
Chapter 57 - The murder of the h€r0!%{

While Zoemi was guiding the shaken blue-haired teacher to Miriete's room so that she could use the message spell and connect her and Mizoe to clear up the possible misunderstanding, someone else was already standing in front of Burushiitto's room.

A certain black-haired individual wearing the uniform of the Aspaekony Academy.


The black-haired boy looked around, thankfully as it was already basically night so no random student was wandering about, so he raised his hand to knock on the door – and stopped.

"...almost forgot..."

He muttered to himself and took off the pin signifying the academic year he was attending, and put it into his front pocket.

"Haa... it all would be so much easier if I could use muffle...anyway - with that, the only thing left would be..."

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