
Chapter 201: Another Reality | MT 1

The first time I experimented with seeing a different reality was when I arrived to the 5th World, among those dreams I had, which were mostly memories of my childhood, one of them was like a filter and I felt a great pain in my head, I thought it was a migraine, but my brain was trying to process everything that came to me all of a sudden. That time I saw many images that I am sure that "I" did not live them, among those many visions one is the one that left me more intrigued and with more questions than answers.

A depressed and depressed M could see perfectly, in his look there was no longer any hint of light, he had lost all hope, even his clothes are different, suggesting that little by little he is moving away from what he was before, his way of acting and behaving were very extreme, his decisions I think that even he does not care, a hatred was originating inside him, a hatred, something negative was beginning to eat him up inside and it seems that no one will be able to stop it. ....tiene..... has the same ashes that Hiro had when he was questioning what was good and what was bad, eh?...So this is his face, he has dark circles under his eyes, little hairs on his chin and an attempt at a beard, and you can tell he is already an old man, his hair all messed up and to hear him curse subtly was painful in a way. Maybe this is the way if I had never made it to the end, I would have become a guy who had a huge grudge against everything.

But at the end of my journey through the 5th World, again for the second time I could witness these visions, I could see different realities and the one that caught my attention was that being called Eve, it seems that she is my companion and friend in this journey. By her appearance and with the little I saw, she seems to be a great friend, funny and with her flaws, my prayers to have someone to accompany me seem to have been heard somewhere. Meanwhile the version of this M that I managed to see, seems not to be far from what I am, although I think he has more hope and faith than I had, but I always had a bad thought about this, the one who has a lot of faith is the one who does not get things as he expects.




But among those many visions I had, there was also the most curious one that came to me and the one I was very eager to know what happened to it. A portal opened in the middle of a forest where from it comes out a M....it would be very confusing to call him that way too...we'll call him MT! MT came out of the portal and he looks very young, he recently lived a story where he was possessed but things turned out differently. He just fell to the grass completely unconscious and without knowing where he was.

After trying to help him and seeing the background of the boy, she knew that this was something serious and that if she did not take care of the matter, everything could get complicated. Syl could see that from inside the young man, something would start to emerge little by little if this continued. She called her sister Maya to help her with the case, even though Syl has the ability to enter, check the mind and soul of others, she is not able to modify them if she wants to, her powers are more spiritual than mental, and that is why she called Maya, so she can configure the boy's mind and believe that everything is fine.

If you have been cautious and have a good memory, in one part of those visions I said that there was a version of M that did not make it through a lifetime with Syl and the deception, but continued on his way without any mishaps, and so it is. This would come to be the version of MT, the boy who managed to wake up.

While Maya was in the middle of the mind configuration process, Syl let out a little sneeze, it sounded very tender despite the fact that Syl is a big girl, where Maya in a friendly way told her health, they were already a long time in the room with the whole issue of the boy who was still sleeping, it seems that this will take more time than expected.

『You better go rest Onee-sama, this will take longer than you think, I've never modified someone's mind before, how unlucky that my first exercise, test and exam of this kind is so sudden』-『I have to change everything, and maybe even get into it all the way when I was still a little kid, changing every little detail will be very crucial, if I do it in a hurry it may not have a good effect, 4 or 5 hours will take me the whole process, you work and try harder than me, besides today was your day off, leave it all to me』

Maya commented to him about everything that it was convenient to have to change his mind and every memory, if he did it in a hurry with the fear that the boy might wake up, his mind modification would not be so effective and still the young man would present that something is not right around him. But hearing Maya's proposition, Syl would refuse this, who is the one who should be more involved since she was the one who proposed all this, rather she was regretting not being able to help her Sister.

『But that's what help is all about, many times the people who help you do the things you can't do, it's not bad to stay without doing anything when you already tried everything, it's something very present in our life, when you can't cook what do you do? easy, you go to a restaurant and they prepare it for you, if you can't repair I don't know, a computer, easy, you go to a specialist, if you can't do something you simply ask for it to someone else who is more prepared in it, when we ask for help it's ok to simply stay waiting for the other person to finish, so don't come to me with that that you feel bad in not helping me, and in all those cases there is an intermediary that allows that help, if you want to pay me, with a cup of coffee I will be satisfied *smiles*』

Maya just told us something very present in our daily life, so don't feel bad when you ask for help, learn what you are capable of doing and know your limits, pffff, why am I talking about this when in the previous arc I think I gave a very good understanding of that topic, maybe I just wanted to make you notice with what I said before. Maya when she turned to see Syl, she didn't expect that her older sister would give her a hug and would be congratulating her for being someone very smart.

『I'm sorry, it's just that I'm always going around helping everyone I feel I should always do it, you put into practice in your life everything you learned since you have consciousness, since grandpa picked me up he taught me his way of seeing the world, he seemed to me a great man I wanted to become like him, but even he himself often told me that he was exaggerating, but you, while we kept in touch, told me that you did not stay in one place, but you traveled to different places and got a lot of knowledge from people with the same thought, sometimes I think that I would have liked to have a life with a thought. ... not like you, I don't see myself as an adventurer, but as someone normal who experienced the casual』-『You have grown a lot Maya-chan』.

Syl was caressing Maya's head and put it between her breasts, Syl always now that I remember she was very affectionate and if she had the opportunity, she would tell the good virtues of each person with that characteristic of hers of love and warmth, with that Syl's dream was to be able to live a common and normal life like everyone, I guess she means the feeling of being born, growing up, going to kindergarten, school, making friends, going to high school, making friends, mischief and making an effort in her studies, entering a high school, celebrating her entrance and living there even more experiences, maybe there she would meet her first love, graduate, enter college, graduate again, already with more knowledge than when she was little, work, enjoy some small luxuries of everything she got, one day get married, have a family with the man who chose her, have children, maybe enjoy and fight, but with the way she sees things, everything would turn out well in the end, grow old, see your children form their own family and at the end of it all smile for having had a life of which she would be very happy.

The only thing Syl wanted was an ordinary and normal life, but with everything that happened to her because of her past is something that will never happen....o at least in the versions so far. If that's what Syl really wanted, still that makes it look even worse to the M we know who was with her all her life, had that door there but never dared to open it and take the next step, damn you CSMR M why didn't you take Syl in her time!!!! AAHHHHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

But Syl looks like everything before seems like she said it and Maya could hear every word perfectly, when Syl found out about her awkwardness she was trying to hide it in an embarrassed and childish way and was going to make coffee for her sister.

『I didn't know Onee-sama was so simple minded』(;'∀`)『But looking for a normal life after everything that happened to us and not considering us as others, is something I don't know why I didn't expect it』.

Maya after that nice conversation with Syl, she would continue with the modification of MT's mind, but while she was doing those configurations a restlessness started to arise, she heard how from the kitchen she could notice a commotion, there was even a small explosion, pots falling down and even short circuited? Maya wondered how she could make such a mess by simply making coffee, there are even appliances that make the procedure easier for you. (;~〓~)

Syl finally showed up after a good while and he was with a cup of coffee, while she was all messed up and dirty clothes with the easy procedure that's supposed to be so. He was with a smile and offered it to Maya, where she took it again questioning that Syl is still bad at this kind of thing.

It was already 2 hours since they started with the procedure and still MT was still sleeping, this was looking good as it seems she will be like this for even longer, but Syl was still restless, you could tell both in her gesture and in her hands, where without further ado she was offering to be able to help Maya, who can't resist not doing something when someone is trying hard.

『But you still want to help, Onee-sama』

Where Syl again sat down and you could see it on her face by how frustrated she was, she started thinking where after a while she came up with an answer, it said that if she switched to her Ghost Form and entered the young man's mind and body, maybe from the inside she could help make it faster procedure. Maya questioned if this could be of any good help, where without further ado Syl's body was just lying there on the couch and in Ghost Form he went all in on MT's body. Maya was surprised by the sudden action of her sister who quickly, with her powers was looking for Syl inside the boy's body, when she found her she could observe how Syl was putting everything in order, well in order disorder so Maya.....yayaya understand xd. She put what should be modifying in one part and the ones she didn't she left untouched.

『You're here Maya-chan! Look, yes I was right! Now we can do it much faster』.

Syl raised her hand and with a smile she warned her sister, where Maya let out a sigh of relief, again telling herself in mind that her sister when she thinks something is good and will turn out in a good way, she doesn't hesitate to do it, rather she doesn't hesitate to do good actions that she thinks could turn out well, it could come to be this bad, but Syl is not stupid, she doesn't act for the sake of acting, she always sees the best in every situation and if what she does at the end of it all will bring something good, she will do it.

Both sisters now helping each other, they had sped up the setup process, it was about 2 or 3 hours away, but now that they are organized it will only take 1 hour. But she also warned Syl to avoid going into the boy's memories as her actions might wake him up. Following since they could see the young man's mind without any lock, everything was free for them, that's how Maya knew that MT were a pinche lolicon son of his mama and that there are very shady things in his computer.

『....Enseriously this is the guy who will bring complications? He just looks like one more wanker in the bunch to me, huh? This is the end of this memory, where is the rest?』

Maya was searching among all the memories, the continuation of this one, where by chance Syl found it and unintentionally was checking it to see if it needed to be configured, Syl was watching well pending the story, where Maya finally realizes and at once she closed Syl's eyes and the memory kept it for her, already calmer Syl asked Maya a question.

『Why are you taking it away, the story was interesting, I wonder what they were going to do to the girl』 ?(ο'・д・)??

『Nothing!!! Nothing bad obvious hahahahaha!!!! They were going to give him an ice cream (^~^;)ゞ hahahahahahahaha eh?... | ͠° ▃ °͠ | (・・・) (Next time I better think my words through)』

Syl how do I put it.....is 100% seiso!!!! By Seiso I mean that she is very pure and doesn't know about these scary things, Syl would come to be that despite the fact that she is many years older than us, she still believes that the stork brings the baby. Maya knows this well and if possible wants to protect the purity of her sweet sister at all costs. I wonder if there will be a reality where Syl isn't pure and is out here mothering everyone, a Seison't wouldn't be bad xd.

After Maya manages to protect Syl from seeing something very disturbing, they continued to modify MT's mind, where they finally got to the depths of his mind, the age where MT was a little boy, they had to also get to modify him, since now this will be his world and they have also for the same reason give him a life, well, make him believe he has a new life. Syl observed the memories from the outside and was able to see that this is where the biggest change in the boy took place, she became more interested in how he grew up and she felt a maternal feeling, she saw how that shy boy little by little opened up in a very tropical environment, meeting new people, having fun, crying, and Syl was also able to observe the moment and all the moments where that person abused MT not only physically but also verbally.

He wanted to take a closer look, since he went through a lot of suffering this boy and in those moments Syl as always wanted to be for those who suffer, he wanted to help the young man, he got without thinking about it inside the memory, at the time where finally everyone was celebrating the entrance to Secondary School, and where again that person was abusing the young man.

『Do something damn it!!!! Don't just stand there waiting for everyone to do something for you!!!! You're just like everyone else!!!!You have hands!!!! You have feet!!!!! You have a head!!!! How are you different from everyone else!!!! Nothing!!!!!! So stop being a loser you fucking airhead!!!!!!! AGUGU TATA AGU AGU AGU SHUT UP MRD!!!!! I'm sick of seeing you cry every time!!!! If this is how you put up with what they did to you when you were little, when you meet the world it will show you no mercy and stomp on you over and over again because you're a scared loser!!!!!! It's wrong, you are wrong!!!! You made no progress all these years!!!! You never answered MRD!!!!! I didn't do anything for you!!!!! Or tell me, every problem that was put in front of you, every problem that was put in front of you, you managed to pass with flying colors? NOOO!!!! That never happened!!!!!! Your little accomplishments that you think you did are worth dick!!!!! Look at the you of before and look at the you of now, you are going back to the you of before and even worse!!!! Do you want to cry? the girl wants to cry? Get the fuck up you fucking bastard, if you keep this way behind the others you'll never be somebody』

That person finally gave me to understand what his name was, it was a girl who looked more like a boy, his name was Kanon, and since long before he had been grabbing me and treated me as the worst of what there was, it was and is my only bullying I had. While I was on my knees on the floor, trying to ignore his words that was always like that, that was how I could stand it all this time, but now I could not do it, his words and scoldings reached my heart where I also as I showed before, I said very ugly things to myself, I myself was denigrating myself, instead of contradicting him, I was giving him the reason and screamed like a madman, at that moment I was dying and was able to do it just to say that I was a Mistake.

At this moment was where Menhera and Rino appeared to help me from what everyone was witnessing but no one acted, or that was how I remembered it, but what I saw in front of my eyes were not my childhood friends, those who were with me since I was little, if not I saw a tall girl with pink hair, as if she had come out of some anime or manga.

『I can't look at this anymore!!!』

Syl appeared in front of Kanon so she could stop her and help me, we were all confused and not moving, because we didn't know who she was or why she appeared, even Kanon was also confused by who this person was.

『No one deserves the mistreatment of another!!!! To me it's wrong to throw away the progress of others!!!! Even if it's a small one, for you maybe it's worth nothing, but for this guy who has been struggling every day to be better, it's worth a lot!!!!! So apologize!!!! Apologize!!!! Apologize for talking bad to him, apologize for mistreating him, apologize for hitting him, apologize for doing mean things to him, apologize for not treating him the way he is, and apologize to yourself for not being the person you expected』

Syl was screaming for him to apologize to me, for a few minutes we could only listen to Syl's voice to make everything stop, having already made it clear and closed the issue with Kanon, Syl approached the boy who was lying on the floor with tears, knelt down to be at the same height and caressed his head without further ado.

『You know better than anyone, you know better than anyone, how much you have progressed or how much you have failed, it is something small but very important at the same time, that is what defines us what we are, what we have achieved and what we are capable of, so tell me little boy, all these years of effort, all this time invested, all this time you thought it was the best option, what do you think of all this? *smiles*』

The atmosphere was gray, the only thing that had color was Syl, where the boy was looking at her confused where he could hear Syl's sincere words, where he could also see how she gave him a smile, her mouth was starting to tremble, her eyes were also starting to shine, where without further MT started to cry without remedy, it was a silent and calm cry unlike before that was bestial and horrible.

『I.....yo...I have progressed...if I look at the me of before and see the me of now....yo.....yo.....yo e progresado』

Without further ado MT began to cry like never before, it wasn't frustrating, it wasn't calm, it was the cry of someone who finally accepts that he tried hard and that all that time and dedication was worth it, it was the cry of someone who finally achieved what he promised himself from the beginning. Syl saw that he was crying and decided to hug the boy where his face met Syl's chest, the normal thing would be for the boy to burst in another way, but he only cried. At that moment a light illuminated everything, enveloping everything in a color that was not there before.

Now in reality a light also showed up, but this was a purple light, Maya became alert ready to fight, where Syl was forcibly returned to her physical body, Maya was in combat position as the other guy in the same way was alert, where Syl seeing him she smiled telling him.

『Good morning *smiles*』.

On the balcony where the young man ended up after waking up violently, he was trying to switch to his God Form but it was incomplete, only his arms and legs were in that form, but everything else was his Base Form, the boy's face was still falling tears in a calm way, when he saw Syl he whispered something "you" he felt without strength and without further MT fell to the ground with his complete Base Form, both noticing that he could not move, Maya decided to lower her guard when she did not notice a danger. But in the end the plan of both did not turn out as expected, the young man woke up violently by everything that was happening, we all know who is the cause of this, but Syl did not feel bad, he could help who needed it and that's enough, where he happened to turn to Maya.

『I'm sorry』

Where he apologized to Maya and Maya just sighed, now they didn't know what to do since the guy who was supposed to be asleep was awake, what will happen from now on that the story took a huge turn.

『Hoygan, could you sit me on the couch...it's uncomfortable lying there unable to move, (*tsch* I didn't know it took away a lot of your strength when doing the portal, but at least, I'm glad that the person who found me is her)』

MT claimed to be seated on the sofa, where he looked sideways at Syl and Syl already felt that he is a great and good person.

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