
Red Rain.

Shi Lang gave instructions and the people got to work. They were going to wait for a few hours before they started the raid. The plan was divided into steps and the roles were clearly highlighted. The strategy was not something too simple and it was not something too complex. 

As the curtain of night thickened, Shi Lang said, "Go." 

With that one word, Carole and Hunk set off the stake outpost to the duke's mansion. Their goal was to claim the highest watchtower inside the complex. Hunk may look big and bulky but he had a special skill, he could easily sneak through even the most heavily guarded places. The two moved like a unit. Hunk was tasked to kill the ground units of the enemy side. While Carole was to provide him cover from the shadows and advance at his pace. They were not to go to the watchtower directly. 

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