
Chapter 129: Isekai ( L VS A )

It would be about to happen, we would now witness the third fight that is taking place inside these towers, Lucoa with his typical confident and calm smile, saw the place where he was, it seems that it is not impressed by what just happened.

A portal appears in front of her, the same reality was distorted and let show a member of the Anomenos Family, who was nothing more nor less than a person identical in one aspect to M in that sense, but taken to the extreme.

『Oh, nice to see you again』.

Lucoa was saying hello to an old acquaintance, she was in a lively mood the ex-goddess. The portal disappeared and finally let us see the person who would fight with all his being in this match.

『Why is this happening.....I was supposed to face the small and tender Kanna-chan.....because my opponent....IS A CEMENT SACK!!!!』

Arnna did not make her anger and power wait, she was quickly engulfed in small flames her body, her small wings manifested, her small horns manifested, her small tail manifested.

『(Mira-nee-chan.....why did you do that? You know I don't get along with beings like her)』

Arnna took a deep breath, exhaled and inhaled to calm down little by little, her flames calmed down reaching a calm point.

『What's the difference.... I have no choice but to go through with the plan.....(I hope the others are okay.....)』

Lucoa was looking tilting his head in confusion at Arnna, who seems to be talking to herself.

『Plan?...Uhm...*smiles* I don't know what they are up to, but if what you want is a fight, then I will gladly help them, as a Goddess my duty is to help or at least give a hand to mortals *smiles*』.

『You'd better say Ex-Goddess Lucoa-sama....additionally...you try to play dumb and act ignorant sometimes...when in reality you know so much more about things...that smile you always bring is what gives you away』

Arnna made it clear what she thought about the Ex-Goddess. Lucoa looked confused at Arnna, then smiled defiantly at her.

『And I'm sure your friends know it too, they just don't want to say it』. -Arnna finished with her words.

『Eh....y thought I was very discreet *smiles* Well, for being the first person to tell me such a thing, we'll have our fight and collect lots and lots and lots of energy for that guy trapped in the crystal *smiles*』

Lucoa started stretching to warm up his body, he was doing it in a lively way that looked like a little kid trying to move.

『I knew it....』 -Arnna started to get angry, the vein in her head didn't wait-『Enseriously you have to...get warm with that CEMENT BODY!!!』

Arnna without further ado lunged at Lucoa, trying to hit it with her claws wrapped in flames, Lucoa easily with a flick of her warm up, managed to dodge Arnna.

『I'm in my right you know』-Lucoa responds coherently to Arnna-.

Lucoa's foot was caught by a whip of fire flowers, Arnna forcefully whips her to the ground, where she quickly proceeded to give Lucoa a hard punch in the stomach. A fire flower began to blossom from Lucoa's stomach, to later cause a loud explosion.

Arnna jumped back, but she knew that this would not end so easily. Suddenly Arnna felt as if something was attracting her, she couldn't resist any longer and was dragged towards the center of the explosion. Where Lucoa was preparing his fist for impact.


Lucoa hit a fire flower that Arnna used to defend herself, quickly from the floor branches came out and caught the former goddess, the petals of the flower she hit began to open, a powerful energy attack was launched towards Lucoa.

Lucoa's feet changed to a plumage claws that radiated a white light, with them she destroyed and freed herself from the branches, managing to narrowly dodge Arnna's attack, Lucoa again prepared her fist against Arnna, where the fire dragon dodged it, a tree emerged from her feet making her rise to the top.

All over the place began to sprout fire grass, fire flowers, fire trees, fire bushes, practically a forest made of fire and completely of fire. Lucoa's feet burned, but he could resist it.

Arnna without waiting threw fire petals at him as if they were shuriken, where with her glowing feet claws she was able to destroy them. Arnna had enough time to do it, she created a huge fire flower petal and threw it at Lucoa. She was still defending herself against the little ones.


Lucoa was able to stop it with his hands that turned into claws that radiated a white light, Arnna was worried about this, her sweat was visible on her face, but it quickly changes to a smile. From the ground comes a fist made of branches and fire earth.


Managing to hit Lucoa's face, she quickly recovers. Before she could even move her mouth and speak, a huge palm of fire was behind Lucoa, trying to crush her but she dodges it by jumping backwards. The palm follows Lucoa and splits into vines of fire, from the ground it seems that something also follows him. While from her back, Arnna came to attack her melee with a sharp blade of fire in her hands.

Lucoa was trapped, or so Arnna thought, Lucoa smiled, he maneuvered his claws and his right eye lit up slightly, he invoked some water from his claws, creating a water shield and at the same time hitting the ground, the branches that came towards her were blocked by the water shield, while at the moment of hitting the ground, a small tide managed to cool and disappear part of the forest of fire.

But she still had Arnna who was on her back to attack her, but she looked confident, Arnna was surprised by the following, a shadow claws were coming for her, where with her weapons she managed to cut them, when she looked again, she saw that Lucoa was no longer there.


Lucoa managed to hit a strong fist in Arnna's back, who in his face was reflected the pain he felt, he gritted his teeth and quickly got in shape.

『(But what.....he only showed Light skills so far.....how could he use a water skill and then shadow...those powers belong to his friends'...)』-Arnna was confused by what just happened-.

『I can finally talk *smiles* I see you want to end this fight fast, too bad, I want to spend more time with you』.

『(I don't know what I use, but I should be more careful...) That's right, I prefer to end this at once, I have nothing against you, I just don't feel comfortable with your presence, I'm sorry』-Arnna apologized-『According to your words, I ask you to help me to end this as fast as possible, please』.

After Lucoa looks confused and even had thoughts of ignoring Arnna's request, she cheerfully agrees.

『All right, if that's what you want, it's a very easy task for me, plus it suits me amazingly, it's been a while since I've had a serious fight』.

As he said with his words, Lucoa was now the one stepping forward, walking and then trotting in this forest of fire. Arnna brandishes her fire blades again and quickly runs against Lucoa. Arnna makes some movements, as if giving an order, branches and vines throughout the forest go straight for Lucoa, who nimbly with his claws of light destroys each of these, the small fragments that failed to destroy, unite under the feet of Lucoa, following in his footsteps, a flower from the ground followed Lucoa, from the center whips a big burst of fire against Lucoa.

Who with his arms protects himself from the intense flames of the attack, that did not stop Lucoa, he had small bruises but nothing more than that, Arnna noticing her close decides to attack with no more power, Lucoa with his claws had only one strategy, to hit him with his blows, seeing Arnna unprotected decides to throw his blow, as if they were fans, Arnna handled his blades of fire, elegantly dodging the fist. And manages to make some cuts to Lucoa, the former goddess was surprised by the ability of Arnna and decides again to attack her this time with series of blows in a row, where Arnna deflects them all with her blades, it was as if she was calm, the anger she felt was no longer in her, seeing well Lucoa, she noticed that Arnna maneuvered the blades as if they were fans, the elegance as the fire dragon did, it seemed that she was dancing and playing quietly.

『.....(Calm down...just this once make your mind blank...make that anger you feel go away...just.....be friendly)』

Now things seemed to have changed, the calm and confident one was Arnna, and the one who was starting to worry was Lucoa, Arnna closed her eyes and kept moving to the beat of her heart, her movements were smooth and hard to predict because of how calm she was. She could feel everything, what is happening here, she can feel her opponent, how her heart was calm, her emotions, her worries, she can know everything about her, she became one with this forest of fire, becoming an extension of her body. Any being that enters this forest, Arnna will be able to know everything.

Lucoa felt how the hot fire that caused the forest, began to cool to the point of no longer causing a heat, everything became extremely quiet and was like any other forest in the world. This technique is called "Warm Nature".

The worries Lucoa had, all his thoughts he had were slowly disappearing, he only had one thing in mind, to relax and be able to enjoy this calm forest.

『(I've got it....just a little more.....just a little more and I'll be done)』

Arnna had the upper hand in this melee, managing to slowly hurt Lucoa who was also defending himself in a calm way, rather in a relaxed way, his movements were slow and left uncovered areas that Arnna took advantage of to attack.

Arnna provoked a calm wind with its leaves, the wind made the grass, flowers and tree leaves flutter, the leaves and petals completely bathed the place in a beautiful sight, when touching Lucoa he felt a great burning in his body, something that for the peace he felt he could not feel. A part of the petals that floated in the air gathered in Arnna's weapons, she had prepared her final attack with which she would end this combat. The leaves became more beautiful and flames engulfed them.

『(I got it.....)』-Arnna was determined-『(...I don't think I can resist anymore...in all this time we felt peace.....I've been endlessly hurting my opponent...the calmness disappears..... no longer.....I'm enjoying it...)』

Arnna's safety was disappearing little by little, she threw herself against Lucoa who had already surrendered himself completely in the tranquility of this forest.


Arnna was surprised, a gust provoked the blow, quickly the place becomes hot again and the calm was slowly disappearing. Lucoa with his light claws had stopped Arnna's attack.

『Wow wow, I almost lost..... but what an interesting skill, thanks for showing it to me *smiles*』

The place quickly became totally different, the forest of fire quickly disappeared and changed to an ancestral and sacred place, it was the place where the Gods live or at least a small part of it. The place was completely different from what Arnna expected, there were ancient constructions, like pyramids and constructions that she had not seen before. She was in Chichen Itza.

Arnna was very scared, her calm had completely disappeared, the flames that had gradually disappeared, had returned to her. Lucoa's right eye was glowing its colors.

『This is.....this is my ability.....you can...copy them』-Surprised and frightened Arnna had understood-.

The claws of her hands and feet were finally freed from that white light that mowed, feathers of different colors appeared on Lucoa's cheek, the claws also took on different colors of feathers. As his clothing changed, ornaments of his own culture appeared. It was the Dragonewt Form of Lucoa or rather, of Quetzalcoatl.

『Even when I stopped being a Goddess, I was able to retain this power, the ability to copy the abilities of others, I simply have to witness them and boom, I already have them』-Lucoa looked around-『I missed seeing this place again, it is my home after all, this is my "Warm Nature"』.

Now it was Lucoa's turn to return all the damage Arnna caused her, from her claws she started to throw water snakes at great speed and power against Arnna, who she defends herself with her fires. She saw a portal below her. POM! Lucoa hit her a strong blow in the face, where the ex-goddess came out of this portal, Arnna was in the heavens, from the earth came out a fire piranha plants and tried to eat Lucoa, who was surrounded by a thick black water, that water traveled through the sky at great speed.

Arnna was worried, trying to attack that thick water. POMM! Arnna gets hit hard in the face again, when she recovered Arnna saw that around her there were piles of thick water, from where several Lucoas come out. There were also copies of M's clones in their Lucario Form.

All the clones raised their hands, a discharge came from the skies locking Arnna in an electric prison, Lucoa opened his mouth and prepared a powerful attack from the sky, the energies were united in one, a blue aura, a green power, the dark evil, the purity of the water, the white electricity, everything was concentrated in one attack.

Arnna, seeing this, became very worried, too worried, trying to escape as much as possible from the place. Arnna tried to destroy with her claws the electric prison, a spell was activated causing a small explosion, another spell was activated, several explosions occurred inside.

Arnna made a lot of strength, she began to gather great power, her flames again became bigger and bigger. She was screaming and touching her head, the power again was coming towards her, she was going crazy, her tail was turning into pure fire as well as her horns and wings, Arnna didn't want to, she was screaming so she couldn't release it.

『You make too much noise and move too much, so we can't finish it』.

Lucoa snapped his fingers, Arnna froze without being able to move a single muscle, this took advantage of Lucoa to throw him the power that for sure is one of the strongest he had. A light bathed the sky like a canvas, Arnna had received all the direct damage from that attack, she was on the floor severely injured.

『Come on, I know you still want to continue, I haven't used my right eye skill in a while, but you can still continue, you had me cornered with your skill just now, if you manage to put me in a worse predicament, then I'll teach you my other skill, my left eye skill, yes? *smiles*』

Lucoa was looking at Arnna who was on the ground, again out of habit he ignored what was going on. Lucoa was thinking and tilting his head.

『You've already won? no no no.... she can still fight, I can feel it thanks to her ability, but I still can't have fun, besides we still have to collect more energy, what if I cure her?.....』

While Lucoa was in his own troubles, Arnna was just lying on the ground with nothing else.

『(I can't...I was a fool to think I could win her, she is an Ex-Goddess, she still keeps the word God...my ability boosts the user's power depending on the strongest feeling she has..... she is too calm, quiet and ignorant...more than me...I can't win her...besides she can copy abilities...that's unfair...right now.....I feel nothing.....only calm and.....)』

----------------------------------PASADO DE ARNNA-------------------------------------

Arnna was a little girl who seems to have been born in the wrong Faction, compared to the other dragons, she just wanted to be friends with everyone, treat them with love and be kind, she didn't want this senseless war, she didn't want this world where there is only death and chaos, besides being excluded by her own people for being weak, a dragon who can't even generate a small flame.

She was out in the world trying to prove to them at least that she could be strong, she would come back for them to see how strong she became, that was one of her goals. While training her skills in a forest, she found some monsters that were about to kill some harmless creatures, Arnna hesitantly decided to defend them, she raised her mouth shakily and from it came out a measly flame of fire. The monsters quickly laughed, they mocked that as a dragon possesses so little strength.

『But what are you laughing at, she only had mercy on you, you're not ready to see her full potential yet *smiles*』.

King appeared behind the monsters, and with a few simple slaps sent them flying far away. As King turned around he found a frightened little Arnna with trembling eyes. The Demon King smiled warmly and stroked her head.

『It's over now, you were very brave, look, the smiles you protected thank you』.

Arnna happened to look at the little creatures, they looked happy and grateful for both dragons that went to save them. So was the first encounter she had with King. Who seeing that she had no place to go, decided to take her in his home, that's where she met 3 boys who would become her brothers, of course, also Sora who welcomed her with a smile.

She loved the place, her new friends became beings that she loves very much, it was like they said at the beginning, a family. When she was with Lami she couldn't keep up with him, he was too much for her, but she liked him very much that he always had that smile and that desire to help. With Mira everything was more normal at the beginning, she didn't care about Mira's appearance, Arnna treated her as her friend, she was innocent and somewhat animated, they read books and Mira started to say the same phrases as her favorite characters, but when she got too excited, Arnna knew what Mira kept. While with Doge was something different, she always saw him alone with his swords or accompanied with Sora, Arnna got up the courage and decided to talk to Doge, at first they did not get to much, the only words that came out of Doge were "Yes" "No" but anyway she liked him, he was not active like Lami, he was not adrenalinic and even uncommon like Mira, he was calm, or rather, he had nothing. That was how Arnna saw Dux, that she will always be able to be within Dux's reach.

Arnna started doing new things, she would try to cheer up and at least get a smile out of Dux and be the first one to notice besides those swords she carries. Every day she always had something new to teach Dux, like juggling, jokes, food, etc etc etc. But none of this works, even though Dux is looking, she knows he is not looking at her, his eyes were vague and without anything else.

One day while she had a new idea to show to Doge, she froze, she saw Doge for the first time seeing something other than a sword, his eyes were shining and he did not take his eyes off her, Sora was the first being that Doge noticed.

Arnna at the beginning was surprised, what she wanted to achieve in all this time, with only one time Sora achieved it, it can be something frustrating, or rather, it is frustrating. But then she calmed down, they won her this goal but it was simply like a passing goal, Sora took the first sight or interest of Dux, Arnna may be the second, third or fourth, she didn't care, since it was something secondary all this, her real goal was to be able to be friends with everyone. But simply, she still ached, she wanted that lazy-eyed boy, who began to want to encourage him by seeing him without what to do and mere whim, to be his first time, to see her.

Time went by and thanks to the conversations and never giving up, Dux became more social and said many more words than before, Arnna was proud that it paid off, she could with effort change that boy, she wanted to believe it.... wanted to feel happy of her accomplishment.....Sora was the one who did it.

Arnna would not give up and try many times, it would be the first time in something for Dux, that secondary and passing goal, became the main one several times in many goals. "If I can't make friends with my family, I won't make it with the world" She repeated that phrase to herself at the end of the day, but it was just an excuse so she could spend time with Dux and put her real goal aside. The years passed and that Dux of vague sight, became a young boy who followed Sora's steps, being again Sora who received the first smile from Dux, she also realized that the boy was moving further and further away from her reach, to a point of not even being able to see him. He got better while she was stuck by his very whimsy. "Maybe my deeds won't reach him, but my strength will" Arnna began to take up her first goal, with King's help she too wanted to become strong and be able to catch up to Dux even in power and at least that there is a thread of closeness of the 2 of them.

Returned from the Chaos Faction to prove her power, she discovered that she has more than she imagined. A hidden power that is sure to impress Dux. He summoned Doge in the middle of a forest, the smiling swordsman readily agreed. "Arnna had in front of her a huge monster, this monster was peculiar, its head looked like 2 huge breasts, Arnna got angry and showed a huge power, some flames and red flames covered its body. Dux was impressed at this and congratulated her on her achievement, "I did it, Dux-nii-chan congratulate me, I must do more, more, much more, I want you to look at me again."

Arnna increased the power of her flames, the happiness she felt was slowly turning into anger, her claws became pure flames, her wings pure flames, the fire embraced Arnna, it was so embracing that it was like being inside a volcano, everything quickly around her burned, the monster was burned alive just being there, Arnna could not control herself, the flames were so strong, her own body began to burn from the power overflowing.


Doge shouted from the bottom, Arnna felt a warm embrace from Doge, she was able to regain consciousness and saw that Doge was engulfed in flames, suffering from severe burns that penetrated to the bone, but still Doge kept hugging Arnna so that she would calm down. Arnna's body also began to burn, Dux seeing this, took out one of his magic swords and used all his strength to heal Arnna while she took control. The flames slowly disappeared and were controlled by Doge's action. The body of Doge fell to the ground, he could not have been in worse condition, because of the strong power, King arrived quickly to the scene.

Dux opened his eyes to find Arnna crying, the other siblings and Sora also met him, King was able to save him at the last moment, Arnna did not stop crying and Dux smiled, from one moment to another Dux with his hand caressed Arnna's cheek and wiped her tears.

『It's over, don't worry me like that again, I thought I would lose you Arnna-chan』.

Doge's words were sincere, Arnna was glad, that she started to cry more, finally she could be Doge's first time, it was her first concern, those eyes finally stared at her. Arnna was happy, she had made it.

『You are someone amazing Dux, you were able to save Arnna, you are a boy who has grown up a lot hahahaha totally different from how you were before』-Sora started scratching her head and playing with Dux who was in bed-.

『Hahahaha that's enough Sora-chan, just follow your steps, if you have the power to save them, just do it, especially if they are your family, right? that's how it was, right? 』-Dux started laughing happily along with Sora-

Arnna was shocked, while the others were happy that everything went well, Arnna didn't avoid thinking inside, an anger was growing in her. Her first achievement, her first time with Doge, Sora was involved, it's always Sora, Sora, Sora, Sora, Sora, Sora, Sora... Everything is for Sora.

Arnna thought about it many times since that day, if there would be no Sora she would be the one that Doge would look at, the one she would follow and give everything for him. She would be his first sight, his first interest, his first smile, his first cry, his first everything. Her anger grew even more, besides everything was overshadowed by the others, she did not stand out in anything, since she was a child she had no potential for anything, even in this family, she was the one who was the least noticed. There she realized something Arnna, that this anger had a deeper reason, it was part of her since she was born, since she was a child everyone ignored her, her words were never heard and less they saw her, when she joined the Family, although she did things, the other brothers took most of the work without wanting, she was nobody compared to them. When she returned to the Chaos Faction, she wanted to show her improvement and be seen by all her peers, but she was quickly ignored as she always has been, it wasn't the huge breasts that made her angry, it was just an excuse to unleash her anger. That the world would not see her, that they would not recognize her efforts, that the person she has been interested in since she was a little girl and who was her first love interest, would never be able to see her despite her efforts. She is angry at the world for seeing her.

But.....ella understands it, her anger knows it is nonsense, her love for Dux knows it is nonsense, the world is not to blame for not seeing her , the world is not to blame for her not being as she wants, to be able to be everyone's friend, for them to always count on her, to recognize her effort, to be the first person they ask for help, to be the first person for everyone, it will never happen, she is a selfish at heart, a selfish made flesh and blood.

"I am hopeless" Arnna cried that day, of being the way she is, of discovering how she really is, she just had to accept this very fact, even if she doesn't like the way she is, she had to accept it, she is selfish, very selfish, she hates the world, of course she does, she wants everyone to see her, of course she does, she wants to be the love of Dux's life, of course she does. When Sora was caught in that crystal, Arnna didn't avoid to put a smile of happiness, she was happy, Dux is Arnna's world, and Sora is Dux's world, besides she also didn't want to believe that those tastes had him... Arnna was the closest after Sora, she thought that she can finally be with Doge, everything will finally be as she wanted, but instead of that, she never saw Doge again, and it was still for Sora, she went on a trip to find a method to free her. Again she cried, Arnna cried, she could never, never be like Sora, she would never be Sora, Doge would never look at her with those eyes. Arnna was the worst of the worst in this world.

----------------------------FIN FROM ARNNA'S PAST----------------------------------

『And that.....』-Arnna said lightly-『Yes, I'm the worst thing in this world, I want everyone to see me, I want everyone to only think about me.....I'm strong.....of course I am.....I'm weak.....of course I am...I'm pathetic...of course I am. ..I am the most selfish person in the world.....of course I am.....of course I am....I am a crybaby...of course I am...my anger is part of me.....of course I am...I have strived for my goals.....of course I am....I have achieved one of my goals.....of course I haven't...』

Arnna was crying on the floor, Lucoa hears this and turns to look at her, the ex-goddess was already about to leave.

『AND THAT WHAT! everyone can correct themselves at the last moment, Goddess, let me save myself from all my sins...I am not Sora.....nuca I will be Sora.....I am Arnna...my world is Dux! but I will never be anyone's world...at least for the person I love the most. ...I will help him with his goal...I will bring the world of my world...it's the only thing someone as dirty as me can do....』-『If he is happy...even if that smile is never for me.....I will be happy...knowing that I could at least help him.....』

Arnna stood up, Lucoa saw that Arnna was more determined than ever, the flames became manifest again in Arnna, the flames reached a great altitude, her wings became pure fire, her tail and claws became pure fire, an embracing heat enveloped the place, quickly the place where they were was destroyed and replaced by Arnna's forest of fire. The anger Arnna felt, was the strongest feeling in this world. Arnna was still striving to increase her power, she didn't care about the fight anymore, her only goal was to be able to give all her power to bring Sora back. Her skin was being burned like no one can imagine, she started to absorb the fire of the forest, letting us see that after all, this was an ordinary forest with its bright and beautiful colors.

Arnna began to turn to ashes, charcoal, her body slowly began to be charred by the fire. She would give her life for the sake of Doge's happiness.

...Arnna calmed down for an instant, when she looked around she saw that Lucoa was hugging her with love and strength. She was worried, Lucoa began to have serious burns all over his body.

『What are you doing! If you don't get away from me you'll end up dead too!』

Arnna shouted with concern to the Ex-Goddess, Lucoa continued to hug Arnna much more affectionately and tightly.

『It's okay.... I could see everything....』-Because of Arnna's ability, Lucoa could find out how Arnna's life was-『You're wrong, you may be right about everything, but that people saw you, they saw you! The people you love the most, your family was always by your side, you didn't realize it but they always cared about you, you were the reason for them of their why, it's not necessary for everyone to see you, with the people who matter the most to you, it's more than enough, you were Dux's sustenance for all this time, if you hadn't been you, that dragon would have been like before again, I hope those words make you feel better, especially the last one』

Lucoa hugged Arnna, the burns still become stronger and more severe, that could be permanent if this keeps going on. Arnna remembered these last moments, the time spent with the Anomenos Family, she was crying despite the fire quickly dried her tears. Remembering that night with Doge, wasn't that the first time it happened, since the beginning, they have become close since the first time they saw each other, she didn't understand it, but she was Doge's first friend, and Doge was Arnna's first friend, the first person to make her want to draw a smile on her face, the first person Doge fell in love with.

『I'll keep hugging you until the end, I already tried to cure you but I can't stop it....』-Lucoa kept hugging in this embracing fire to Arnna-.

『Sure...and the answer is simple...you're not Dux-nii-chan *smiles*』

Arnna's body was shattered into ashes of fire, these were rising to the sky, just as the embracing fire disappeared little by little, leaving in the scene a beautiful forest full of colors, Arnna's body had disappeared from the fas of the earth, the ashes traveled to the sky, all her power will be useful and hopefully, maybe bring happiness to the person she loves. Lucoa looked at the sky with a smile, he returned to his Human Form, he was full of burns and quickly decides to heal himself, but in the process he leaves it halfway.

『It will be a memory, a beautiful memory Arnna-chan』.

She only healed the wounds from the burns, leaving her body full of permanent scars from this fight, the sweet and tender girl we saw at the beginning, turned out to be the one with the most anger and hatred in her heart. Lucoa looked down, the Soul Stone was the only thing that remained of Arnna, who burned an intense red, this could mean her anger, or also her unconditional and foolish love.

Result of the fight, Lucoa comes out victorious.

------------------------------------------- → To be continued

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