
85. Fire Witch & Stone Rocket (Edited)



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Editor: Kyran_Ambrosius


After moving in front of the castle gates, I gave the password and entered unhindered.

Climbing up to the third floor, I entered Hex's room and saw Hope sitting on the floor, surrounded by books, next to the gold vault and enthusiastically reading something.

She has obviously been sitting here since I left, for she looked terrible. Dark circles around the eyes, disheveled and dirty hair, clothes all in a mess. And she smells, I must say, not lavender.

- You look bad. - I said to get attention since Hope didn't notice my arrival.

- Lex? Why are you back? It's only been a few hours since you left. Something happened? - Hope asked incredulously, looking at me while rubbing her tired eyes.

- Actually, it's been two days. And I came as we agreed. Looks like you're too busy reading. - I said. Now I understand why Hope didn't even call me.

- What? It cannot be. - Hope said in disbelief, then looked at herself and said in horror: - You're right. God, how I stink. Wait a minute, I'll take a quick shower and come back.

I didn't even have time to say anything as the girl ran out of the room and left me alone. Sighing heavily at her behavior, I began to clean up the room.

Picking up all the books with telekinesis, I went inside the safe and put them in their places. The books themselves had rather exciting titles, but now it's not up to that.

Half an hour later, Hope returned, and now she looked fresh, slept, and most importantly, clean. Here without magic, obviously not done.

Also, Hope put on her mother's robe, which I saw last time and which really suited her. Better than the old cloak.

- Thanks for waiting. - Hope said quickly, then jumped up to me for a kiss, which I gladly gave her.

- Well, how are you doing? - After finishing the kiss, I asked.

- Great. In recent days, I have learned more than in the last year. Thanks to books, I learned new spells and rituals and also began to better understand my own magic. - delightedly said, Hope.

- I'm happy for you. But I see you haven't slept at all. I hope you didn't forget to eat? - I asked, knowing full well the answer.

- I forgot. I didn't even notice how time passed. - with guilt, said the Charmcaster.

- With… As I thought, and then wait a couple of minutes.- I said quickly. Shaking my head, I teleported to San Francisco and quickly bought two pizzas in the same pizzeria that my family and I recently visited.

- Here you are. - I said and handed the pizza box to Hope as soon as I returned to the castle.

- Thanks a lot. What exciting thing happened to you? - Hope asked, then pounced on a slice of pizza.

Taking the same piece, I began to talk about recent events.


Just when all the pizza was over, I finished my story.

- I ended up burning their bodies. - I said.

- It's unfortunate. - Hope said sympathetically as she learned the fate of the crew of the Cobrasapiens research spaceship. - And nothing can be done?

- It's been too long, so no. - Shaking my head, I said. But, after a bit of thought, I nevertheless added: - Initially, the Omnitrix was created to restore extinct species. I have already collected several DNA samples from the disappeared races, so there is always a possibility to bring them back. The watchmaker must have a way to do this. At a minimum, this is possible with the help of cloning. Someday, in the future, I am sure that I will be able to find a new home for these races.

- I believe that you will succeed. - Hope said with a smile and kissed me on the cheek.

- Thank you. - I said. It's damn lovely when they believe in you.

- How is your relationship with Gwen and Ashley? - Hope changed the topic without a hint of jealousy.

Hearing the question, I grimaced a little, honestly said: - Not really. My guilt is just killing me, and I usually can't communicate with them and try to avoid them.

- Do not worry. I'm sure they'll understand. It may not be easy, but they will manage. - Hope said sympathetically, stroking my cheek.

- Eh... I want to believe that it will be so. Everything would be resolved as soon as possible. - Taking a deep breath, I said. And then, to change the topic, I added.- By the way, here's what I promised.

I took out the Staff of Ages, the Archamada Book of Spells, and the Book of Elemental Magic from the spatial store and handed them over to Hope.

- Many thanks. Hope happily accepted the gifts, and I received a passionate kiss again.

While the Charmcaster was looking at the magical artifacts with curiosity, I decided to continue the conversation: - I read the book that you gave me. She was informative but not exactly what I needed.

- You didn't like the book? - Hope asked sadly, putting her things aside.

- No. I liked it. But, it's too low a level for me. Because of my Anodite heritage, I find it much easier to handle magic than ordinary magicians. And the basic stuff, I just don't need it. I can do all this instinctively. - I said quickly.

- Yes? Then I really envy you. It took me almost half a year of training to create the first spell. And this is considering that then I lived in a magically saturated dimension. - Hope admitted honestly.

- Do not worry. I'm sure you're much better than me in all things magic. Maybe Anodites are intuitive, but we lack the ingenuity and control inherent in Magicians who have spent years studying magic. - I said.

- Hmm, that's good to know. Okay, let's not talk about sad things. So what book do you need? - Hope asked as she got to her feet.

- A collection of unique and varied magic would be best. It doesn't have to be powerful spells and the main thing with exciting features and effects. - Thinking for a bit, I said.

- Actually, I have a suitable book. - Going into the safe, Hope said, and a second later, she came out with two books in her hands.

First handing me a small purple book, Hope said: - This is the grimoire of the royal family of Legerdemain. Before, it belonged to my father, and for centuries, the rulers of the dimension have written their knowledge into it. Don't look at her size. The grimoire is an authentic magical artifact with infinite pages containing several thousand spells. And just like you asked. Unique, bizarre, and unusual spells and rituals.

- Don't you need this book yourself? - I asked, taking the grimoire.

- For me, it's too early to study it. First, I need to create a solid foundation. And besides, my uncle's books have everything I need. As I said, this grimoire contains non-standard spells. - Charmcaster said with a smile.

- Then, I will accept this book. Thank you. - Thankfully, I said.

- My pleasure. She is rightfully yours. Technically, you are the current King of Legerdomain, so the book should be your heir. Just drop your blood on the grimoire to own it. No one else can use it without your permission as long as you're alive. Also, you can use it as a hub if needed. And here is a dictionary of the Legerdemain language so that you can learn the language and translate the contents of the grimoire. - Hope said and handed me the second book.

- Honestly, I don't know how to thank you. These are precious things. - I said I didn't know how to express my feelings.

- Do not. You are my husband, and I must support you. I don't feel sorry for you. - Hope said with a huge smile.

Unable to bear how sweet she was, I kissed the girl again. When we finally broke up, I decided to get back on topic before it was too late.

- I have two more requests for you.- I said quickly.

- What kind? - with red cheeks, Hope asked.

- First, can you get three more magic bags like you have? - I asked, knowing full well that such a thing would be helpful to my family.

- Are you talking about this one? - Hope asked as she showed me her creepy magical bag.

- Exactly. Inside it, isn't their spatial storage? - I asked.

- There is. True, it is small, only two cubic meters. Although, the bag has other functions.

- I'm only interested in storage. Even if it's small. - I said instantly.

-I can make my own bag with spatial storage attached to it. I made mine when I was 6 years old, in Legerdomin. - the girl said, and now I understand why she has such a fancy design.

- I would be very grateful. - I said from the bottom of my heart.

- Not worth it. It is not so difficult. When you come next time, I will give them to you. What is the second request? - Hope asked.

- Do you know of any ritual, spell, or artifact that can create mind protection from outside interference or bad influences? - I asked, and this is the best way to keep Ashley safe from her powers.

- I don't know anything of the sort, but I can look it up in my uncle's books. Let's see what I can find there. - After a bit of thought, said the Charmcaster.

- Thank you. Well, it's time for me. - I said, looking at the time, and everyone should be awake by now.

- Leaving so soon? Do you have time to reconcile our marriage? - Hope asked coquettishly.

Once again, looking at the time, and then at the seductress, I quickly got to my feet, picked up the girl in my arms, and asked: - Where is your room?

- Hahaha, on the second floor. - Hope said, chuckling at my actions as she grabbed my neck.

And then, you know what happened.


After taking a shower, I teleported to the RV and immediately noticed Gwen, who was enthusiastically drawing a ritual circle on the ground. Deciding not to distract her, I sat down on a nearby bench and began to watch Gwen's actions.

After Gwen finished drawing, she walked to the edge of the circle, placed her hands on it, and began to chant: - Vivifica, o servi lapidis! Venite, servite mihi! Lapidum sculpturarum creatio! (Come to life, my stone servants! Come and serve me! Creation of stone sculptures!)

The ritual circle shone with pink light, and then, the stone blocks that lay in the center of the ring began to move and merge into three stone creatures, precisely the same as those used by Hope. Then, the pink light soaked into the golems, and they came to life.

- It worked! - Gwen shouted with delight as the golems approached and bowed before her.

- Well done. - I walked over to the girl and said.

- Oh, Lex, you're back. - Gwen said and hugged me.

- I see you've decided to create a couple of assistants for yourself. - I said as I accepted the girl's arms.

- Yes, I really liked the spell, so I decided to use it right away. Finis. - the girl said, after which she cast a spell, and the golems decreased in size.

- Are you done? - asked Ashley, who had just come up and hugged me too.

- Yes, and everything went great. - not hiding her happiness, said Gwen, pointing at the golems, the size of chess pieces.

- Ashley, I have a little present for you. - I said, and taking out the plate of Serpensordium, I handed it to the Osmosian hand.

- What is it? - Ashley asked curiously.

- This is Serpensordium. Precious and scarce metal. I was lucky to find him. Adsorb it and check it out. I'm sure you'll like the result. - I said mysteriously to keep the intrigue.

- Okay. - Ashley said and absorbed the metal. Serpensordius himself had an unusual black color with a blue tint, so this is precisely what the girl looked like now.

Walking to the nearest boulder, Ashley lightly hit it. She clearly did not expect the stone to instantly crumble into pieces as if it had been shot with a bazooka.

- Wow! - Ashley exclaimed enthusiastically when she saw the result.

- This metal is one of the strongest in the universe. You won't find a better metal to absorb, and on Earth, it is. - I said with a smile.

- Thank you, thank you, thank you… - Ashley shouted, rushing to hug me. Fortunately, she managed to remove the cover.

- No way, and here, try to squeeze this plate as hard as possible. - I said, and it's time to implement my old idea.

Ashley took to the task without question and enthusiastically began to compress the metal. At first, she simply used her super strength, and then she figured out to use matter manipulation, an ability also available to her when she absorbs the material.

After a couple of minutes, the plate, meter by meter, turned into a small ball the size of a bead.

- Here, I can't do it anymore. Ashley handed over the bead, which weighed over a kilogram despite its small size.

- Because you just squeezed it, you managed to save all the material. This means you can use this bead to instantly create a full cover, no matter how big it is. It's better than the bracelet I made you before. You no longer need to carry materials with you or look for them nearby. Look. - I said and turned into an Osmosian and then absorbed the metal.

- So, is this my race? - Ashley asked with curiosity, examining my appearance, and seemed to have listened to my words.

- In general, collect all the materials you will use in battle and squeeze them. And then create a necklace or bracelet. The main thing is that the material touches your skin, so you can absorb matter not only with your hands. - I said with a sigh, handing over the Serpensordium bead and canceling the transformation.

- Thank you. I understood everything. - Ashley said and kissed me on the cheek, but then she added: - Hmm, what's that smell? Lavender?


& Gwen, Ashley, Lex, come here. I think you will find it interesting. - Grandpa shouted from the bus, thus saving me from disaster.

- We're going, grandpa. - I quickly said and got in the RV.

Fortunately, my reaction did not seem strange to the girls, and they calmly went with me.

Max wanted to show us a video of a fight between Hex and the girls, which he found on the Internet. The video itself was called - «Companions of the Legion against the Evil Sorcerer! The debut of the Fire Witch and the Stone Rocket.»

- Stone Rocket? - Ashley asked, dumbfounded.

- Fire Witch? - Gwen asked in the same tone.

- Well, it sucks….

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