
How to start a war

(AN: Hey everyone! Last Test finished on Friday and I have a month until the next so update rate will probably increase again! I'll try to make the story/plot progress a good chunk in that time as well. Also I read that too many AN disturb the immersion, thanks for letting me know, I'll keep that in mind. Lastly, I'll continue on my path of cliffhanger BUT since I feel nice after finishing some tests no cliffs in chapters during this week…at least I'll try. Hope you enjoy!)

Jackson POV

Stepping forward I straightened my back, raised my head and puffed up my chest and then, with the most arrogant tone I could speak with I started trolling Gan Fall

"I am Gan Rise, God of Earthpea! YOU turn around and leave and maybe I will let slide YOUR rude behavior!"




I shouted what I came up with but the reaction is luke warm at best. Also this damn look I'm getting from the others is one I sadly know too well.


You know, when actually thinking about it there isn't really any reason to suddenly act goofy and troll around. Gan Fall is in a high position here and according to the anime a good man.

'Then why did I suddenly feel like making fun of him, I'm usually not like this… am I?'


I looked at him to see his expression which was… odd? Gan Fall was looking strangely at me before he opened his mouth and spoke slowly in a way as if he was reminiscing.

"*sigh* to think I would hear the same bad joke in my late years and both times from people from the blue sea at that…"


It took me a bit until it registered that he already heard this before. And from someone from the blue sea on top of that.

'And I thought it was original.'

"… Wow, to think that there was another person stupid enough to come up here and troll the guy introducing himself as god…"

"I know. To think there are so many lunatics going around… sigh, how unsettling!"

'Bastards! This calls for fists!'

Sachi and Penguin, these punks were running their mouths right next to me again. But putting aside their nonsense, I think I know who the mentioned guy is.

Gan Fall seemed to relax a bit as he remembered about things which in turn released some tension in the atmosphere between us.

"Hey, old man! Did that guy have black hair, a black mustache and was called Gol D. Roger?"


I thought that it was possible, no, it was likely my old man who he was talking about so I just straight asked. I mean no harm in that right?

At first the others just stood around me looking at Gan Fall and waiting for his answer until they actually realized what I asked and turned to look at me simultaneously.

"You know him?"

'And it's confirmed.'

Gan Fall answered and practically confirmed that my old man is the one he's speaking about but something about that information was putting me off.

'It's probably just a coincidence.'

For now I just told Gan Fall that I didn't know that entrance to the upper yard was regulated and invited him to a peaceful discussion on our ship.

Unsurprisingly he, who is still on guard, declined and asked us to follow him back, which seems to be the obvious thing to do given his position and responsibilities.


"Ohh! So you are his son!?"

Some time later we had arrived at… I'm not sure what this building is since it looked like a mixture of house and temple, something that wasn't shown in the anime.

'Is this where he stayed before the ordeal with Enel?'

The place was big and had many guards around so I guess it's related to his official position of god. Him and me were currently sitting in his atrium while having some mild drinks and talking things through.

To them we were people who suddenly appeared with a huge number of supposed immigrants, which we left near the shore before we ran off to a 'holy place', causing confusion and chaos.

'Guess we are somewhat to blame for that. Our reaction was quite impulsive.'

On the other side it was good that we didn't get into a fight with Gan Fall. Poor him would have stood no chance even if I didn't do anything but the problem is that it could cause a war if we outsiders suddenly appear, isolate this place's god and beating him up.

'We never officially challenged him so it might have been taken as an act of terror… basically that's how to start a war summarized for dummies. Go somewhere, cause chaos and confusion, isolate the head of state and injure or beat up said person. Is there a clearer declaration?'

But in the end everything went well since this old man is a pushov-… easygoing. The soldiers will work together with the citizens to build shelters and supply food to the people until all needed processes are finished and they get integrated properly.

Also we can go to the upper yard tomorrow and until then he offered us rooms here in this house. It's most probably so he can keep watch over us more easily but we don't plan to create trouble so it's ok for now.

The others already went sightseeing in angel islan so only Gan Fall me and his horse are here chatting away.

The next day

"Captain look! They have really interesting things here!"

An excited Beppo was currently showing me the dials he bought yesterday. He's at it since last night but it looked adorable how he showcased them all with that sparkle in his eyes so I didn't stop him.

Unlike me, he is still actually really young and dials are something I also think of as cool so I kind of get his enthusiasm.

Right now, we are flying above the upper yard on our ship, in search of the golden city and the Poneglyph under 'that' bell. Luckily with Augur and Sabo it almost didn't take any time at all to find the Shandora ruins, especially since I remembered that it's located under the ground level at the bottom of Giant Jack.

Their surprise was enorm when they saw the golden city and even I felt it was mind numbing but what surprised me more is that even Augur and Law made strange surprised faces.

"…I feel like I'm alive just so I could see this. Thank you Captain! You are the best!"

"Get off of me! I don't need your thanks!"

After prying off Penguin, who suddenly jumped at me I moved closer to Robin.

"Shall we?"

"Shall we what?"

Offering her my arm like a gentleman hoping we would walk around together proved to be fruitless as she turned her head towards me and asked back with a 'polite' smile and slightly tildes head.

'Wow, she really looks go- NO!'

That's not the reason I wanted us to walk together! I swear!

"By chance I learned that besides an ungodly amount of gold, there is also a Poneglyph in these ruins. So I meant if we should go and look for it?"

"Really? Captain is truly amazing. Of course we should go and find it."

Is what she said with a bright smile before she started walking leaving me hanging with my arm still in the air.

'It's okay. It's okay. There is no pain! Treat it as a marathon and not as a- NO! What am I thinking?!'

Dealing with embarrassing inner thoughts made me miss the pitful gazes the others were secretly giving me. Until someone walked up and put their hand on my shoulder.

"It's ok Jackson-nii. I understand how that feels. It will get bett- OUCH!"

'… Please just shut the fuck up!'

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