
Chapter 103: Return

『Eh?.....Are you ..... Elma?...』(◎'〇`◎)

『Eh?』-(.ヘ°)-『(How do you know my name?)』

The boy waking up in the middle of the night, saw the creatures he saved and also a girl with the same features as Tohru, she was a dragon.

『...Is it nighttime? ('○`)~ゝ...It's nighttime..... IT'S NIGHT!!!』∑(ΦдΦlll

I got up in shock from the soft grass where I rested.

『It can't be! Now how did I get back home, Tohru-chan must have come to the place we agreed on and since she didn't find me, she decided to go back alone!』(゚ω゚;)

Because of the surprise, it was the first thing that came to M's mind.

『Tohru-chan? You know Tohru?』-Elma had been intrigued by the name-.

『Tohru-chan? Sure I do, a green dragon, who praises herself by calling herself powerful and beautiful, we are friends after all』('∀`).

『It can't be, the ruthless and terrible Tohru I know, I find it hard to believe that she made a friend, especially from a human』.

『And not only me, she also became very close with more humans』.

『How did you say!!!.....(¤﹏¤).....Bua! But what a rage.....』(ΩДΩ)

『Eh? Is it wrong for dragons and humans to live together?』(・∧-)ゞ

『Kyaaaミ●﹏☉ミ I want to have many friends(☍﹏⁰)』 too.

『.....(That was.....now I don't know how to act after hearing that)』-(・・;)-『Ah, calm down, okay? It's not like Tohru-chan has many friends either (;'∀`) If you want I can be your friend if I can help you with that....si?』(^▽^;)

『Humans and dragons should keep their distance.....⊙﹏⊙they may cause and unbalance their nations.....(¤﹏¤)So we can't be friends...(☍﹏⁰)。I'm sorry I have to refuse your humble request....(つ﹏⊂)』

『(Hey hey, it looks like it hurts you to say those words, you're blushing and have tear drops in your eyes).....*sigh* Look, I don't know what you went through to react like that, but from afar it shows, what you refuse is what you need the most right now, a friend』

A roar was heard, it was Elma's stomach who just made her presence known after my words.

『And also food』 ( ̄ー ̄;

When I looked at her again, she was even more flushed , the embarrassment of her stomach sounding made her face take on a bright red.

『Ah! Food, I need food !!!! Fruits!.....(@Д@;I forgot to also give them to Tohru at the time of delivering groceries』-『It can't be』(;'д`)

『Don't worry about it.....●﹏●But I can't help but get happy (。・・・。)..... You know, in this world, there are different factions, there is the dragons of the Harmony Faction, the dragons of the Chaos Faction and there is also a third one which would come to be the Faction that observes, these do not belong to any of the above mentioned, I am from the Harmony Faction, I have a high rank in our hierarchy, due to my position I am always busy, watching and seeing for the law and order of the world, because of my rigid, strict and even persistent attitude, these are factors that also made me move away from the others, even my own companions prefer not to be with me』

『(But that rigid, strict..... I don't think those are words that describe her)』

『I always have missions that take longer than they should, I'm always hungry and can't rest, that's why.....how I saw that you cared to look for food for me...and wanted to be my friend despite what this may cause. ....has truly made me happy』-Elma spoke sincerely-『So after all my hard work, breaking a little law...I would be let through.....I agree to be your friend young human』(^▽^).

『M's name is M, nice to meet you Elma-chan』(^▽^).

『That has me intrigued, how do you know my name? And I also see that you're from the other world』

『Ah, Tohru-chan told me about you on several occasions, he always mentioned you whenever he could』-'・ᴗ・`-『(The truth is I never talk about you, and never would)』

『Seriously? Although I find it hard to believe what you say, we're always fighting for our Factions』

『(Then Tohru-chan was supposed to come to be the bad guy)』-『Tohru-chan would come to pick me up at sunset, but I see it's already too late, and I don't think he'll pick me up until tomorrow....or so I think』

"Tohru brought you here?』

『Yes, that's right』

『That dragon, she keeps breaking more laws than she already does, first she goes to the other world and now she brings someone from that world to ours, obligatorily I have to bring her』.

『(Although I am also at fault for accepting) Then that is your current mission, how about you open the portal and the 2 of us go to that world, all happy , all joyful *shake fingers*』。^‿^。.

『But I can't do it.....』-『We're just as strong, but I don't have their powers』-The chance to return, had quickly disappeared-『Although there might be a chance』.

And just as quickly as hope came, it was gone and returned.


We were walking, going to the place where Tohru made the portal. Elma had an idea for us to go to Kobayashi-san's world.

『Dragons with the same powers as Tohru and above, are the only ones in this world with the power to conjure the portal, these tend to leave slight small traces, so before those small traces disappear, we must give power to the portal, and so again it will open, although by doing this the portal only lasts for a short time and disappears completely』.

『I see, you really saved me from an Elma-chan』.

『From what you said, then the portal must still be there, so we still have time』-Thanks to Elma I could return home to Kobayashi-san-『Although that World where you come from looks very beautiful to me, there are no wars, everyone gets along well, not all the time there is someone who destroys everything, their conflicts they solve it by talking and not directly in combat, it is a peaceful world that many would like to live from here, besides they are much more developed than us, as they call them, appliances, no? They use electricity to make their lives easier, it must live very well there, also the food, it looks delicious to look at, I'd like to try it even once』

His stomach roared again after a while.

『(Although he only talked about one side of the coin) Then how about if I cook you something when we get back, not to brag but, my food is very delicious (Of course I want to brag)( - ̀ω-́ )✧』

『Seriously? I'd be very grateful to you』

『And how about staying in this world for a while too, I'm not telling you to stay forever, it would be like a vacation, where you would finally have a break from all your work, when was the last time you had a day off?』

Elma came up to me and whispered in my ear. My shock was huge when I knew the number.

『SO LONG!!! (This girl literally worked her whole life....)』-『So this is already mandatory, whether or not you have to have at least a few days of peace of mind』

『Yes, I had already thought about that for a long time, that's why I took this mission 。^‿^。 Thank you for still caring about me 』

I replied likewise with a smile, we continued on our way to where the portal was made. An owl, the same one that watched M fighting with the skeletons, watched and listened to the conversation of these 2, this one spread its wings and left again towards a destination we don't know.


『The dragons that created portals to your world, as I said before they leave traces, and by giving them power you can reopen them, that's how beings from our world sneaked into yours, that's why there are different myths of strange beings seen in your worlds』-Referring to all the creatures that may come to your mind, be it vampires, kappas, werewolves, witches, ghosts, etc, etc-『They currently live hidden and peacefully in your world, as they are few, we ignore the subject』.

『I see, I see (Well, they're not as strict as they say...) oh, here we are, this is where Tohru opened the portal』.

『Okay, then it's time』

『Elma-chan, would you let me ride you if it's not too much to ask?』'・ᴗ・`.

Elma's whole body went through her with a strong cold, she shivered as she hugged herself like this.

『I thought you were a quiet boy『(〃ー〃) But you are actually a pervert』(*'_ゝ`).

『(Eh? Really? Again? Do I look like I'm raping him or what? ( ̄⊿ ̄)) I mean being on top of-----!!!!!!!』

-------------------CHISTE REPEATED, LET'S MOVE ON TO THE FOLLOWING------------------------

Elma was in her Dragon Form, floating in the sky, she was an Aquatic Dragon type, she had no wings, she was like a snake if I can describe it that way. Above her was me.

It opened its huge mouth, its teeth were sharp, it started to give it its power and magic, it looked like it was throwing it into nothingness, but in the sky you could see the portal reappear.

『Okay, then I'll help too』.

I tried to switch to my Lucario Form, but for some strange reason that I didn't notice, I couldn't, I missed this, looking at my hands, and some of my clothes, I noticed that they were wet, Elma's body in her Dragon Form always tends to be somewhat wet.

『I didn't think about it before, I can't take my other Forms』.

Elma finished giving him enough power and magic, the Portal opened again, but it was closing in a hurry. Without wasting any time, Elma and I quickly entered the portal.


We had a little chat inside the portal.

『Hey M, I managed to hear you say that you didn't manage to take your other forms, are you really a human?』

『I am 100% human, it's just a bit of a long story to tell』.

『I was taken surprised and confused to see that blue dog turned into a human boy, it's amazing how life can surprise you and bring new unknowns』.

『(I call my Lucario Form a dog?) One calls me Furro and another a dog, what's next? Jackal or cat?)(-∀-) Another day I'll tell you all about it』-『And tell me? Is there really that Law that a dragon can't be related with a human?』

『Although it's weird to me, I've seen several of my companions accompanied with several humans, what will they do that I can't?.....(`ー')』

『(She said she was strict, so that thing about not being able to interact with humans she imposed it on herself somehow, she's kind of silly and tender too)』




『It's delicious your meal Tohru, now if I'm going to sleep with a full stomach』-Kobayashi was giving thanks for his dinner-.

『Thank you very much Kobayashi-san』- 。^‿^。Tohru was picking up the dishes-『There's still some dessert left, though, do you want me to serve you some?』

"What happened to M? All day he didn't come back since he left in the morning』-Kanna was missing the boy.

A blue light was coming from the dark sky of this world, it was like a kite that wouldn't stop until it reached its destination.

『That's right, M-san must have been here since before lunchtime』-Kobayashi wondered-『Had he gotten lost or did something happen to him?』

『¡¡!! AH!!! I forgot to pick up M-san!!!』(◯Δ◯∥)


The blue kite hit Kobayashi-san's apartment, the roar was heard in that small area, things, debris were flying and flying out with extreme force. Tohru looked seriously who had arrived, Kobayashi-san was so used to it that she took it as normal.

『I've found you, Tohru!』-Elma forcefully called out the name of her rival-『I've found you, Tohru!

『Eh? And who is this one? I just hope he doesn't keep destroying my house anymore』-Was what the owner was most worried about- 』.

『See? I told you there was no need for this (゜ロ゜)now Kobayashi-san might be annoying....』-Salt from Elma's back and made myself present, Kobayashi's calm expression made my words change-『( ̄^ ̄)No, she still kept calm as only she knows how』.

『But I wanted to introduce myself in an epic way to them (꒪⌓꒪)I always do that every time I make an appearance on my missions』⊙△⊙

『Don't you even know the words foreign property?』(ーーー;)

『Eh I've come for you to come back with me, dragons disturb the order of this world, so don't complain and let yourself be carried away by me』 ಠ_ಠ

Both dragons started to argue regarding this, that didn't matter to me right now, as my eyes focused on one of the most tender and innocent beings in the world.

『Kanna-chan!!』 -♡^▽^♡Sin waste time lovingly hugged the dragon loli-『I feel like it's been years since the last time I hugged you』 ♡(ŐωŐ人)

『It's only been less than 24 hours, it's no big deal』-Kanna's soft voice said-.

『But what's going on here? Who is she and why did you go back to her?』-Kobayashi was addressing me- 』.

『Her name is Elma, and well, I'll sum it up for you in a quick and simple way』

------------------A QUICK AND SIMPLE SUMMARY LATER--------------------------

『I see, I think I would have liked to take a walk through Tohru's World too』-The owner had caught up-『So then, Elma is from the Harmony Faction and Tohru the Chaos Faction, so by her appearance, anyone would think that Fafnir-san is from the Chaos Faction』

『I rather think he is』-End your words-.

『Lucoa-san is a former goddess, lastly we would have Kanna, who also at first glance would be like one of the Harmony Faction』.

『I think not, let appearances not deceive you, maybe she's from the Chaos Faction, though it wouldn't be bad, a beautiful and innocent flower growing in the dark of the world, I like it』-I was giving my opinion-.

『Then that flower would be me, didn't you see me well? I was declared the prettiest in my Faction』-Tohru even though he was making a force with Elma, he had time to give his comment- 『It's not like that.

『M, you think I might be from the Chaos Faction?』-Kanna turned to me-.

『Yes, why not? Although I might also be wrong hahaha , in the end that's only tertiary』。^‿^。.

The little dragoness looked unblinkingly at M, her eyes were trembling and her innocent look was glowing anyway.

『You would still love me, no matter where I am or things I do』.

『Exactly, and if you do one wrong thing, I will correct you in the most humanly possible way』-I was implying that's what I would do-『Although I can hardly see it the truth』'・ᴗ・`.

『Are you sure M-san?』-Kobayashi asked me after seeing-『Don't you all this time, you see Kanna-chan as a daughter?』-『Look, they even both have blue eyes』-Soooothing another fact of how the prota-『And you also seem to be the Caring Father type』.

『.....』-I was speechless, my mouth was hanging open from my surprise-

It was the first time someone said that to me, and the first time I also felt this feeling, me as a father-.....-if I think about it, all the times I've been with Kanna, even though I told her that I love her and always treat her with affection, it was just...fatherly love.

『*sigh*I see-『I was already telling myself that something didn't add up about this....』-I whispered so no one can hear me-『You might be right Kobayashi-san』'・ᴗ・`.

Kobayashi-san was smiling in a slight way, she looked happy just like me, I guess it's the same with how I feel with Saikawa Riko.

『Uhm? And by the way, what's your name? Kobayashi-san?』-A random question came to my mind』-『We always refer to you by your last name, but what is your first name?』

『Oh, sure, I have no problem saying it』-『My full name is Kobayashi *PPOOMMMM*-----』


A rumbling sound was heard when Kobayashi was speaking. Elma and Tohru, who were doing arm strength, decided to hit each other, their fists collided and caused a powerful and loud rumble.

『Hoygan! Stop fighting here!』-Kobayashi was calling their attention-.

They failed to hear her in time and in this confined space, they began to fight nimbly without colliding with anything.

『Sorry Kobayashi-san...'・ᴗ・`I didn't manage to hear it, could you repeat it again?』

『All right, my name is--------』


They weren't colliding with anything, but the only thing colliding was their fists making a loud noise that again prevented me from hearing Kobayashi-san's name.

『You guys! You're going to cause a disaster!』-shouted the mistress of the house.

『Excuse me for speaking again.....('∀`;)could you repeat your name again?』

『My name is --------』


『My name --------』


『My name --------』


『My no--------』




He repeated it many times, but the clatter of his fists didn't let me hear them.

『Yeah, it's okay..... I managed to hear it, you don't have to repeat it again Kobayashi-san』 (-∧-;)-I decided to give up.

『¿? (Why does he keep addressing me with my surname if he was asking for my name?)』 (・∧-)ゞ-The rumbling continued and started to destroy the building even more-『USTEDES 2 ALREADY CALM DOWN!!!!』

Kobayashi screamed like never before, the 2 dragons stopped in the midst of exchanging blows.

『You 2 quickly repair all of this, as M-kun said, don't you know it's someone else's property?』

『M-kun? (゜.゜)』-I was shocked for a few seconds-?

Elma's stomach roared again at all this.

『And on top of that you're on an empty stomach, fix this and I'll feed you, we'll also need Lucoa-san to come and help us』.

I just watched and laughed worried about the scene I was watching, Kobayashi-san went from sending one dragon, to 2 dragons, his level of authority is increasing, I better not make Kobayashi-san angry.....never.

『And now, what will happen to you』-Kobayashi looked at the Elma-san thinking.

The dragoness repaired the place and the outside, bowed her head as a sign of not knowing anything.(๑-́ω-̀)?

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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