
21. Vacation and literally destroying the plot of Hp world

Ok i think I found out the problem with Tony stark and Reed Richards in marvel verse

Like literally, Tony was a drunk and a junkie and Richards a psycho that experimented with dimension travel for hobbies

Boredom… like Alastor said "Why does anyone does anything? Sheer absolute boredom"

I just like can do whatever the hell i want but I'm bored it's only been one week and only writing letters is keeping me sane

So in my brilliant mind i got an idea (a crazy one tbh) i will make this place safe or at least safe enough to become emperor without struggles

So i went to the gate i asked for a teacher to teach me how to make untraceable Portkeys

When i learned (which was easy enough) i asked for someone to teach me how to be stealthy, i learn from a good to god assassin, from the creed, that was cool

So i went to the train station (looking like an adult bought a ticket got till the gaunt cabin, disabled the wards got the ring, i make a Portkey

I appear in Hogsmede station, i walk till the edge of the wards and throw the ring inside, which made the horocrux burn in fire and probably allerted the headmaster but who cares

I grab the stone and eat it… what? If it has something op like the law of death i would like to have it… sadly no it doesn't, it was just a heavily enchanted rock that has necromancy magic in it… (which kinda explain what happened to the Gaunts and Riddle, close contact with the stone can cause insanity at long exposure)

Then everything was fine i got back to the train station and returned home by dinner

The rest of the summer was boring, so i started planning what to do from now on, (cause Voldemort is basically dead i just have to wait for the diary at train)

I made a Leadership talent(S) then Talent as a King (S) then Emperor talent (S)then Politician talent (S) and finally when i got out of ideas i started with things for evolving my new planet like Economics(S) Administration(S) City management(S) Country management (S) and finally World management (S)… what i was bored

I will not admit to creating a bunch of skills to help me improve my sexual performance because of boredom you are just paranoid it's obvious to anyone that my new SS skill doesn't have anything to do with sex


1 September 1992

I was back to the school train and to be honest today i was feeling great, i was searching for ginny (to destroy the diary) but the truth is that it doesn't matter, the moment she crossed the wards the horocrux will destroy itself, so i had a chance to go and talk with everyone in the study club, flirt a little with them.

When we got out and were about to cross the wards i suddenly looked to my right and right there i saw Ginny Weasley fall to the floor and dropped the diary just at the edge of the wards

I you won't believe it but at the other side of the ward… is Harry (which wasn't warned by Dobby because House elves now only work for Hogwarts)

So Harry grabs the diary and stands up making the diary enter the ward, and catching itself on fire… and thats it…

"and either must die at the hand of the other"

I guess the prophesy is true?

Fate must have made that Harry destroyed this Horocrux because he literally killed Voldemort and didn't realize…

Anyway the new Dada teacher is a international adventurer (thank god it's not Lockhart) apparently in the library there's a book that can give you advice in how to hire the best teacher for a subject and Dumbledore testing it invited him Alucard (he's a vampire but he signed a contract on not feeding on the students) and the History one is a curse breaker that has traveled all over the world Snape is not feeling goid (probably the dark mark getting destroyed is hurting him)

And then went the longest sorting ever, like literally i was hungry… also it was almost a surprise that Slytherin got 3 muggleborn or raised…

Finally we eat a lot then go to the dormitory and a fall sleep happy to be safe… for now god damn my paranoia is still on…

Meanwhile in a bar in albania

Two hunters got into telling the crazy story of how the ghost of the deer they had just shot screamed at them while disappearing

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