
Chapter 164: Progress and Problems

Ailane was about to play her guitar on that stage, rehearsal room, we were all waiting to see what kind of music she would play, although by the way she was and the way she was dressed, many already had an idea of the genre she would play. Looking around I could notice that in one corner was that piano from that time.

『Come on M! Let's make everyone fall down with our music』.

Ailane, the little girl was encouraging me to go up and play with her, I had no more doubts, I happily took the piano and put it together as fast as I could, although in the end I needed help from my dad. After verifying that everything was all right, I was ready to play with Ailane, who did not take off her defiant smile.

For a few moments I saw my hands and I could notice how they were shaking a little, it was not like the other time, this was different, the previous times I played I felt calm, either because I was alone, either because I was with close friends, but this time I will play for an audience and on top of that I am not alone, I am accompanied, I was happy, but I was more worried, if I do something wrong my companions will also be harmed.

It was what I thought, I know I already lost the fear of shyness a long time ago, but still experiencing something new brings nerves, I looked at the piano keyboards while trying to brush them with my fingers.

『Calm down, or don't tell me you're afraid?』

I heard a voice, it was Ailane who was addressing me, my gaze only pointed at that little girl who she also didn't look away from me.

『You fought many times, your life was in danger several times, you were in more difficult situation than this, you can run without any doubt towards someone who wants to kill you, you kept walking with the constant fear of what awaits you on the other side of that light, you overcame many obstacles, don't tell me that playing an instrument will win you, I know it's little, but in the times that you are in doubt and want to go back, I will be there to give you the contra M, so don't look down anymore, play with me even if your bones can't take it anymore!』

I was given a little speech by the little girl, her look and that smile gave me confidence, my hands stopped shaking and this time I looked towards the piano determined to look at my companion again that will be for this time.

『Thanks little Ailane *smiles* By the way, what song are we going to play? I think we are going to have a little trouble with that』.

『Right, I don't think you know some songs in this world....』

Our spirits were paralyzed by not knowing what song we should play, we got to thinking what would be what we could show at this time. Being from different worlds the music was also different, I never heard so much music from her that just like her worse she knows nothing about me, we had stalled thinking of a solution.

『Quickly, teach me some of your songs, it will be faster if I accommodate with you, I am good at learning fast and memorizing because of the teachings I had』.

Ailane was addressing me waiting for my action, but at her words of "teach me your songs" something quick came to my mind that I couldn't help but snap my fingers because of how good it was, I looked happily at Ailane who she was confused, I approached her where our foreheads collided. She was confused and didn't understand what was going on and was about to pull back and pull me aside, surely when he proposed that she imagined that I would tell her the notes, give her on paper the lyrics and everything about the song, but it's better that she experiences it for herself.

Ailane was uncomfortable about this that she was pulling away from me, where I quickly grabbed her shoulders so she wouldn't pull away.

"Where are you going brat? You're staying with me』

Ailane, faced with those words and M's actions, avoided getting nervous and just noticed the situation they were in, her cheeks turned red and as she looked at the others, they were also impressed and nervous about what they were seeing. M quickly shifted to her Lucario Form and her body began to glow a faint blue color that enveloped Ailane as well.

¡¡¡¡¡!!!!! Ailane understood what the boy wanted to do, both were now inside M's mind who manipulated the space as he pleased without any fear, with a simple click both were now in M's room, it was an ordinary room, with a bed, tv, manga, a console, anime and posters stuck around it.

Since a long time M had forgotten what his room looked like, but thanks to his meeting with Mira who showed him again the place where he lived, M was able to remember it and stay in his memory.

『Here it is, I hope you like the song of my world』.

The boy turned on his computer where there is all the music that the young man remembered, the boy handed him some headphones that Ailane took them, by putting it on she would be about to know another culture of a distant world.


After a few minutes of how everyone else saw M and Ailane touching their foreheads, they came to their senses, there was a deep silence in the place, only the whispers of the others could be heard saying what happened, M returned to his Human Form and sat down to play his piano, while Ailane silently took his guitar with his plectrum.

『*sigh* Let's make everyone fall down surrendered.....』

『With our music』

First Ailane whispered for then M finished the sentence, their dark gestures quickly changed to a cheerful one showing a smile on their faces, the music started to play, seeing their gestures of how to change to a silent ones to a smile, everyone expected that they would play a cheerful, loud and energetic song. But it was something they didn't expect but they liked it anyway.

🎵♫♫♫♫♫♫♫ Tu sonrisa tan resplandeciente🎵♫♫♫♫♫♫♫

🎵♫♫♫♫ A mi corazón deja encantado🎵♫♫♫♫

🎵♫♫ Ven toma mi mano🎵♫♫

🎵♫♫♫♫ Para huir de esta terrible oscuridad🎵♫♫♫♫

🎵♫♫♫♫ En el instante en que te volví a encontrar🎵♫♫♫♫

🎵♫♫ Mi mente trajo a mí aquel hermoso lugar🎵♫♫

🎵♫♫♫Que cuando era niño fue tan valioso para mí🎵♫♫♫♫

🎵♫♫♫♫ Quiero saber si acaso tú conmigo quieres bailar🎵♫♫♫♫

🎵♫Si me das tu mano te llevaré🎵♫

🎵♫♫♫Por un camino cubierto de luz y oscuridad🎵♫♫ 🎵♫♫Tal vez sigues pensando en él🎵♫♫

🎵♫♫♫♫ No puedo yo saberlo, pero sé y entiendo🎵♫♫♫♫

🎵♫♫♫ Que amor necesitas tú🎵♫♫♫

🎵♫Y el valor para pelear en mí lo hallarás🎵♫

🎵♫♫Mi corazón encantado vibra🎵♫♫

🎵♫♫♫♫Por el polvo de esperanza y magia🎵♫♫♫♫

🎵♫♫♫♫♫ Del universo que 🎵♫♫♫♫♫

🎵♫Ambicionan todos poseer 🎵♫

🎵♫♫♫Voy a amarte para toda la vida 🎵♫♫♫ 🎵♫♫♫♫ No me importa si aún no te intereso 🎵♫♫♫♫

🎵♫♫Ven toma mi mano 🎵♫♫

🎵♫♫♫♫♫Para huir de esta infinita oscuridad 🎵♫♫♫♫♫

The song enveloped the whole place with Ailane's singing and the sound of her guitar and the piano that was played by M, the way the little girl played her guitar was calm and even relaxing, she always played in a rough way, but she also showed that she is able to play something light when she sets her mind to it, while the boy was already used to this song that was part of him, both were becoming one with the music. Both bands both as Mashumairesh and Plasmagica were left listening and watching fascinated by the rhythm and lyrics.

『Incredible, it's totally different from anything I've ever heard in my whole life』.

Himeko couldn't stop looking at them and feeling something deep in her chest that urged her to also want to be up on stage with them.

"I didn't know the boy was so good at playing the piano, and his friend is also very good, the two of them are a good match』.

Howan for his part kept moving his mouth and looking too wanting to hear more of these 2 with this song they had never felt.

『It's like.....es like it's a song from my world....it's beautiful to listen to that makes you want to cry』

Cyan was thoughtful but she was quickly happy that she even wanted to shed a few tears because of the homely feeling that listening to the song gave her. Just like that time I saw Plasmagica playing her song, everyone's Melodisian came out of her chest, they started to glow giving energy to Ailane, who also had her Melodisian out receiving all the feelings of those people. While they were in M's mind, Ailane with the headphones could listen to this song that M recommended to her, instantly the little girl was speechless, both the melody and the lyrics seemed to her one of the most innocent and pure ever heard.

『Always when I hear it, it makes my heart smile, no matter what time it is, when I hear it I just let myself go and think "I'm glad I'm alive to feel it" if it hadn't been for that one, I wouldn't be here right now, it gave me strength when I was about to make a terrible decision』.

An ugly memory came to me but at the same time beautiful, I couldn't take it anymore since that day when that girl destroyed me completely, since that day I felt that everything was falling irremediably, everything I achieved, everything I built for all those years, everything was falling, everything was destroyed, I became worse than I was, I was a silent bitter person who didn't express himself, I refused everything they told me, even if my friends came to give me a smile I always rejected them in a way so that it wouldn't be painful, always with my eyes down and without any encouragement, but since I heard that song again, the same song with which I started this path of wanting to be better, gave me the light again, I can not give up like that, he would never do it, he was always my inspiration, if he falls he will get up stronger and overcome his problems, I also want to achieve it, thank you, thank you to all who gave me a hand, thank you very much. For some strange reason, the one I remembered the most at that moment, the one who was closest to me, was you....Menhera.....or should I say.....Kur------


The music ended where I was sweating as well as Ailane, it wasn't difficult to play it for both of us, but we still couldn't avoid getting excited inside and show how much I love this song and now that Ailane also has a great appreciation for it. I turned to look at Ailane who for a while now she was already watching me, she was tired and sweating, but that didn't matter to her, she was happy and gave me a smile that will always be marked inside me.

『Thank you M, for teaching me this song』.

Was what I could manage to hear from Ailane, the others who listened started to applaud and congratulate us, but I could still see that Ailane had not finished speaking, I could see her mouth moving but it was already impossible to know what she was saying other than that, but I know it's a good thing, her smile of joy did not disappear from her face.

We came down from the stage and as they saw that we had sweated they passed us a couple of towels to dry us off.

『That was amazing M, at first I didn't know what was going on, but in the end they ended in the best way!』

Howan quickly addressed me, she was the one who was the most excited of all, I could see she kept wagging her tail which also made me happy.

『The boy surprised us again, but this time it wasn't too short...I would have liked to hear a little more』.

Retoree had also approached me and congratulate me in his own way.

『Ah, we only did the short version, but if you like one day we'll show everyone the full version, I'm sure many will like it when it happens, stay tuned』.

M was happy and said determined, his words were confirmations that far, far ahead, but far ahead will have a much greater value. The other girls were still that they asked a lot of questions, and kept saying that it was a beautiful song.

"『Boy if you have talent, I knew my eyes were not wrong to see you, I will propose it again boy, don't you want to join my agency? better yet, you don't want to join? you would make a duet and you would have a guaranteed success with the songs you do boy, what do you tell me?

La papa who was the director, approached me proposing what I had heard some time ago, Ailane who had also heard was thinking about it, but I quickly replied.

『Thank you very much for the offer, but I'm afraid I have to turn it down again, I'm just an amateur and I think it would offend those who really make music from the heart, I only replicate what is created, I'm not made for what you say sir』.

I bent down to refuse, the potato was happy despite my decision, he understood and respected my word, while Ailane happened to speak after I finished.

『I refuse it anyway, I'm not a band player, just for this time it was an exception for being him, now that I have it clear, I really love music and I have a new goal, if my brother went to be in a band and play his music to cheer people up, I will do something even better, he will see that I'm stronger! I don't need a band, I will show the world what I alone am capable of, they will fall before me with a smile asking me to play more!!! I will be at the top! That's my goal from now on!』

Hearing Ailane's words, we were all shocked by what she said, as it is easy to say it, but few have made it, but we all knew and were confident that she would make it, she never goes back on her word and always keeps it, she is that kind of person Ailane is.

『Although if I ever feel like playing with someone, you'll be the first one I'll call, you'd better be prepared』.

The little girl concluded by pointing at me, who I was confused but quickly understood, although it is difficult and perhaps impossible for the reasons I am in, but one day we will play together again and make everyone who listens to her fall in surrender. As it was already late, well, it's always at night so I don't know if it's late or not, we were invited to stay in this place, we gladly accepted,




But while the other side of the coin is starting to do well, he started from darkness to little by little getting better, another one who always had a smile on his face was slowly just turning into a mask of doom. Hiro, who managed to escape from the police, was once again defeating a mechanical monster that appeared from time to time. And as usual destroying his surroundings in the process.

『Easy!!! I'm done with the villain!!!! Come on smile!!! A smile makes anyone happy!!!』

But even the same people who boo him stopped to look at Hiro, even they themselves knew he wasn't himself and he started to act and fake everything, the little hero with his fingers marked a smile on his mouth, he never did this before, those people knew Hiro forced his smile, they knew Hiro didn't want to smile at this moment.

He was looking for help in other places, but instead of running fast like he always does, this time he was just walking quietly that he even didn't notice his surroundings, he was hitting himself with poles, signs, he was tripping, but same as always he didn't notice he was getting hurt nor he was aware of his surroundings.

『Today M is not here either, where can that boy be, oh!!!! Maybe it's M for Mysterious, M for I become Invisible hahaha how crazy』.

For this time Hiro has been looking for M in his spare time, but there was no sign of him anywhere, he also found out that the Queen of Darkness didn't appear again from this time, every time he thought about that girl, his mind went into an internal conflict, it was like a clash of thoughts, he didn't know which one to choose or which one should win. This one reached into his pocket to see how much money he had.

『Huh.....I think it's time to go back to grandpa』

As he was on his way to grandpa he bumped into that before he entered there were other people with him, they were guys in uniforms who seemed to be talking about something important.

『He is not making enough profit lately, if he doesn't improve soon they will stop supplying him with material and he will have to close his shop』.

『.....I understand, that's enough young people, I just have to make more profit right? don't worry, I have been running this store for more than 50 years, I will make it through this again with hard work and effort, those who make an effort are always rewarded』.

Grandpa was calm and took the situation he was in in a better way, the little old man was sweating and also forced his fatherly smile.

『You won't always be rewarded with effort grandpa, if there is someone who has more power than you and more importantly, he has more to gain, miracles don't exist when it comes to business』.

With those words those men in suits were leaving, Hiro who was outside listening saw the men pass by who said.

"It won't be long now, when they close his store they will demolish it to build another business, that's how life is in this case, grandpa won't last long』.

Hiro listened without any problem, he stared unblinkingly as that suit duo left, Hiro clenched his fists, he knew what was going to happen was something bad, he was going to put on his headphones and act for himself.

『Ah, you came Hiro-chi, I'm so glad to see you, huh? is something wrong?』

Grandpa spoke to him when he saw Hiro, the little Hero stopped from putting on his headphones and seems to come to himself, he shook shaking his head.

『What was it.... he was going to do?.....』

Hiro looked up watching those men in suits walking away, he turned to go to grandfather, and again he would introduce himself, at the entrance of the store there were traces of black ashes scattered on the floor. The grandfather told Hiro since he had surely heard, besides it was time to talk about it and not hide, especially the one who is always helping him.

『Looks like I'm in trouble Hiro-chi, I guess an old store like this can't accommodate today, there being a lot of competition it was more than obvious, but relax Hiro-chi, I survived 50 years and will do so until my time comes, let's keep striving today too』.


Discouraged to understand the situation, Hiro instead of giving an encouraging encouragement with his fist up, this one just responded normal, both of them worked with the few visitors that the store received who were the most faithful and those who got used to come here, even came again that group of children, who with a few smiles were waiting at the counter for Hiro from his gift.

『Ah.....si!!!! No..... already it's complicated for me...sorry children, but today I can't give you candies...but if you come back another day I will give you one for each one of you, up with those smiles!!!!!!』

The children seemed to understand just by looking at Hiro, and left waving their hands and saying goodbye to Hiro and Grandpa.

『You can retire now Hiro-chi, I can handle the rest』.

Grandpa seeing Hiro not being like himself decided that it would be better for him to retire for today, maybe telling him what was going on made him be affected too. Hiro instead of refusing and helping more, this one simply retired without first receiving his payment in advance from grandfather.

Hiro was walking down the street, he himself knew something was going on with him, he introduced himself to the grandfather and it was not a very pleasant experience because of his behavior, he was planning to go with that family but only the same thing would happen. His stomach started to growl, so he decided to go to a fast food establishment.

He ordered his order like anyone else while he had his eyes down thinking about what was happening lately.

『(When....when all this started to happen, it's different....it's bad.....it's not like before...why is everyone sad if I'm doing my job as a hero....I don't understand....plus what is this doubt and feeling inside me, it's like it's eating me up.....do I even need help? NO!!! Heroes don't need help, that's never!!!! I must stay strong as always, I mustn't.....)』

『Hiro』-『Hey Hiro』-『Hiro-san!』-『Are you even here Hiro?』-『I don't have a choice, yes!』

While Hiro was in his world, someone was talking to him, it was a voice that would be easily recognizable to him, that person happened to bump into Hiro, who saw him sitting at a table, seeing that he didn't react he had no choice but to pull out what Hiro hates and at the same time loves very much.

Quickly this guy put a lollipop in his mouth to Hiro who the little Hero could finally react.

『Eh? What? A candy? Oh, hello Rikao』

『Until you finally wake up Hiro』.

His lawyer who always helped him with cases was in front of him, Hiro was eating or rather licking and sucking the candy quietly while waiting for his food, while Rikao was staring at Hiro, and immediately knew he had a problem.

『Tell me everything, I know you don't want to count on anyone's help, but it's okay to tell your problems, it serves a lot to unburden yourself and free yourself, relax, I promised I would be by your side, if you want you can even cry on my shoulder, son』.

Rikao with those dark circles under his eyes and tired eyes, that way of talking was addressing Hiro who confused was still licking his candy, there is no better person right now for Hiro to tell his problems to someone.

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