
Ethereal Imprisonment Boundary

As the three carefully peered over the ridge, it was apparent just by feeling the power fluctuations that Genesis Beasts on the other side were indeed High-Grade 4 like they had suspected. There were only a few Low-Grade 5 Genesis Beasts mixed throughout and a singular Alpha Genesis beast, which thankfully was also Low-Grade 5. Taking a closer look, it was indeed the Genesis Beast that had taunted their group a few hours earlier with the Fortressing Event.

The pack of Genesis Beasts were relatively calm and collected, unlike the usual Genesis Beasts that inhabited the wastelands. Despite being the exact same species, the presence of an Alpha-Genesis Beast definitely made a drastic difference in their behaviour. Some were even sleeping on each other like puppies would.

In this case, it was safe to assume that if they could kill the Alpha Genesis Beast, then their mission would essentially be complete - minus the need to probably still kill a few more Genesis Beasts just to ensure not so many would be near the wall.

Then again, assuming the Alpha Genesis Beast did have the effect that they thought it did, the Genesis Beast would just go back to savagely tearing each other apart after they killed it.

"So what's the plan?"

Qingchan was a little taken aback at Julongs questions. He had been the one to lead them all the way out there - he had even chosen the commission for god's sake.

"What do you mean, 'oh great leader', don't you remember it was you who chose to do this? I could have sworn you were in charge, so why would I have to think of a plan?"

Such a cheeky comment only caused Julong to roll his eyes. He had known Qingchan long enough to tell that she was just trying to tease him. It was definitely weird at first since she always seemed so serious or cutely stubborn in front of Yao Yao, but he could only chalk that down to having no other real friends. Now that she had a friend she could be herself with, her teasing and playful nature was in full swing. That was especially apparent with Xiao Dai.

"It was just a question, I wouldn't want to make you do something you don't want to. Besides, I'm not just going to boss you around the whole time, this mission was assigned to you by the Peak Masters."

Xiao Dai merely glanced over the two before looking back at the Genesis Beasts. Like how she had pulled a one-eighty on Julong after they had first met and become rather unkempt in her behaviour, she had become increasingly serious as they got closer to the Genesis Beasts. It was the kind even Qingchan dare not get in the way of.

"I believe our best course of action would be to assemble some form of boundary around the pack of Genesis Beasts to prevent them from escaping. It doesn't need to be strong enough to stop the Grade 5 Genesis Beasts, since they are the strongest ones and will not back down, it will only be there to cause a struggle for them so we can kill them while they are distracted in the off chance that they try to escape."

Julong looked at Qingchan with a slight smirk.

"See that's the kind of thing that I was expecting as a response. Not just a personal attack."

Qingchan smiled at his words. It was a sweet smile acting innocently, seemingly ignoring what he had said.

"Well, it just so happens that I know the perfect boundary for this. It will just require someone skilled in Genesis Runes."

Now it made sense why she only smiled at his mocking words.

"Well, we already know how lacking you are in Genesis Runes, Qingchan. Don't worry, I'll do them."

Her smile faltered, becoming a slight frown as Xiao Dai slyly watched the interaction from the side. She was very amused now that the focus of the teasing had shifted from her for the second. Especially how it was now Qingchan, who had been teasing her earlier.


Qingchan put her hand out and used Genesis Qi to summon 6 jade tablets and a brush.

"All I need is for you to draw six rudimentary amour runes that are Grade 4. After you do that I'll use them as anchor points to enhance my Low-Grade Genesis Technique, Ethereal Imprisonment Boundary." She quickly shoved them in Julongs direction. "It will basically ensure that the barrier will not break as soon as one of the Grade 5 Genesis Beasts touches it."

Julong nodded in response, thinking of what Genesis Rune to draw. A simple Grade 4 Genesis Rune that Yao Yao had taught him was the Armoured Tortoise Shell Rune, which in this case would be a perfect fit.

He clicked his fingers, making them all hover in front of him. He put his hand out over the top of them, and his Spirit burst out like an unrivalled stream of golden fire. It evoked quite a bit of surprise from Xiao Dai, who unlike Li Qingchan, was not aware that his Spirit was a mesmerising Golden colour. On top of this, the fact he was at the Corporeal Realm blew her away. She wouldn't even have guessed it since his Alpha-Origin Layer was still so low. What was even crazier was that she could tell he was nearing the peak of the Early Stage. Even if the Early Stage and the first three Layers of the Alpha-Origin Realm were equivalent, it was still incredibly rare for them to be at the same level in a cultivator of any Realm. Many no matter their efforts, would always be behind by at least one or two levels in their Spirit Cultivation.

Without even holding the brush - like a machine lasering the Genesis Rune onto the jade tablets, they were generated in a synchronised manner from top to bottom, perfectly.

When he was done, Julong dispelled his Divine Spirit and took a quick glance at the two girls who were a little shaken at the level of his Spirit Cultivation. Even Qingchan who was well aware of his prowess didn't know he could essentially just summon Genesis Runes onto a Tablet. Not even the Peak Masters could do such a thing.

Was it because of his Golden Spirit?

"I'm done, Qingchan."

"R-Right. I'll get started right away."

Closing her eyes, she took control of the Jade Tablets that were idly hanging in the air. Genesis Qi gently picked up around, swirling like a small tornado. When she opened her eyes, the Jade Tablets began to glow brightly. Abruptly after, along with the displaced Genesis Qi around Qingchan, they vanished into thin air.

"The boundary will appear when I want it to, I just want to run through what will happen after I do summon it."

Xiao Dai and Julong nodded, giving her a prompt to continue.

"When I summon the Ethereal Imprisonment Boundary, I will head straight for the Alpha Genesis Beast as I'm the only one strong enough to kill it. Killing the other Grade 5 Genesis Beasts will be necessary to make sure they do not interrupt us, if you two could handle that, I would appreciate it." They once again nodded in affirmation. "Feel free to kill the other Genesis Beasts, it will not only remove most of the Genesis Beasts closer to the city walls, but as I'm sure you know they will provide absorbable Genesis Qi. We'll discuss the rewards afterwards."

Julong smiled at her leadership, but he couldn't let an opportunity like this slip. Not for his sake, nor Xiao Dai's sake.

"Yes ma'am."

Qingchan immediately flinched at the word ma'am. She didn't like it one bit. It made her sound old.

"Julong, is today the day you want to die?"

Julong only chuckled in response to the threat.

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