
27. End of year 4 and Summary of the rest of the years

(AN ok so after year four literally everything else plot related is about Voldemort, without Voldemort Umbitch doesn't go to Hogwarts and he doesn't kill Dumbledore or doesn't take over the Ministry so I'm gonna do a summary of the rest of the years in school and then I'm gonna continue a couple of chapters slice of life before a miniarc of traveling to the next verse *cough* DXD *cought*)

(Ps write here what would you recommend for the Level S starter Pack for changing to this DxD verse, at least has to be 3 talents/skills at best 5)

The third task was more interesting than in canon because after the disaster that was the second one Dumbledore put magical screen (like the ones that are used in quidditch stadiums) to see what happens inside the maze

Unfortunately Fleur losed but Gringotts still hired her

Cedric won and thankfully didn't die…

After that everything went back to normal.

Well as normal as you can be in a magical school… i know you have probably read before that people of the Harry Potter verse are sheep but you can't believe how accurate that is…

I mean literally there's a lot of students that are getting smarter and smarter with the mental techniques and the curse but they subconsciously search for a leader, if they believe you're their leader they just accept your advice so easily it's ridiculous

Just to save my friends from it i had to bestowed them (and myself) talents for Critical Thinking(S) and Logical Thinking(S)

Now for the summary for the rest of the Years

-I spent more and more time giving advice that i practically control the actions of all future wizards generations

-Fleur moved to Britain and had more dates with me (i already changed her race, so now she can control the veela powers perfectly)

-Bellatrix Black and me went for a few dates and she confessed to me that she actually remembers everything but she's a little skilled at Occlumency and had to lie, then she broke down feeling that she's not worthy of falling in love but obviously i convince her otherwise and she's happier now (also change her race)

-The study group still got Sunday's to study and at some point Harry bailed on us, probably cause everyone there was my girlfriends but he wasn't depressed because he started dating Ginny soon after

-Everyone in the study group got full O+'s in both Owl's and Newt's

As you can probably Guess everyone in the council went around and got masteries in what they want

Me personally thought that a king has to be the example for his subjects so i went all over the world (as a cover to explain how do i know magic that's not from England) and got masteries in almost everything that picked my fancy

(I left a clone with my harem, that i could control because i finally bought Parallel though processes(S) )

8 years after graduating. that's what it took me to get 23 masteries, when i got back people already were calling me the New Merlin

Then when i came back most of my subjects from school wanted advice at what to do at Business, Money, the future of their families…

So i did what i thought what's the best… i became a Lawyer and a consultant, got my titles and then it was easy to get a seat in the Wizengamot, i just had to advise someone with it, there i reunited with my peerage (at least those that were part of it) and got together as an alliance

I started slow whispers here and there how to change some Laws would improve the economy… then slowly getting rid of Stupid Laws like veelas aren't humans and things like that not everything was clean cut, i have a couple of disappearances in my hands i think that the only one that could see what was slowly happening is Dumbledore but he's already so old and i was the new Merlin, he's just paranoid even the teachers never doubted me

Then another 5 years later he died (old age, sorry i had nothing to do with it) and suddenly there's a need for a new Chief Warlock and i was the New Merlin you already know what happened

I passed a law that all new babies are going to get curse with the same curse that our generation had and it easily passed because our whole generation was pure geniuses

Then obviously started the real plan, more and more people were dying, old age, sickness etc…

The only thing i know it's that I'm 30 and i want to ve king before my forties

So i waited another 5 years and now was the time, Hermione (one of my wives and the current minister) proposed that i become king

obviously people took it as a joke but suddenly Tracy started listing everything i have done in the newspaper (that she owns by now) and they realized that I've been doing what a king is supposed to do for a long time, it took another 4-5 years before they accepted it, and then well everything got better from there Harry improved the education system, Neville was with big projects in Herbology for eating and potions

Etc… the Laws with the help of Hermione were getting better and better for everyone, better economy, less crime, etc… the Press has been factual and can't publish false statements…everyone in my peerage were the top of the top in what they dedicated their life for…

It is the best age to be a wizard but now im bored and i want more adventures so it's time for traveling

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