
The Offer

"This is..."

Second, only to the Phoenix of Athena, The Executioner was currently running a private corps that consisted of one of the best Black knights in the kingdom. Bertrand IV and the Windsor family head were brothers in arms, both having trained under the previous prime knight, Drakos.

"I can't guarantee you a spot as a black knight. That will be only possible when Father makes his decision after your graduation. I can, however, make an offer that if you continue to grow at a steady pace, you have a job at my father's corps waiting for you."

He still couldn't believe it.

"And The Executioner...I am sorry, Sir George approves of this?"

Elizabeth had to be honest.

"He probably doesn't even remember that I mentioned your name. Truth be told, he has no time to spend on recruiting potential talented members for his corps. His subordinates refer their candidates for a spot, and after a thorough evaluation, knights are selected based on their achievement and merit."

Of course. But still, the offer was quite lucrative.

"This isn't the proper proposal. For this non-official meeting, I am here to inform you that the Windsor clan is interested in your potential."

She had high hopes for him. If he agrees to the written agreement, the Windsor family will be responsible for his future, and he would be a knight in their ranks.

"I have something to add to this, Miss Elizabeth."

William had been silent for a while now.

"Go ahead."

He looked at Gawain.

"This isn't the only offer you will be getting, Gawain."

His masterplan. Elizabeth couldn't help but ask,

"Are you making him an offer from your corps, Sir?"

Not many could dare to challenge the Windsor family over someone.

"That isn't my intention, miss. I am not interested in the boy, or his talent. Frankly, I am slightly puzzled by your offer as well, but I can't say that it is out of nowhere. He does have potential, and he is going to be a future powerhouse."

'He is lying.'

Gawain wanted to see where he was taking this conversation.

"But as of now, there are at least two offers for him, if we keep your offer out of the conversation."

Elizabeth looked at Gawain.

"I haven't heard anything about this."

He seriously didn't know. Confirming that he was as clueless as herself, she looked back at William.

"One is from the union itself. Council Member Drakos and Overseer Siegfried have taken a shine to his performance."

Equally Lucrative, but overall more taxing. Working for the union could mean easy nobility and a name of his own.

"And the second offer is from his House leader. She wants to hire him as a retainer, probably intending to waste him as a third-tier red knight like herself."

"So there is technically only one competitor if he doesn't take the foolish choice."

'She didn't tell me.'

Why does William know about this before him?

"By the way, all the letters of the meeting must have been sent to her on the next day of your crowning. She may have been keeping this from you."

"The decision is yours to make, Master Gawain."

Elizabeth couldn't do much about this. She had already been far too generous by holding a non-official meeting like this.

"You still have two years to decide."

She stood up from her seat, with William following her lead.

"I will send her out. You can continue your fantastical journey through the books, Fresher."

Walking by his side, he slowly whispered,

"Two days have gone by, Gawain. I hope that you question her decision."


George the executioner.

I like how it sounds. It reminds me of George of the Jungle, and I see a flash of Brendan Fraser wielding an axe, chopping of heads as he swings from one tree branch to the other.

Honestdegeneratecreators' thoughts
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