
Song Yu Han's Legendary 520 'I Love You'

Back in the White City. 

Ran Xueyi rested for a while as she waited for the next scene to start. The cameras were being checked and the previous scene was also being observed for any obvious mistakes when she saw someone walking towards her. 

It was Ran Yue. 

Later, they will appear in the same stage and act in one frame. 

Ran Xueyi waited for her to get close enough but did not raise her head as she continued to read the script. 

Seeing Ran Xueyi ignore her even though she clearly saw her walking towards her, Ran Yue felt irritated but she held in her temper. 

Ran Yue said, "What's the point of reading the script over and over again? Are you not good enough to stun everyone with your acting?"

"Reading the script is better than doing nothing." Ran Xueyi finally raised her head to look at Ran Yue and asked, "What's gotten to you now? Worried that I'll make your presence disappear in front of the camera?"

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