
Fun Powers

In the minutes after I had given my faithful their missions for the day, I found myself seated inside of the potent vehicle known as the 'Perfect Vehicle'. The thing was currently in its 2022 BMW 7 series luxury sedan form and housed Imani, Titania, a holographic "driver", and myself.

The car was making its way towards the administrative building known as City Hall. As it did I attempted to ignore the lovestruck stares of the two companions I had chosen to accompany me. Both women were beautiful in ways that mundane human women could never hope to be, but both were also fanatically devoted and helplessly attracted to me, especially now that Titania was an official member of my harem.

The hologram in the vehicle wore a uniform that seemed to fit my understanding of what professional drivers wore. "He" was in a handsome suit and wore a dark hat, and occasionally he seemed to fiddle with the car's radio. He wasn't actually doing anything, but the potent AI that controlled the vehicle's inner operations was in fact doing something; it was searching through different radio stations and looking for music to listen to. It would eventually settle on classical music, filling the car with the sounds of instruments.

As the AI in the vehicle drove us out of the neighborhood we lived in, I allowed myself a second to think about some of my new powers.


Over the course of the last night, and the earliest hours of the morning I had conducted an extensive amount of research. The Siren AI and I had spent time scouring the internet looking for more than just mainstream superpowers. We had diligently done research and found powers that were not possessed by mainstream superheroes and I had taken them for myself.

I didn't limit myself to the conventional superpowers possessed by the likes of Superman or The Incredible Hulk. Instead of focusing on the deeds and powers of mundane and mainstream superheroes, I had devoted creatively spent time on all sorts of internet forums devoted to superpowers and I had found plenty of creative ones that I had given myself. I found some of them on sites such as Reddit, and others on YouTube or deep in the corners of websites such as Royal Road.

Some of these powers were remarkably specific such as the ability to emit an aura that allowed me to affect the emotions of anyone attracted to me, while others were utility powers that allowed me to manipulate weather around myself in ways that included causing unnatural weather such as making it rain milk or blood. I had also granted myself perfect knowledge and mastery of things such as dancing and technology-building. These powers were all incredibly fun, and I intended to use them in a variety of creative ways.

To date, the primary power I had gained in this way that I had actually already used included the weather-manipulation power which I had mixed with "Casualty" to prevent natural disasters that would otherwise have decimated entire towns in the next few months. Though, in fairness, I had largely been content to stay under the radar for now. That wouldn't always be the case, especially once I began to explore worlds that were spiritually and magically adjacent to Earth. I knew about those worlds due to my own potent font of mystical knowledge.

"Metamagnus", mixed with "Planewalker", allowed me to know not only about Earth and its own secretive arcane history but also about the goings-on of worlds connected to Earth. Those worlds included places such as Camelot and Atlantis, as well as Heaven and Hell. In time I'd extend my own nefarious tendrils into those worlds and begin to exert my not wholly good but not wholly evil influence on them, as I already had on Earth, but I was content to keep my focus small for now.

I didn't want to overextend while I wasn't used to my powers. I had an innate mastery of my powers, but I had only ascended to my true and rightful status as a living god yesterday so I was still unsure of how to feel and act as a god was supposed to. Even if my powers felt natural to me, that didn't mean that my status as a god did, and until I had gained more confidence and developed a truly consistent approach to divinity I wasn't about to boldly stride into places where mundane humans would be outclassed.


The vehicle housing the most important people, or rather most important person, on Earth eventually made its way out of the rich neighborhood in which Antonio lived and began to quickly make its way to downtown Redsville. The car drove, autonomously, to the decently large downtown part of the city and soon found itself drifting into the most popular part of the city.

Antonio and his two allies, one of whom would one day be known as his first wife, found themselves gazing at the array of shops that littered downtown Redsville. The place was filled with an array of specific stores which catered to all sorts of things from religious shops for people who were pious practitioners of various faiths native to Earth, to shops that sold books and equipment for all sorts of games.

Antonio, who had spent his entire life in the foster system, had never been able to get into many of the things that he was now seeing. As he stared at the stores he envisioned himself entering them and purchasing a truly absurd amount of things, since he could now afford it. He was in possession of an artifact that both bestowed him with a truly unimaginable amount of wealth but also allowed him to use it freely. Of all of the things that had changed since he became a god his amount of resources was the thing that had changed the most.

Though he wasn't truly aware of the full and gigantic implications of this, the living god was the overlord of a vast number of planets throughout the omniverse. Antonio was the owner and ruler of thirty-six megaworlds, gigantic planets each of which was comparable to the size of the solar system which housed Earth, in defiance of mundane understandings of astronomical physics, and provided him with a truly comical amount of wealth to use as he pleased. His servants were the direct overseers of the planets, but the planets were his possessions, ones that he'd be able to use as he saw fit to pursue any end he devoted himself to.

Each of the planets produced an amount of wealth, even daily, that was well and beyond the total monetary value of the collective economies of Earth's humanity throughout the history of the planet. Antonio's forces taxed perhaps a tenth of that wealth and would be giving some to Antonio for his personal use while using the rest to fund their efforts to police their territories, but in total the amount received by Antonio was such an incredible amount of wealth that it ensured that even if he purchased everything on Earth in a day he'd still have earned a net profit, idly. It was a staggering amount of personal wealth, the sort that would have changed the attitudes of even the most humble person.

As Antonio watched the city's stores zip by and as he fantasized about going into them and changing the lives of their owners by purchasing a truly enormous amount of goods, his servants on the aforementioned megaworlds began their days as well. And their days would prove no less exciting than his own had.


Thirty-six megaworlds across three universes in two separate pleniverses were the initial holdings of the as of yet unnamed empire which ruled over Atlas Incorporated. Alphor and one of his daughters awoke as the emerald sun around which one of the megaworlds orbited was beginning to crawl into the sky. Coincidentally this was at the same time that Antonio and the allies he was taking to Redsville's City Hall were closing in on the distant bureaucratic building.

The pair awoke within a gigantic penthouse suite in the megalopolis in which Atlas Incorporated was based. They did not share beds, but they shared a schedule and so when they awoke they did so at the same time, ready to enact the will of their lord and master, the young living god named Antonio, and to do that they had a busy day ahead of them.

As Alphor got up he allowed himself a second to relax and to stare out the glass window of his bedroom. He was able to see the vast, brilliantly beautiful cityscape that stretched as far as he could see from atop the gigantic apartment building he owned. The light of the emerald sun shone on the city below and tinted the early morning sky a rather funny shade of green.

"What a view..." He whispered, with a renewed sense of purpose and drive now that he had finally met his master, the last living god. He had a certain enthusiastic glow to him even as he studied the gleaming cityscape he now viewed as the property of his lord and master, the young pseudo-human Antonio Lopez.

Meanwhile, Catalina was beginning her day with a shower. She was inside of a bathroom that was larger than the homes of some families on Earth, and she was in the midst of beginning to communicate with her lord and master, the same being who ruled over Alphor and Catalina's sister, a woman named Natalie.

She piously prayed to the god she worshiped, directly asking him for what he wanted from the thirty-six megaworlds he was the ultimate lord and master of. As she did, she felt the potent mental presence of her god enter her mind and begin to see through her eyes.

The powerful god effortlessly peered through her mortal eyes, and used her mind to gain familiarity with the strange world she had spent most of her life in. As he did, he began to communicate with her.

"On Earth, one especially popular religion has two contrasting but fascinating concepts. The first concept is that of the 'Seven Heavenly Virtues', seven behaviors and attitudes that the religion says are the cornerstones of perfect behavior. These virtues are chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, kindness, patience, and humility." The voice informed her, causing her to mentally take notes on what her god was revealing to her through a potent, pleniverse-spanning telepathic connection.

"The second, and honestly more fascinating concept, is the polar opposite of the 'Seven Heavenly Virtues'; it is known as the 'Seven Deadly Sins'. These are behaviors that directly lead to the rise of other, so-called, immoralities. These sins include lust, greed, wrath, envy, sloth, pride, and gluttony. I possess thirty-six megaworlds, and I actually like both of the ideas I mentioned." The voice continued, speaking beautifully and alluringly, even without intending to do so. It took considerable effort on Catalina's part to stay focused as she listened to the weirdly hypnotic voice.

"That is a total of fourteen separate virtues and sins. I would like each virtue and sin to be a foundational value of two megaworlds each. Is that a possibility?" The voice asked, causing Catalina to snap out of her fascination and immediately jump to answer the question.

"Yes, yes it is my lord! We can absolutely do that." She told him eagerly, and accurately. Having each of the virtues and vices become the central themes for two worlds each was definitely something that she and her father could do. They could easily convert the worlds in their possession into enormous playgrounds in which sin or virtue was a foundational principle.

Whether it was filling two worlds with an endless array of brothels, transforming worlds into militaristic powerhouses filled with enormous arenas for entire armies to practice and hone their skills endlessly, or it was transforming worlds into heavenly paradises where refugees from all over the omniverse were readily accepted, it was well within the scope of possibilities as far as megaworlds went. And that still left eight worlds to be further customized as Antonio willed them to be at a later date.

Catalina was now armed with an initial idea for how to customize and run the worlds she was one of the overseers of. And that knowledge filled her with excitement beyond anything she had ever felt before now. The pious young woman, for her species anyway, felt ready to begin her mission, now that she had an idea of what her lord and master desired.

She quickly began to finish getting ready for the day with a smile as wide as any of her previous smiles had ever been. Catalina was going to do her father proud and be praised by her master!

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