
mamma ....where am i going...?

megha didnot know that she was about to leave her parents ...and elena didnt say that.....she didnot want to hurt her child.....she inside felt very sad and fear about her child.....megha thinks that she was leaving her dad but she didnt know that ...she wanys to leave.....what was their plan....what father vampire thinks and what her husband mark was going to do.....is he fought with them.....he didnot know any thing about this...

all vampire colony came....it consists of maximum ..100 people only. they mainly eat any dead animal or dead human.....and eventually they become young and young....

they made their home in that colony and mother vampire was incharge of that and father vampire leads that colony and tells fortune for them .....he came from another world .....that is human vampire...yes he is also a human vampire.....he doesnt like their worst behaviours and started to live in human world and there he met mother vampire...then they turned in to head vampires and they gave birth to two sons...one son was missed and another turned in to king of vampire and later he also loved a vampire from there and gave birth to six vampires.....then the count multiplied ...last 4 th generation 1st daughter was elena and she got married with sub head mark and gave birth to megha...megha ...she is 14 years child with beautiful childhood. ..she has great similarities with human than vampire .....and that lost child went to human world and married there ....there he had a son and later from vampire world a girl ce and loved him and married .....now that child tottally turned into human and he married a human and gave birth to human...thus was all known by father vampire.....while human vampires were killing them.....he stood there statue because if he kill them....they will found out their place and they will attack them...for their protection....he stayed there calmly. .. but they left their great grand son.....who was 16 years old....and studying a college....that 1st generation old man asked help from his father and father vampire protected him from that great war and rescued him and kept a secrete power to him.....

later he was searching his fortune and found that he will definitely became vampire but it tooks time.....when he became vampire...he will be more strong than human vampire and the child of 6 th generation will obtain some super natural powers so that ....human vampires...will feel fear to touch themm...this was the only remedy up to now.....but who was that lucky girl. suddenly megha came to his mind and informed that news to mother vampire.....mother vampire followed that and ordered elena to send her human world....they also informed mark...just now...mark ...when he listen that news...he had his nerve and went to father vampire. .. ...to fight for her daughter.. but he is too late that father vanpired prisoned mark and asked elena. . to send her human world...

elena : ok grand pa i will send her to human world but you have to send another one with her along. ?.

father vampire understands her and agree with her and asked a gaurd to go with her. that gaurd she knows very well...he is well trained guard so she accepted and nodded to her grand pa.....

time came.....megha was about to leave vampire world.....all vampires came... but mark not came....mother vampire came forward and said to megha....

mother vampire : dear child.. ...you are going to meet your brother in law now so please respect him and study well there...

megha : grand ma.....i am going to human world right.....

mother vampire: yes my child...

megha : but grand ma ...mamma told me that dad was going but why am i ....?

mother vampires stood silent and then... : dad was not going he had an urgent work and he asked you to go with uncle and dad will come yo see you after you gone to human world and there uncle will protect you...

megha was anxious and saw her mother and called her to come forward

megha : mamma ...i am leaving to human world and come back with lot of gifts. take care of yourself and dad ....

elena : be careful and complete work as soon as possible and come to home. ..i will wait you for my lifetime dear...

megha : mamma...no worries. .your daughter is practiced and she is capable of any thing.....ok then byee .....if dad comes send him to me.....i miss him so much ....

elena was about to cry and hold her tears and saw her little princess and felt sad and kissed her forehead and cheek....

megha ,: mamma. dont be emotional...i will come fast after finding uncle..

elena : ok dear....dont forget to change your habits and be like human in human world.....she says and look at her child and hugged her....later megha says good bye to her mom and travelled to human world.....

author's thought : hello friend...i think this episode is clumpsy ....but for a note.....i am giving you the relation clarity.....mother vampires 2nd son her great grand father and 1 st son great grand daughter was megha...megha family tree : mother vampire - 1st gen.vampire son-2nd generation sin - 3rd generation son and 4 th generation dahghter and 5 th generation megha...

hero family tree..: 1st gen .vampire to her grand pa and dad him ...he is the 4 th generation last child.....he has taken 2 years to born.....so he was 16 years only..

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