I have things to see play, catch up, if Fafnir was there the thing would be different. So what I do is to lock the apartment and walk around the streets to see what I find or what happens to me, that's my little hobby these days since I came back.

Along the way I run into people who stare at me, I think it's because of the way I dress, since maybe it's a little showy, especially because of the scarf, we are in spring and well, I'm dying of heat, I don't want to imagine in summer.

『But no, I don't plan to take off this scarf, it's already very me and I feel like if I don't wear it I'll be missing something, although truth be told, I'm roasting』 (x□x`;)

Along the way I came across a vending machine again, it's already a routine to run into it, but there was no need to buy anything, thanks to the Melodisian I got in the previous world, I have the ability to summon anything I place in my inventory, so whatever I need, I just summon it and that's it.

『Yes it's very useful this thingy 』 ('꒳`).

I do nothing but walk around these days, I just hope to stumble upon something interesting to have fun and satiate my curiosity, although I feel like people are starting to suspect me since I keep passing by the same place over and over again as if investigating someone.

『No people, I'm not a detective by far, although it would be curious to be one once even if it's just for fun』 (^~^).

And it's like my words had been heard, as a boy was walking with a paper in hand, there was nothing strange, but suddenly as if he had already seen a meme over the internet, a cat rushed past the boy, even the boy was curious about this, but quickly became alarmed as he saw a pack of dogs coming where they would quickly go through him.

There were 2 reactions, one of two as before, the child would go into a fearful expression and turn into a ball because of the fear of the running dogs or two, the child would be calm because he is not afraid of dogs. The answer is both, when the child saw the pack of dogs approaching, he started to look scared and cowardly, he was even going to turn into a ball, but he quickly stopped and decided to face those dogs as if he was saying "I am not afraid".

I don't know why, but this event and the way I see it seems like the act of a theater, the hero that is the child facing the danger that is coming, made me so excited for some reason that I clenched my fists and my eyes were anxious to see what would happen. The pack of dogs was passing by the boy where he did not avoid closing his eyes in fear, at that moment he only felt and heard the dogs passing by, barking and pawing. When he opened his eyes, he realized that nothing happened to him, he came out of the situation unharmed.

When I saw that I thought 2 things, first I was happy for the child, but second, you know, we all have a little bit of malice inside us, and we want even if it's bad, that at least a little misfortune happened to others, I already understood it very well, Sora must be an expert in that subject, but, it crossed my mind seconds, that something happens to the child and I think not.

『I knew it, dogs are bue----asfiseghes¿¿¿¿''sgijsgl』 Σ(@)!?

Without either of us expecting it, the boy's words were interrupted by a dog that passed by with speed, it was the last of its pack, it was going so fast that it didn't notice the boy and ran him over xd. I could not believe it, a dog ran over the boy, he flew a few meters, to fall to the ground, it seems that he did not suffer much damage, as he got up quickly, before this I did not avoid letting out a few laughs that the boy noticed that I was watching him and quickly he was embarrassed.

『Jajajajajahaha that's what I was looking for in my days, it's better to see him being in person than by videos jahjaajja』.

I was laughing as I approached the boy to see how he was doing, quickly the boy was embarrassed, he wanted to back away, but quickly as he did with the dogs, he took courage to claim me.

『I am not crying! It didn't hurt me! Look ! There are no tears shed! You are wrong, blue Onii-san!

When I approached to check on him, I noticed something, this boy I had seen before, thinking back it was the boy from that day where Menhera and I were scared into believing that ghosts exist. The boy was wiping his clothes so as not to show any bruises.

『My name is M or you can also keep calling me Onii-san Blue if you prefer』.

『Much like Onii-san Blue, my name is Honda Kenzo and I'm 8 years old』.

I didn't expect to have to formally introduce myself to the boy I scared days ago about ghosts, seeing him up close he's still a scaredy-cat like that time, but of course, anyone would be scared if they see a ghost, I almost peed myself that time too. I was a little worried that he had an injury, when I took a quick look, I noticed that he scraped his knee from the fall, the boy was wearing shorts.

『You have a scraped knee, that's bad, you know, any small injury that is not treated can become fatal, you can get amputated if necessary 』.

『Amputate??.....That's not true! You lie Onii-san blue, amputating is where you get a limb cut off, right?』

『That's right, if you don't get treated right away, you might be one-armed for the rest of your life!!! although one-armed isn't the right word』('∀`;)

I wanted to make the little boy feel bad, like give him a little scare, now that I think about it it's kind of weird, isn't it, and I just realized, little girls, ie lolis, I like to treat them well and with affection, while on the other side, little boys, shotas I like to make them feel bad. I don't remember if with Shouta I did anything bad to her, although I feel that if I did something to her that she would be ashamed or afraid, that favoritism would not be noticed, HA! Of course there is favoritism! Everyone has it, in personal things of course there will be, but if it's professionally you should stay null and void.

『What?...That's true??.... You're lying! You just want to scare me! You can't take off my leg just because of a scratch』.

"Are you sure? All right, then have it amputated』( ^ω^)

『But... 』(☍﹏⁰)。

I don't know why I feel like I'm Konomi, now I understand the fun of picking on minors, it's kind of funny, you guys don't do it, it's bad, I do it because I toy menso, just look at me. The boy was afraid of his scratch, where to forget what was happening to him, he better decided to continue with what he was doing.

『That's right!!! I better continue with what I was!!! I must find the treasure that my dad buried!!!! If I find it for sure my leg won't be amputated anymore』.

The boy was excited about his treasure hunt, but when he saw his hands he noticed that there was nothing, he got worried and quickly looked everywhere with his eyes, and when I noticed another presence, I shouted in alarm.

『AAH!!!! The <Firulais> has it!!!!』 ヾ('▽`*)ノ☆

<Translator: The word Firulais is very simple, it is to refer to any dog, it is used mostly in HablaHispana than anywhere else>.

The boy noticed the dog, and this scream that indeed the dog had it, the map was in the dog's jaws, and on top of that it was the dog that ran over Kenzo earlier. It's like the dog came back to give it to the boy or even to spare him, the boy Kenzo slowly went towards the dog without rushing, as it might scare him away, but it was quickly a deception, as the dog was running away leaving the boy standing still.

『Hey! Where are you going!!!! Give me back my map!!!』

Kenzo went to chase the dog around the neighborhood, and well, since I was already bored of being cooped up at home and something interesting has finally happened, it made me really fun and curious to see what would happen if I follow the boy.

Kenzo was wondering why the blue Onii-san was also chasing the dog, where M was answering to help him, so he better thank him, although that's just saying, he just wants to have a good time with that kid and maybe it's his way of repaying him with a favor for the scare days ago.

『Thank you very much Onii-san blue, it wasn't just a bad mouth after all』.

The dog was much faster than us, we guessed that it was heading with its pack up ahead, since those dogs keep barking and their ruckus was getting more and more noticeable as we approached. The Dog that was with the map, turned to look at us, as if he was planning something, but without him noticing the dog came to a dead end and we were about to catch him.

『Okay!!! I've got you!!!』

Kenzo threw himself against the dog but the dog, as if it had already calculated it, dodged it by running to the side, I was about to catch it too where it fearlessly threw itself against me, and as if it were a board, it jumped towards the free path, the strength of the dog's jump was so great that it left me lying on the floor. We were confused with that dog, since it seems that it is not a normal dog. And it seemed to us something curious at that time that we did not realize because we have never seen it, or at least I have not, but the dog with the help of its tail seemed to make movements, it made it turn, it moved it from one side to the other, it made figures, it pointed at itself and at us.

It was like he was communicating with us by means of his tail it seemed to me that he said.

『"Try to catch me and then I'll give you back your leaf" I think he said that, now what? dogs can talk through their tails?』

Kenzo was confused, or rather surprised by this, that the dog wagged its tail communicating with us, that's when it seems that Kenzo whispered someone's name.

『Maylo....』 -『All right, we'll play your game, we'll catch you and discover my father's treasure!!』

Kenzo affirmed as he had worked up the courage to say it, I was still on the floor as I stood up, I don't know what was happening, from how quiet I thought it was going to be this day like the others, out of nowhere it seems something interesting happened, and Kenzo in a plural way, I'm glad he took me into account, I don't know what's going on here, the dogs talk and seem to understand things, but what a good pastime it is to walk the streets, you can find anything.

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