
Chapter 115: Isekai (First Hours)

As we all prepared to go to the other world, I had a little chat with Kanna, who with her tail was connecting it to the plug to gather as much energy as she could. Kanna is a dragon that handles electricity, so it is logical that her source of energy and power is this very same.

『Kanna-chan』-I knelt down beside the little dragon-『Are you sure you want to join us? You're a little girl, maybe this trip will be a little heavy for you』.

Kanna was silent as she watched me.

『We're not going as a ride, it's more like a mission with a limit』-'・ᴗ・`-『If we were going for fun, we would gladly all go, but this is not the case....who knows what might happen on the other side』

『M』-Rapidly, the little dragon turned to me-『Kobayashi-san is someone very dear to me, I can't stay waiting while she is at risk....I learned that you have to be by the side of your loved ones, she is my mother and I want to accompany her....besides being a little girl, I am also a dragon』

With the thin and soft voice, tender and calm, she gives me her reasons why, I can notice in her words the decision that an adult would make, but still follow those thoughts that she is still a little girl.

『I see that you are determined Kanna-chan (^▽^) (if someone I love very much, is on the verge of death, I would accompany him and do everything to save her)』-Several memories came to my mind, of that time my pet died and how Syl was always by my side, even within hours of my death-『-We'll save Kobayashi-san and we'll all come back safe and sound (9`・ω・)9 』-Pass to pet her head-『Just like you said, you're a dragon with a lot of strength and skill, I'm sure you'll help us a lot, besides we're only going after one bird, what bad things can happen? 』¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah, hi, I'm M from the future, and I have to stop being such an asshole, time travel just to interrupt this scene...what have we come to xd. I just came to say that.....('꒳`).....(╬ಠ益ಠ)HOW CAN I BE SO POSITIVE AT TIMES!!!! PINCHE M TAS TODO PENDEJO, HOW IN YOUR HEALTHY JUDGMENT DO YOU BELIEVE EVERYTHING WILL BE OK, YOU ARE TAKING TO A WORLD WHERE EVERYTHING BEFORE WAS SUFFERING, WAR, CHAOS, it's like merging now, third world countries with africa!!! in the middle of the Black Plague!!! with the pinches mustaches locos who wanted to be a painter, and the Mc hamburger, total chaos! ! i already lived the arc, and i can say that...what an example i gave xd, no seriousness friends ;v everything is laughs xd, i am third worldist and everything is cool here ;v shitpost, what a blowjob xd, well, i deviated from the topic, i just came to say that .... "what bad things can happen" hahahaha ..... better i should have been quiet.




We all find ourselves inside the portal, traveling to that fantasy world in order to save Kobayashi. We thought that Kobayashi should stay waiting in his world, but who knows if we have time left over to get him and go back, better to go too and in one go, by getting the bird, saved 100%.Besides if we were to come across a danger, who would be crazy to face 5 dragons and a purple cat together? 1 of 2, either he is crazy or he has that big of wuebos.

『We are about to arrive Kobayashi-san』-Tohru who was flying with his wings, held Kobayashi-san』's hand.

An overwhelming white light, which blinded us for a few seconds, when we opened our eyes again, we were in the other world, this fantasy world, where magic exists, mythical creatures exist, heroes, wizards, knights, empires, kings, everything existed, it is the Isekai world typical of every anime.


Kobayashi looked around, she was excited to see the scenery of that world, the sky completely blue and illuminated by the sun, the sound of forest creatures could be clearly heard, the breeze of the wind, a vast green field, mountains in the distance.

As Kobayashi looked around, he noticed something in the far distance, like a large flame in the middle of a distant forest, where it quickly disappeared.

『(I've already arrived and strange things are already happening....)』( ̄^ ̄)-Kobayashi didn't help but think about it-.

『I'm finally back....』-Elma looked around-『I'm finally back!!』(༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)-Elma didn't help but cry with happiness-

『(Of course, Elma couldn't go back to her world on her own)』-I looked at how Elma was kneeling on the ground-『No time to waste, well crybaby dragoness』-Tohru stood in front-『We'll find out where this Soberano Vida』-Tohru stood in front of her.

『No time to waste, well weeping dragoness』-Tohru stood in front-『Let's see where this Sovereign of Life is』.

『Llorona....(`ー')and don't say "that such-and-such" say it with pride, you don't have even the slightest respect for your elders and superiors 』〴⋋_⋌〵-Elma was annoyed-

『Yes yes yes yes, whatever you say, we have no time to waste with that one, guide us where that one is』( ̄^ ̄)-Tohru again uses those words-.

『You're going overboard Tohru...』-(⋋▂⋌)-Elma didn't know how to let him stop insulting her superior anymore-.

『(Tohru is the one who is most worried about Kobayashi-san, she thinks of nothing but being able to save her, it's understandable because of everything she feels about her)』

He thought that as he came as Tohru switched to his Dragon Form and with his hand put Kobayashi on his back.

『Be calm Elma-san, it's normal in your situation to be like this』-I placed myself next to Elma, she was annoyed-〴●⋋_⋌●〵『Later I'll make a joke for you, let's do what we came for, later we don't want to regret it, right?』

Elma after listening to me, thought it over, and ended up agreeing. This one switched to her Dragon Form.

"Do you want me to carry you or are you going to fly on your own?』-she asked me before rising higher.

『Thank you, but I want to experience other things, I'm going to be in my Human Form, and the one who's going to carry me is.....』-Turn my eyes in surprise-『Kuro-san!』(`-ω-'๑)

『Die』-Rapidly the dark dragon answered me-.

『Neither thought it so hard to say it』(^▽^;).

『If you want someone to carry you, it can be me M-kun』-Lucoa was offering to be my transportation-.

『I appreciate the offer, but I think I'll pass, I feel like you'll make weird noises if I pile you up....』('ж`;)

Lucoa bowed his head in confusion.(๑-́ω-̀) Then the only one left was Kanna.

『Well Kanna-chan, I'm counting on you』.

『I'll show you that I'm very good at flying』-Decided was the little dragon.

Kanna shifted into her Dragon Form, bowed her head so that I could climb on her back.

『Owww, amazing, I was right, in your Dragon Form you are just as cute, and it's very soft your fur, it's perfect to take a break』꒰✩'ω`ૢ��꒱

I lay down and pulled on her back, I couldn't believe how soft Kanna becomes in her dragon form, she is already soft, I was fortunate enough to rest on her lap, but this is no slouch.

『¡!!!(゜Д゜;)(She chooses Kanna for being more tender)』-Elma was dumbfounded after seeing me-『(In terms of tenderness, Kanna-san beats me, plus she looks happy M in that soft fur she has, instead I have strong and tough scales...)』

『It's not because of that Elma-san』-I was addressing the blue dragoness-『By your expression I can see what you're thinking, if I were riding on you, I wouldn't be able to pass my other Forms since I'd be wet, and to tell the truth....is kind of uncomfortable to be wet』 (;^ω^)

『¡¡!!!(-゚д゚-) I see, I understand, it's okay M-san』-Elma stepped to rise-『(But at least it's sincere, it's other things I like about you, M-san』


I felt like huge bounces, which my body couldn't take with the force with which they came.

『Haaaaa, it's true that it's soft, I'll go with you if it doesn't bother you』.

Lucoa pounced until he reached Kanna's back, being on my back is where I suffered his bouncing breasts.

『WellCOPY00but don't make such a fuss....』-I was somewhat annoyed that I could have felt her breasts against my back-『Sana distance please』(; ̄ー ̄川.

With my hand I pushed her away from me so that she is not too attached, she confused by the action I just did(๑-́ω-̀) but quickly changes to a smile and places her hands on my shoulder.

『So what do you think like this?』

He attached himself to me I think much closer than before, now he was holding onto my shoulders so he wouldn't fall off.

『(Be tolerant M, be tolerant....〴⋋_⋌〵)』

The moment Kanna took flight, because of the movement, it couldn't be avoided that Lucoa's huge weas, crashed against my back.

『(.....I'm tolerant!!!.....('益'))』

『You will have the honor of being the one to carry me』-Fafnir stood on Tohru's back, behind Kobayashi-.

『Well, our habitat is to the northwest, we are a bit far, but if we keep on the right track we should arrive tomorrow』-Elma stood in front of us-『Well, follow me! We have no time to waste!』

With Elma as our guide, we set out on our journey to the habitat of the Harmony Faction, the huge wings of Tohru and Kanna, made strong winds, while like a water snake, Elma moved in the sky.

『We have between 6 to 8 days to save Kobayashi-san, everyone do your best and we will succeed』-Elma stood on top of me so she could give her words-.

『....(I think he won't be able to resist anymore.....)』(♯▼皿▼).

Clenching my fist, I feel that at some point in this trip, I would end up exploding and slaughtering those damn deformed weasels that are as if they had put all the tumors together and attached it to it. Anyway, that's the beginning of our journey in this world.




-------------------------------------HORAS ATRÁS-----------------------------------------

A mass of thick black water was moving through the sky at a great speed, it was heading to its habitat, castle, where it would report its mission and what happened in the other world.

『Ah!.....I forgot to erase the memories of the people I swallowed....』-Lami was inside that thick water-『I didn't expect to find him there.....』

Lami didn't imagine, that his simple mission will come to bring him an incredible surprise, Fafnir's appearance left him frozen and with nothing to say. "Who are you?" That question still echoes in Lami's mind.

After a long journey, he could finally reach his destination, the thick water that enveloped him disappeared, he slowly walked through the castle, heading where to the main hall where King is waiting for him.

『(I couldn't accomplish the mission....I made quite a commotion in the other world.....I'm sure I'm going to get scolded....)』

Dejected and looking down, Lami finally arrived at the main hall, where the Demon King's throne was located. Lami saw that this was empty, so he searched with his eyes, where behind the throne he saw the Demon King's back, the Demon King was silent.

『King.....with the mission.....was a----』

『It was a success!』

The Demon King interrupted Lami's words, his tone of voice was one of surprise and happiness.

『Success is an understatement, unbelievable, masterful』-The Demon King turned around, this one was with a quality smile on his face-『You did a good job Lami, I don't know what you did but you ended up surprising me』.

『(Eh?.....So it's a double surprise.....)』

『We're receiving energy from different dragons at once into one, it's going a bit slow, but it's a lot that it will manage to absorb over time』.

The Demon King watched happily as that object received energy from different dragons at the same time, his smile and happiness quality could not be helped. Lami was confused, he himself also looked and was confused but at the same time surprised, that object was mysteriously getting energy.

『(.....But.....how?....Is this the product of that human.....)』

『You managed to hit her at least with the curse, I didn't know Elma-sama had so much power, I hope she won't get scared and forgive us.... hahaha ('∀`;)』-The Demon King, King, didn't avoid getting upset-『They always get scared when they see us appear and we ask to join us to get their energy, it's true that the curse observes their energy, but it's not all of it, we just want a little of their help, not kill them』

『(Why is he saying it all.....)』-Lami didn't avoid asking herself that question-.

『So Lami, what did you do』.

Lami confused but straight, decided to tell him everything that happened with his mission.

『I see, that's bad, but for a human on top of the other world to possess so much power, she must have spent too much time with dragons-....』-King knew the why of it-.

『I wanted to take her away so I could save her somehow..... but he appeared.....』

At Lami's words, the object started to glow brighter, it was receiving more energy at a high speed.

『I'm happy..... but this is wrong, if we keep absorbing its energy, the human will end up dying, we are not killers』.

The glow of that object disappeared, it started to receive energy again slowly.

『They put a seal on it, they have 7 days to live the human.....this can't end like this』.

『Hello, I'm back, that field trip was fun』-A boy with blue hair, calm look, and clothes between the two worlds had appeared-『Lami, good you're back, how did your mission go?』

『So you already knew that I would go on the mission?...』

『Hahaha we all agreed to go out and you're the only one who will stay』(^▽^).

『But how mean they are, Onii-chan.....』

『I'm back, ah! I see you're back already』(✿╹◡╹)-A girl tender and cute to look at, with blonde hair that reached almost to her shoulders, her dress was cute but at the same time sturdy-.

『Ah! There she is....one of the accomplices....I can't believe you also joined them Onee-chan.....』-Lami pointed her finger at her sister, and blamed her for also setting her up-.

『I'm sorry I'm sorry, I just played along, I'll make it up to you with something later, I promise』-That girl stroked Lami's head affectionately-『So, how was it in the other world?』

『¡¡!! Let me tell you.....it was really all full of surprise and fun....』-Lami would go on to tell how it was if she visited the other world-『First of all it did change a lot to the last time we all went.....first I wanted to buy a fry...but I had no money..... when I showed a huge piece of gold to the gentleman he didn't accept it...with the help of some people I managed to exchange my gold for money from that world, they were very nice....I smiled and thanked them for their kindness....although it doesn't seem like it, I'm happy right now...』

『That's right Lami, I can see you with a huge smile right now』-Her brother was calmly turning to Lami-.

『And you see...there are lots of fun things.....the arcade....machines...the casinos didn't please me much...Ah!!.....and there's also extremely tasty food....takoyaki and dango.....I spent the whole time eating that.....also buy extra for you guys.....take please...』

From the black water sphere that accompanied Lami, it opened up revealing a shopping bag, where inside were takoyaki and dango. His brothers took one and ate.

『¡¡!! But what is this!!! It's extremely delicious』-The brother couldn't handle the deliciousness.

"Wow!!! really delicious, thank you so much Lami』-The sister was grateful for the food.

『Wasn't it delicious?....I had a great time eating until I ran into Elma-sama...I think they misunderstood when I finished eating.....』-『But I had fun being alone..... but it would have been better if we had all gone like before.....』

Lami turned to look at that object, her brothers also looked determinedly.

『Of course, one day we'll all go back together, it's all a matter of time』-The brother made a comment-.

『We know it will come back』-The sister looked warmly at that object-.

The Demon King was happy, with a quality smile he looked at the siblings.

『Please, take King.....』

Lami offered of what he brought to the Demon King. The latter gladly accepts grab both takoyaki and giving at the same time and eats them together.

『Oh!!! These are really delicious. I want you to try it too』.

With the spirits in the sky, while eating they looked at that object that was receiving the energy, it was a crystal that slowly illuminated its brightness from little by little, where inside was already making a sleeping person.

『Wait patiently, we will do everything』.

The Demon King, with a warm smile, lovingly touched that crystal, where it seems that all of them, had a great affection and love for that person trapped in an eternal sleep inside a crystal.

"And that's what happened』-King finished telling the brothers what happened.

『I see, well then the solution is simple, just get Ex-Phoenix and problem solved, right?』-The brother already had the easiest option-『I know where it is, so we just have to go pick it up and that's it』.

This brother, since he was little he always liked to explore and travel all over the world, see every corner and fill himself with knowledge of every place he visited, his brain is full of information of what you can't imagine. He is an explorer by law.

『Could you please go then』-King was addressing the boy-.

『Sure, no problem, I haven't gone there for a long time, I might find something』.

『Can I come with you?.....』-Lami was turning to his brother- 『King

"Are you sure? It's a day trip, you just came back』』.

After his brother, pressed him with his expressionless face, his brother had no choice but to accept it.

『All right it's okay, you can come with me』-The brothers got ready to leave-『See you tomorrow, see you』.

They took off their wings and took flight to bring Ex-Phoenix. Both groups had the same but at the same time different goals, they both want to save the human who got caught up in all this. They seem to be good people if you ask me.

『King, how is she?』-The sister asked the Demon King.

『She's still in her room sleeping, she looks very tender and peaceful when she sleeps, but when she wakes up, she becomes so outgoing that it's kind of hard to deal with her, but well, that's just the way she is, and we still love her』-『Although you're no slouch either (^▽^)』

『King!』('・ε・̥ˋ๑)-Sister screwed up-.

『We'd better keep her out of this matter, we don't want her to get too excited again』.

In the bedrooms of the castle, at the top was a room, this was decorated daily and elegantly at the same time, where in a bed rested a little girl, she had long red hair, 4 fangs in her mouth, a light dress, as King said, she looks tender and innocent when she sleeps, movements were seen in the bed, the limbs and tail of that little girl moved, after a long sleep, it seems that the time has come for her to wake up.

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