
Chapter 9

Bucky's POV

I jog outside to find Ember and I found her standing a couple of meters away from the entrance.

'Ember.' I say, she doesn't answer me. I grow curious, I place my right hand on her left shoulder.

'Ember.' I say again, she whips around and punches me in the jaw, she back! She sprints off through the crowd and I begin chasing her.

'Goddammit she's fast!' I hiss loudly, I begin to lose her in the crowd but I don't give up. After a couple of minutes, I lose her, I stop running and catch my breath.

'Shit!' I snap, I hear footsteps behind me but I know exactly who it was.

'Buck, what are you doing?'

'She's gone.'

'What do you mean gone?'

'She came back and she escaped!' I growl, Steve sighs.

'Let's go back to the tower, we'll sort things from there.'

'I'm going to go for a walk.'

'Oh, do you want me to come with you?'

'No. I need to be alone.' Steve hops on my motorbike and leaves as I continue walking through the crowd.


I have my hood on and my head down, something accidentally bumps into me.

'Christ –' it's a kid! The kid looks about the age of 7 and in desperate need of help?

'Sorry Sir! But can you help me?' The little girl says, I kneel down to match her eye level. She looks like she's in a rush and she panicking.

'What happened?' I ask gently.

'There's a – a man chasing me! He has a knife and – and-'

'Hey, hey! It's okay, what does this man look like?'

'He's – He's there!' I stand up and see a man running towards us, the girl cowers behind me legs as the man stands in front of me. I see a chef's knife in his hands, he's glaring at me with deadly eyes.

'Give that girl to me.' The man snarls, I narrow my eyes at him.

'No.' I say.

'What?!' he spits, I wipe the saliva off my face.

'I said No.' The man growls in his throat, I could feel the little girl grip onto my pants tighter. 'I will not let you get a hold of this child.' I snarl, the knife shifts in his hand.

'If you won't hand me to her by asking, then I'll do it by force!' He swings the knife across my face but it only cuts my cheek, I growl and grip the hand with the knife in it. Surprisingly, the girl still is behind me. I take the knife out of his hand and drop it on the ground, he has a nasty look on his face.

'Leave the girl alone, you have done nothing but harm to this innocent girl who clearly shouldn't be in your hands.' I hiss with venom in my voice, the man face has become full of wrath. The police arrive and arrest the man, they force him to sit in the car and they drive away.

I sigh and face the little girl; she looks up at me with wide eyes. I pick her up and hold her on my hip, her eyes look at the cut across my right cheek.

'Are you okay Mr?' she asks me, I smile slightly.

'Yeah, are you okay? What's your name kid?' She nods and wipes her finger across my cut to get the dribbling blood off, I make a quiet sucking in noise as it stings.

'My name is Aurora.' She smiles, surprisingly I smile back.

'How about I take you home with me?' I ask quietly, she nods and we stroll home to Avengers Tower.


Steve's POV

It's sunset and Bucky hasn't returned yet, everyone was in the loungeroom waiting with a furious Fury, he had called a meeting every day since Emberly's last attack which was month ago. The elevator doors open and reveal Bucky and – a child?

'Where have you been? And why do you have a child with you?' Fury yells, the child hides behind Bucky's legs which makes me smile a little.

'Gee, I didn't think you guys cared about me.' Bucky says sarcastically, the kid follows Bucky into the kitchen while he makes himself a much-deserved coffee. I see Tony and Clint smirk from the corner of my eye.

'What would you like kid?' Bucky asks the girl; she thinks for a moment.

'Orange juice please.' She says politely, I see Bucky smile as he pours her a glass of orange juice. Bucky and the girl make their way over to the couch and sit next to me, the kid curls up into a ball and leans on Bucky's chest.

'You disappeared-'

'I needed some alone time with anyone breathing on my neck.' He snarls, I see Bucky had a protective arm around the kid which made me smile more.


Bucky's POV

Aurora was curled up into a ball and leaning against my chest, I had a protective arm around her after what had happened today. Steve kept looking at me but then quickly looking away, thinking I didn't notice.

'Barnes, what happened to your cheek?' Fury asked me, crap! I forgot about that!

'He saved me.' Aurora speaks up unexpectedly, I look at her as her big eyes look into mine. I could tell Fury was growing more suspicious.

'Little girl, what exactly did Barnes save you from?'

'He saved me from this man who had a big knife and was trying to do something bad to me.' Everybody looked at me, my face was getting red. I did not want them to see my soft side.

I heard Stark snort; I glare at him.

'It's not funny!' Aurora protests angrily, Stark looks at the little girl. 'The man was a serious threat and Bucky saved me from him!' she snuggled closer to my chest, Fury sighs.

'Anyway, back onto the topic. We need a new way to find her, our advantage is gone and…' Fury continues speaking but I ignore him, Aurora looks up to me curiously.

'What does he mean by "our advantage is gone"?' The kid asks, I sigh, Naomi.

'Um – look, I'm not how to explain this a kid-friendly way but someone we knew who helped us passed away a month ago.' Aurora's face fell with sadness.

'Oh, I'm sorry.' I pull her closer to me, I have sad eyes.

'It's alright, it was her time.'

'I really am sorry Bucky; how long did you know her for?'

'About a month.' Aurora yawns, I smile slightly and I stand up, carrying Aurora in my arms.

'Where are you going Barnes?' Fury questions as I walk to the elevator, I don't look at him.

'Aurora's tired, she needs her beauty sleep. Plus, she doesn't need to hear what you guys are talking about.' I inform him, he grunts and then continues talking when I enter the elevator.


We reach my room; I didn't realise that Aurora fell asleep in my arms. I put the child on my bed so I could find one of my plain white t-shirts for her to wear.

'Bucky?' Aurora asks tiredly as she sits up, I grab the shirt and walk over to her.

'Yeah, kiddo?'

'Could you stay here with me tonight, please?'

'Sure kiddo, let's get you changed first.' She gets off the bed and I help her get her t-shirt off, I stop half-way. Scars, bruises and scratches . . . child abuse! I continue getting her undressed except for her underwear, I put the enormous t-shirt on her. I sit her on the bed as I take her shoes and socks off.

I lie down on the bed and Aurora scurries over and rests her head on my chest while she had my right arm wrapped around her, I stare at the ceiling and I noticed that the kid fell asleep. Within minutes, I fell asleep.

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