
Be mine

Itsuki was standing out side of someone's House.

He was feeling first tims pressure about something . Itsuki thought if not today it will never.

Itsuki knock the door.

Itsuki was standing outside of Airin's House. Airin had summon Itsuki at her House saying that she need to talk about their first mission.

Today he was going to convince her in his plan .

Airin open the door.

Airin " you come "

Itsuki nodded and went Inside the house . he don't know why suddenly never talking girl asked him to come her house

Itsuki " why you suddenly asked me to come here"

Airin " I know that you went to Hokage office that day and asked Hokage sama to put me with you"

Itsuki smile and said " yes, why don't you like my company "

Airin " i was hopping to they put me in team -7 .. but now Tsunade sama also know....."

Itsuki smile " why you want to in team 7 so badly"

Airin calmly " I am not here to play good I have my own ambitions ..."

Itsuki " yes , you have ambitions and I can see that you also don't have time.."

Airin " ...you how do you know...Sakura sama told you... she said that no one will know about me after all it's confidencial..."

Itsuki " it doesn't matter .. because in most of year your illness will get worse and you will die slowly painful death.."

Airin "..what do you know..."

Itsuki " my perents were worked for someone and because of him they got this blood deaseas they die in from of my eyes...and also give me their illness...I also don't have time according to you..."

Airin " I don't know that..."

Itsuki " it doesn't matter .. because I also don't play good... but I can help you.."

Airin " what..."

Itsuki " I know you are not here in konoha to play good you also have certain things to do .... I think it's about revange right...."

Airin" I don't know what are you talking about.."

Itsuki " Senju Airin .. you want to know about KARA right that organization attack on your village .."

Airin stunned " how do you know and what do you know ?"

Itsuki " I can provide you information about KARA and I can give you power that will help you.."

Airin smile " you talk big .... you don't even know how they are powerful.."

Itsuki smiled " Airin you know name of the stronger bloodline limit "

Airin " of course Sharingan and Byakuya"

Itsuki " I see ! it's a Dojutsu .. so can you tell me name of the strongest dojutsu .."

Airin" it's Rinnegan.." middle of the santance Itsuki turn on his red Rinnegan.

Airin shocked " ...you ...you have Rinnegan..."

Itsuki " after my father Only you are the second person know about my Rinnegan ..I hope you will not revel my secret after all I am the only person who can help you with KARA "

Airin " even if you want to help me to get stronger we only have 5 years of time.."

Itsuki " who said that we only have 5 years if you say yes .. I can cure your illness.."

Airin even more shocked " how..?" it's not like she don't trust Itsuki's confidence after seeing legendary Rinnegan in his both of eyes.

Itsuki " you see I was never ill "

Airin " you mean..."

Itsuki " yes , because of Rinnegan I never had such a illness but because of some circumstances I had to pretend "

Airin " you mean you can cure me ?"

Itsuki nodded " not only I can cure you but I can give you power beyond anyone's imagination and because you are Senju no one will dought you that you have that "

Airin " you mean wood style."

Itsuki nodded . then he saw his plan to Airin and from his palm small tree sprout.

Airin daze " this... this.. legendary..."

Itsuki " yes it's a wood styel ... like I said before if you want I can help "

Airin was smart enough to understand that no one help other without any conditions.

Airin " for this what you want...?"

Itsuki smirk " I want you .. Be mine..."

Airin " what...?""

Itsuki " like I said Be mine , give me your loyalty "

Airin " loyalty ?"

Itsuki " yes i want you to help me stay by my side and never leave me "

Airin laugh " you are saying to date you and become your girlfriend.."

Itsuki put his hand on chin " that's not bad idea either.."

Airin " you ...you..."

Itsuki smile " yes , I want you and your loyalty and never leave me and you have to help me "

Airin " how ?"

Itsuki " you will stay by my side if you give me your loyalty or become mine "

Airin " I don't understand.."

Itsuki suddenly stood up bend over and kissed Airin.

Sudden action of Itsuki shocked Airin . She don't know why but she corporate , her heart was beating fast and she closed her eyes allow to take the lead to Itsuki.

after long kiss Itsuki and Airin heavily breathing.

Itsuki " I have said before .. be mine and I will do whatever you need , I will help you to deal with KARA."

Airin looked in to Itsuki's eyes " why me ? why you choose me ?"

Itsuki " I don't know why ? I think I will never know why? but when I see you first time I was sure it's you what I need "

Once again Itsuki kiss Airin .

This time Itsuki never Stop neither Airin.





Middle of the night where out Side was dead silence .

In the house Airin was lying on the chest of Itsuki.

Itsuki kissed her head and started playing with her hair.

Airin " Idiot this was my first..."

Before She could speak Itsuki closed her lips with his own. some moments later.

Itsuki " it was First for me also.."

Airin " but you were so good...."

Itsuki " maybe because I have imagined many time with you "

Airin softly punches Itsuki " idiot .."

Itsuki stood up " Airin give me your both of hands"

Airin nodded and give her hand into Itsuki's hand .

Some moments later on both of Palms heart shape black mark appered on Airins palm.

a strange energy she feel inside her.

Airin " what is this .."

Itsuki " this is karma mark.... a special karma mark that will allowed to use mine chakra .. it has many abilities you will know future "

Airin " but this .."

Itsuki " karma mainly use for reincarnation but all reincarnation karma are triangle ...but because I don't want to reincarnation in your body I give you heart "

Airin " what does that mean.."

Itsuki " this is permanent Karma even I die you will have this .. slowly your illness will go away and you will able to leave life happyly"

Airin about to cry because until now after her perents death she never feel closer to anyone . No one had sawn this kindness to her. When Itsuki said he will help her no matter what ...she decided that she will follow him anywhere....

Itsuki kissed her again.

Airin " what are you doing again..."

Itsuki " I can't help it , you are so cute I always want to tease you.."

Airin look into Itsuki's eyes " ...do..... you love me ?"

Itsuki stunned because he also don't know the answer.

when Itsuki Don't say anything Airin said " I will make you fall for me "

This time Itsuki's heart beat become fats "I am willing to fall in love with you"

Itsuki " will you follow me "

Airin kissed Itsuki and said " if never leave me until death I will follow you until my death...."

hearing this Itsuki couldn't help but kiss her again

Itsuki " I promise I will never leave you until death...I will be always by your Side if you will by my side..."

Airin " yes I will always by your side "

Itsuki " one day I will leave the village ... maybe destroy the Village ... still will you follow me"

Airin " I know you are not good and I know you will betray everyone but as long as you will not leave me I will follow you "

Itsuki kiss her " I promise...I will never .."

Itsuki push her down and begun to kiss her again.

after that they again started doing something that should not do by kids....

They do until the dawn .( so much energy...)

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