
Sweet Home

Zelretch's book may have been big, but it was quite comprehensive. Explaining the how's and why's so simple, any dumbass first time Magus Shirou Emiya could've followed along with absolutely zero problems.

"Have you found that which is beautiful, Fou?" And despite my wanting a couple of servants, I have to deal with Merlin dodging my swords. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!" It mattered nought how I tried to stab him, he had a counter… Clairvoyant asshole.

"I suppose so, old friend." I could feel how my brow twitched when he talked. Like it was ingrained in my instincts to want to murder him… Not that I didn't try. Despite the flashes of light and noise I made, Harriet slept soundly, exhaustion taking place of careful vigilance.


"How have you been? I do believe it's been quite some time since we killed Solomon." I opted to ignore Merlin and gather more information as EMIYA tended to the fire.

"Do you remember? The 15th day of the 5th?" His eyes, they were tired, tired of everything he's gone through. "It would seem, we both remember the countless times we were summoned, to follow in our actions to arrive at the same end." Now, this is interesting.

"How many masters did we severe with at Chaldea? I've lost track." Artoria quietly put a hand on mine… How long had it been since I actually felt her warmth? Since I wasn't bound to humanity's unconscious will.

"Too many, Shirou…" Her hand trembled, as I gently took it in mine. "It would seem that the two miracles have occurred." We looked up, seeing Merlin approach us with our new master in his arms, clearly upset about being treated like a stuffed animal.

"'One must wait continuously, while the other must pursue endlessly.' Yes?" Surprise bloomed across Artoria and Merlin's faces. "Exactly right, dear master!" He didn't speak normally, only using the telepathy provided by our contracts to talk. His voice was… androgynous to say the least.

"Then I must thank you, for reuniting me and Shirou." We bowed in sync, giving our gratitude to the one who let us be together again. "No need to thank me, really!"

"Nonetheless, I will thank you." He seemed surprised I spoke up, is it really that surprising? "Once, for reuniting us, and another for annulling my contract with Alaya."

'Dammit Merlin! I wanted to watch the love birds!' I thought, mentally sending a glare at the man as I was finally put on the ground.

"Well, I would prefer if you didn't really thank me, we're not out of the woods yet." It was a feeling I had, of encroaching doom. "I have a couple questions for you both, if you would so kind as to answer." They looked at each other, nodding, and then looked back.

"Judging from your little talk and reminiscent actions, you've retained some memories of Chaldea… Do you also have ones from other places?" Shirou grimaced, clearly thinking about Extra and Extella.

"Yes, though I would prefer to not talk about them, master." I would respect that, not wanting to talk about something is entirely fine.

"Then allow me to fill you in on the situation, first things first, Omniverse, are you aware of what that means?" Shirou's face contorted, hand slapping his forehead. "Shirou?" Artoria asked, concern on her face as she cupped his.

"It seems that at least two of us are aware~" Merlin, as always, is an annoying shit. "Then let me read in our King of Knights about the subject. Imagine it like this, you have a bag of marbles, and in those Marbles are bubbles with drops of water in them." Fou started, catching Artoria's rapt attention.

"The water, is a uni-verse, each bubble has water and thus that marble is a multi-verse. Each multiverse has numerous universes, all different worlds with different events and things happening and their own 'One Above All' or almighty beings that are basically the one True God presiding over them." Merlin hummed, resting his head on a hand while he fidgeted with a light pink Chrysanthemum.

"Now, the bag is what I call the Omni-verse, because it hosts everything. Each and every Multiversal Cluster in existence, thus making all stories a reality somewhere." Archer grimmaced, "And that's why another version of myself would never free himself from his contract?"

"A valid question, but no, that is pure-timeline fuckery. Now! Let's talk about the future."

"I'm surprised my progeny has even survived as long as it has in this world." Merlin stood over Harriet's Hammock, a blanket now draped across her form. His smile spread as the smile of flowers wafted across the light breeze, rocking her back and forth.

"Are you sure about this, Master? Transferring your command seals could cause incredible pain, even if you will act like a Holy Grail." Saber frowned, watching the young girl in a dreamless sleep.

"That I am, this spell was so graciously included in the notes section of my copy… I feel as though I should use it." Fou fidgeted on his paws, back and forth like a dog that just couldn't sit still but had to stand in one place.

"And when she turns 13? Are you even sure our master will wish to undergo such a process?" Archer attend to the pot sitting on a spit, the morning sun starting to raise. "I'm not, but if we're going to be here for 30 years in the span of 30 days…" His voice trailed off, everyone stilled as Harriet shuffled in her hammock.

"Hello." My voice was quiet as I opened my eyes, a strange man that looked… eerily like me smiled. His purple eyes and white hair matched mine, his lips curled into a smile as his hand slowly set itself on my head.

He… Gently messed my hair up, the warmth radiating from his hand… An almost grandfatherly gesture.

"Hello, young one… How are you this fine morning?" I felt my eyes water… Was this what affection felt like? To have genuine kindness showed day after day? "I wonder, will you find that which is beautiful?"

I grabbed his hand, getting a small laugh out of his as the wind turned him into flowers… All that was left in my hand was a pink flower. "Good morning Harriet!" I sat up, just in time to catch Fou in my hands, the force of him lightly swaying the hammock as the smell of breakfast wafted into my nose.

"Good morning." His paw reached to my face, whipping the tears away. "We've breakfast ready, and I have a couple of people to introduce to you." I sat there, feeling numb… I didn't really want to meet new people, I just wanted to stay here for eternity with Fou.

"Heh, a little plushy Fou?" I looked up, the same man that had disappeared into a shower of flowers on the gust of wind standing like nothing had happened.

He casually sidestepped the sword flying from Fou's back, the ring of metal on metal sounded, my eyes were drawn to it, seeing a tall tanned man standing with a sword in hand. In front of them, the blade Fou unleashed planted firmly in the soft ground.

"I would appreciate not having to deflected swords in our new home, lest we accidentally hurt our Master." He had stark white hair, almost like mine. His scowl wasn't directed at me, but my Fou.

"Yes, yes, I wouldn't want to harm my dear companion, but that's all for another day." He brushed them off… I didn't know what to feel, two strange men having a casual conversation after appearing from nowhere?

"Hmmm," I turned, so fast I felt and heard my neck crick, to face the voice. A smaller woman who was no doubt taller than stood, dressed in white and blue as she appraised me.

I cringed, Harriet's neck making me shiver as she whipped around to see Artoria on the other side of the hammock appraising her. "I-" Artoria barely got a word out before Harriet's stomach unleashed a loud growl, her face flushed as she suddenly used me to hide behind.

"I suppose this could all wait until after we've had breakfast?" I asked, patting her on the head with my tail.

"Very well." Saber stepped away, pulling Merlin along by the ear as Harriet reluctantly left the warmth of her hammock.

"Who are they?" Her voice was small and meek, clearly uncomfortable… Something I didn't want at the moment. "A family, one most unlike the animals you were left with." Emiya laughed as Artoria tripped, her bowl firmly landing in his hand.

Merlin screeched as she set upon him, anger on her face as she chased after him, yelling belligerently at the man. "You'll come to see them as Family… Or I hope so." I nudged her foot when she stopped.

"Such a pretty Flower…" Her eyes were drawn to the ground in front of her, a small, lonely red flower left to bloom in a place that wasn't it's home.

"It's a red Spider lily" Merlin appeared, his voice calm as he crouched beside, finger pointing at the flower. "It's part of the amaryllis family of plants. They are native to China, Japan, Korea and Nepal. Not the colder British climate where we are."

"What is it doing here?" She asked, despite the blank voice and monotone voice… Her curiosity had been peaked. Merlin merely giggled, standing up and leaving a hand for her to grab. "I'll tell you all about this and other flowers over food, how about it, little one?" He asked softly.

I waited with bated breath as she stared at the out stretched hand, hesitantly, she reached out, grabbing the offered hand in her own. "I would like that." Soft and meek, but alive.

I stayed, watching as she joined them all for breakfast… I felt myself smile, truly, this would be a moment I would remember for all of time.

[NEXT TIME ON THE F/SN-UB- *Ahem* Uh... Primate murder through a multiverse!]

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