
Chapter 17: First Interaction

How are the rules of nature governed from the beginning? If we take it on a small scale, the first thing that would come to mind would be what we know and know, the nature of our world from its beginnings has always been governed by who is the strongest and how it climbs little by little in a hierarchy itself. It has always been like that, as long as there is someone superior, the others are going to feel hostility and the best thing to do is to stay away, to be very careful with what you have in front of you, you notice even in ourselves, when something bad is going to happen or when someone is dangerous, no matter how much we have grown from our first appearance, that instinct that what we have in front of us, is really a danger for our survival.

All creatures have something that allows them to survive in this world that already seemed to be remarkably established, not all are born as incapable and useless waiting to be the prey of another, they have unique abilities that allow them to stand out even among the same species that there was a world, sure, one better than another, but those abilities we have, not everyone can replicate it as we know it best.

From the sky was flying a seagull as calm as possible, just watching it flap its wings and blinking to look around, he knew what he was about to do, the islands where he travelled were always the same, they enjoyed a rich nature and could even be said to be too quiet, but one in particular was always seeming to be on guard at all times, that seagull that seemed to be always quiet, frequently visited one particular island, always from the sky, he could see great bursts of power occurring and immense power occurring in the sky. He could see how the earth and dust rose up, where in the midst of them seemed to be living one of the species that best adapted to what was required in the world. Were they training? The Seagull could only look from afar, also as he circled that island, he could see different areas and notice that if it was the largest of them all, on it he could see what appeared to be a base? A home? It seems that all the inhabitants of this island live there, he can detect a singular species inside that base, why does he think it is not quite alive? It's as if it was made of machinery too, it seems to be making lunch and it seemed to be happy about it. Eating is something important for every living thing, the Seagull knew it, it understood that every living thing needs some protein and food sustenance to keep moving and not leave this world. He could find out the hard way, the previous animal that he was able to see and witness with his own eyes, for demanding too much in his search, ended up in a critical state that before suffering more, he decided better to go with another being.

The next thing he remembers is that he was in the ocean, he was not drowning, but it was strange, the composition of his body was different, he no longer had legs and his vision was also different, but this served him much better, the previous animal that was a wolf was impossible to pass through these waters, but this fish can easily move within it. He can reach his goal easily with this, but in his simple thinking, he did not realise that a seagull had already had its eye on him, and as nature requires, he learned that food is important, as he himself experienced what it is like to be eaten.The Parasite first possessed the wolf, it wore it out trying to escape from the island, when it saw that it could no longer, it decided to possess a simple ocean fish, and now it was being swallowed by a seagull, an animal with the ability to fly, easily with the strength it had, making it explode was simple but . ...it just didn't. Soon after the seagull ate it, the parasite wasted no time and with the resistance it gained, it was able to survive being eaten and easily possess the seagull. It was fascinating, it acquired the unique little thing that is needed to keep it stable, the flapping of its wings to fly....volar...other parasites had already experienced this and it was normal and not surprising, but for the one we have here, it was really incredible.

Returning to the previous point, that Seagull had an island in his target, and as he continued to explore further he could see how a child seemed to be very calmly chatting with his friends on a rocky outcrop that instead of being made up of rocks, was easily camouflaged by the vegetation it had, more than a rocky outcrop it seemed to be a huge elevated meadow. That boy he was looking at was his target, but as always these days, when someone senses that something bad is ahead, the first thing he will do is to bring out his instincts. The Seagull could see a flame attack coming towards him, he managed to dodge it easily, and when that happened, all he could do was retreat and try again some other time. 

『Again attacking at nothing Kitten? You really like to put on a show』. 

『It's not nothingness, don't you guys feel it? That feeling of danger and survival that appears from one moment to the next』

Both Carmis and I, we didn't really understand what Blaze meant by this, but by her gesture she really cared about what was going on. At that Carmis would answer if she was referring to the Seagull that visited us from time to time, they seem to agree on the same thing, which for me I hadn't even heard, they must be very attentive and have a better view than I do.

『Oh! I've got it, Master M, it's the rule of nature』. -『I'll put it simply for you to understand, cats are indispensable *decided*』. 

What did he mean by this? But he said it in such a straightforward way that I couldn't help but agree with him. To this he was responding and he was absolutely right, and I think most of us support this idea, if you have a cat, you will never know what is going on in their mind or what their next move will be, from how calm they are, they go on to behave in a way you don't expect, and even vice versa, they do everything but what you thought was going to happen. 

『Yes, cats' behaviour is very difficult to understand, for example when I try to pet Blaze』. 

At that moment I wanted to give an example of these days I spent with her, I don't know why, but sometimes I feel like petting her as if she were a simple cat, is it because I'm getting more and more of a taste for it?I hope not, but when I want to pet Blaze, she quickly gets defensive either dodging me or moving me aside, even stopping my movements, it was clear that she was not going to let me do it, and she even told me clearly "But what are you doing!!!!". She could easily scold me like before and even look more annoyed but... She stayed in the same place looking at me as if waiting for me to do something else, I didn't really understand at that moment what she wanted, but not understanding what was going on, either I withdrew or she withdrew. It was really weird in those little moments....

『That's simple Master M, Miss Kitty was waiting for you to try again』.

『But why would I try again if she rejected me the first time? I'm a person who understands at the first time if I notice that it bothers the other person, although of course, I insist again belatedly, it must be because we've become close 』

『So if you do understand, why do you keep calling me Kitten even though I was annoyed and complaining!』

『Because I thought it was cute to call you that *smiles* and I'm going to keep saying it 』-『Also in that my objective was to annoy you and I see that I did it, in the caressing thing, that's more a personal matter of mine and even daring, I wouldn't like you to feel uncomfortable for something like that, does it bother you? so you can make it clear to me and never try it again』.

『No! I never said it bothered me! 』

To which I said my answer, Blaze really couldn't understand what I meant, although the truth was that he did a little bit. I could see all the times he did the same with Cream these last few days, when we would meet again out of nowhere, and he would hug her or caress her head out of nowhere. At the beginning I couldn't resist, but the other times I ended up controlling myself a bit, the good thing about all this is that I was finally able to fulfil the thought that I had before, to hug everything that I consider adorable! Now that I think about it, it was also something that Menhera did, when she saw something that was considered cute and cuddly, she would hug it with all her might, I also wanted to do the same as her, but I was embarrassed and it wasn't something I would do at that time.....

『I'm going to make it clear from now on, every tender thing I see the first time! And by tender I mean lolis! I will not hold back, I will leave all my shame, manners and respect, and I will hug her to show all my affection to that person!!! Only once, at the first interaction, good idea Carmis that being indispensable』-『I know it's a very bad first interaction coming from a stranger that I am, but I do it...as I don't think I can hold back any longer *shame*』

I've always wanted to do that and now that I have a new life and attitude, I can do it without the fear of regretting it! At this Carmis and Blaze were with a gesture of disappointment again, they didn't know how to look at me, at this Carmis was trying to give me his congratulations, but it was really weird to congratulate someone because this kid is going to violate one's personal space.....

『(Yeah he's getting hit harder by adolescence than I thought....)』

『(Master M...puberty is letting out your innermost desires....)』

『But of course, it will only be the first time, the following ones I will act like it, if I get rejected then I won't go through with it, I must take advantage of the carelessness and surprise! I tried to do it with Blaze at the beginning too, but as you can imagine, she dodged me and scolded me for it, do you still remember it Kitten?』

Blaze started to remember these 5 months that had passed, and through the coexistence that they were having, M at that time was still a little bit the same as before, he was just starting his change, but as we know he had made it very clear at the beginning that he wanted to hug Cream very tightly and affectionately, and as time went by, there was another member with whom he wanted to do this. I remember it perfectly, I was going for training, walking behind other people's backs was very normal, at that moment I was mentally deciding that I would do it, so I gathered my whole being to do it, and when I jumped in to hug her, Blaze had quickly dodged me leaving me on the ground.

『What were you trying to do, kid?』

『....Nothing....*shamed* I just wanted to cool down on the ground.....』


『....All right...I was trying to surprise you by trying to hug you...really...I just wanted to do it....』

In the end I ended up confessing what I wanted to do at that very moment, I didn't even want to look her in the eyes, if I was already scared just looking at my mother and sister's face, this girl's would surely be even more horrible. At that moment I could feel it, as she sighed reluctantly, and as if I was a sack of potatoes she passed by to carry me away.

『Hug me, you're such an idiot kid, I would never allow you to do such a thing, with that speed and agility you'll never even be able to catch me, you'd have to become stronger than me for that, which coming from you, you're already strong, but you're still a kid, and I'll see you that way forever, or at least until you give me to understand otherwise』.

He was dragging me along without a care in the world, I really looked like a sack of potatoes at that moment, just sighing as I knew that his training was going to be difficult. I still didn't like the way she trained me, the way she leveled her power to mine, and by the time I see a growth in me, she quickly surpasses me in what I thought I had become stronger, honestly I don't like it, no more than Zeta's easy fights but .... I had the purpose of becoming someone fast long before, but with the time I spent with each one of them, the more I wanted to surpass myself in many ways.

Back on the rock, as she told Carmis everything that had happened, he again turned to look at Blaze who, noticing her mocking face, would go on to point out what was going on.

『You didn't let him come near you before but now you want him to pet you, like I said Master M, cats are a must at any time *jibe*』

『Eh? Do you want me to pet you Kitty?』

『???!!! It's not that!!! It's just that!!!! It's just that....Ahhh okay!!!!! Then let's leave it at that!!! You and Zeta had this agreement that whoever loses touches the other's tail! So with me it's gonna be that if you beat me, I'll let you pet my head! And if I win!!!...』

『Then let Master M pet my head *smiles*』

『But, if Kitty wants to do it, I can let myself be petted right now, actually if I also feel like having Blaze do it *happy*』.

At that moment when we were agreeing, this request from Blaze came out of nowhere, Carmis could tell, he's hiding his honesty and what he really wants to do, under a blanket of a challenge he camouflaged it. At the last thing I responded to, that quickly happened, the thing of staying silent and staring at me, although this time it lasted only seconds and she responded more determinedly.

『No! Don't make it easy for me! It's a challenge and I'm going to fight it in the cleanest and fairest way possible, besides this is perfect for you M, don't you want to beat me after our last fight on Mysterious Island? 』

In that fight I actually ended up losing to her, however it turned out, it's a fact that I lost because Blaze was stronger and better. So from sitting on the grass, I would get up as determined as possible, I was ready to beat Blaze at any time of the day. I was getting into a pose to be able to start the fight, but at that moment Carmis also wanted to join us.

『Don't forget about me, I also have a fight with Miss Blaze, and it will be fun to fight against Master M in person this time』-『It will be an honour to give me this opportunity friends *happy*』. 

From what we were calmly talking about anything, we would now go through Blaze's initiative, in having a friendly fight between the 3 of us, to this we were each ready, I was getting ready to be able to switch to my God Form, Carmis about to summon his portal, as Blaze was preparing a fire attack that...When we went on the defensive, to no avail, as Blaze turned around and again was throwing flames into nothingness itself.

『Ahhhh!!!!!! Get the fuck out of here you fucking bird!!!! One day I'm going to kick the shit out of you if you keep coming back!!!!』

Which when Carmis and I saw it, it came to our minds that maybe we could make it a cuddly toy so that it would de-stress and not cause problems to nature, now that I see it more present, it does have this mania of attacking what it thinks is a threat....

The Seagull again had returned and again had been detected by Blaze, he managed to dodge the attack, but that same day he could see it with his own eyes. He and some of the members were highlighting the use of their strength, power and skills. The 3 who were fighting, Carmis, Blaze and M, it was really noticeable that they had higher current capabilities than the parasite, an attack in its simple base form as Parasite and it would die, even possessing any animal of this world, before that force would die without giving a battle. Also those who trained on the other side of the island and I could see how they caused great destruction.

『I can't take it anymore Amy-nee-chan!!!! Please I beg you!!!----------』

『We haven't even been here for an hour! Come on Cream! Or are you going to spend it dodging like M!!!! too!!! Come and attack me or I'll never stop!』

Amy still hadn't got her hammer back, so she was training Cream just as she had told her days before, she was going after her friend with simple punches, punches that made a big crater when they hit the ground. Just as M had done in the past, for Cream, if she got one of those punches, it wouldn't count for tomorrow.

Rouge was watching this training while eating an apple, she could analyse that Cream moved better than M when Amy was training him, she was much faster if we compare it in that time. But of course, in terms of strength it was very different, Cream with that small body doesn't have huge strength at all, he's a rabbit, he has to see his strengths like anyone else.

『Hey Cream! Try to stop his punches first! 』

『If I stop them, he'll send me flying!!! It's impossible!!!』

『Of course it's not impossible, I'll give you an example, if Amy gives me a free hit without covering me or anything, of course she'd send me flying too, but I don't do it, you know why Cream?』

『Because you're much stronger than me Rouge-nee-chan!!!!』

Cream again dodged a direct hit from Amy, who was starting to get fed up with this, and remembered training with M, where he kept running away, even though he had all the qualities to stand up to her. Fuiosa was lashing out more intensely at her little friend who didn't understand what was going on.

『You always watch us Cream, what do I do to resist the strong attacks that I normally couldn't』.

『Eh???....Ah!!!! Got it!!!! You use your wings to defend as well as to attack!!!!! Ahhh!!!! That's enough Amy-nee-chan!!! I'm getting tired!!!』

『Exactly, each of us uses the unique abilities we have and that makes us stand out in many occasions putting us ahead of others, in this case of a fight』-『Cream, what do you have that makes you stand out from others? 』

Rouge seems to be giving advice and help to Cream, who the little rabbit really looked like she would have no future with the training she was receiving from Amy, she really seemed to be a different person since returning from her last mission. To this she started to remember what makes others special, to Zeta it makes her special to be an Android and handle electricity, to Rouge that her wings have a great defense and the ability to create strong winds, to Amy her brute strength and her melee skills, both in fists and with her hammer, to Blaze that she has a great use of her flames in addition to a more powerful Form, with the recent members, Carmis can create portals that help him to compensate his strength and speed, besides being able to control the opposite sex with his eyes, and finally M, who being a simple child, thanks to a Form that makes him powerful, gave him abilities both simple and unknown to all.

Amy was not letting her friend rest, so she decided to finish this once and for all, to confuse her with her speed and to prepare a strong blow to end the fight. In that Cream was scared, but Rouge was really confident that her little friend would figure it out. 


Amy's blow was parried, and this instead of annoying her, made her smile and congratulate her partner. Cream, making use of her huge rabbit ears, managed to block Amy's attack, with a quick disarmament, Amy would counterattack with a single attack to Amy, who would cover herself in order to feel the strength of her little friend. 

『Ahh!!! Sorry Amy-nee-chan!!!! I didn't mean to hit you, just like you said I should take 

advantage of every second and not let my opponent rest!!!!! *fearful*』

『That was a good shot Cream, I'm glad you're realizing that you can do it *smiles*』

The training for today was over, so Amy stroked the head of her little friend, since it was a good progress after days that were repetitive. Seeing Amy's gentleness and affection for Cream made her smile and made her understand that she was still her, to this Rouge 

commented that it was time for lunch, so it was better to call the others to go all together.

In the sky, the Seagull had seen the 2 fights, it had collected enough information with these trips it made, since first it thought to appear and possess M at first, but Blaze who is attentive during the day, and at night does surveillance, it was really complicated for the Parasite to do this. Besides these living beings that he possesses need to rest to be in their best state, sleeping, resting, eating, defecating, urinating, are things that he did not think were really necessary. He withdrew from that island but with the mentality of, if he appears he will not be able to overcome the strength that they all have, even individually each one of them could kill him..... The parasite also needs to find someone who can resist if things get ugly on his side.

Which for his luck did not take him long to find, since from what he was hunting normally in the ocean, instead of having a fish in his mouth, he could feel something viscous but fullbodied at the same time. A frog was in his beak which was twisting to be released, he didn't care what it was, if it was edible then he needed to consume it to regain strength, but at that moment when he wanted to swallow it, it seems that the size was so much, that he was choking on the frog. 

The sound of the frog was heard, making Croaks all the time, for some reason this was 

understood by the parasite, was it because it was also an animal at that moment? So he 

quickly headed for a special island, since that was what the frog was referring to. As soon as it reached the shore of the island, the Seagull spat the frog, who was safe and sound, 

back to the mainland and...

『Croak Croak Croak Croak Croak 』

The frog seemed to be saying something to him, it seemed to be communicating with him, so that we could understand him too, I will translate it in words that said "Thank you for rescuing me, I wandered away from home because of an oversight and the tide caught me, do you need help with anything? I don't think I can do much, but I have a friend who will help you".

That said the frog who the Seagull could understand, said nothing, only with a simple 

classic sound of the seagulls, seems to have responded that he would follow him. They 

were entering an island that was also surrounded by vegetation as if it were a jungle, the Seagull watched and watched, if what he said about receiving help, maybe it will come in handy for what he wants. When they reached the center of the island, there was a small 

pond in it, the water was crystal clear and there was sea life in it, it was perfect for fishing without having to go out to the ocean. And that was just what was happening, a fishing net was in motion, eh? Did it just bite something? The being that was fishing noticed this and without much effort managed to catch a new fish, it was obvious that he was an expert at this.

『Oww!!! I really can't get enough of it 』

It was Big The Cat who was on this island fishing, he just noticed his catch, he was 

contemplating the beautiful fish he had caught, so it was just that, he was fishing because he liked it, so he removed the needle from the fish and put it back into the pond. 

『Oww, Froggy, it took you a while to get back, did you take a walk around the island?』

『Croak Croak Croak Croak Croak 』

The two friends were talking, the frog seemed to complain that he had not even realized 

that he had disappeared because of his own carelessness, but Big was calm because he was able to come back and be together again. Where the Frog with the most croaks actually told him that he was a good-for-nothing goody-goody. Finally Froggy introduced the Seagull who came to ask for help, where Big first stared at the feathered animal, did he also realize that something bad was going on?....

『Froggy get on my back...』-『Hey tell me, who are you really』. 

Big put his friend on his back to protect himself, where Froogy did not understand what 

was going on. But then Big The Cat pointed directly to the Seagull of who he really was, 

where the parasite noticed that question very personal, and could even notice how the 

Seagull, since he lowered his head saddened by that fact, did not make any sound or speak, just remained silent without doing anything....

『Croak Croak Croak Croak Croak 』

『No Froggy, he doesn't need help, I don't know, but I feel very slight that he is not what we have in front of us, we must not let our guard down at any time』.

At that, Froggy jumped in front of his friend, and again with croaks was giving him his 

opinion that he should not act so brazenly now when all the time he turns out to be 

someone who can be trusted at the moment. In that Big was clear, his friend was right, he can help when he wants to, but this is not the time or who to give it to. He just wants a simple and daily life like everyone else, when he saw the Seagull again, he realized that he was no longer in his place, this puzzled him a lot so he quickly looked for him with his eyes, but he was not the only one, Froggy had also gone ahead and was looking for the 

Seagull, telling him with croaks that he had already scared him away but ....

At that moment the Seagull had appeared at a great speed behind Big's back, who despite having a huge body, managed to perceive it and dodge it just right, but by going so fast, now the target seemed to crash against Froggy who .... At that moment Big with his fishing rod, managed to catch the Seagull and immobilize him at that moment. None of them knew what was going on, but what Big did know was that he was right, so....

『I'm sorry』

The Seagull that was trapped by the net of the fishing rod, this one squeezed too much, 

enough to tear it apart at that very moment, the Seagull was splashing blood from its body because of the wounds, which for Froggy, this was too cruel coming from his friend, who again between croaks was giving him to understand it. But at that moment, Big was confused, the Seagull should have died but...it was still moving when it shouldn't be. .... And the blood that was coming out of its body from the cuts, quickly took a dark and viscous.....

The Parasite came out of the body of the Seagull and threw himself against Big The Cat to possess him, he left his fishing rod and with his huge fist he was going to finish this, with the enormous strength that the huge cat has, he hit directly to the Parasite who could feel all the pressure in his body, he even expanded as if he was dying but... Having more resistance to the blows, he almost survived, and quickly entered the body of big from the hand and from one moment to another he was already possessing him completely. 

Froggy, who saw this and could not do anything, was only confused by this, he thought that everything was over because the parasite had disappeared and only he and his friend Big were left. Who was calm and normal, even his usual carefree gesture, Froggy made him croaks to answer his many questions but Big just looked at him, he didn't say anything, but he was really grateful that he gave him the help he needed for his mission.

With his huge new body, Big Parasite went into the jungle and this time the next time he sees that group again, he is very sure that if he will have a chance to get the child, the 

strength now that he has, he does not see it so far away from everyone.


Now that I think about it in all these days that have passed, aren't there things that I haven't been up to date with? First of all, I understand that that monster that we found in the Mysterious Island was Sonic, right? Then why when I woke up I didn't find him around our home? You don't know how I wanted to see him and talk to him, for sure it would have been a lot of fun, I would have even asked him to sign my shoes so I could have the blessing of the fastest hedgehog in the world. But when I asked where he was, everyone was kind of disappointed and answered me that he tricked Carmis so he could go to another world by himself, when I heard this I saw my friend Carmis, who said in simple words.

『I was fooled by who I thought I had something special...but we're still going to make 

the socks with his face....*sad*』.

I couldn't believe it, although I guess he is one of those people that can't stay still even for a second, they are always in constant movement because ...., that answers a lot of things. Everyone was left with a little bad image of Sonic, specially Amy that when I reminded him, he was upset promising that the next time he comes back, if he comes back, he will make him understand that he won't leave here until he pleases everyone..... this girl really needs to be unloaded...How sad the truth, I would have liked to fight against him and even show if I am faster or he is, although for what I feel I'm sure he is much faster than me for now. 

『Wait, Carmis can create portals that travel to other worlds? And by the way what was 

that pure energy he uses, did he learn it from the UltiWorld magic book? *excited* I'm 

going to ask Carmis one of these days to tell me more about everything he knows, but .... with going to another world...I'm ready for a trip that size?....』

A doubt came to my mind that seemed to be born a little while ago, am I really ready or do I prefer to stay here? For now I don't know.... I am very happy with what I have now....

It also seems that no one told Blaze what his penalty was for having angered Carmis the 

first time we met, only when she asked, they all laughed and said better not to tell her because she would get very angry because of the absurdity of it. This obviously piqued the cat's curiosity, so she also asked Carmis directly what the punishment was, which the 

demon said. 

『You were there when I told you how I got here, weren't you Miss Kitten』.

『Speak for once Demon』.

『I think I will also want to win your friendship so you can treat me properly Miss Blaze 

*cough* You remember my date with Medusa right? and everything that happened with the food? well, I forgot all that because -----------』

At that moment, from what Carmis was counting calmly, Blaze launched an attack that 

grazed his face, even hit him very hard with a look that would scare anyone, Carmis could not do anything, the fear if it ended up hitting him hard.

『Don't tell me that the punishment you were going to do to me.... was to make me look like a dirty clown!!!! Eh!!!!』

『...eh...ehh..... You are in a hurry Miss Kitty!!!! Let me finish!!!! Ahhhh....*fear* Better let 

Master M tell you!!!! After what he thinks he won't listen to me or believe me!!!!』

At that time, Carmis used her portal to escape from Blaze, who she was annoyed with the issue of how she was going to be punished if we really had an ugly ending. So that's how I got Blaze who was sure and wanted to confirm with me if her punishment was to suffer a diarrhea like Carmis did, she was really annoyed with the Demon and I know that look, no matter what Carmis says, as long as it comes from someone she doesn't trust she won't listen to it, so.

『Don't go around giving my friend Carmis the evil eye, although at first he told me that he was going to do the punishment, but then he ended up agreeing that if we all lost, you were going to suffer the biggest punishment, and that was it』.

I don't know why, but first I looked everywhere, and I even told Blaze to come closer so I 

could say it clearly, and as if it was a huge secret, I told him and his reaction was...

『...Dancing the Fuzz?』

『If...dancing the Fuzz....』

『Dancing....the Fluff....what is fluff?』

And that's how Blaze seems to have finally calmed down and seems to recognize that she got carried away by her anger at the thought of something very humiliating. But I was still curious as to what the Lint Dance was like, so since she didn't know, and because I wanted to make her understand, plus I already consider her a friend to whom I have nothing to be ashamed of, so in front of her, I started dancing the Lint Dance. 

『♫♬We want everyone to Dance the Fuzz off of us ♪♩𝄞』

『♫♬We want everyone to Dance the Fuzz off of us ♪♩𝄞』

『♫♬Fuzz this way, Fuzz that way ♪♩𝄞』

『♫♬Fluff on the front, Fluff on the back ♪♩𝄞』

I actually started dancing to what I remembered from the song, when I sang it and danced at the same time, Blaze's expression was as if he was watching the worst thing in the world, did it really shock him that much to see me do that? I quickly explained to her that since she was going to do it alone, instead of "everyone" we were going to say her name, so I repeated it again.

『♫♬We want Blaze to Dance the Fuzz ♪♩𝄞』

『♫♬We want Blaze to Dance the Fuzz ♪♩𝄞』

『♫♬Fuzz this way, Fuzz that way ♪♩𝄞』

『♫♬Fluff on the front, Fluff on the back ♪♩𝄞』

It was really impossible for me to imagine Blaze doing this before, but even now I could 

imagine her doing the step and even more. When I finally understood it, I was in high 

spirits waiting to see if Blaze really wants to dance with me to this song, but from his 

serious face only came out.

『I'll kill that bastard』.

And when I least expected it, there was already a trail of fire all over the passageway, I 

guess I shouldn't have done it, right? The dance was too much, wasn't it? Well, may our 

demon friend rest in peace, he only lasted 4 chaps with the group. We will remember you forever compa Carmis. 

Psdt: In the end Blaze forced Carmis to dance the Fuzz by himself while we all sang the 


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